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How IoT Will Change IT Jobs

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We're all data scientists. If we're designing for data first, it means that whether

you are a software engineer designing an interface for a new IoT product, a network engineer designing how a product will interact with your system, or a UX engineer trying to help a human interact, at heart you are a data scientist. Your job is to help your customers interact as seamlessly as possible with the data driving the product.

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Developing AI is the next hard-to-find talent

The early IoT products are going to be mostly rules-driven IFTTT kinds of programs. It doesn't take special AI to turn down the air conditioning if no one is home. But IFTTT is only going to get us so far. For more complicated decisions in IoT, AI will be needed. For now, AI has been seen as the special province of research on supercomputers like Watson, or something we use in gaming. But if it enters the retail space, AI experts will suddenly be in wide demand.

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UX is king One of the findings of the Accenture study was that the

barrier for going from one brand to another is dropping rapidly. Customers now expect a best-in-class experience from any product, regardless of cost. It is expensive to buy a new refrigerator to get a new best-in-class experience, but if refrigerators are software driven, downloading a different refrigerator app is simple. The UX of your app is what gets your refrigerator, or your food-selling app, or anything else, into your customer's house.

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Programming Gesture Technology Behind AI and UX, programming gesture technology will

become another skill to have. If the goal is to reduce input from consumers to limit their investment with an IoT product, gestures (and voice) will be one way to do that. Again, gesture interfaces are mostly in research right now. If they become a major part of retail, will there be enough gesture experts to fill the gap?

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