
How does Facebook Retargeting Work?

If you are using Facebook ads to grow your business then Facebook's

ad retargeting is a must.

It is one of the most cost effective ways to get results from your

facebook ads campaign.

In this video I will show you how it works.

How to set it up

and one really cool thing you can do with your new retargeting audience.

and one really cool thing you can do with your new retargeting audience.

What is Facebook ad retargeting?

Facebook's ad retargeting is a way to show ads on Facebook to people who have already visited your site.

Why would you even want to do this?

Let's say someone was ready to buy a new bike from your online bike


They got to your check-out page and got distracted.

Maybe the phone rang.

Maybe their kids needed help with something.

You would really be shocked to see how often this happens.

Well with Facebook's retargeting you would know that they they were

on the bike check-out page.

You can then show them an ad for the bike

and get them back over to the checkout page to buy it.

You are not targeting a lot of people.

But your engagement will be sky high because all of those people are

very interested in the bike.

Facebook gives you a great ad rate because you ad is so incredibly


Graphical Example:

How Facebook Retargeting Works

So how does all this black magic happen?

Well Facebook generates you simple code snippet to put on your site.

When someone visits a page with Facebook’s retargeting code snippet

on it

they get a tracking cookie put on their browser from Facebook

(not you or your website).

Later when they return to Facebook that tracking cookie gets found and

Facebook shows your ad.

It is really pretty simple.

How To Setup Retargeting

Setting up retargeting is fairly easy too.

A lot of people (maybe even you) get a little freaked out because you have to generate some Facebook

tracking code.

Then put it on your site.

I am going to walk you through it now:

First head on over to

pick "Create Custom Audience"

Next Pick Website Traffic

Choose "Anyone who visits your site" and give it a name.

Next press the COG at the bottom

Now you have Facebook's tracking code.

Just copy & paste it to your browser.

How to Add Facebook’s Tracking code To A Standard Website

If you use a regular site (not wordpress)

then you just need to open up the Page's HTML and paste the code

right below the <head> tag.

Every page should have one.

Here is an example:

How To Add Facebook’s Tracking Code To WordPress:

If you use WordPress it is the same idea.

You just have to do these steps to get to the Header file of your

wordpress theme.

Select "Appearance" and "Editor":

Now find the link that says "header".

Every Wordpress theme has one so you should be able to find it.

Finally (just like we did before)

Find the <head> tag and paste the Facebook code right below it.

Then press Update.

That's all there is to it.

Now Here is One Really Cool Retargeting Trick

One of the best retargeting tricks you can do is

use your website’s visitor audience (your retargeting audience) to

generate a new lookalike audience.

With a lookalike audience Facebook will look at all your website visitors and see what they have in common.

Maybe they all like a certain TV show.

Maybe a brand of car.

The amazing part is Facebook finds out what is common between all

these people

at much more detailed level than you or I ever could.

Next they take your audience and what they have in common.

Then apply it to everyone on Facebook.

Facebook finds you the top 1% of everyone on Facebook that match

your audience.

Truly amazing stuff.

Now obviously someone in the top 1% that matches people already

visiting your website

will be a better fit than just anybody off the street.

You can use this new lookalike audience to get much more targeted

ads than without it.

So make sure you use a lookalike audience after you have

100 visitors through your remarketing campaign.

If you look under your custom audiences facebook will show you


Facebook retargeting is extremely powerful

and should be the starting point for your facebook ads campaign.

If you want more tips like this

Head on over to

where I show you

How To Create Your Own

Social Media Marketing Strategy

in 7 days or less
