
How content marketing is like a vending machine

That’s right, a vending machine.


A vending machine.

• You know, the machines where you put in money and the machine gives you a soda

• Or a car


Content marketing?

• It’s an almost perfect metaphor for content marketing

• Don’t you think?


Things can go well.

• Vending machines humbly sit there, day after day, ready to delight patrons with refreshment

• Isn’t that what content marketing is all about?


Things can go well.

• Content marketing done well means your message hits the target audience just when they’re thirsty for it


Things can go badly.

• And, like content marketing, there are many things to consider with a vending machine

• And many ways it can go wrong


Things can go badly.

• Your message may reach the target audience at the wrong time (e.g. when they aren’t thirsty)

• Or it may not reach them at all


Let’s look at several ways vending machines and

content marketing are alike


Location, location

Vending machine Content marketing

A vending machine needs to be placed in a high traffic area that’s easy to access.

Brand messages that are placed in high traffic areas (for the target audience) are

more likely to reach them.



Vending machine Content marketing

A vending machine that doesn’t offer what its audience wants isn’t very busy at all.

Brand messages that help the target audience solve a problem (e.g. thirst) are

appreciated and recommended.


PriceVending machine Content marketing

A vending machine that costs too much (or too little) won’t earn consideration.

People are willing to pay for valuable information. If it’s just entertainment,

the cost had better be low.



Vending machine Content marketing

A vending machine that no one can find is a vending machine no one can use.

A message no one can find is a message no one can see (or share or act upon).


Also, how do I get in that door?


Vending machine Content marketing

An empty vending machine sells nothing. Your message has to have substance, relevance, give the audience something.



Vending machine Content marketing

Think about a vending machine process: put in money, push on big colorful button, get drink. Simple.

If whatever you want your audience to doisn’t simple, they probably won’t do it.



Vending machine Content marketing

The most popular vending machines offer variety (not just Pepsi or Coke)

By offering other perspectives along with your own, you can earn attention and

appreciation from your audience.



Vending machine Content marketing

Unattractive vending machines don’t make people want anything at all.

While a message needs to be timely, it also needs to be of high quality — hey,

we’re representing the brand here.


Happy vending!

• The next time you’re considering content marketing, keep the humble vending machine in mind

• It’s a great way to remember several important content marketing lessons

