Page 1: How Connected is your Cause? - Fundraising through Fans, Followers & Friends

How connected is your cause? Fundraising through fans, followers &


Carly Tatum, International Social Media Manager at Dell

Presented at Neuroblastoma and Medulloblastoma Translational Research Consortium, May 17th 2012 Austin, TX

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Global Marketing

This discussion with cover…


Harnessing the social web:

How to activate

around a cause

Learning from the leaders:

Social fundraising case studies

Putting your plan into action:

Tools, tips and resources to

get you started

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BEFORE social media…

Photo by VividImageInc on Flickr

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AFTER social media…

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How are nonprofits using social media?

Photo by VividImageInc on Flickr

Source: 2012 non profit benchmarking online survey by NTEN, Common Knowledge & Blackbaud . Survey distributed via email to 3522 non profit professionals between Jan . 24th and Feb. 21st 2012.

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Where are they participating?

Photo by VividImageInc on Flickr

Source: 2012 non profit benchmarking online survey by NTEN, Common Knowledge & Blackbaud . Survey distributed via email to 3522 non profit professionals between Jan . 24th and Feb. 21st 2012.

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Learnings from the leaders…

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Making it simple & easy to help:Charity: Water

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Engaging storytelling + superfans + influential networks = #1 viral video of all time

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Kony 2012: How did they do it

1. Told a visual story

2. Engaged GenY to create youth movement

3. Targeted leaders / celebrities on Twitter

4. Made it easy to participate

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Creating a community& making it fun: Movember

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With our powers combined… we can raise a lot of money!

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• Started by 19 year old Princeton student, Leora Friedman, daughter of pediatric oncologist

• Raised $11,000 to fund programs that use music to raise awareness & fundraise for pediatric cancer

• Donate a Song invites professional musicians to ‘donate a song’ to a young fan with a life-threatening condition– The song, Fly, sold on iTunes

& 100% of proceeds went to pediatric cancer

– 24,000+ video views on YouTube since March 2012

Fundraising for youth, by youth:Music is Medicine

14-year old Brooke is battling osteosarcoma

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Inspiring the web & a celeb: Stronger – Seattle Childrens Hospital

900k + views in a week

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5 steps to activating the social web

“The elegance and efficacy of people who, through the passionate pursuit of their goals, discover they can make a positive impact disproportionate to their resources”

The Dragonfly

Effect by Jennifer Aaker

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5 steps to activating the social web

Start by listening.• Where are people talking about pediatric cancer?• What are they saying? Who is saying it?

Develop engaging story• Allow for easy social sharing across platforms• Make your message bigger than any one individual

Identify YOUR online “influencers” , fans and networks• Culture & policy makers, advocates, brands

Drive engagement • Use events, key dates and campaigns• Tap into the existing online conversation

Create a clear call-to-action

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1. Listening

Dell social media Listening Command Center


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Dell listening report: pediatric cancer

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2. Develop engaging story

Top 5 things people share:

Relevance to those sharing information with


Relevance to oneself

Importance/worthiness of information

Unusual/unique information

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Mixed news for causes:


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Make it visual & interactive: take advance of Dell, partner produced content, resources

Photos - videos - music - illustration - infographics - cartoons

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3. Identify online influencers






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Pediatric cancer: Do you know your influencers?

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• Otis Brawley: Chief Medical Officer and Executive Vice President of the American Cancer Society

• Christoffer Johanson- head of psychological Research at the Danish Cancer Society’s Institute for Cancer Epidemiology

Influencer profiles

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Mattel influencer profile uncovers another social movement for pediatric cancer• Mattel: Creating bald

barbie in response to Facebook campaign by cancer survivor

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4. Create conversations & build relationships

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Communicating via social is different from other traditional channels:



adapted to culture of each platform

encourages a response

One to one

publicone to many


relevant real-time

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Where? Existing cause communities & networks. Sign up for these…

Your Cause- Build

communities- Raise funds- Generate text-

to-donate codes- Distribute


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Where? Broad use social media platforms

Platform Purpose TimeLevel of


Level of Difficulty


Professional community

2-3x per week

Low Easy Connecting, recruiting

Microblog Daily Medium MediumRelationship-building,

connecting w/ “influencers” & advocates

Social network2-3x per

weekMedium Medium

Relationship-building, connecting w/ friends,

influencers & advocates

Social aggregate Daily Low Easy Storytelling, syndication

Micro blog /blog

platform2-4x per month;

High High Storytelling, syndication

Powerpoint presentation community

Monthly; ongoing

commentsHigh High Story-telling, syndication

Photosharing, inspirational

Monthly Low Low Sharing, visual storytelling

Video sharing Ad Hoc High High Storytelling


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Fundraising effectiveness of each channel:• Twitter donations surpasses fundraising goal

• Multi-channel increases fundraising goal

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5. Clear call to action:

What do you want me to do? Share? Like? Text?


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Good Readings:

• The Economist: One Thousand Points of “Like”

• “The Networked Nonprofit” by Allison Fine & Beth Kanter

• Twitter4Good by Claire Diaz Ortiz (@ClaireD)

• Beth Kanter’s Blog

• Mashable: Top 10 Online Fundraising Platforms for Donors & Non-Profits

• [Infographic] Social giving: the power of peer-to-peer fundraising

• Nonprofit social network benchmark report 2012

• The Dragonfly Effect: Quick, effective, powerful ways to use social media to drive change by Jennifer Aaker – 4 principles: focus, grab attention, engage, take action

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Final thoughts…

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Join forces…Turn your message into a movement.

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“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”

-Winston ChurchillCarly Tatum
