
How Collaboration Created an Online Help Desk and Knowledge Base for the Campus Community

EDUCAUSE Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference 2008

Copyright © 2008

Karen BolandKathy Lewis

Margaret Matthias

This work is the intellectual property of the authors. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the authors.


Kathy Lewis, Instructional Technology Services Provides audiovisual classroom support and training

as well as graphics creation and tech support for the campus cable system

Margaret Matthias, Distance Education & E-Learning Administers WebCT and Moodle courses and provides

training and support for online and hybrid courses using videoconferencing, digital video editing, digital audio recording/podcasts and webcam sessions

Karen Boland, Computer Training & User Support Provides one-on-one and group training in a variety of

desktop applications including Microsoft Office and the University’s administrative system

Located in Scranton, Pennsylvania

Private, coeducational, Catholic institution founded in 1915 by the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Enrollment of over 3000 students in a variety of undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs

Marywood University

Technology-Related Departments

Computer Training & User Support Distance Education & E-Learning Instructional Technology Services Help Desk Library Webmaster Assistive Technology Network Services MIS More technical than instructional

The goal of any instructional technology department is to provide successful education and support to all of its users in the form of:

One-on-one training Phone support Email support Workshops Classroom demos Documentation



Common (and often the same) questions are asked on a regular basis

The same types of one-on-one training are requested and repeated

Users are sometimes unsure which department or person to contact

Staff people rarely work after 5 PM or on weekends

Statistical reports related to support service were difficult to generate


A database or other type of repository was needed to store frequently asked questions and solutions Easily accessible (web-based) Available 24/7 Ability to upload files (documentation, videos) Integrated email with the ability to attach files Built-in statistics in order to track usage Affordable Easy to Use


Web-Based Help Desk Support Software Knowledge Base Downloads Ticketing System Built-in Statistics

Designer View of Parature

Initial Use

Initially Used to Support WebCT Users Created by Distance Education & e-Learning Introduced in Fall 2005 Link Added to myWebCT page Experiences

Link to the Online Help Desk


A Decision Was Made to Expand the Help Desk in Spring 2007

Staff From Other Technology Offices Worked On the Project: Help Desk Computer Training & User Support Instructional Technology Services

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers Added to the Knowledge Base

Documentation and Videos Uploaded

Client View of Help Desk


Open House May 2007 Demos Conducted Food Served

Link (Help Desk) Placed in Prominent Spot on Marywood Web Page

Workshops (30-Minute) Scheduled Each Month “Using the Online Help Desk”

Flyer Regularly Sent to New Employees Flyers Placed in Freshman Packets Email Sent to Marywood Community

ResultsUsage (Adoption-2006)

80% increase in pages viewed 87% increase in visitors







2005 2006

2005 -vs- 2006

Service Requests


Files Downloaded


Articles viewed

Pages viewed

Results Usage (2006-2007) with Collaboration







2006 2007

2006 -vs- 2007

Service Requests


Files Downloaded


Articles viewed

Pages viewed

89% increase in pages viewed 91% increase in visitors

Future Plans

Invite Other (Non-Technology) Offices to Participate Telephone Services CampusDocs Records Management/Archives Fiscal Services Registrar’s Office

Continue Promotion Efforts Continue In-Person Training

CAVEAT: The Online Help Desk is NOT intended to replace human contact and teaching, but instead to add to the many options available for technology training on campus.
