
The Reinvention of Social Housing

2: How can we rethink housing for the digital age?

Questions we asked

I s the cur ren t model o f t enure separat ion by "ownersh ip" defunct in a

shared economy?

What 's a p roduct range t ru ly f i t fo r the 21st cen tury?

Is a p ick up and por tab le tenancy poss ib le?

How do t iny homes, conta iner homes and w ik i homes f i t in to the UK hous ing

equat ion?

I f we genu ine ly l e t peop le have homes " the i r way" - what wou ld that look l i ke?

What could a ‘housing passport ’ looks l ike that enables you to switch between tenures at wi l l?

We need greater range of homes that suit peoples l ives at part icular points – not a l l ‘cookie cutter ’ housing

What does a credit system that rewards both f inancia l and socia l contr ibut ions look l ike? People can take an equity share on home and carry i t with them to be cashed in at a later stage for ownership or reduced rent

What we thought

Model One: Housing Passport

To help with a future of less secure employment the housing passport means you can pick up a tenancy or shared ownership property at will. Swapping with other users.

The online passport assures providers of your

identity and payment history without need for


The passport replaces the

need for a tenancy or

property contract

Model Two: Jigsaw Housing

Stop assuming people want the same and provide range of wiki, tiny, shared or container homes

Build adjustable and shared housing that can be increased or decreased in size according to budget and circumstances

Pre-customer temporary

housing made available to

reduce time/eliminate

waiting list

Tenants allowed to let spare

rooms airbnb style or opt to

have tiny homes built on

communal spaces/gardens

for reduced rent

Model Three: Housing Credits

A housing ‘bitcoin’ established to accompany passport. Universal rent/purchase payment system.Users can bank credits that can be redeemed on rent or other services like care or used to buy equity stake.

Landlords can top up credit

based on activities in

community or as reward for user


Accompanied by a flexi payment

system that changes

according to circumstance.

Users may pay less during

times of under unemployment

Equity stays on passport so a user could opt to move to a

rented home whilst still holding equity stake
