Page 1: How Can B2B Companies Benefit from Instagram



How Can B2B Companies Benefit From Instagram

Many B2B companies have turned their backs on social media marketing. However, they have to realize

that things have changed. Social media is a never-ending and shifting landscape. If your business never

engages in experimenting, then it will never leave its comfort zone - you might as well hang a “Closed”

sign on your door.

Small businesses with small budgets need all the help they can get in finding savvy solutions for their

needs. In the B2B world, often companies fall behind just because they don’t adapt and change the

game plan.

The expectation bar has been set so high that companies selling to other companies have to adapt and

recognize that as individuals it’s important to be able to do things on your terms, through the channel

and the mechanisms which you want.

With over 200 million users, Instagram is too significant to be ignored, even by B2B companies. Because

they don’t have tangible products to sell, they limit their marketing activities to blogging or other

content based strategies to help them get in touch with their potential customers.

However, you must know that everyone has visual content to share, no matter if it’s B2C or B2B.

Companies in the B2B area just have to look at it from a different angle.

Here are some great ideas B2B marketers can use to fuel a new Instagram strategies:

Show the human side of your company

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Companies are filled with people. They represent the brand and its culture. Instagram is the perfect

marketing channel to share pictures with employees at work or in a refreshing environment. You will

find many opportunities to take a picture and share it in Instagram: an anniversary, the arrival of a new

employee, a teambuilding activity and so on. Also, if you have testimonials from your clients convert

them into short videos and share them on Instagram. Make sure you don’t exceed the 15 seconds limit

per video.

Go behind the scenes

People love when they are given insider information from behind the scenes. You can show them how

your business runs. There’s so much visual content you can create just by sharing what to you do on a

daily basis. Be personal. Share pictures with your office or your everyday work rituals. You just have to

be a little creative and blur the lines between professional and personal.

Tell the story of your business

All companies started somewhere. From a simple idea in front of a laptop, the first contract signed or

the release of your first product or service. All these can be shared through visual or video content.

Share older pictures or videos; let people have a deeper look into your company. This will make you

connect with your audience on a personal level.

So anyway you look at it, the most important is to keep it visual, have fun, unique, and creative.

Are you using Instagram for your B2B marketing? What else do you do on to get more engagement?
