Page 1: How and when to use social media channels to strategically support

How and When to Use Social Media Channels to Strategically Support Government Goals

October 2012

Prepared byCraig Thomler

Managing DirectorDelib Australia Pty Ltd

Email: [email protected]: 0411 780 194


Page 2: How and when to use social media channels to strategically support

This  guide  provides  an  overview  of  a  number  of  social  media  channels  available  to  government  and  how  they  may  be  best  used  to  support  government  and  agency  goals.

What is social media?Social  media  refers  to  internet  services  and  mobile  phone  applica4ons  used  for  the  genera4on,  dissemina4on,  and  discussion  of  informa4on  in  textual,  pictorial,  audio  or  video  formats.  It  includes  all  forms  of  current  and  future  tools  used  for  digital  interac4ons  between  people.  

Social  media  channels  allow  people  to  interact  online  in  a  ‘social’  manner,  whether  for  personal  and  professional  reasons,  or  for  official  business.

Current  examples  of  social  media  tools  include,  but  are  not  limited  to,  social  networking  sites  such  as  Facebook,  MySpace  and  LinkedIn;  blogs  and  blog  publica4on  plaForms  such  as  Wordpress;  discussion  forums  and  bulle4n  boards  such  as  Whirlpool  and  Aptaclub;  micro-­‐blogs  such  as  TwiKer  and  Yammer;  wikis  such  as  Wikipedia  and  Wikispaces;  virtual  worlds  such  as  Second  Life,  sharing  sites  for  documents,  video  and  audio  such  as  YouTube,  Scribd  and  Slideshare,  prize  sites  custom  built  for  hos4ng  mash-­‐up  compe44ons  and  finally,  real-­‐4me  chat  and  liveblogging  tools.

Social  media  is  becoming  an  increasingly  popular  set  of  channels  for  organisa4ons  to  use  in  their  communica4on  and  engagement  mix  because:

• they  provide  a  cost  effec4ve  means  of  engaging  with  an  audience;

•more  and  more  people  across  different  demographics  are  using  social  media;  and

• they  are  perceived  as  simple  to  set  up  and  use.

The  Australian  and  UK  Governments  support  the  use  of  social  media  and  have  released  several  guides  and  primers  regarding  its  use,  including:

UK  Cabinet  Office  Social  Media  Guidance  

COI  Engaging  through  Social  Media

APSC  Code  of  Conduct  in  Prac4ce

Declara4on  of  Open  Government

The  AGIMO  Government  2.0  Primer

Risks of social media useThis  paper  does  not  discuss  the  risks  and  mi4ga4ons  for  specific  social  media  channels.  Risks  should  be  determined  based  on  individual  program  goals,  the  specific  channels  (social  media  and  otherwise)  used  and  how  these  channels  are  being  u4lised.

In  many  cases  the  use  of  social  media  can  reduce  risks  for  engagement  programs,  through  increasing  the  reach  of  informa4on  or  a  consulta4on.  This  allows  a  more  4ghtly  moderated  environment  than  achievable  through  a  town  hall  mee4ng  and  may  reduce  costs  and  4meframes.

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Social media channelsThe  channels  detailed  in  this  paper  are  only  a  sample  of  those  now  available,  however  these  should  provide  a  good  overview  of  the  main  types.  There  are  many  varia4ons,  combina4ons  and  new  channels  developed  each  year,  each  with  their  own  strengths,  weaknesses  and  considera4ons.

BlogsWhat are they?

A  blog  is  a  regular  list  of  ar4cles  (‘posts’),  usually  organised  in  reverse  chronological  order  (the  most  recent  at  top).  

Blogs  usually,  but  not  always,  allow  readers  to  comments  on  posts.  They  may  be  moderated  before  publica4on.

Blogs  may  also  contain  content  pages,  link  lists  and  naviga4onal  tools,  similar  to  regular  websites.

Blogs  are  o_en  operated  by  individuals  as  personal  or  professional  informa4on-­‐sharing  channels.  Blogs  may  also  be  managed  by  teams,  who  post  regular  or  semi-­‐regular  ar4cles.

While  specific  blogging  plaForms  are  available  at  liKle  or  no  cost  to  simplify  blogging,  most  web  content  management  systems  can  support  blogging,  albeit  in  a  less  managed  fashion  and  with  less  support  for  comments  or  rich  content.  

When to use them

Blogs  are  best  used  for  dissemina4ng  informa4on  or  holding  structured  discussions  with  audiences  on  specific  topics  (similar  to  an  online  town  hall  mee4ng).  As  a  blog  is  managed  by  the  blog  owner,  and  only  those  with  administra4ve  rights  may  post  to  it,  this  provides  a  measure  of  direc4on  and  influence  over  any  discussions.

Blogs  are  o_en  used  to  discuss  the  progress  of  a  project,  discuss  a  par4cular  topical  area  or  provide  rapid,  but  structured,  news  updates  during  a  crisis.

Discussion Forums / bulletin boardsWhat are they?

A  discussion  forum,  also  called  a  message  board  or  bulle4n  board,  is  a  website  where  people  can  hold  conversa4ons  by  pos4ng  text  messages  and  responding  to  messages  from  others.

Discussions  in  forums  take  place  over  4me;  though  on  rare  occasions  can  move  quickly.  They  differ  from  blogs  in  that  a  single  user  doesn't  define  the  terms  of  each  discussion  (via  blog  posts).  

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Example  blog  from  Julia  Gillard,  Australia’s  PM

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Like  blogs  it  is  possible  to  moderate  forum  posts  before  they  are  visible;  however  this  approach  tends  to  significantly  restrict  the  level  of  interac4on  and  the  overall  success  of  the  forum.  Indeed,  strong  modera4on  may  be  required  to  manage  the  behaviour  of  some  par4cipants,  although  this  isn’t  always  the  case  and  well-­‐established  forums  are  largely  self-­‐regula4ng.  

When to use them

Forums  are  best  used  for  unstructured  discussion,  support  requirements  and  broad  community-­‐building  and  engagement  ac4vi4es.

As  forums  provide  an  almost  level  playing  field  for  suppor4ng  free-­‐flowing  conversa4ons,  they  are  effec4ve  in  suppor4ng  communi4es  who  need  to  ac4vely  share  informa4on  between  all  par4cipants.

While  forums  can  support  structured  discussion  and  the  owner  of  a  forum  can  manage  the  breadth  of  a  discussion,  it  is  significantly  more  difficult  to  control  the  flow  of  conversa4on  than  with  a  blog.

MicroblogsWhat are they?

The  term  ‘micro-­‐blogging’  refers  to  using  a  service  which  allows  users  to  distribute  short  messages  very  quickly  to  groups  of  followers.  TwiKer  is  the  best  known  and  most  used  micro-­‐blog  plaForm  (about  200  million  users  worldwide),  although  compe4tors  exist,  par4cularly  for  use  within  intranets.

These  services  operate  by  allowing  users  to  ‘follow’  or  ‘friend’  other  users  and  thereby  are  able  to  view  public  messages  from  them.  TwiKer-­‐based  search  tools  allow  you  to  establish  networks  based  on  interests  or  topics  rather  than  on  pre-­‐exis4ng  offline  rela4onships.  Most  micro-­‐blog  tools  also  allow  private  or  direct  messages  to  be  sent  that  are  only  visible  to  the  sender  and  receiver.

Most  micro-­‐blogs  support  some  way  of  grouping  messages  by  topic,  in  TwiKer  using  ‘hashtags’.  A  hashtag  is  a  method  of  tagging  messages  with  a  specific  topic  by  simply  placing  a  #  in  front  of  a  keyword  (such  as  #egov  or  #gov20).  This  allows  informa4on  sharing  and  limited  discussion  on  par4cular  topics,  issues,  television  programs,  conferences  and  other  notable  events.

When to use them

Micro-­‐blogs  have  proven  extremely  effec4ve  at  breaking  news  and  providing  alerts  and  have  been  extensively  used  during  various  crises  and  emergencies  to  disseminate  and  share  

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Delib’s  TwiKer  page

A  screenshot  from  the  Whirlpool  IT  Forum

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informa4on.  They  are  also  becoming  useful  for  Q&A  and  other  customer  service/support  ac4vi4es,  allowing  more  rapid  and  direct  contact  then  via  phone  or  email.  Finally,  micro-­‐blogs  have  proven  effec4ve  for  sharing  informa4on  and  knowledge  rapidly,  par4cularly  around  conferences  and  television  programs.

Micro-­‐blogs  are  best  used  for  dissemina4ng  informa4on  quickly,  linking  back  to  full  details  in  sites  or  blogs.

An  excellent  guide  for  gejng  started  with  using  TwiKer  in  a  government  sejng  can  be  found  here:  TwiKer:  A  Quick  Start  Guide  for  People  in  And  around  Government.

Prize sitesWhat are they?

Prize  sites  are  used  to  operate  user-­‐driven  compe44ons,  where  the  public,  or  specific  groups,  are  invited  to  submit  a  design,  applica4on,  website  or  service  into  a  compe44ve  process,  then  through  a  public  vo4ng  and/or  internal  judging  process  winner(s)  are  selected.

Prizes  are  par4cularly  popular  in  the  US,  with  a  recent  prize  announced  for  the  development  of  an  algorithm  to  model  health  risks  having  a  US$3  million  award.

Prizes  have  been  used  to  s4mulate  interest  in  and  reuse  of  government  data,  such  as  Australia’s  Apps4NSW.  Canada’s  MintChip  Challenge  asked  developers  to  create  a  new  digital  currency.

When to use them

Prizes  are  best  used  when  the  goal  is  to  involve  and  empower  audiences  and  promote  innova4ve  development  at  a  low  cost.  Invi4ng  the  public,  or  stakeholder  groups,  to  develop  material,  then  reused  by  the  Department,  both  builds  awareness  of  the  ac4vity  and  can  produce  cost-­‐effec4ve  outcomes.

They  are  not  suitable  for  policy  input  or  other  discussion-­‐based  processes.

Social networksWhat are they?

Social  networks  are  systems  that  support  connec4ons,  or  4es,  between  en44es  based  on  common  characteris4cs,  interests  or  goals.

O_en  the  emphasis  is  placed  on  ‘social’,  with  social  networks  iden4fied  as  being  casual  or  personal  networks  of  friendships  and  acquaintances.  However  ‘social’  actually  refers  to  a  broader  defini4on  -­‐  the  characteris4cs  of  an  en4ty  and  interac4ons  between  en44es,  whether  on  a  personal  or  professional  basis  and  irrespec4ve  of  whether  they  are  aware  of  these  interac4ons  or  not,  or  whether  the  interac4on  is  voluntary  or  involuntary.

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Canada’s  MintChip  currency  challenge  site

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Professional  networks  such  as  LinkedIn  are  also  considered  ‘social  networks’  as  they  involve  interac4ons  between  en44es.

In  the  context  of  the  internet,  social  networks  are  websites  that  support  connec4ons  and  interac4ons  between  people  for  any  purpose  (personal,  professional  or  official).

Online  social  networks  are  o_en  person-­‐centric,  with  each  individual  connected  to  others  based  on  their  rela4onships,  shared  interests  and  ac4vi4es.  They  may  also  centre  on  other  commonali4es  such  as  employers,  organisa4ons,  na4ons,  sports  teams,  topics,  products  or  services.

The  best  known  social  networks  are  Facebook  (over  800  million  ac4ve  users)  and  MySpace  (around  230  million  users),  however  LinkedIn,  a  professional  networking  site,  now  has  over  150  million  ac4ve  users  and  other  services.  

When to use them

Social  networks  are  very  versa4le  tools  for  amplifying  informa4on  sharing  and  building  collabora4ve  audiences  as  short  or  long-­‐term  assets,  such  as  for  high-­‐profile  programs  and  both  campaign  and  non-­‐campaign  communica4on  ac4vi4es.

They  are  best  used  when  there  are  clear  connec4ons  between  audience  members  that  encourage  them  to  group  together  based  on  shared  interests  and  then  share  informa4on  about  those  interests.

Social  networks  are  in  wide  use  by  companies  to  monitor  and  build  sen4ment  around  their  profile,  products  and  services.  Many  government  agencies  use  them  to  monitor  public  opinion  on  key  topics  or  to  extend  the  impact  of  campaign  messages  from  other  media  and  to  build  a  retainable  audience  for  campaigns  over  extended  periods.

One  of  the  most  effec4ve  uses  of  social  networks  is  to  build  ongoing  rela4onships  with  interested  stakeholders.  Managed  correctly,  they  can  be  used  to  retain  audiences  between  campaigns  or  maintain  effec4ve  communica4on  with  a  par4cularly  vocal  group.

They  can  also  be  effec4ve  for  two-­‐way  communica4on,  like  an  ‘always-­‐on’  focus  group,  although  one  of  their  inherent  risks  is  that  par4cipants  may  cri4que  ac4vi4es  even  when  an  organisa4on  isn’t  explicitly  seeking  feedback.

Virtual worldsWhat are they?

Virtual  worlds  refer  to  immersive  online  3D  environments  which  allow  users  to  interact  with  each  other  and  with  objects  and  constructs  as  they  can  in  real  life,  as  well  as  visualise  informa4on  in  ways  impossible  in  the  real  world.  Virtual  worlds  are  in  widespread  use  around  the  world  for  educa4onal,  crisis  management,  consulta4on,  tourism  and  gaming  purposes.  They  are  o_en  used  as  effec4ve  spaces  to  convene  gatherings,  hold  mee4ngs  and  discuss  issues,  as  well  as  to  visualise  informa4on  in  a  3D  graphical  manner.

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The  NHS  uses  Facebook  for  a  wide  variety  of  community  engagement  ac4vity

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Some  notable  examples  of  virtual  world  use  include  for  trea4ng  stress-­‐related  mental  illness  in  soldiers;  facilita4ng  mobility  and  ac4vi4es  for  people  suffering  mobility  and/or  mental  impairments  from  condi4ons  such  as  arthri4s,  cerebral  palsy,  mul4ple  sclerosis  and  mental  illness;  training  doctors  using  virtual  pa4ents;  and  conduc4ng  medical  research.

The  US  Government  has  developed  vGov,  a  virtual  world  to  be  used  for  disaster  and  emergency  management  training,  medical  simula4ons  and  to  collaborate,  train  and  study  cyber-­‐security  opera4ons  and  rehearse  response  scenarios.  Similarly,  the  US  Army  uses  MOSES  as  a  military  training  simulator.

Several  of  the  most  popular  virtual  worlds  are  designed  and  secured  specifically  for  children  and  teenagers,  such  as  Club  Penguin  and  Habbo  Hotel,  or  for  teen  and  adult  gaming,  such  as  World  of  Warcra_  and  City  of  Heroes.

A  number  of  commercial  providers  offer  solu4ons  that  can  be  used  to  rapidly  deliver  a  virtual  environment,  such  as  Linden  Lab,  the  commercial  provider  of  the  persistent  Second  Life  virtual  world.

When to use them

Virtual  worlds  have  the  capability  to  represent  immersive  3D  real-­‐world  environments,  making  them  ideal  for  training  simula4ons.  They  are  ideal  for  mul4channel  educa4onal  experiences,  involving  both  audio-­‐visual  material  and  ‘physical’  ac4vi4es,  where  people  must  nego4ate  a  situa4on  through  physical  manipula4on  of  objects  –  such  as  for  training  health  workers  on  the  use  of  new  equipment  or  allowing  a  walk-­‐through  of  new  health  facili4es  before  they  are  built.

Virtual  worlds  can  also  be  used  as  real-­‐4me  collabora4ve  spaces,  for  ‘virtual  town  halls’,  conferences  and  presenta4ons  for  geographically  dispersed  audiences.  Companies  like  IBM  maintain  persistent  virtual  worlds  with  conference  facili4es  and  small  mee4ng  rooms  to  support  both  scheduled  and  impromptu  mee4ngs  between  their  staff  and  external  par4es  on  a  global  basis.

WikisWhat are they?

Wikis  are  collabora4ve  workspaces  used  to  co-­‐develop  material  and  to  store  knowledge  in  an  updatable  format.

The  best  known  example  of  a  wiki  is  Wikipedia,  the  world’s  largest  encyclopaedia,  built  collabora4vely  over  ten  years.  It  had  91,000  ac4ve  contributors  in  February  2011  (and  a  total  of  14  million  registered  users)  working  on  over  17  million  ar4cles  in  270  languages  (3,597,000  ar4cles  in  English).

Wikis  may  be  completely  open  to  edits  from  anyone,  restricted  to  registered  users,  or  support  a  combina4on  of  approaches,  including  approval  processes  for  some  or  all  content.  

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The  US  Government’s  vGov  project

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Effec4vely,  wikis  take  the  process  of  collabora4ve  crea4ng  and  approving  content  and  move  it  completely  online.

The  largest  concern  expressed  about  wikis  is  their  apparently  open  nature,  which  create  the  poten4al  for  inappropriate  updates  and  vandalism.  In  prac4ce  this  has  proven  to  be  a  minor  and  easily  managed  concern,  based  on  applying  appropriate  editorial  guidelines,  limi4ng  access  to  edit  controversial  topics  and  using  wiki  so_ware  with  full  roll-­‐back  and  user  logging  –  meaning  that  every  edit  is  iden4fiable  to  a  user  and  is  reversible.  

When to use them

Wikis  are  very  useful  when  authors  of  material  for  public  or  internal  use  are  geographically  separated  and  the  material  requires  upda4ng  on  a  regular  basis.  In  par4cular  this  has  proven  effec4ve  in  crisis  situa4ons  or  where  expecta4ons  are  changing  rapidly  and  each  itera4on  must  be  recorded.

They  have  also  proven  very  useful  as  knowledge  management  tools,  allowing  a  group  of  highly  knowledgeable  people  to  store  their  exper4se  in  a  central  repository,  allowing  faster  dissemina4on  and  reducing  issues  around  corporate  knowledge  loss  when  skilled  individuals  leave  an  organisa4on.  For  example  the  Australian  Taxa4on  Office  maintains  an  internal  wiki  on  different  tax  jurisdic4ons  around  the  world,  a  resource  that  allows  specialists  on  par4cular  na4ons  to  more  readily  share  their  knowledge  with  colleagues.  This  protects  the  organisa4on  against  the  loss  of  an  expert  on  a  par4cular  topic.

Wikis  are  in  widespread  use  across  the  Australian  government  via  the  Govdex  service  from  the  Australia’s  Department  of  Finance  and  Deregula4on,  which  is  essen4ally  a  wiki  with  a  few  extra  func4ons.  This  is  used  for  collabora4on  between  agencies  and  external  par4es.

The  UK  Government  has  hired  Wikipedia  founder  Jimmy  Wales  to  help  them  create  a  research  wiki.

Sharing sitesWhat are they?

Sharing  sites  are  designed  to  support  the  sharing  of  public  content  such  as  video  and  audio  material,  photos,  documents  and  presenta4ons.

Examples  of  sharing  sites  include  YouTube  and  Vimeo  for  video,  iTunes  for  audio,  Flickr  for  images,  SlideShare  and  Scribd  for  presenta4ons  and  documents.

They  are  generally  free  to  use  and  offer  func4onality  such  as  the  customisa4on  of  their  interface  to  suit  par4cular  organisa4ons.  They  allow  for  repor4ng,  embedding  of  content  into  any  website,  various  rights  frameworks  to  manage  copyright  issues  and  closed  cap4oning  for  video  and  audio  material.    Sharing  sites  generally  include  various  community  

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The  Scojsh  Government  uses  Flickr  to  share  important  images

Wikipedia  is  the  world’s  biggest  wiki

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capabili4es,  allowing  people  to  follow  an  organisa4on,  alerts  when  new  presenta4ons  become  available  and  even  rate  or  comment  on  new  material  (if  allowed  by  the  organisa4on).

When to use them

Wherever  public  content  needs  to  be  distributed  widely  and  to  be  easily  discoverable  or  presented  in  an  accessible  manner,  it  is  worth  considering  the  use  of  these  sharing  websites.

While  organisa4ons  can  host  this  type  of  audio/visual  and  documentary  material  on  their  own  websites,  sharing  sites  leverage  the  value  of  these  assets  by  exposing  them  to  a  broader  audience,  providing  improved  search  capability  and  offering  enhanced  func4onality,  usually  at  no  cost.

Sharing  sites  are  also  valuable  when  on  a  budget  as  they  offer  substan4al  cost  savings,  par4cularly  for  video  and  audio  material,  as  the  material  is  hosted  externally,  meaning  that  the  organisa4on  doesn’t  pay  for  the  storage  or  distribu4on  of  content.

Organisa4ons  can  embed  the  content  back  into  their  own  websites,  generally  with  beKer  repor4ng  and  func4onality  than  is  possible  to  deliver  within  their  own  cost  constraints.

Real-time online chats/liveblogs and Twitter chatsWhat are they?

Real  4me  chat  refers  to  an  approach  whereby  people  congregate  on  an  online  channel  and  engage  in  a  real  4me  discussion  around  a  given  issue  or  topic.

Chats  can  be  restricted  access  or  public,  and  can  also  involve  modera4on,  such  as  to  facilitate  a  ques4on  and  answers  session.

There  are  many  ways  to  hold  real  4me  online  chats,  such  as  through  the  use  of  chat  services  such  as  IRC,  via  a  ‘liveblog’  which  is  wriKen  during  an  event  and  allows  people  to  comment  and  ask  ques4ons  (poten4ally  in  a  moderated  way),  or  by  holding  a  regularly  scheduled  conversa4on  on  a  service  such  as  TwiKer,  using  a  specific  ‘hashtag’  (keyword)  to  aggregate  the  discussion  into  a  discrete  group.  

For  example,  the  UK  Na4onal  Health  Service  hosts  a  TwiKer  chat  each  week  using  the  hashtag  #nhssm,  to  discuss  social  media  trends  in  healthcare.

Facebook  also  has  a  chat  facility.

When to use them

Real  4me  online  chat  is  best  used  for  4me-­‐restricted  ac4vi4es  where  there  is  an  aim  to  aKract  a  significant  audience  and  hold  a  public  conversa4on  over  a  given  period  of  4me.

They  work  quite  well  when  structured  around  physical  launches  or  events  (which  are  4me-­‐restricted  by  their  nature)  or,  on  a  one-­‐on-­‐one  basis,  for  online  support.

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A  recent  #commschat  liveblog

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Regularly  scheduled  real  4me  online  chats  can  subs4tute  for  some  regular  face-­‐to-­‐face  mee4ngs  or  similar  engagement  ac4vi4es.

They  are  par4cularly  useful  in  coordina4ng  online  ac4vi4es  between  several  authors  and  editors  who  are  geographically  dispersed.  They  can  also  be  useful  for  par4cipants  who  might  not  want  to  voice  their  concerns  out  loud  in  an  office  environment,  i.e.  discussing  personal  health  issues,  and  for  providing  technical  support.  

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