
Weinland Park Community Civic Association

Housing Committee

Summary of meeting of December 8, 2014

Matt Martin, committee chair, called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m. at Godman Guild Association.Steve Bollinger of Wagenbrenner Development said his company is beginning renovation of two single-family houses owned by Campus Partners at 1254 and 1314 N. Fifth Street. Mr. Bollinger and Erin Prosser of Campus Partners presented drawings of the proposed improvements that would bump out the front of the two houses to permit them to become three-bedroom, rather than two-bedroom, houses. In their experience, renovated three-bedroom houses in Weinland Park have sold quicker than two-bedroom houses. The renovation will include construction of a two-car garage behind each house. Mr. Bollinger said the renovation could be completed by next May or June. Ms. Prosser asked for feedback on the proposed changes in the design of the houses so that Wagenbrenner Development could move forward with developing a construction budget. Depending on the construction costs, they estimated the houses likely would be put on the market for about $200,000.

Laura Bidwa suggested keeping the retaining wall at 1254 N. Fifth Street as an historic feature. In general, the Housing Committee members were supportive of the proposed changes. Ms. Prosser said they would return to the Housing Committee in January with more information on the renovation of the houses. Ms. Prosser reported that 281 E. Seventh Avenue is the only other single-family house that Campus Partners owns in Weinland Park. The other properties are vacant lots or two- or four-family buildings.Mr. Martin noted that representatives of Edwards Communities and Community Housing Network (CHN) had met with community members in Weinland Park on November 24 to discuss the south of Gateway project. Ms. Prosser said CHN will discuss plans for its proposed new building with the University Area Review Board (UARB) later this month. A representative of Edwards Communities also would attend the UARB meeting to provide context for the larger south of Gateway project. Steve Sterrett suggested that, as plans are developed for the south of Gateway project, attention should be paid to maintain the residential character of Euclid Avenue with its collection of single-family homes. Ms. Bidwa asked about architectural salvage and the possibility of moving houses that are in the footprint of the south of Gateway project. Ms. Prosser said Campus Partners will consider that.Laura Sutherland and Ryan Cassell of CHN presented a proposed site plan and architectural rendering of CHNs new building proposed for the corner of East Ninth Avenue and Section Alley. CHNs current building at 1494 N. High Street would be demolished as part of the redevelopment of the south of Gateway site. The current building, which is staffed 24 hours a day, has 36 efficiency apartment units. The new building, which also would be staffed 24 hours a day, would have 60 one-bedroom units. CHN provides housing for formerly homeless persons and for persons with mental health and substance abuse issues. The new building also would provide office space and shared activity space for OSU Extension in the University District. Entrance to CHNs apartments would be through a courtyard at the back of the building; entrance to the OSU Extension office would be in the front.Ms. Bidwa suggested that the design of the front entrance be changed to remove a terrace, both because it is a dark overhang and it seems out of character with the rest of the neighborhood. Others agreed. Michael Wilkos suggested that the first-floor community space might have more glass so as to be more inviting.Ms. Sutherland said the funding for the buildings construction with low-income housing tax credits is not yet in place. The allocation for low-income housing tax credits is competitive, but she expects the project to score well. She plans to discuss the project with the University Area Commission and the UARB later in December. If the public approvals and funding fall into place, construction would begin next summer or fall with completion in a little more than a year. She also said there would be a good neighbor agreement and a neighborhood advisory council for the new building.

Mr. Martin asked about the proximity of the proposed building to St. Sophia Cathedral and the Directions for Youth and Families building and possible synergy among these agencies. Ms. Colbert asked how the CHN residents are connected to the neighborhood. Ms. Bidwa asked about the green space behind the building and the curved parking space.

On another matter, Ms. Bidwa asked where in the process were the applications for property tax abatement for the houses that received the home repair grants administered by the Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC). Mr. Wilkos said he will be meeting soon with a representative from MORPC and will inquire about the applications.Summary prepared by Steve Sterrett.