  • Mission StatementIn response to God’s love, we are called to be a Christ-centered community where people can:

    • Discover who God is and the depth of Christ’s love,• Develop individual spiritual gifts to be equipped for ministry,• Demonstrate love and hope in Christ to Laguna and beyond.

    In this way, we glorify God.

    Laguna Presbyterian ChurchCelebrating 100 Years

    September 17, 2017Hotel Laguna, Laguna Beach

  • The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end;

    they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

    - Lam. 3:22-23

    From all of us at Laguna Presbyterian Church,A very special thanks goes to Georgia and Stefan Andersen, and Jessica Wellnitz

    as well as all of the Hotel Laguna staff who have made this evening a wonderful celebration!

    W e want to acknowledge and thank several people who brought their ideas, time and effort in bringing this 100th Anniversary Dinner & Silent Auction to fruition. Many thanks go to Diane Babcock, Lorna Cohen, Susan & Rocky McGill, Robert Rose, Fred Sharman, Jenn Sweet, Cheryl Beehan, Cindy

    Campbell, Margie Bell, and Christy Miller. We couldn’t have done it without your input and help!

    We also want to acknowledge the extraordinary help and assistance we received from the LPC staff, namely Leah Lind, Caroline Millson, Beth Pinney, Gail Onodera and Kathy Sizer, and Maggie Craig. They have been AMAZING!!! We could not have done this without their talent and efforts!!! Once again they have shown we have a FABULOUS staff at Laguna Presbyterian Church!

    We also want to thank all those who have volunteered on this final day and night to pull our evening together. Thank you to all who contributed to make our Silent Auction a grand success! Together we Celebrate God’s Faithfulness – the past 100 years and the years to come!!

    Many, many thanks to everyone who has made this possible!

    Darrylin Girvin, 100th Anniversary Events Committee ChairDebbie Regele, 100th Silent Auction Committee Chair

  • Laguna Presbyterian ChurchCelebrating 100 Years – Gala & Silent Auction

    6pm, September 17, 2017Hotel Laguna, Laguna Beach

    6pm, Champagne & Hors d’Oeuvres, Silent Auction

    Welcome, Opening Prayer & Recognitions Rev. Dr. Jerry Tankersley, 100th Gala & Silent Auction Committee Chairpersons

    100 Years - Giving Thanks Rev. Dr. Jerry Tankersley, Rev. Dr. Kathy Sizer, Rev. Dr. Steve Sweet

    Proclamation - Orange County Board of SupervisorsLisa Bartlett, Supervisor, Fifth District

    Paid-in-Full! – Great Is Thy Faithfulness!"Great is Thy faithfulness!" "Great is Thy faithfulness!"

    Morning by morning new mercies I see; all I have needed Thy hand hath provided: "Great is Thy faithfulness," Lord, unto me.

    Thomas Chisholm, 1925

    Blessing & Doxology Rev. Dr. Jerry Tankersley, The Gathered

    Dinner & Silent Auction

  • Contents

    Message from Rev. Dr. Jerry Tankersley 5

    Proclamation, Orange County Board of Supervisors 7

    50th Anniversary Message 9

    Our History / Our Story 1917 - 2017 11

    Contributors to the Silent Auction - Thank You! Back Cover

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  • 100th Anniversary Message - Rev. Dr. Jerry Tankersley

    W elcome to the 100th Anniversary Celebration of Laguna Presbyterian Church. We are grateful for the hospitality of the Hotel Laguna. In the earliest pictures of Laguna Beach, the hotel and the church were seen as two buildings standing at the center of the city. The hotel has hosted the church on three occasions as we have celebrated efforts to raise support for the church’s mission. We say “thank you” to Georgia Andersen and her family for their generosity.

    Likewise, we appreciate each of you for joining with us on this special occasion. Together we have planned, prayed, served, sacrificed, and given to make this church’s birthday what it is. Our prayer is that this evening, and especially this 100th year, will be a genuine remembrance, joy, and commitment to the next century of doing God’s mission.

    As we gather around the dinner tables we remember that we are spiritually surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, those who have loved Jesus and LPC through all its phases of growth and development. The communion of saints is the reality in which we live, move, and have our being. We could not name them all, but we carry their vision, faith, hope, and love in our hearts as we are joined in solidarity and devotion to the work of the Kingdom of God.

    When our 100th planning committee was considering the theme of this year’s birthday, we settled on this: 100 Years Celebrating God's Faithfulness. When a Christian church celebrates 100 years, it is a great thanksgiving for a long journey of God’s people in seeking to live in response to the faithfulness of God.

    In the case of LPC we look back over many joys and sorrows, over struggles with faith and doubt, with gains and losses, with successes and failures, with anxieties and fears, with strengths and weaknesses, with listening to God’s Word and seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit. Tonight we confess that the inspiration, the wisdom, and the power to be at this moment are a gift of the living Lord of the church.

    This evening we will burn a copy of the “Paid In Full” $7 million dollar construction loan document. The total cost of this “Open Door”/ “Build It For Him” project was $14 million dollars. From the early years of this new century our members and friends gave the money and time needed to complete the task and to make the final payment this summer 2017. This has truly been an awe-inspiring experience in seeing how the Spirit of God has kept us together, blessed our work in doing it right, and provided the resources to finish the final loan 3 years early. LPC is now debt free!

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  • Not only this! We have supported our staff, graciously given to the larger mission of God in the world through the church, and maintained the “peace and the unity” of the body of Christ. Our session, our deacons, our pastoral staff, the Open Door committee, and every member and friend of LPC is to be commended for a task “well done”. Thank you each!

    You will read in this publication a short history of our church. LPC has celebrated 40th, 50th, and 75th anniversaries. They have all been important. But to me the 100th has special significance. We have set the course and the stage for the ongoing ministry of LPC.

    There will be many challenges to the Christian church in this new century. Just remember a small Southern California beach village in 1917. A few disciples came together to build a spiritual lighthouse. Little could they have known they would live through the Great Depression, two World Wars, post-war recoveries, social unrest, the Korean and Vietnam Wars, economic prosperity, population growth, “drugs, sex, and rock in roll”, AIDS, fires, floods, earthquakes, mission opportunities, economic recessions, the threats of terrorism, and deep political, economic, and religious divisions in both culture and church.

    We are still together loving God and our neighbors as ourselves, working for peace, justice, and social righteousness. Together we worship the One Triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is at our center. His Word and Spirit guide and direct us. We give thanks for the continued faithfulness of God and we pray for the ongoing faithfulness of God’s people.

    Have a wonderful evening!Grace and Peace,Pastor Jerry Tankersley

    100th Anniversary Message, cont.

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  • Proclamation - Orange County Board of Supervisors

    100th Anniversary Gala Page 7

    WHEREAS, Laguna Presbyterian is celebrating a century of glorifying God in the community of Laguna Beach, and it is appropriate at this time that the church’s leaders and congregation be extended special recognition and commendations by the public for 100 years of profound influence and inspiration to the well-being of the spiritual and civic life of Laguna; and

    WHEREAS, the seeds of Laguna Presbyterian Church were sown in the 1890s by Sylvanus and Sabra Ferris, when they began a Sunday school on the porch of their beachfront summer cottage in Laguna Beach; and

    WHEREAS, under the direction of Rev. A. W. Prewitt, Community Presbyterian Church of Laguna Beach was formally organized in 1917; and

    WHEREAS, in 1925, Raymond I. Brahams was installed as pastor, and just three years later realized his vision of building this glorious sanctuary, which became an iconic landmark in the heart of the village of Laguna, as well as a living testament to the importance of the church to the life of the entire community; and

    WHEREAS, in 1972, Rev. Arthur Jerry Tankersley and his wife Kay were called to pastor the church, having now served in that capacity for 45 years, during which the church has grown and flourished as a shining beacon of light for the community of Laguna Beach and beyond; and

    WHEREAS, under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Jerry Tankersley, Rev. Dr. Steve Sweet, Rev. Dr. Kathy Sizer, and all those who preceded them, Laguna Presbyterian Church has lived out its Mission Statement for 100 years:

    “In response to God’s love, we are called upon to be a Christ-centered community where people can: Discover who God is and the depth of Christ’s love; Develop individual spiritual gifts and be equipped for ministry; Demonstrate love and hope in Christ to Laguna and beyond – in this way we glorify God.”

    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED THAT ORANGE COUNTY SUPERVISOR LISA BARTLETT hereby takes great pleasure in congratulating Laguna Presbyterian upon the occasion of its centennial celebration, praises Laguna Presbyterian for its profound influence & inspiration to the well-being of the spiritual & civic life of Laguna Beach, and further extends sincere best wishes for continued success in all future endeavors.

    Dated this 17th Day of September, 2017LISA BARTLETTSupervisor, Fifth DistrictOrange County Board of Supervisors

  • Looking back gives us reason for joyous thanksgiving. Looking forward presents us with a great challenge –

    Lord we pray not for tasks equal to our strength but for strength equal to our tasks.

    - Pastor Dallas R. TurnerCommunity Presbyterian Church, 1949

    "The New Church" by George Brandriff, 1926

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  • It is a distinct joy and great privilege to be the pastor of the Community Presbyterian Church which is now celebrating its golden anniversary. As we look back across eighteen of these years we give thanks for you, our dear friends and church family. We deeply appreciate your Christian dedication, service, and stewardship, they have made the church what it is to-day. We also wish to express our great satisfaction for fellow members of our church staff and all those former ministers and faithful employees who have served Christ in and through this church and for the privilege of entering into their labors. God has been good to this church, and to us, his servants

    and the great measure of harmony, respect, and goodwill that have characterized the membership and official life of our congregation. The Christian spirit of you members has made the work of ministry here most gratifying. “Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.” - 1 Samuel 7:12

    God has blessed this church with a choice central location, beautiful buildings and good equipment. He has a list of people sufficiently concerned so that the work and witness of His Kingdom have been continued and increased through fifty fruitful years.

    We believe that God has great plans for this church during the next fifty years. Let us be confident that “Henceforth” He will grant His constraining love to launch and impel his people with dedication and zeal into the tasks of tomorrow.

    As you think of the next 50 years in the Christian church, with rapid changes in methods of communication and rearrangement of organizations, plan for those things that cannot change, dedicate yourself to those objectives that are worthy of lasting for 50 years, and remember “Jesus Christ, is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”

    - Pastor Dallas R. Turner, Minister 1949 - 1971

    As we look back over the past 50 years and count our blessings, we cannot help but also look forward––forward to a future of high promise, promise of a new growth, renewed vigor, and a program of expansion in keeping with the expansion and growth of the area which we serve.

    We give thanks at this time to God and to the people that made possible the many blessings we count today, including those who have responded so nobly to the building program now underway. It seems fitting that the next fifty-year period should begin with the construction of a facility for the education of the coming generation, that they may be properly prepared to meet the challenges and opportunities of this exciting time. Thus we continue joyfully forward, asking God’s blessing and guidance that the coming years may fulfill, yea exceed, the bright promises before us. Truly our cup runneth over.

    - Elder Robert V. Myers, 50th Anniversary Committee Chairman

    50th Anniversary Message - Rev. Dr. Dallas R. Turner

    100th Anniversary Gala Page 9

  • Psalm 100, A Psalm of Thanksgiving.

    Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth.Worship the LORD with gladness;

    come into his presence with singing.

    Know that the LORD is God.It is he that made us, and we are his;

    we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.Enter his gates with thanksgiving,

    and his courts with praise.Give thanks to him, bless his name.

    For the LORD is good;his steadfast love endures forever,

    and his faithfulness to all generations.

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  • "He will give rain for the seed with which you sow the ground, and grain, the produce of the ground, which will be rich and plenteous." - Is. 30:23

    Faith and Art

    The seeds of Laguna Presbyterian Church were sown in the 1890s by Sylvanus and Sabra Fer-ris from Riverside, California, when they began a Sunday school on the porch of their Laguna Beach beachfront summer cottage because they “didn’t want to leave their faith behind” when they summered here.  That mustard seed of faith soon attracted a group of artists to the porch who are now recognized as in the first rank of Califor-nia Impressionists. 

    From this nucleus of artists, the church grew under the auspices of Anna A. Hills, an early founder of the church where she taught Sunday School with her sister Nellie Ford Hills for 15 years, and, who, with Frank Cuprien (another notable artist), co-founded the Laguna Art Association which eventually gave rise to the Laguna Art Museum and fostered the Pageant of the Masters and the Festival of the Arts — which now draw thousands of visitors to Laguna Beach every summer.  These institutions established Laguna Beach as the premiere Art Colony on the south coast of California. Faith met Art in the scenic beauty of Laguna Beach and created a lasting home together.

    "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God." - 1 Cor. 10:31

    Civic LifeThe influence of Laguna Presbyterian Church (LPC) on the civic life of the community has been and is profound.  Inspired by the mission of the church to contribute to the well-being of the entire community, members of the congregation laid the foundations for the Volunteer Fire Department (1919), the Garden Club (1928), the Beautification Council (1952), La Playa Center (1996), and many other social service agencies in Orange County, including Hoag Memorial Hospital (1954) and Mission Hospital (1959) that serve the whole of Orange County. 

    Our History / Our Story 1917 - 2017

    100th Anniversary Gala Page 11

  • “Thus far the LORD has helped us.” 1 Sam. 7:12

    Visionary BuildingIn 1925, Raymond I. Brahams was installed as pastor and just three years later realized his vision of building a sanctuary. The Spanish Mission-style church quickly became an iconic landmark of the village of Laguna Beach, with its rose garden and open campus attracting a whole host of visitors and townspeople to Sunday worship, wedding celebrations, and making beautiful backdrop for sightseers from all corners of the globe.  The church is probably the most photographed building in downtown for good reason.  It is both beautiful and stands as a living testament to the importance of the church in the life of Laguna Beach.

    "Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me." - Mt. 18:5

    Early Childhood EducationSince 1949, Laguna Presbyterian Church has also been a leader in early childhood education, from its humble beginnings as a place to learn to roller skate and make jewelry, to the hosting of Vacation Bible School that has been attended by thousands of Laguna children. 1960 saw the opening of Laguna Presbyterian Preschool that stands today as the oldest preschool in Laguna, having served three generations of students with quality pre-K education. Its current director, Anne Herzog, was honored in 2016 with an Outstanding Director Award by the Orange County Department of Education.

    "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you." - Is. 43:2

    Through Fire and FloodIn 1972, Rev. Arthur Jerry Tankersley and his wife Kay were called to pastor the church, and he has served in that capacity now for 45 years during which time the church has grown and flourished as a beacon of light for the whole community.  

    Never was this more apparent than in the wake of the disastrous fire of 1993 in which over 400 homes were severely damaged or destroyed, placing it among the top 20 fires in U.S. history.  LPC became a clearinghouse

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  • for donated clothing and furnishings, and a collection and disbursement center for funds raised to help those affected. Our church opened its doors for agencies such as the Salvation Army and Telephone Company to operate; and the church coordinated psychological counseling by enlisting local therapists on a pro bono basis to help those suffering from the after effects of the fire.

    But the church did not stop caring when the ashes were cleared and homes rebuilt.  The church was there again when the floods hit in 1998, affecting mostly low-income residents of Laguna Canyon.  Acting on the vision of congregant Ed Sauls and others, the Interfaith Council (a group co-founded by LPC and representing all the churches in Laguna Beach), pressed for a single agency to coordinate community relief with the City. The resulting merger of the Interfaith Council and the Fire Relief Coalition gave birth to Laguna Relief and Resource Center — and eventually to the ASL (Alternative Sleeping Site) — that continues to aid those in daily emergency need with food, shelter, and counseling services.

    “Tend my sheep.” - John 16:21

    Reaching FurtherUnder Jerry Tankersley’s leadership, LPC’s outreach has grown to include support for Laguna Beach Community Clinic, the Friendship Shelter, Heifer International, Sally’s Fund, Susi Q Community Center, Age Well Senior Services, Laguna Beach Youth Shelter, The Food Pantry, Military Outreach to Camp Pendleton families, Wilson School book fair in Santa Ana, La Playa Center (serving the immigrant community through ESL classes), Dresses for Africa, and multiple missions abroad.  The reach of LPC is both long and deep.

    "For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding." - Prov. 2:6

    Reaching YouthOur church understands that our youth need to get involved early in caring for others beyond themselves and their immediate circle, especially by partnering with those in need.  Associate Pastor Rev. Dr. Steve Sweet has led our youth on many spring break service trips to Molokai to work on construction and maintenance projects with the leper colony

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  • there.  High school and middle school students provide gifts and prepare dinners for the Youth Shelter and have performed needed services in soup kitchens of inner cities from Seattle to Los Angeles.

    "So deeply do we care for you that we are determined to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you have become very dear to us." - 1 Thess. 2:8

    Extending HospitalityLPC is the center of activity on Hospitality Night on the first Friday of December and has become famous for serving over a thousand tamales made by the students of La Playa to the throngs of people who come from all over Orange County to enjoy the Christmas spirit with caroling, cookies , cider and good fellowship. During the year our campus welcomes such community groups as Al-Anon, the Garden Club, the Interfaith Council, Boy Scout Troop 35 (the oldest Boy Scout troop in Orange County), and many others to hold their meetings on our campus. 

    "Speak the truth to one another, render in your gates judgments that are true and make for peace." - Zech. 8:16

    EngagementBelief in the power of open dialogue and engaged citizenry is a cornerstone of Presbyterianism from the Founding Fathers onward.  LPC has brought speakers and encouraged conversations on every topic impacting society, through its morning and evening Adult Education classes, to hosting events such as “Laguna on the Same Page” which featured T.C. Boyle, Mitch Ablom, and Father Boyle, the founder of Homeboy Industries.  The church has sponsored many open forums on different issues of social justice.  We are part of the world and we hope to make a difference for good.

    "Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain." - Ps. 127:1

    Restoration and RenewalIn 2001, again under Jerry Tankersley’s leadership, a major restoration of our historic sanctuary became obligatory when it was discovered that the whole building was seismically unsafe and could not withstand an earthquake.  10 years and $14 million dollars later, our Sanctuary is strong and beautiful, prepared to serve as a beacon to the community for another 100 years.

    "And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful." - Col. 3:15

    Faith and the FutureWe, the people of Laguna Presbyterian Church, lay claim to the faithfulness of God to guide us as we continue to pray for and partner with God to the end that God's will may done, and God's kingdom may come on earth as it is now in heaven. May we be faithful in our witness as we are blessed to be a blessing.

    Lorna Cohen, Worship Elder 

    Pastoral Staff at the Celebration of Our 100th!Rev. Jerry Tankersley, Rev. Kathy Sizer, Rev. Steve Sweet

    Easter Morning 2014

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  • © 2017 Laguna Presbyterian Church

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  • Thank You to all who have contributed so generously to LPC's 100th Anniversary Silent Auction.

    Jack & Judy BellRick & Cindy CampbellSusie CampbellDaryle Lynn CornelisonSkip & Linda Del CrognaleMichael EasleyMohdavi FoesRandy GastreichDarrylin Girvin, D. K. DesignEl & Lori HathawayRon & June HubbardJerry & Susan ImmelGeorge & Anna KefalasRockney & Susan McGillChristy Miller & John NewlanderBrian & Jackie PearsonJim & Debbie PerkinsHarvey & Marcella RoseneSue SeyboldFred & Ceil SharmanTerri ShubinKathy SizerBob & Sylvia SrigleySteve & Jennifer SweetJerry TankersleyJeanne Yale

    Craig Keith Antrim, ArtistLisa Skelly Fine ArtSheri Cohen Indigo LightsDawn Winson, Artist230 Forest AvenueCottage Gate InteriorsGG’s BistroJim Click Automotive TeamKen’s Jewelry StoreKitchen In The CanyonLaguna Canyon WineryLaguna PlayhouseLa Sirena Grill and CantinaLumberyardOrange InnRoots the Beauty UndergroundStarfish Laguna BeachSurf & Sand ResortThe Grove on ForestToyota Motors North America, Inc.Yoga Works