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Hot DeskingPoppy Matless

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Q1: How well do you think the intertextuality from the movie ‘Pulp Fiction’ fits with the song?A. Person 1- I think the amount of intertextuality used so far is a perfect amount, it

gives off subtle hints of intertextuality whereas at the same time not being too over the top as you’ve chosen precisely which features you wish to include.

B. Person 2 - I am aware of the referencing which seems to suit well with both the situation happening and the song, you could even reference the film further potentially

C. Person 3 - I think it fits very well! I think you could definitely add more referencing, maybe a film poster on the wall or a definite dance from the film that is highly exaggerated etc.

D. Person 4 - Intertextuality made clear through use of costume and song highlights that too. Dance moves from the scene would be great but agree, you don’t want to make it too over the top.

E. Person 5- The intertextuality used in the music video is very reminiscent of ‘Pulp Fiction’ although subtle, it shows a clear use of key features from it.

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Q2: Do you think the editing pace is too fast/slow at any point? If so, why?A. Person 1- I think the editing pace fits in perfectly with the song as the shots

are placed in the correct points of the ‘up beat’ music and quick changes.B. Person 2 – The pace is very well suited to the song pace, but maybe as the

music builds up to its chorus the editing could slowly increase with itC. Person 3 – I think the pace is perfect as the edits are paced to the beat and

it works effectively, however I would increase the pace slightly when she’s storming out of the room to give it that angry feeling.

D. Person 4 – The slow pace when she storms out works so well as the music slows down, especially after using fast clips to reflect the tension building up.

E. Person 5- The pace of the editing is very synchronous with the tempo of the song, which creates a good flow for the music video.

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Q3: Does the theme fit the genre? How?A. Person 1- The theme itself I believe fits the genre as you are able to identify

aspects of the audience who would be interested with pulp fiction as intertextuality fits within the genre.

B. Person 2 – The theme including Pulp fiction works well with the seemingly care free attitude the main character in the music video has and would work to continue the type of theme throughout the rest of the music video

C. Person 3 – Yes it does! It’s an interesting concept for the video and fits the song perfectly and I like the use of Pulp Fiction as a direct reference to the song.

D. Person 4 – Yes I would say it fits the genre, especially from a band like Fall Out Boy who always tell stories in their videos

E. The theme of the video fits well with the genre of the music video, as well as the links to ‘Pulp Fiction’ as both FOB and Pulp Fiction show creativity within their productions, which is reflected here.

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Q4: Does the footage flow smooth enough to fit the music?A. Person 1- The editing is great so far and the effects used (i.e. slow motion) are

put in perfect places. As I have only seen a snippet of your work I wish to see more effects used and for you to keep up with the upbeat editing.

B. Person 2 – The footage seems to flow with the music because of the quite loud style of the music with fast running footage, I think building up the footage pace as the music builds works well

C. Person 3 – It fits well as it is however I would definitely liven up the pace a bit as the song is very fast and your video needs to match that.

D. Person 4 – Yes it fits well, there is a good balance between slow and fast shotsE. As previously mentioned, the construction of the video is synchronous with

the beat of the song, however, the raw footage could be sped up ever so slightly.
