  • 7/29/2019 Honoring God With What We Are Given


    Honoring God with What We Are Given

    Scripture Thought for the Week:Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth,

    words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the

    gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare itfearlessly, as I should. Ephesians 6:19-20

    Recently as I read about King David in the Psalms, I was reminded of the objects that

    David used throughout his lifetime in serving the Lord. A staff, a slingshot, a sword and a

    harp were mentioned in this particular writing and I jotted down those four words. As I

    pondered the extent to which David used each of these objects, I began to wonder about

    those things that God has given to me for my witness and work for the Kingdom.

    In order to analyze my own gifts, I looked deeper into those four words used to describe

    Davids life on earth. As a boy, David was a shepherd and used his staff to lead and guide

    the flock placed within his care. I assume David gently led his fathers flock nudging them

    along with the staff as he watched over their actions and whereabouts. It was Davids job

    to make sure the sheep were kept safely out of harms way and returned to his father for

    the purpose to which they were created.

    The slingshot, an object of protection and defense, David employed to sway dangerous

    animals from attacking the sheep. The Bible refers to a lion and bear among the animals

    that attempted to target the sheep for a meal, but David denied their intent carrying this

    meager object equipped for battle loaded with smooth stones.

    Although as an adult, Davids sword was used to enter battle against armies, I think of

    Davids sword in the armor of God which is listed in Ephesians 6:10-18. In verse 17, Take

    the helmet of salvation and the word of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in

    the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be

    alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Davids sword proved to be powerful,

    not only to defeat armies, but Davids knowledge of God enabled him to see through his

    many times of discouragement and uncertainty. The Book of Psalms is full of writings

    regarding those times of needing to hear from God, but they also testify of Godsgoodness and mercy toward David.

    Davids harp was also a powerful tool used by God. The skill with which David had acquired

    to play this instrument, probably on the hillside at night watching over his flock, quieted

    the heart of King Saul when Sauls heart could find no peace. This instrument was also

  • 7/29/2019 Honoring God With What We Are Given


    used to praise the Lord of all creation as the Holy Spirit lifted Davids spirit and gave him

    hope for the future.

    What a beautiful picture of Gods guiding hand and gentle leading by way of the staff. A

    simple weapon, a slingshot, demonstrates the protective, defensive arm of the Lord in

    adverse circumstances. The Word of God is like a sword, sharp and able to divide the

    truth so that the message delivered will not be mistaken. And a harp that allows the soul

    to praise, sing and dance to the melodious tunes that fill the heart with a peace that

    passes all understanding. We can then praise the Lord as the Holy Spirit lifts our spirits

    and gives us hope.

    Anxiously, lets pray that the Lord will continue to reveal those objects in our possession

    that might appear to be ordinary. For God can transform the meek to mighty and bring

    many souls to the Kingdom of Heaven. He has already used a staff, a slingshot, a sword

    and a harp. What might He use of yours?

    Father, go before us and reveal those gifts and talents that we might not be utilizing

    for the Kingdom of Heaven. Then may we always be available and willing. In Jesus

    name, Amen!
