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Page 1: Honey Bee by Journey

Honey Bee

By: Journey

Page 2: Honey Bee by Journey


• The Honey Bee lives in Nebraska and can grow to 0.4 to 0.6 in. It is blackish brown and has three body parts, head,thorax, and abdomen.It’s body is fuzzy because it is covered with many fine hairs.Even its antennae fellers are covered with tiny hairs. It also has compound eyes. They are made of hundreds of small simple eyes called ommatidia. The images received by all the eyes are put together in the insects brain to give it a different way of seeing the world.

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Habitat• You can find bees in Europe, Africa, and in

different parts of the United states.They live in hives in trees,bee boxes,and fields.

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Living Habits

• They eat pollen from flowers and if they make a circle that means their food is near if they make an eight circle that means its far.

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Birth and Growth

• Each egg is shaped like a grain of rice . I t hat ches int o a wormlike larva which grows quickly. The larva t urns int o a pupa, and st ep by st ep it t akes t he shape of a bee . The worker bee and t he drone bee, chew t he lids of t heir ce lls.

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Interesting Facts

• Did you know within a few days the virgin queen will fly to where the drones assemble,and mate with 6 to 12 dornes?Bees have five eyes and has chewing and sucking mouth parts. The bee uses its eyes- one pair of compound eyes and three small eyes -to distinguish colors and different flower shapes.The honey bee is a very interesting insect.

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