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1/2 Orange Homework

Term 2 Weeks 2-6

News for mums and dads I’ve been so impressed with the commitment of students in 1/2 Orange. They are a very motivated group of learners. For this reason we will be introducing projects for homework this term. Students will still need to complete weekly SumDog and StudyLadder tasks, but instead of weekly activities, I’d like them to focus on a longer project. The first project will be based on our Human Society and its Environment unit: Wet and Dry Environments. Your support at home has been fantastic, but please remember that homework is a student’s responsibility. It is important for students to develop homework habits that will be useful as homework becomes more difficult in the future. If you have any questions, please see me at school or send me an email: [email protected]

Your homework task. You are the boss of the Mount Lewis Tourism Company. You have become very worried because one of your hotels has not been getting many bookings and your company is losing money. You have decided to start a campaign to encourage more tourists to visit your hotel. You will need to create a brochure to advertise your hotel and the environment it is in.

1. Choose a wet or dry environment from the list we have been talking about at school. 2. Create a list of all of the reasons why tourists might like to visit your environment. (Think

about animals and plants they will see...) 3. Develop a brochure that you could use to encourage tourists to visit your hotel. Have a look

at the list on the back of this page for some ideas about how to present your information.

Use the checklist below to make sure you have completed the task correctly

I have chosen 1 wet or dry environment.

I have researched the environment and created a list of reasons why tourists would like to visit it.

I have found information about the environment and included it on my brochure.

I have found pictures about the environment and included them on my brochure.

I have included a list of sources showing where I collected my information.

I have used correctly spelling and punctuation in my brochure.

You need to bring your finished tourist brochure to school on Friday 1st June. If you are bringing your work on a USB, please make sure that it works at home. You might also like to email your work to yourself, just in case your USB doesn’t work.

Environments to choose from. Wet Dry

Rainforest Desert

Wetlands Plains

Lake Savannah

Coral Reef Grasslands

Or choose one of your own...

Some ideas for how you might present your work.

Use Microsoft Word or Publisher templates.

Create a post on your blog.

Use to create an interactive poster.

Create a poster using cardboard, pencils and paper.

Create an interactive SMART Notebook document.

Create a diorama of your chosen environment.

Make a movie using Windows Movie Maker or

Create a website promoting your chosen environment using

or choose an idea of your own...

Start looking for information here. Here are some websites to get you started. Remember you will need to include information about each website you use in your project. List of websites with information about wet and dry environments. What’s it like where you live? Copacabana links about wet and dry environments. Slideshare presentation with lots of ideas about environments you could choose.

I’m looking forward to seeing your

projects on Friday 1st June. Please ask me

if you’re not sure about anything!

Miss Howard
