Page 1: Holy Thursday Liturgy (mandatum) for San · The Holy Thursday Liturgy (mandatum) for San Lorenzo (from Processionale,

Holy Thursday Liturgy (mandatum)for San Lorenzo

Processionale (1542), fols. 12-19

Edited by Jonathan Glixon

Oxford University Press, 2016

Page 2: Holy Thursday Liturgy (mandatum) for San · The Holy Thursday Liturgy (mandatum) for San Lorenzo (from Processionale,

The Holy Thursday Liturgy (mandatum) for San Lorenzo (from Processionale, 1542)

Italics = Rubrics; Bold = sung portions

Incipit ordo celebrandi mandatum in cenadomini. Vz. Primo omnes sorores in horaofficii conveniant in loco ubi celebrat.mandatum. Et una de sororibus incipiatevangelium, vz:

Here begins the method of celebrating theMandatum at the Supper of Our Lord. Thatis, first all the sisters, at the time of theoffice, gather in the place where themandatum will be celebrated, and one of thesisters begins the Gospel, that is:

Ante diem festum pasche: sciens Jesus quiavenit eius hora ut transeat ex hoc mundo adpatrem. Cum dilexisset suos qui erant inmindo: in finem dilexit eos. Et cena facta:cum iam diabolus misisset in cor: ut tradereteum iudas simonis schariotae: Sciens quiaomnia dedit ei pater in manus et quia a deoexivit: et ad deum vadit: Surgit a cena: etponit vestimenta sua.

Before the paschal feast began, Jesus alreadyknew that the time had come for his passagefrom this world to the Father. He still lovedthose who were his own, whom he wasleaving in the world, and he would give themthe uttermost proof of his love. Supper wasover, and the devil had already put it into theheart of Judas, son of Simon, the Iscariot, tobetray him. Jesus knew well that the Fatherhad left everything in his hands; knew it wasfrom God that he came, and to God that hewent. And now, rising from supper, he laidhis garments aside,

Qn. dic.: ponit vestimenta sua. Tuncabbatissa deponit mantellum; et procingit selinteum.

When the words ponit vestimenta sua aresaid, then the abbess removes her cloak andputs on the linen garb.

Et cum accepisset linteum precinxit se.Deinde misit aquam in pelvium: et cepitlavare pedes discipulorum suorum. Etextergere linteo quo erat precinctus.

took a towel, and put it about him; 5 andthen he poured water into the basin, andbegan to wash the feet of his disciples,wiping them with the towel that girded him.


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Sorores tunc ibi stent cum aqua. Deindeabbatissa mittat aquam in pelium; etincipiat antiphonam: Mandatum novum. Etreliquium a choro cantat. cum versus Beatiimmaculati. in tono tertio; sine Gloria patri.Quo finito ab hebdomadaria [f.12v]iterumincipiat. antiphonam Mandatum novum. Etiterum chorum subsequat. cantando. Et tuncomnes sedeant in ordine suo.

The sisters then stand there with the water,and then the abbess puts the water into thebasin and begins the antiphon Mandatumnovum, and then the choir sings it with theverse Beati imaculati in the third tone,without Gloria patri. When that is done, thehebdomadaria begins again the antiphonMandatum novum. And then the choir singsit. And then all sit down in their properplace.

Ant. Mandatum novum do vobis utdiligatis invicem: sicut dilexi vos dicitdominus. V. Beati immaculati in via: qui ambulantin lege domini.

A new commandment I give you that youlove one another as I have loved you, saiththe Lord.Blessed are those that are undefiled in theway: and who walk in the law of the Lord.

Repetit. Antiphonam Mandatum. Interimpelves implentur de aqua. Et cum plenifuerint: abbatissa et priorissa stant flexisgenibus una versus altera. Et stati abhebdomadaria incipiat. in cantu.

Repeat the antiphon Mandatum. In themeantime, the basin is filled with water. Andwhen it is filled, the abbess and prioresskneel, one facing the other. And at once thehebdomadaria begins to sing

V. Venit ergo ad simonem petrum. He cometh therefore to Simon Peter.

Chorus R. Chorus responds:


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Et dicit ei petrus. And Peter saith to him:

Priorissa in loco Petri dicit. V.Domine tu mihi lavas pedes?

Prioress, in place of Peter, says: Lord, is it for thee to wash my feet?

Abbatissa R.Quod ego facio tu nescis modo: sciesautem postea. [f.13]

Abbess responds: It is not for thee to know, now, what I amdoing; but thou wilt understand it afterwards.

Priorissa R.Non lavabis mihi pedes in eternum.

Prioress responds: I will never let thee wash my feet.


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Abbatissa R.Si non lavero te: non habebis partemmecum.

Abbess responds: If I do not wash thee, it means thou hast nocompanionship with me.

Priorissa R.Domine non tantum pedes meos: sedetiam manus et caput.

Prioress responds: Then, Lord, wash my hands and my headtoo, not only my feet.

Postea abbatissa incipiat lavare pedessororum. Et tunc hebdomadare incipiatantiphonam Si ego dominus. Et totumprimum chorus prosequatur illamantiphonam. Qua finita: primum chorusintonat ps. Audite hec. Et sequitur totum v.Secondus chorum dicat alium v. Et ita seqt.totus psalmus. Secundus chorum posteaincipiat an. Postquam ps. Magnum et hisseqt. ut supra.

Then the abbess begins to wash the feet ofthe sisters. And then the hebdomadariabegins the antiphon Si ego dominus, and theentire first choir continues that antiphon.When it is finished, the first choir intonesthe psalm Audite hec, and follows with theentire verse. The second choir says the nextverse, and so forth for the entire psalm. Thesecond choir then begins the antiphonPostquam with the psalm Magnus, adcontinues as above.

A. Si ego dominus et magister vester lavivobis pedes: quanto magis vos debetisalter alterius lavare pedes. Euouae.Psalmus. Audite hec omnes...

If I your Lord and Master, have washed yourfeet, how much more ought you to wash oneanother’s feet? Ps. [48]. Hear these things...


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Secundus chorus intonat An.Postquam surrexit dominus a cena misitaquam in pelvim: cepit lavare pedesdiscupulorum: hoc expletum reliquie eis.Euouae. [f.14]Psalmus. Magnus dominus et laudabilis...

The second choir intones the Antiphon:After our Lord was risen from supper, Heput water into a basin, and began to wash thefeet of His disciples: to whom He gave thisexample. Ps. [47] Great is the Lord, and exceedinglyto be praised...

Primus chorus.Ant. Diligamus nos in vicem quia charitasex deo est: et qui diligit fratrem suum exdeo natus est: et videt deum. Euouae. Psalmus: Quam dilecta tabernacula tua...

First choir:Let us love one another; love springs fromGod; and he who loves is born of God, hisbrother: and to see God.Ps. [83] How lovely are thy tabernacles...


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Secundus chorus. Ant. [f.14v]Ubi est charitas et dilectio: ibi sanctorumest congregatio: ibi nec ira est necindignatio: sed firma charitas inperpetuum: christus descendit mundumredimere ut liberaret a morte homine:exemplum prebuit suis discipulis ut sibiinvicem pedes abluerunt. Euouae. Psalmus: Deus misereatur nostri...

Second choir. Antiphon:Where there is charity and love, there is acongregation of saints: there is neither angernor indignation, but a firm charity for ever.Christ came down to redeem the world andin order to save it from the death of man. Hegave an example to his disciples by washingtheir feet.Psalm [66]: God be merciful and bless us


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[f.15] Primus chorus:Ant. Ubi fratres in unum glorificantdeum: ibi dabit dominus benedictionem.Euouae.Ps. Ecce quam bonum...

First choir. Antiphon:When as brothers in unity, they glorify god,there the Lord will give a blessing.

Ps. [133] Gracious the sight...

Secundus Chorus. Ant.In diebus illis mulier que erat in civitatepeccatrix: ut cognovit quae iesusaccubuisset in domo [f.15v] simonisleprosi: attulit alabastrum unguenti: et

Second choir:In those days the a woman who was in thecity, a sinner, when she knew that Jesus satat meat in the house of Simon the leper,brought an alabaster box of ointment, and


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stans retro secus pedes domini iesulachrymis cepit rigare pedes eius: etcapillis capitis sui tergebat: et osculabaturpedes eius: et unguento ungebat. Euouae.

Psalmus. Benedixisti domine terram tuam...

standing behind him at the feet of the LordJesus began to wash his feet with her tears,and wiped them with the hairs of her head,and kissed his feet, and anointed them withointment.Ps. [84] Lord, thou hast blessed thy land...


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Deinde sequatur Evangelium:Dicit ei iesus. Qui lotus est non indiget utlavet nisi pedes: sed est mundus totus. Et vosmundi estis: sed non omnes. Sciebat enimquis esset qui traderet eum: propterea dixit:non estis mundi omnes. Posquam ergo lavitpedes eorum: accepit vestimenta sua. Et cumdicit: accepit vestimenta sua. statimabbatissa recipiat mantum suum: et induatse. Et cum recubuisset iterum: dixit eis.Scitis quid fecerim vobis: Vos vocatis memagister et domine: et benedicitis. Sum etenim. Si ergo ego lavi pedes vestros dominuset magister: et vos debetis alter alteriuslavare pedes. Exemplum enim dedi vobis: utquemadmodum ego feci vobis: et et vosfaciatis.

Then follows the Gospel: Jesus saith to him: He that is washed needethnot but to wash his feet, but is clean wholly.And you are clean, but not all. For He knewwho he was that would betray Him;therefore He said: You are not all clean.Then after He had washed their feet andtaken His garments; And when accepitvestimenta sua is said, immediately theabbess takes her mantle and puts it on. beingset down again, He said to them: Know youwhat I have done to you? You call MeMaster and Lord. And you say well; for so Iam. If then I being your Lord and Master,have washed your feet, you also ought towash one another’s feet. For I have givenyou an example, that as I have done to you,so you do also.

Completo Evangelio: Postea fiunt? duochori: Et cantantur alternatim isti V.sequentes. Et primo.

When the Gospel is completed, then [thenuns] divide into two choirs, and singalternately the following verses. And first,

V. Congregavit nos in unum christi amor.V. Exultemus et in ipso iocunderemur.V. Timeamus et amemus deum verum.V. Et ex corde diligamus nos sincero.

V. Ubi charitas et amor deus ibi est.V. Qui non habet charitatem nihil habet.V. Et in tenebris et umbra mortis sedet.

V. Nos alterutrum amemus: et in die.V. Sicut decet ambulemus lucis proles.V. Ubi charitas et amor: deus ibi est.V. Clamat dominus et dicit clara voce.V. Ubi fuerint in unum congregati.V. Meum propter nomen simul tres vel duo.V. Et in medio eorum ego ero.V. Ubi charitas.V. Simul ergo cum in unum congregamur.V. Ne nos mente dividamus caveamus.V. Cessent iurgia maligna: cessent lites.

Christ's love has gathered us into one.Let us rejoice and be pleased in Him.Let us fear, and let us love the living God.And may we love each other with a sincereheart.Where charity and love are, God is there.He who has not charity has nothing.And in the darkness and the shadow of death issitting down.We love each other, and in the day.As is fitting walk in the light their child.Where charity and love are, God is there.He cries out to the Lord and says in a loud voice.Where are gathered together.In My name's sake, three or two together,I will be among them.Where charity...When, therefore, we are assembled together. Letus take heed, that we be not divided in mind. Let malicious quarrels and contentions cease.


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V. Et in medio sit nostri christus deus.V. Ubi charitas.

And let Christ our God dwell among us.Where charity...

V. Charitas est summum bonum amplumdomum.V. In qua pendet totus ordo preceptorum.

V. Per quam vetus atquer nova lex impletur.V. Que ad celi celsa mittit se repletos.V. Ubi charitas.V. Nam ut charitas coniungit et absentes.V. Sic discordia disiungit et presentes.V. Quia charitas preceptis in duobus.V. Constat quibus deus atque omnis homo.V. Ubi charitas.V. Et per coccum prisca lege figuratur.

V. Qui colore tingi rubro bis iubetur.V. Vere memor dat fraternus amor vitam.V. Et perpetuam malignis dabit penam.V. Ubi charitas.V. Unanimiter excelsum imploremus.V. Ut det pacem clemens nostris in diebus.

V. Iniungat fidei speiq. opus bonum.V. Et consortium captemus supernorum.V. Ubi charitas et amor: deus ibi est.V. Similes quo cum beatis videamus.V. Glorianter vultum tuum christe deus.V. Gaudium quod est immensum atqueprobum.V. Secula per infinita seculorum. Amen.

Charity is the supreme good and spacious house.On upon which depends the whole order of theprecepts.By which the old and the new law is fulfilled.She sends him to the high heavens filled.??Where charity...For, as charity unites those who are absent.So discord separates those present.For the love of the two commands.It is agreed that by which God is, and man.Where charity...And by the scarlet, the beginnings of the laware prefigured.It is dipped twice in the red dye.It is truly mindful of fraternal love and gives life.And gives eternal punishment to evil.Where charity...Together let us implore the Highest,That he may graciously give us peace in ourdays.Impose faith and hope in the good work.Let us keep the fellowship of the Most High.Where charity and love are, God is there.Let us also with the blessed see: Thy face in glory, O Christ our God. There to possess immeasurable and happy joy.

For infinite ages of ages.


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Interim sic cantando istos versos, et chororespondente: Abbatissa lavet manus illissororibus quibus lavit pedes: et similiter deteis bibere: incipiens a priorissa. Deinde duesorores dent bibere ominus aliis quae ibisunt: et abbatissa redeat in locum suum.Postea leguntur duo sermones: unusliteraliter: et unus vulgariter: de mandatoabbatisse. Quibus completis omnes surgant:Et domina abbatissa incipiat antiphonamtribus vicibus. Congregavit. Et chorusrespond. Ad glorificandum. Usque [f.19] infinem. Postea abbatissa dicat orationemcum versus subscriptis: semper chororespondente. Qua finita: abbatissa detbenedictionem cum aqua benedicta: et sicfinitur officium quod sit in cena Domini.

While these verses are sung and the choir isresponding, the abbess washes the hands ofthose sisters whose feet she has washed, andlikewise gives them something to drink,beginning with the prioress. Then two nunsgive something to drink to all the others whoare there, and the abbess returns to herplace. Then two sermons are read, one inlatin, and one in Italian, as assigned by theabbess. When these are done, all rise, andthe Lady Abbess sings the beginning of theantiphon Congregavit three times, and thechoir responds with Ad glorificandum to theend. Then the abbess says the oratio with theverse written below, with the choir alwaysresponding. When that is finished, theabbess gives the benediction with the HolyWater, and that completes the office of theSupper of the Lord.

Ant. Congregavit nos christus. Adglorificandum se ipsum: reple domineanimas nostras sancto spirtu.

We are gathered together, Christ, to glorifyHim. Fill our souls, O Lord, with the HolySpirit.


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Tunc abbatissa incipiat:Maneant in nobis fides spes charitas: tria hec.Chorus respond.Suscepimus deus misericordiam tuam inmedio templu tui.V. Kyrie eleison. Chrsite eleison. Kyrieeleison.Abbatissa V.Tu mandasti mandata tua domine.

Chorus respond.Custodiri nimis.Abbatissa V.Tu lavasti pedes discipulorum tuorum.Chorus respond.Opera manuum tuarum domine ne despicias.

Then the abbess begins:May faith, hope, charity, these three things,abide in usChoir responds: We have received your mercy, O God, in themidst of thy temple.Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord haveMercy.Abbess V. Thou hast commanded Thy commandments, OLord,Choir responds:To be exactly observed.Abbess V.: Thou hast washed the feet of Thy disciples.Choir responds: Despise not the work of Thy hands.

Oratio: Adesto quesumus domine nostre servitutisofficiis: et qui lavare pedes dignatus es tuisdiscipulis: ne despicias oepra manuum tuarumque nobis retinenda mandasti: ut sicut hic anobis exteriora abluuntur inquinamenta: sic ate omnium nostrorum interiora laventurpeccata. Quod ipse nobis prestare digneris: quivivis et regnas in secula seculorum. R. Amen.

Prayer:Be present, O Lord, we beseech Thee, at theperformance of our duty: and since Thou didstvouchsafe to wash the feet of Thy disciples,despise not this action of Thine which Thoudidst command us to repeat: that as here theoutward stains are washed away by us and fromus, so the sins within us may all be blotted out byThee. This do Thou vouchsafe to grant: Wholivest and reignest God for ever and ever. Amen.

