Page 1: Holiday Make-n-take gift ideas 2016

This holiday season give some homemade gifts made with love and infused with Young Living Essential Oils. Many of these recipes have ingredients that you already have at home. Feel free to use these recipes or share them, but please do not alter the graphics. Thank you.

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Quick & Easy Bath Bombs - Many commercial bath bombs contains artificial coloring and fragrances that can not only irritate the skin but also disrupt your hormone system. This recipe makes 4 large bath bombs. You could probably make 8 smaller size ones and make your own shapes. Plastic Fillable Ornaments you could find at any craft store or you could create your own mold. When dry, you can wrap them up in tissue paper, or depending on how many you are making, you could leave them in the plastic ornament, decorate it or write on it and give it as a gift.

My favorite oils to try would also be Lavender, Peace & Calming, Ylang Ylang, and Geranium. What would be your favorite combos?

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LAVENDER & FRANKINCENSE OATMEAL SOAK - Oatmeal baths are great for helping that dry and itchy winter skin. Remember to use Aluminum Free Baking Soda - We don’t want extra aluminum soaking into our pores. This recipe will make a 16oz jar and you use about a cup per bath. You could recycle glass food jars and decorate or embellish them. Mason jars are also great for this. Often, if you have a hobby lobby near you, their glass containers are 50% off. Or, you could hit your local thrift store. Lavender oil, we know has a relaxing aroma our skin loves both it and Frankincense. Frankincense is also wonderful for those times of reflecting in a nice hot bath.

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EYE MAKE-UP REMOVER PADS - Witch Hazel is wonderful for your skin it is known as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, antiseptic, and anti-fungal. But, you need to be carful - it contain a great amount of alcohol. When you see a witch hazel that has 85% witch hazel that means it contains %15 of alcohol or something else. So, just be careful, especially if you already have dry skin. I love these little jars and have gotten them at walmart in the canning section and at hobby lobby 1/2 off. You could also use cute decorative jars that have a lid, so the pads don’t dry out.

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DECORATIVE HAND SOAPS - I don’t know a lot about soap bases - I’ve never made these before - but I was reading that you can purchase them online or make your own. I do know the important thing is to be careful about the fragrance in the base or other synthetic ingredients. I think I would may like to Peppermint and Orange, or Rosemary, or Thieves for that cinnamony scent. What would you do?

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LUXURIOUS BUBBLE BATH - Commercial bubble baths are terrible for our kids! They are high in fragrances and detergents that can be skin and lung irritants and many have ingredients that are now being banned in Europe. Now, glycerin can be animal based or vegetable based and some synthetic glycerin can be petroleum based - so be careful which one you get. If you have a favorite place to get it - please share. I believe that you could substitute fractionated coconut oil for the glycerin. The oil combos are endless in this one and for kids you could use Gentle Babies and Lavender. Other good combos would Lavender, Roman Chamomile & Frankincense, Rosemary, Teat Tree & Lemon, Ylang Ylang & Frankincense, orange & Joy and more - - what will you be trying?

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SCENTED DIFFUSER ORNAMENTS - This is a fun and easy one to do with the kids - like doing Christmas cookies. This recipe uses air drying clay - so there is no need to bake - just let completely air dry before using. If your kids want to paint them, make sure they only paint one side that the oil has somewhere to absorb.

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FESTIVE BEVERAGE FOR ANY OCCASION - You could probably make this into a gift and put it in a pretty bottle with a little instruction for reheating label. I can smell the oils warming now. Has anyone made anything similar?

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PEPPERMINT BROWNIES - or peppermint cookies, peppermint chocolate bark, peppermint anything haha. I personally don’t like frosting on my brownies and I’m not a baker per se - But I have added peppermint vitality to a box of brownie of mix (haha don’t judge). This sounds easy and amazing though. I’m not sure about the 4 or 5 drops though - I’m wondering if that would be overpowering. Has anyone done this recipe or one like it before? Since these make 24 servings - these would be cute in the little decorative boxes with about 6 as a thank you or just because gift or for teachers, bus driver, mailman. Or you could do one of those brownie in a jar gifts and give a sample bottle of peppermint vitality oil (or a full bottle haha).

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PEPPERMINT BROWNIES - or peppermint cookies, peppermint chocolate bark, peppermint anything haha. I personally don’t like frosting on my brownies and I’m not a baker per se - But I have added peppermint vitality to a box of brownie of mix (haha don’t judge). This sounds easy and amazing though. I’m not sure about the 4 or 5 drops though - I’m wondering if that would be overpowering. Has anyone done this recipe or one like it before? Since these make 24 servings - these would be cute in the little decorative boxes with about 6 as a thank you or just because gift or for teachers, bus driver, mailman. Or you could do one of those brownie in a jar gifts and give a sample bottle of peppermint vitality oil (or a full bottle haha).

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DIFFUSE WHILE YOU’RE CRAFTING - Looking for some new holiday spirit diffusing combos? Here are a few. JOY TO THE WORLD is one of my favorite combos! Which ones will you be trying? A great Christmas gift for someone you love would be a diffuser with a bottle of one of your favorite recipes already mixed up (just double or triple the recipe) and give a cute tag that says to use a few drops in the diffuser.

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WANT SOMETHING THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN MADE WITH LOVE AND CARE? If you aren’t part of Young Living yet and don’t have the essential oils to make these recipes, here is something that has already been made with love and care. Our Premium Starter Kit. It contains 11 5 ml bottles of oils that you will begin to use immediately and on a daily basis as well as some sample packets, 2 pouches of our amazing antioxidant drink to try, some small sample bottles to use for traveling with your oils or to put a few drops in and share with friends, and your choice of diffuser. And if you enroll in December you will receive a FREE bottle of Christmas Spirit. . .one of the beloved scents of the season. Please don’t hesitate to message me, and I will be more than happy to help you.

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Let’s stay in touch. I would love to hear and see what you made from the make-n-take recipes. If you post them on social media be sure to tag me in them or share them on my pages. Hope you enjoyed these recipes. Happy Holidays! Natalie - Living The Oil Life

Happy Holidays from Living The Oil Life!

[email protected]
