  • 8/20/2019 Holiday in Bhutan - Adventures in Bhutan


    Thunder Dragon: Adventures in Bhutan

    It was a rocky little plane that takes us into Bhutan, but it strength as well has been

    one of the nation’s eponymous thunder dragons. I’ll never disregard the way the

    scenery looked from above: the colorful, tiered houses increasing like paper lanterns

    out of the fog and the splendid blue pines crowning each hill side mountain ridge.

    One of my guy American students twisted to the pleasantlooking central point aged

    woman sitting ne!t to her and said in disbelief, "#ou live here$% &he woman smiled a

    bashful but deeply warm beam that I would come to be familiar with as distinctly

    Bhutanese and nodded, pleased by our charm.

    I hadn’t heard much about Bhutan before I decided to study abroad. it turned out,

    neither had most people: only once or twice did I tell someone where I was headed

    and hear anything other than "Bhutan$ 'here’s that$% Bhutan is a small country,

    about the si(e of Ohio, situated between )hina and India. *nown for its concept of 

    "+ross ational -appiness,% it’s also the only country to declare itself //0 organic,

    and 1 interestingly enough 1 the only country in the world without a single tra2c

    light, even in its capital. 3In case you were wondering, tra2c in 4aro is directed by

    an enthusiastic and e!tremely welldressed tra2c cop.5

    6or the foremost week of our stay, we traveled the state in a giant bus that

    careened around the heart stopping curves of Bhutan’s slender and mountainous

    highways with shocking speed, honking when it accepted another means of 

    transportation or a group of grinning children playing in the potholes. 'e visited

    museums and temples, holy sites and wildlife preserves. 'e sightseeing and meet

    Bhutan’s national wild animal, the taken, a modest creature that appears to have

    resulted from the union of a moose and 7chnau(er.

    'e went to stupas where little old women sat revolving prayer wheels and chanting,

    indi8erent for hours. 'e visited a dress shop, somewhere each of us was prepared

    with conventional Bhutanese garb: for the women it was kiras, a kind of embellished

     9acket paired with an unbearably tight wrap skirt. 3I never did uite learn the trick of 

    tie these, which didn’t con;rm to be a problem, as there were forever chuckling

    Bhutanese women around to drag you into a corner, halfundress you, and retie

    your skirt correctly.5

     &he mainstream of our program was spent at the

  • 8/20/2019 Holiday in Bhutan - Adventures in Bhutan


    the royal family continues to e!ist essentially as a ;gurehead even as the

    government moves in the direction of a more democratic approach. It’s hard to

    overestimate the passion with which the Bhutanese people feel a8ection for their

    king> it makes the
