Page 1: ¡Hola! Translate the sentences below: 1. I am thirsty. 2. I love cookies. 3. I drink orange juice with my breakfast. 4. I eat a sandwich for lunch. Tengo

¡Hola!•Translate the sentences below:

1.I am thirsty.

2. I love cookies.

3.I drink orange juice with my breakfast.

4. I eat a sandwich for lunch.

Tengo sed.Me encantan las

galletas.Yo bebo zumo de naranja con

desayuno.Yo como un bocadillo para almuerzo.

Page 2: ¡Hola! Translate the sentences below: 1. I am thirsty. 2. I love cookies. 3. I drink orange juice with my breakfast. 4. I eat a sandwich for lunch. Tengo


Page 3: ¡Hola! Translate the sentences below: 1. I am thirsty. 2. I love cookies. 3. I drink orange juice with my breakfast. 4. I eat a sandwich for lunch. Tengo


• The board has 80 squares and there are pictures of food in each box.

• ?Students play against an opponent and choose a box. He then says or writes the correct word.

• ?If the opponent agrees that it is correct, the player gets to color in the square with his colored pencil.

• ?If the opponent does not agree with the response the teacher is summoned to verify.

• ?If the answer is not correct the player loses that turn.

• ?When a player gets three boxes in a row of his color he gets a point, which is recorded on the bottom.

• ?Each player has a different color and employs a blocking strategy to try to prevent the opponent from getting three boxes in a row.

Page 4: ¡Hola! Translate the sentences below: 1. I am thirsty. 2. I love cookies. 3. I drink orange juice with my breakfast. 4. I eat a sandwich for lunch. Tengo


Page 5: ¡Hola! Translate the sentences below: 1. I am thirsty. 2. I love cookies. 3. I drink orange juice with my breakfast. 4. I eat a sandwich for lunch. Tengo

PONGO•Comida desayuno Cereal Tocino pan tostado

•Huevos Panqueques GalletasAlmuerzo bocadillo

•perro caliente hamburguesa pizzapapas fritas manzana cena pollo

arroz Espaguetis Jamón cerdoensalada


•Refrescos Agua leche té café

•zumo de naranja zumo de manzana

Page 6: ¡Hola! Translate the sentences below: 1. I am thirsty. 2. I love cookies. 3. I drink orange juice with my breakfast. 4. I eat a sandwich for lunch. Tengo


Page 7: ¡Hola! Translate the sentences below: 1. I am thirsty. 2. I love cookies. 3. I drink orange juice with my breakfast. 4. I eat a sandwich for lunch. Tengo

•Comida desayuno•Cereal Tocino pan tostado

•Huevos Panqueques Galletas•Almuerzo bocadillo•perro caliente hamburguesa

•manzana cena

Page 8: ¡Hola! Translate the sentences below: 1. I am thirsty. 2. I love cookies. 3. I drink orange juice with my breakfast. 4. I eat a sandwich for lunch. Tengo

• pollo arroz Espaguetis Jamón cerdo ensalada•Refrescos leche

•Agua té café

•zumo de naranja• zumo de manzana

pizza papas fritas

Page 9: ¡Hola! Translate the sentences below: 1. I am thirsty. 2. I love cookies. 3. I drink orange juice with my breakfast. 4. I eat a sandwich for lunch. Tengo

El padre El esposo

La madre La abuelaEl nieto

El abuelo

El hijo La hija El primo

La prima La nieta El marido

La mujer La esposa

Page 10: ¡Hola! Translate the sentences below: 1. I am thirsty. 2. I love cookies. 3. I drink orange juice with my breakfast. 4. I eat a sandwich for lunch. Tengo

El tio Los padres El cuñado

La tia La cuñada El sobrino

La sobrina El suegro El padrastro

La suegra La madrastra La hermanastra

El hermanastro

Page 11: ¡Hola! Translate the sentences below: 1. I am thirsty. 2. I love cookies. 3. I drink orange juice with my breakfast. 4. I eat a sandwich for lunch. Tengo

jirafa elefante pinguino tigre

leon flamenco cocodrilo mono

Hipopotamo cerdo oso raton oveja

Caballo pato vaca rinoceronte

Page 12: ¡Hola! Translate the sentences below: 1. I am thirsty. 2. I love cookies. 3. I drink orange juice with my breakfast. 4. I eat a sandwich for lunch. Tengo

hamster cobayo gato

tortuga peruquito raton

caballo serpiente conejo

perro pajaro pez

Page 13: ¡Hola! Translate the sentences below: 1. I am thirsty. 2. I love cookies. 3. I drink orange juice with my breakfast. 4. I eat a sandwich for lunch. Tengo

arte español frances

inglestecnologia teatro ciencias

Matematicas musica educacion fisica

geografia historia informatica

Page 14: ¡Hola! Translate the sentences below: 1. I am thirsty. 2. I love cookies. 3. I drink orange juice with my breakfast. 4. I eat a sandwich for lunch. Tengo

rojo naranja blanco

negro rosa gris

verde azul

amarillo marron

Page 15: ¡Hola! Translate the sentences below: 1. I am thirsty. 2. I love cookies. 3. I drink orange juice with my breakfast. 4. I eat a sandwich for lunch. Tengo

la nariz el ojo el brazo

la oreja la cabeza el estomago la mano el dedo

el pie la pierna

la boca

Page 16: ¡Hola! Translate the sentences below: 1. I am thirsty. 2. I love cookies. 3. I drink orange juice with my breakfast. 4. I eat a sandwich for lunch. Tengo

Bonito Gordo = Feo

Grande Viejo Delgado

Pequeño Joven Atletico

Simpatico Serio Sociable

Ordenado Estupido Reservado

Page 17: ¡Hola! Translate the sentences below: 1. I am thirsty. 2. I love cookies. 3. I drink orange juice with my breakfast. 4. I eat a sandwich for lunch. Tengo

Hablar Practicar

Cantar Ayudar Mirar

Escuchar Presentar Comprar

Trabajar Imaginar

Estudiar Trabajar Cocinar

Page 18: ¡Hola! Translate the sentences below: 1. I am thirsty. 2. I love cookies. 3. I drink orange juice with my breakfast. 4. I eat a sandwich for lunch. Tengo

Bonito Alto Feo

Grande Viejo Bajo

Pequeño Inteligente Atletico

Simpatico Serio Antipatico

Estupido Desordanado Reservado

Page 19: ¡Hola! Translate the sentences below: 1. I am thirsty. 2. I love cookies. 3. I drink orange juice with my breakfast. 4. I eat a sandwich for lunch. Tengo

Correr ir a la escuela escribir cuentos

Montar en bicicleta leer revistas

Esquiar practicar deportes A mi tampoco

Dibujar montar en monopatin

Patinar A mi tambien

Page 20: ¡Hola! Translate the sentences below: 1. I am thirsty. 2. I love cookies. 3. I drink orange juice with my breakfast. 4. I eat a sandwich for lunch. Tengo

tocar la guitarra jugar con los video juegos

Esuchar musica bailar ir de compras

leer cantar odio ver la television

navegar por internet hablar por telefono

Salir con mis amigos me gusta me encanta

no me gusta

Page 21: ¡Hola! Translate the sentences below: 1. I am thirsty. 2. I love cookies. 3. I drink orange juice with my breakfast. 4. I eat a sandwich for lunch. Tengo

La salida

• Que tipa de comida es tu favorita?

• Por que?