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2016 Smathers Libraries Strategic Opportunities Grant APPLICATION COVER SHEET

Principal Investigator (Pl) Name: Hannah F. Norton

_Check here if this is your first grant application where you will serve as a principal investigator (Pl).

Department: Health Science Center Library Email: [email protected] Phone: 352-273-8412

Additional project applicants, please give name, email, and brief role for each: • Mary Edwards, [email protected], Co-Pl • Margaret Ansell, [email protected], Investigator • Matthew Daley, [email protected], Investigator • Susan Harnett, [email protected], Investigator • Ariel Pomputius, [email protected], Investigator

Title of grant project: Creative Campaigns to Promote HIV/AIDS Awareness among UF Students

Project abstract (no more than 100 words): This project is a collaborative outreach initiative led by the HSCL in partnership with campus healthcare organizations, including the UF Student Health Care Center and UF Counseling & Wellness. The goal of this project is to increase and enhance UF students' access to reputable information on HIV/AIDS risks, prevention, and treatment. Project objectives and activities include: 1) Improving the information-seeking behaviors of UF students regarding HIV/AIDS through trainings targeted towards their healthcare providers; 2) enhancing the access of UF students to effective materials on HIV/AIDS through development of a social marketing campaign and short graphic novels targeted towards this population.

Funds requested (Limit of $5,000): $1 ,350

Describe how the 10% mandatory cost share will be met (be specific): Co-Pl and Investigator time (5% for Co-Pl , 2.5% for each investigator) totals $8,373, exceeding the required cost share.

Please list the library resources/departments needed for this project and the name of the person authorizing the intended use and date authorized. Each authorizing person must initial their approval and confirmation of the availability of resources for this project. If you need more room , continue on a separate page.

Departmental Resources Required for Project Chair or Authorizing Approving Date Authorized as applicable including cost share Individual Initials contributions

HSCL faculty time (Norton, Edwards, Ansell, Michele Tennant ~ vt-r 10/1 Lf:. { 11.. Harnett, Pomputius) IT staff time (Matthew Daley) Cliff Richmond (bl\ JD -13 - 2 o / 6

I confirm receipt of approvals from all project team members to participate in this project as described in the narrative and budget:

)/{_ J · ~+- JO /17/ I~ Pl Signature Date

I support this project and approve the assignment of the described duties to the Pl.

Dept. Chair Signature lu/1Uc /1 I..

I ' Date

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2016 Smathers Libraries Strategic Opportunities Grant PROJECT PROPOSAL NARRATIVE and BUDGET NARRATIVE 

 PROPOSAL NARRATIVE  a) Describe the project: goals, objectives, activities, etc.  Goal:  To raise awareness about HIV/AIDS risks, prevention, and treatment among UF students and improve their information‐seeking behaviors related to this disease.   Objectives: 1. The project team will improve the information‐seeking behaviors of UF students regarding HIV/AIDS risks, 

prevention, and treatment through trainings targeted towards their healthcare providers and educators.   2. The project team will enhance the access of UF students and other young adult populations in Alachua 

County to effective materials on HIV/AIDS risks, prevention, and treatment through development of a social marketing campaign and short graphic novels targeted towards younger populations. 

 This project builds on the work done by several team members and others in the Health Science Center Library (HSCL) in the National Library of Medicine (NLM)‐funded project: “Partnering to provide HIV/AIDS information outreach,” which included development of training curricula, high‐quality videos, and easy‐to‐read print materials on HIV/AIDS as well as a CoLAB session facilitating collaboration in this area among healthcare and social service providers.  In order to improve the information awareness and information‐seeking behaviors of UF students, the project team will use our previously developed training curriculum for healthcare professionals and develop and implement an additional training curriculum focused on mental health information resources related to HIV/AIDS. Curricula will include all relevant NLM HIV/AIDS information resources including AIDSource, AIDSinfo,, and Medline Plus. The curricula will be taught to campus healthcare providers including the UF Student Health Care Center, UF Counseling & Wellness Center, and GatorWell Health Promotion Services. The expected outcomes of these activities are increased awareness among UF students’ healthcare providers and educators of reputable online HIV/AIDS information resources and locally developed information resources.  In order to enhance UF students’ access to high‐quality information on HIV/AIDS risks, prevention, and treatment, the project team will develop a social marketing campaign and, through a student contest, develop at least 3 comics/brief graphic novels focusing on HIV/AIDS.  The social marketing campaign will provide high‐quality information in an appealing format, with a minimum of 50 messages developed across social media platforms and 12 of these being Facebook promoted posts.   The graphic novel contest will be open to UF students and the Gainesville community. Faculty of the Sequential Artists Workshop (SAW) will provide a free session to participants on creating a narrative in graphic novel/comic form. The contest will be promoted by campus partners to the campus community as a whole, and will be specifically promoted to medical students participating in a narrative medicine thread.  Honoraria will be awarded to submitters of the top 3 entries. Winning entries will be printed by the LibraryPress@UF, deposited in the institutional repository (IR@UF), disseminated by project partners, and featured in an art show.  The expected outcome of these activities is increased awareness among UF students and other young adults in Alachua County of HIV/AIDS risks, prevention, and treatment and of reputable HIV/AIDS information resources.  b) State why this project is important (e.g., what need does it address, what will it accomplish, who benefits, 

how does it support the mission and strategic directions of the library).  Florida has one of the country’s highest numbers of individuals of all ages living with HIV/AIDS and the highest number of new diagnoses per state (‐category/hivaids/). Of those diagnosed in 2016, 16% were under the age of 25 and in 2014 there were 3,914 youth aged 13 to 24 living with HIV. Today’s young adults are exposed to large quantities of information from a multitude of sources, many of which are not accurate or reliable. Additionally, campus partners at the UF Student Health Care Center and GatorWell Health 

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Promotion Services indicate that UF students have information gaps related to HIV/AIDS risks and prevention; these campus partners consider HIV/AIDS a priority for improving student health knowledge.  The project team will reach out to this population through information resource training, development of a social marketing campaign, and development of comics/brief graphic novels on HIV/AIDS.   This multifaceted project will require extensive collaborations both within the university and with outside organizations specializing in graphic arts. These sustained collaborations are a prime example of “transformative collaborations”, one of the Smathers Libraries’ strategic directions. In working with HealthStreet, the UF Student Health Care Center, GatorWell Health Promotion Services, and the UF Counseling & Wellness Center on message testing and dissemination, the project team will be creating robust, engaged partnerships with these units.  These partnerships will, in some cases, be extensions of previous collaboration.  HSCL faculty have collaborated extensively with HealthStreet in the past, in particular, on the NLM‐funded HIV/AIDS project.  Additionally, a staff member from the UF Student Healthcare Center participated in that project’s CoLAB and has been enthusiastically involved in disseminating information about the HSCL’s subsequent HIV/AIDS outreach activities.  The HSCL project team met with all collaborators in June of this year in preparation for an NLM proposal covering the same activities as this project, and all agreed to collaborate.  SAW and the UF Student Healthcare Center have recently confirmed their willingness to participate; the project team expects that other partnering organizations will also confirm their willingness to participate. 

 c) What are the innovative components of this project? Social media campaigns go beyond the traditional educational classroom setting and inspire users to become active participants in the dialogue surrounding a health message, encouraging them to become advocates for the message.1 Studies have found that campaigns using social media have “tremendous potential to engage and support the sexual health of youth” and have been well‐received by their audience.2 The proposed project’s social marketing campaign will be developed by the project team with assistance in development and dissemination from our campus partners (HealthStreet, UF Student Health Care Center, GatorWell Health Promotion Services, UF Counseling & Wellness Center).  This broad dissemination should have a high impact in reaching our audience with important messages about HIV/AIDS risks, prevention, and treatment.  While comics and graphic novels have long been a medium favored by youth, recent trends have seen an increase in graphic novels targeted towards adults. Likewise, there has been a recent increase in the development of comics and graphic novels focused on stories of illness and interactions with the healthcare system – graphic medicine ( Graphic stories have been used in patient care and education, with the idea that combining text and images improves understanding and that narratives themselves may be more appealing than unadorned facts.3 Thus, using comics and graphic novels as a medium for communicating information about HIV/AIDS with UF students should be appealing.    d) Compare and contrast the proposed project to other similar projects in academic libraries. The proposed project will build on content created (training curricula, videos) and connections made (HealthStreet, UF Student Health Care Center) during the previous HSCL HIV/AIDS outreach project; however, it will differ from the previous project in focusing outreach efforts on the UF student population and using social marketing and graphic novels to do so.  Although public libraries have made efforts at outreach related to HIV/AIDS, particularly in regions with high infection rates4, the literature does not show other academic libraries engaging in these kinds of efforts.  Many academic libraries are using social media to reach out to students and other patron populations about their own services and resources5; however, libraries using social media to promote information on a specific outreach topic is not well described.  Two health science libraries have recently reported on their use of comics/graphic novels, including holding workshops on comic creation, using comics in student education, and developing comics for patient education.6,7 Combining these various elements into a single project appears to be unique in academic libraries.     

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e) Explicitly describe the resources needed and committed to complete the project and impacts on other departments (e.g., personnel, equipment, supplies, travel, space, training, IT support, preservation, cataloging, other). 

HSCL project personnel will be used to create the additional mental health curriculum, develop the social marketing campaign, and create the graphic novel contest.  

Hannah F. Norton, PI: She will oversee and coordinate the entire project and organize and teach trainings for health professionals. 

Mary Edwards, Co‐PI: She will help coordinate all aspects of the project, interface with the UF Counseling & Wellness Center, and lead development of the mental health curriculum. 

Margaret Ansell, Investigator:  She will lead the social marketing campaign, with responsibility for coordinating efforts of project partners HealthStreet and GatorWell. 

Matthew Daley, Investigator: He will be responsible for graphic elements of the social marketing campaign and will work on the graphic novel contest design and implementation.  

Susan Harnett, Investigator: She will co‐coordinate the comic/graphic novel contest and participate in curriculum development and implementation. 

Ariel Pomputius, Investigator: She will co‐coordinate the comic/graphic novel contest and participate in curriculum development and implementation. 

Additionally, the project team will consult with the LibraryPress@UF to publish the winning graphic novels.   f) Provide a plan of action for the project.  Include a timeline to show that the project can be completed in 

12 months, and specify activities and roles to be performed by the principal investigator (PI) and others involved in the project. 

First Quarter: Curricula for mental health professionals created; social marketing campaign needs assessment conducted and initial messages developed; development of the graphic novel contest requirements. 

Second Quarter: 1 workshop for health professionals held; social marketing campaign initial message development and testing; graphic novel contest advertised and workshop for participants presented by Sequential Artists Workshop faculty. 

Third Quarter:  1‐2 workshops for health professionals held; continuation of social marketing message testing and initial message dissemination; graphic novel winners announced and their entries published.  

Fourth Quarter: Social marketing messages disseminated; winning graphic novels disseminated by project partners and art show featuring entries held. 

 g) If the project is collection specific: Who owns the collection and where is it located? What copyright 

issues, if any, is the applicant anticipating?   Waivers explaining the rights of the creators and the HSCL will be distributed to contest participants prior to the contest. The HSCL reserves the right to distribute the comics/graphic novels created by in the course of the contest to partners and share it via the IR@UF.  If additional questions arise over copyright and the ownership of the created content, the project team will consult with copyright specialist Christine Fruin.  h) Provide a means of measuring the success of the project.  What are the expected results, final product, 

and projected use?   For the training aspect of the project, success will be measured in terms of number of healthcare providers participating and those participants’ evaluation of the success of the training sessions.  An evaluation has already been developed for the healthcare provider training, which tracks changes experienced by training participants to their attitudes and behaviors related to the HIV/AIDS information resources presented in the training.  The trainings are expected to increase awareness among campus personnel of reputable online HIV/AIDS information resources, both those that are useful to healthcare professionals and those that healthcare professionals could recommend to their patients.  Slides from trainings will be deposited in the IR@UF and the link provided to training participants so that they can share it with colleagues as they see fit.  For the social marketing aspect of the project, success will be measured in terms of views, shares, and interaction with messages.  The social marketing messages are expected to increase awareness in UF students of 

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HIV/AIDS prevention information, with an expected long‐term impact on incidence of risky behaviors for HIV/AIDS among the targeted population.  For the graphic novel aspect of the project, success will be measured in terms of participation in the contest, production of high‐quality graphic novels/comics, and dissemination of these materials by campus and community partners.  The final product will be at least three brief graphic novels, which will be printed in conjunction with the LibraryPress@UF and disseminated by campus partners (UF Student Health Care Center, GatorWell Health Promotion Services, UF Counseling & Wellness) and community partners (HealthStreet and Gainesville safety net clinics).  The winning graphic novels (and others, as appropriate) will also be deposited in the IR@UF and shared through the social marketing campaign.  Having these products in the IR@UF not only allows electronic sharing, but makes it possible for campus and community partners to print additional copies of the graphic novels, if desired, after the formal project period.  i) How will the project team disseminate information about the project, and how will it share results? During the course of the project, information about training sessions and the graphic novel contest will be disseminated by campus partners (UF Student Health Care Center, GatorWell Health Promotion Services, UF Counseling & Wellness) and through the HSCL’s existing marketing plan (using email list‐servs, campus newsletters, the library’s web and social media presence, etc.).  Project products will be deposited in the IR@UF.  Results will be shared through presentation at professional conferences and potential publication.  j) What are the long‐term financial implications if the project is successful?  For example, if a pilot project 

using e‐book readers is successful, what would be the cost to the Libraries, annually, to support a new loaned e‐book reader service? 

No on‐going costs are anticipated after the course of the project.  If the winning graphic novels are disseminated more quickly than anticipated, more may be printed.  However, since the initial print runs will be 500 copies, even additional printing should fit within standard Facilities printing budgets.  Additionally, partner organizations that wish to have additional copies may print them themselves, using the copies deposited in the IR@UF. 

 k) Provide a plan for what will happen to equipment/supplies purchased with these funds after the project 

ends. No equipment will be purchased with SOP grant funds.   1 Loss, J., Lindacher, V., & Curbach, J. (2014). Online social networking sites‐a novel setting for health promotion? Health & Place, 26, 161‐170 110p. doi:10.1016/j.healthplace.2013.12.012 2 Guse, K., Levine, D., Martins, S., Lira, A., Gaarde, J., Westmorland, W., & Gilliam, M. (2012). Interventions using new digital media to improve adolescent sexual health: a systematic review. Journal of Adolescent Health, 51(6), 535‐543. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2012.03.014 3 Green, M.T. & Myers, K.R. (2010). Graphic medicine: use of comics in medical education and patient care. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 340(7746), 574‐477. 4 Ugwoke, B.U (2014).  Reducing the effects of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria: The role of libraries and information centres. International Journal of Information Management, 24(2), 308‐310. 5 Gardois, P., Colombi, N., Grillo, G., Villanacci, M.C. (2012). Implementation of Web 2.0 services in academic, medical and research libraries, a scoping review.  Health Information and Libraries Journal, 29(2), 90‐109.                                    6 Anderson, P.F. & Townsend, W.A. (2016). Supporting Comics and Graphic Novels in a Health Sciences Library.  Poster presented at Medical Library Association Annual Conference. 7 Tarver, T., Woodson D., Olmstadt, W., Tudor, C., Fetcher, N., Vanchiere, J. (2016). Health Literacy with Comics: Using a Comic Book Format to Help Families Prevent Childhood Obesity.  Poster presented at Medical Library Association Annual Conference.   

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BUDGET NARRATIVE  l) Provide a detailed explanation for how each expense was calculated. The Sequential Artists Workshop $550 service fee will cover their faculty consulting with the project team on graphic novel contest guidelines and judging criteria.  SAW faculty will also present a workshop for contest participants (free to them) on creating comics/graphic novels, covering both narrative considerations and design techniques.  They will also host an art show features contest winners’ work; the fee includes the cost of using their facility for the art show.   To encourage participation and reward the hard work of contest winners, awards will be provided for graphic novel contest winners in the form of honoraria.  The total award amount of $200 is intended to cover a $100 first‐place award, and $50 second‐ and third‐place awards; however, if the number and quality of submissions warrants it, the total amount can be divided into smaller awards for more participants.  Promoting a single post on Facebook to reach an audience of 3,100‐8,100 young people (ages 18‐30) in Alachua County costs $50.  12 of the 50 messages created through the social marketing campaign will be promoted for seven days, for a total of $600.    m) Provide a justification for each expense required to carry out the project. The Sequential Artists Workshop is a school dedicated to cartooning and graphic novels in Gainesville, and their faculty are leaders in nurturing visual storytellers through this medium.  The $550 fee they require will allow our project access to their depth of knowledge and experience; the services they provide will be vital to the successful completion of the graphic novel contest.  Creating a sequential piece of art (short graphic novel/comic) focused on HIV/AIDS will be a significant dedication of time and effort for contest participants.  Offering awards (along with publication and presentation in the final art show), will encourage individuals who otherwise may not participate to enter the contest and produce well‐researched and polished final projects.  The project team is relying on contest participants to produce the content of these graphic novels; therefore, encouraging a sufficient pool of participants is vital to ensuring that the products are of the quality needed in order to share them with our campus partners and the general UF student population under the imprint of the LibraryPress@UF.  Paying for Facebook promotion on 12 selected posts will ensure broader dissemination of these messages, beyond the reach of the HSCL’s social media presence, or those of our campus partners. The promoted posts will feature high‐interest content for our target audience or high‐importance content for the project; for example, posts with exciting original graphics or links to valuable content like the contest submissions.    n) Provide a detailed explanation of the PI’s role vis‐à‐vis effort (does not qualify as a cost share match). The PI will spend 5% of her time on this project, coordinating and contributing to all aspects of the project and leading the training sessions for healthcare professionals.    o) Provide a detailed explanation of the contributed cost share by project team members toward the 

required 10 % matching requirement. The Co‐PI will spend 5% of her time on this project, helping coordinate all aspects of the project, interfacing with the UF Counseling & Wellness Center, and leading development of the mental health curriculum.  All other Investigators with spend 2.5% of their time on this project.  Ansell will lead the social marketing campaign, with responsibility for coordinating efforts of project partners HealthStreet and GatorWell.  Daley will be responsible for graphic elements of the social marketing campaign and will work on the graphic novel contest design and implementation. Harnett and Pomputius will co‐coordinate the comic/graphic novel contest and participate in curriculum development and implementation.   

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04-Budget_Form_2012-2013-Posted.xlsx, 08/15/2012

Please add lines to table as needed. If you need help completing this form, please contact Bess de Farber, PH# 273-2519.

1. Salaries and Wages (no fringe benefits required)Name of Person % of effort Grant Funds Cost Share Total

Mary Edwards 5% $0.00 $3,061.00 $3,061.00Margaret Ansell 2.50% $0.00 $1,207.00 $1,207.00Matthew Daley 2.50% $0.00 $1,605.00 $1,605.00Susan Harnett 2.50% $0.00 $1,316.00 $1,316.00Ariel Pomputius 2.50% $0.00 $1,184.00 $1,184.00SUBTOTAL $0.00 $8,373.00 $8,373.00

2. EquipmentItem Quantity times Cost Grant Funds Cost Share Total

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

SUBTOTAL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

3. SuppliesItem Quantity times Cost Grant Funds Cost Share Total

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

SUBTOTAL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

4. TravelFrom/To # of people/# of days Grant Funds Cost Share Total

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

SUBTOTAL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

5. Other (Vendor costs, etc. Provide detail in Budget Narrative section.)Item Quantity times cost Grant Funds Cost Share Total

Sequential Artists Workshop $550 fee for service $550.00 $0.00 $550.00Awards for contest winners For at least 3 winners $200.00 $0.00 $200.00Facebook post promotion 12 posts at $50 $600.00 $0.00 $600.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

SUBTOTAL $1,350.00 $0.00 $1,350.00

Grant Funds Cost Share Total

Total Direct Costs (add subtotals of items 1-5) $1,350.00 $8,373.00 $9,723.00

Strategic Opportunities Grant Budget Form 2016-2017

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Page 9: HIV-AIDS SOP proposal 2016...HIV/AIDS through development of a social marketing campaign and short graphic novels targeted towards this population. Funds requested (Limit of $5,000):


Norton, Hannah F

To: Tom HartSubject: RE: Possible collaboration related to comics for HIV/AIDS Community Information

Outreach Project

From: Tom Hart [mailto:[email protected]]  Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 11:19 AM To: Norton, Hannah F <[email protected]> Cc: Daley,Matthew W <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Possible collaboration related to comics for HIV/AIDS Community Information Outreach Project 

Hi Hannah, I can talk at about 11:45. Want to call me at (718)-687-7434? What you wrote above all seems fine. There doesn't have to be any costs with the show. Maybe $50 rental fee for good measure. Tom Hart Sequential Artists Workshop On Oct 10, 2016 11:08 PM, "Norton, Hannah F" <[email protected]> wrote:

Sure - does sometime between 9-12 work for you? Hannah F. Norton Reference & Liaison Librarian Health Science Center Libraries University of Florida (352)273-8412 [email protected] Sent from my iPhone On Oct 10, 2016, at 10:21 PM, Tom Hart <[email protected]> wrote:

Yes I couldn't get a hold of you thursday- hurricane and all that! Do you want to talk Tuesday some time? Tom Hart Sequential Artists Workshop On Oct 10, 2016 6:56 PM, "Norton, Hannah F" <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi Tom,   Sorry I missed you on Thursday – I know everything was crazy around here in preparation for the hurricane.     As far as how you could be involved in the new version of this project, we would still love it if you offered an introductory workshop on campus for students interested in participating in our graphic novel/comic contest, and consulted on judging criteria for the contest.  We had budgeted a $500 

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honorarium for SAW in the original proposal and would keep that in this proposal as well.  Does all that still work for you?     I know we’d talked briefly about having a show displaying submitted works as part of the culmination of the project – are there costs associated with that that we should be including in our budget as well?      If you’d like to discuss on the phone, I’m available tomorrow from 9‐12 and 2‐2:30.  I’ll be out of the office the rest of the week, but I’m also happy to iron out details over email if you prefer.  I’m also copying my colleague, Matthew Daley, who is also working on this project and is our library’s graphic arts specialist. Thanks, Hannah   From: Tom Hart [mailto:[email protected]]  Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2016 2:29 PM To: Norton, Hannah F <[email protected]> Subject: RE: Possible collaboration related to comics for HIV/AIDS Community Information Outreach Project Oh, my phone number is (718)-687-7434 Tom Hart Sequential Artists Workshop On Oct 5, 2016 1:44 PM, "Norton, Hannah F" <[email protected]> wrote:

Great!  I could talk tomorrow afternoon (after 2pm) or most any time Monday – let me know what works for you. Hannah   From: Tom Hart [mailto:[email protected]]  Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2016 1:38 PM To: Norton, Hannah F <[email protected]> Subject: Re: Possible collaboration related to comics for HIV/AIDS Community Information Outreach Project Hi Hannah, sure, When should we meet or talk about it? Tom On Wed, Oct 5, 2016 at 1:35 PM, Norton, Hannah F <[email protected]> wrote:

Hi Tom,  It’s been a while since we submitted our proposal to the National Library of Medicine (NLM) for a project focusing on HIV/AIDS outreach.  Unfortunately, we recently learned that the proposal was unsuccessful.  We would still like to proceed with parts of the project, including an HIV/AIDS social marketing campaign, the graphic novel contest, and resource training for on‐campus health professionals.  To pursue this, we will be applying for a competitive mini‐grant from our broader library system.  Mini‐grant proposals are due at the end of next week, and, if we’re funded, the project would run from mid‐November of this year through mid‐November of next year.  Would you 

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still be interested/able to participate in a scaled back version of the project?  Please let me know either way by Wednesday, 10/12.  I really appreciate your willingness to be a part of the NLM proposal – sorry it didn’t work out this time! Hannah   Hannah F. Norton Reference & Liaison Librarian Associate University Librarian Health Science Center Libraries University of Florida (352)273‐8412 [email protected]

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Norton, Hannah F

From: Seemann,Catherine ASent: Wednesday, October 05, 2016 1:38 PMTo: Norton, Hannah FSubject: RE: HIV/AIDS grant news (year 2)

Hi Hannah,  Sorry to hear about that! I am definitely still interested.  Thanks! Catherine  ‐‐ Catherine A. Seemann Communications Coordinator  

UF | Student Health Care Center 280 Fletcher Drive | P.O. Box 117500 | Gainesville, FL 32611 Phone: (352) 273‐4551 | Fax: (352) 273‐2844 | @ufshcc on FB, TW, IG & SC 


 To print or not to print? That is the question.    

From: Norton, Hannah F  Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2016 1:33 PM To: Seemann,Catherine A <[email protected]> Subject: HIV/AIDS grant news (year 2)  Hi Catherine, It’s been a while since we submitted our second‐year proposal to the National Library of Medicine (NLM) for a project focusing on HIV/AIDS outreach.  Unfortunately, we recently learned that the proposal was unsuccessful.  We would still like to proceed with parts of the project, including an HIV/AIDS social marketing campaign, graphic novel contest, and resource training for on‐campus health professionals.  To pursue this, we will be applying for a competitive mini‐grant from our broader library system.  Mini‐grant proposals are due at the end of next week, and, if we’re funded, the project would run from mid‐November of this year through mid‐November of next year.  Would you still be interested/able to participate in a scaled back version of the project?  Please let me know either way by Wednesday, 10/12.  I really appreciate your willingness to be a part of the NLM proposal – sorry it didn’t work out this time! Hannah  Hannah F. Norton Reference & Liaison Librarian Associate University Librarian Health Science Center Libraries University of Florida (352)273‐8412 [email protected]  

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Page 15: HIV-AIDS SOP proposal 2016...HIV/AIDS through development of a social marketing campaign and short graphic novels targeted towards this population. Funds requested (Limit of $5,000):


FLORIDAGatorWell Health Promotion ServicesDivision of Student Affairs

June 3, 2016

Hannah Norton, M5lS, AHIPAssi5tant University LibrarianHealth Science Center LibrariesUniversity of FloridaP0 Box 100206Gainesville, FL 32610

Dear Hannah,

Room 1100, i. Wayne Reitz UnionPC Box 112272Gainesville, FL 32611-2084352-273-4450352-846-2628 Fax

I enjoyed meeting with you and your coworkers to hear more about your plans to pursue a secondyear of funding for your HIV/AIDS community information outreach grant. GatorWell’s mission is toeducate and empower students at the University of Florida to make healthy decision5 and our programsinclude the promotion of safer sex practices and healthy relationships. We have extensive experiencegenerating carefully designed and curated health communication messaging campaigns surroundingvarious wellness topics of interest to UF students. While GatorWell implements various messages andconducts outreach presentations on sexually transmitted infections and HIV, we have not yet developeda concentrated campaign on HlV/AIDS awareness and we’re excited to learn a social media campaignwas part of your proposal. A campaign targeted at alleviating stigma and spreading authoritativeinformation on HlV/AIDS to the UF students will enhance the current comprehensive campus efforts onthis important health issue.

Although we are not yet certain that GatorWell will have the available resources to partner fully withyou in this grant, we are excited to help you test and share your social media content and disseminateother project products through our established social media channels and campus-wide connections.GatorWell can also assist you with serving as a possible content reviewer as well as helping to test thecontent you create among our student staff and advocates. Any deliverables that result from thisproject would also be very useful for our social media campaigns promoting safer sex among the UFstudent population.

imantha Evans, MS, CHESHealth Promotion SpecialistGatorWell Health Promotion Services at the University of Florida

The Foundation for The Gator Nation

We look forward to supporting you in this HIV/AIDS community outreach proiect.

An Equal Opportunity Institution

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