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Hitlers Early Aggression Begins to rearm in 1934 In violation of Versailles France & England did nothing Turns around German economy A government jobs program like the New Deal? Took over Austria in March of 1938 France & England did nothing Then announced plans to take over the Sudetenland (Western Czechoslovakia) Slide 2 Slide 3 VOCABULARY Giving a country (or a person) what it wants and hoping that this will satisfy that country and it will not demand more. Appeasement Slide 4 The Policy of Appeasement France and Englands approach to Hitlers aggression US was isolationist (totally out of Europe) The rest of Europe was afraid to confront Hitler Hoped he would be happy taking a little Hitler & Chamberlain sign the Munich Pact (September 1938) Gave Hitler the Sudetenland in return for a promise that he would take nothing else. Slide 5 The Munich Pact English Prime Minister Chamberlain said the treaty guaranteed peace in our time Slide 6 Slide 7 Europe in 1939 Slide 8 The Nonaggression Pact (August 22, 1939) Hitlers Germany and Stalins USSR agreed not to fight each other Allowed Hitler to focus on Western Europe War might not have been possible if Hitler had to fear attack by USSR Impact on American Communists Many strongly opposed US entry into War Many others resigned from the Communist Party Slide 9 The War in Europe Begins Hitler invades Poland on Sept 1, 1939 Stalin takes Eastern Poland Blitzkrieg (Lightening war) German tactic to overwhelm opponent with tanks, planes, and all out attack France and England declare war on Germany Little fighting over next six months Hitler takes Norway & Denmark in March, 1940 Slide 10 The Invasion of Poland Slide 11 The Invasion of France Attack begins in May of 1940 Paris captured in June of 1940 Now England against Hitler and all of his resources Soviets have nonaggression pact with Hitler US remaining neutral France divided into two German occupied France Vichy France Technically independent, but really a German puppet Slide 12 Slide 13 France after June of 1940 Slide 14 Europe in Sept 1942 Slide 15 The Battle of Britain August September 1940 Hitlers attempt to bomb England to soften it for invasion England not successfully invaded since 1066!!! Mostly an attack on civilians English anti-aircraft guns prevent invasion Slide 16 Slide 17 Slide 18 Slide 19 Slide 20 Winston Churchill Named Prime Minister of England in May, 1940 We shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender Slide 21 VOCABULARY a government policy based on the belief that countrys interests are best served by avoiding alliances with other countries Isolationism Slide 22 US Isolationism in 1920s & 1930s Had rejected League of Nations Wanted to be masters of own fate Nye Committee Findings (1929) US had been dragged into WWI by greedy bankers and arms makers In reality, still very connected to the world Trade & finance International treaties (Kellogg-Briand, etc.) Slide 23 Reasons for American Isolationism History of isolationism Geography allowed US to stay out of others affairs Memories of WW I 110,000 American dead Europeans didnt pay back loans Europe still worse off than ever Common belief that greedy bankers & arms makers had gotten us into the War Slide 24 Neutrality Acts of 1935-1937 Laws attempting to avoid America accidentally being brought into War Provisions No transportation of any war materials Non-military stuff sold on cash & carry basis US citizens cannot travel on ships of warring countries Relaxed when France fell in June of 1940 Slide 25 The Hitler-Stalin Nonaggression Pact Strange because Hitler hated Communism Hitler hated Stalin Hitler thought Russians inferior Slide 26 Slide 27 Germany Invades Soviet Union June 7, 1941 Turning point of the War Germany must fight a two front war Hitler can never fully defeat Stalin Size of Russian population Distance of supply lines & bad roads weather Slide 28 Two Major Russian Sieges Sept.1941- Jan.1944 (almost 900 days!) Nothing got in or out 700,000 Russians died August 1942-July 1943 Death toll of over 2 million Loss was beginning of end for Hitler Leningrad Stalingrad Slide 29 Slide 30 The Move from Isolationism FDR sees need for US involvement, but must be aware of public opinion 80% oppose war by late 1941! FDR wants repeal of Neutrality Acts Gets only right to sell weapons cash & carry US spends $1 billion on defense & has peacetime draft in 1940 Lend-Lease Act (March 1941) Post-reelection US to loan weapons to Allies (England) Eventually to USSR after June of 41
