

Principles of Manufacturing7th period

Natalie Nounennady

What did you learn from doing this project?

What I learned from the History of Technology (invention glogster) was how to create my own online poster. And I also, learned the history from of items invented and why they were invented.

What was challenging about this project?

The challenging thing about this project was probably collecting the right information about my inventor. And because I have never done this before.

How can you use what you learned from this project in the future?

I could use what I learned from my project, in college if I ever want to make an online poster for a project, I could use it if I ever had a job involving with business I could create a glogster for a presentation.

How did you use Math, Science, English, and History in that project?

Math- I had to calculate how many years ago the invention was created.

Science- For Science I learned what kind of fluids and chemicals that were put in my invention.

English-I had to make sure that I had the proper punctuation and grammar.

History-I learned new information about inventors and their inventions, I also learned about the history behind the invention that was invented by the inventor.

What is something about technology that you’ve learned this semester that you didn’t

learn before?

I’ve learned several things about technology this semester, that I have never learned before. Such as, I never knew you could create your own website for school purposes. I learned the different types of technology and how it works. I also learned I have the most amazing teacher and I will miss her a lot! I love you Mrs.Ashlock ;D Congrats!

Sources ;D