Page 1: Historical time machine regarding political parties · Political parties divide the country and reduce the efficiency of democracy. Originating in Washington’s farewell address


By: Austin Jennings and Jasmine Fristachi

Phase 1

Page 2: Historical time machine regarding political parties · Political parties divide the country and reduce the efficiency of democracy. Originating in Washington’s farewell address


Political parties divide the country and reduce the efficiency of democracy.

Originating in Washington’s farewell address warning of the adversities brought

on by political parties, our country quickly ignored that message by the

formation of the Federalist and Anti-federalist parties. The two-party system has

survived today in the form of the Republican and Democratic parties, with

greater sectionalism today than in the last 100 years.

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PURPOSE/GOALDetermine and analyze the creation of political parties over the course of US


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Political parties have been a deterrent in the progression of change and the

enactment of legislation across all branches of US government.

• Progression of parties: federalists/anti-federalists-democrats/republicans

• Big government vs. little government

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Political parties were initially formed to simplify voting by allowing citizens to

identify a candidate by the party’s platform that they are representing.

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ASSUMPTIONSPolitical parties, in their creation, were capable of negotiating in a friendly and

civil manner with each other. Due to seemingly symbiotic relationship, the

government and the people were unaware of the dangers of identifying as

one party or another.

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As time progressed and Americans grew more polarized over national issues,

the chasm separating the two parties created increasingly irreconcilable

differences within the nation.

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• The passing of legislation became ever-more difficult

• People were and are forced to align with one of two parties, with the possibility that they didn’t agree completely with either

• Independent thought was stifled because of the immense difficulty in entering the harsh political climate

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PHASE 2Asserting a position

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Analyze the hyperpolarization in modern America and how it was a direct

effect of the development of political parties and how they evolved and

changed over time.

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Political parties are destructive and counteractive to the natural progression of pure democracy and are detrimental to society.

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• Gridlock within congress

• Gridlock between branches of government

• Citizens and government officials are acting solely in accordance to their party and their party’s views rather than what they truly believe or what may be best

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Political parties are preventing true democracy because people are acting

based on bias and blind judgment calls that are solely based on party

ideology rather than facts and research.

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• The passing of bills is being regulated by the composition of congress at the time and how that bill conforms to each party’s platform rather than actual content

• People align themselves with a given party based on their parents’ or friends’ beliefs rather than the formation of their own fact-based opinion

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The trend of Americans forming their opinions based solely on what they hear

rather than what they believe or what they research increases the polarization

of the two parties, and increases the rate at which the parties are being

polarized. This leads to more and more gridlock, which leads to greater

polarization, and so on in a never-ending loop.

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Uneducated citizens are setting a precedent for the future of politics. Political

parties become even more divided with less common ground than ever

before in history. As they agree and less and less, our government grinds to a

screeching halt and national tensions rise. Anytime national tensions have risen

in history, war has followed.

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PHASE 3Proposing a solution

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Travel back in time to the beginning of the 19th century to urge Americans to

resist the formation of political parties because of the inevitable divisions and

adversities that would ensue. A de jure non-partisan democracy is much more

efficient and true to the actual welfare of the people. This is a democracy in

which political parties that vote on legislation are banned. They may only be

present to comment on bills proposed, but can have no direct effect of the

passage of a bill.

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The reduction of hostility between people due to no political parties to draw

lines between Americans would facilitate cooperation and open-mindedness

to accept and consider others ideas.

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De Jure democracy already exists in Oman and Kuwait. This allows for

information and facts to play the main role in whether or not legislation is

passed while also accounting for the opinions of the people in the process.

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De Jure style government promotes pure democracy by eliminating the

tendency to act based on identity rather than facts

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The lack of political parties would promote more educated leadership in the

country rather than those who simply excel at polarizing people.

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In comparison to the amount of legislation that is passed now, without the

presence of political parties, more beneficial legislation would be passed

more quickly and efficiently.

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An improved national government that is more responsive and in tune to the

needs of the people. This government would be more capable of fast action

that directly reflects the will of the people based on what is actually best for

the nation as a whole.

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• Review causes and how political parties were initially supposed to be helpful

• Discuss adverse effects and changes in political climate

• Address current state

• Emphasize solution of De Jure non-partisan democracy
