Page 1: Hinduism. What is the relationship between god and man? –The essence in all living things is Brahman –All a manifestation of Brahman Ahimsa nonviolence


Page 2: Hinduism. What is the relationship between god and man? –The essence in all living things is Brahman –All a manifestation of Brahman Ahimsa nonviolence


• What is the relationship between god and man?– The essence in all living things is Brahman– All a manifestation of Brahman

• Ahimsa• nonviolence

– Throughout everything– He is in all things– Created Gods to aid people– God=man– Release from reincarnation become one

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• What is the purpose or goal of religion?– End cycle of reincarnation– Reach Brahman– Moksha = release form reincarnation– Time on earth you suffer– Release is ultimate bliss– Tolerant of other religions– “many paths, yet only one truth”

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• How does one reach this goal?– When you die your atman (soul) goes on

• Inner spark • Source of all actions• Not responsible for quality of the actions• “worn out garments are shed by the body. Worn out

bodies are shed by the dweller” Vedas– Life is determined by your Karma (duty)– Affects where your being born next– Present life determined by past life– “Do your dharma have good karma”

• Follow caste/faithful to self and family• Do your “Duty”

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• The “Holy Trinity”– Brahma

• Creator– 4 faces “four

corners of the earth– Holds sacrificial

ladle, four Vedas, jar of holy water from Ganges, necklace of prayer beads, sits upon a lotus

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Hinduism• Vishnu

– Preserver– Role is to maintain

balance between good and evil

– 10 incarnations of Vishnu

• Rama• Krishna• Kalki – yet to come /

white horse / flaming sword / things get “fixed”

– Holds 4 weapons• Conch, disc, club, lotus

also bow (Sarnga) and sword (Nandaka)

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• Shiva– Destroyer– Most popular form “lord

of the dance”– Dances in a halo of fire

= cycle of death and birth

– Crushes the dwarf = demon of ignorance

– Drum = hold the rhythm– Flame of destruction– Around arms and neck

snakes = power over evil forces

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Sacred Texts

• Vedas– Contain hymns,

incantations, rituals– Rig Veda

• Most popular/oldest around 1500 BC

• Tells of 33 Gods• Tells of Brahma, Vishnu,

and Siva• Goddesses Lakshmi,

Sarasvati and Kali– Yajur Veda– Sama Veda– Atharva Veda

अग्नि��मी�ळे� पु�रो हि�तं� यज्ञस्य दे�वं� रोत्वं�जमी | � तं�रो� रोत्�धा�तंमीमी || अग्नि��� पु�वं�भि�रो !हि"भि�रो�ड्यो ��तं�$रुतं | स दे�वं���� वंक्षहितं || अग्नि���� रोयियमीश्नवंतं पु "मी�वं दिदेवं�-दिदेवं� | यशस� वं�रोवंत्तमीमी || अ��� य� यज्ञमीध्वंरो� हिवंश्वतं� पुरिरो��रोसिस | स इद्दे�वं�"� गछहितं || अग्नि���5तं� कहिवंक्रतं�� सत्यभि8त्रश्रवंस्तंमी� | दे�वं दे�वं�भि�रो� गमीतं || यदेङग दे�श�"� तंवंमी��� �द्रं� करिरोष्यसिस | तंवं�तं तंतं सत्यमीङहिगरो� || उपु तंवं���� दिदेवं�-दिदेवं� दे "�वंस्तंर्धिधा@य� वंयमी | �मी �रोन्तं एमीसिस || रो�जन्तंमीध्वंरो�णां�� ग पु�� रोतंस्य देDदिदेहिवंमी | वंधा!मी���स्वं� देमी� || स �� हिपुतं�वं स��वं�.अ��� स�पु�य� �वं | सचस्वं� �� सवंस्तंय� ||

Hymn written in Sanskrit in Rig Veda

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Sacred Texts

• a continuation of the Vedic philosophy (800 – 400 BC)

• Upanishads– Adds more ideas

• Atman (soul)• Uniting with the ultimate truth

(Brahman)• meditation

– To leave body and mind – To be put in contact with

“God”• Karma – the effects of a

person’s actions

Page 10: Hinduism. What is the relationship between god and man? –The essence in all living things is Brahman –All a manifestation of Brahman Ahimsa nonviolence

Epic Poems

• Mahabharata and Ramayana– the longest poems in any

language – The Mahabharata (540 to 300

B.C.)• tells the legends of the

Bharatas - a Vedic Aryan group • War between Kauravas and

Pandavas• Causes that lead to the war

– Over land/Kingdom– Panavas were exiled for 13 yrs

– the Bhagavad Gita – most famous – in Book Six of the Mahabharata – dialog between the god

Krishna and the warrior Arjuna

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• The Ramayana (1st C. AD)

• love story with moral and spiritual theme

• The perfect boy and girl (Rama and Sita)

Page 12: Hinduism. What is the relationship between god and man? –The essence in all living things is Brahman –All a manifestation of Brahman Ahimsa nonviolence

Ganesha• Name means “Lord of all beings”• First son of Lord Siva• Removes all obstacles, overcome all challenges of

life• Has a human for with an elephant’s head• All symbolize state of perfection

– large ear = listen more– Axe = cut off all bonds of attachment– Hand blessing = protection of spiritual path of ultimate

awareness– Large stomach = able to digest all good and bad in life– Food = whole world is at your feet, yet indifference towards

them– Rope = pull you nearer to the higher goal away from your

worldly entanglements– One tusk = retain good through away bad– Trunk = high efficiency– Rice balls = rewards of Sadhana– Rat = desire, greedy little animal

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Page 14: Hinduism. What is the relationship between god and man? –The essence in all living things is Brahman –All a manifestation of Brahman Ahimsa nonviolence

The Caste System

Page 15: Hinduism. What is the relationship between god and man? –The essence in all living things is Brahman –All a manifestation of Brahman Ahimsa nonviolence

Background• Caste system – social group

within India (Hindu only)• Endo-European people (Aryans –

nobles) crossed into India• Left little archaeological records• What is knows is from the Vedas• Called the natives Dasas (dark)• Very different than the Aryans

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Dasas Aryans

•Town dwellers•Dark skin•Shorter than Aryans•Worshiped life-giving principles

•Pastroal people•Lighter skin•taller•Cows determined wealth•Made sacrifices to nature Gods•Class determined role in society

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• A first mixed freely

• Aryans wanted to maintain own separate identity and power

• Skin color distinguishing feature of separating into Varnas

• Portugal encountered social system called it Kasts (castes)

• With in each caste many sub castes

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• Emerged from the mouth of Purusa

• Dharma- to teach the people, perform religious ceremonies, preserve scripture

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• Emerged from the arms of Purusa

• Warriors and rulers• Dharma – to

protect the people, weak, helpless, relieve suffering, punish wrong doers

Lord Sri Rama (center) with wife Sita, brother-- Lakshmana and devotee Hanuman. Rama and Lakshmana are always shown to be ready for battle (with bow and arrow) as it is their Kshatriya dharma to fight.

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• Emerged from the legs of Purusa

• Farmers, peasants, traders, landowners

• Dharma – to provide for the people, work for the joy of the job, spirit of service not for selfish gains

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• Emerged from the feet of Purusa

• Laborers, servants, craftsmen

• Dharma – to serve the people, do the work

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Untouchables “Harijans”

• Most impure because of their work

• Butches, gravediggers, collectors of trash

• Their touch could endangered the purity of others

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• Eat

• Marriage

• Work

• Livelihood