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Hillary Officer HNS Model Ambassador

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Hillary Hillary Officer is a model with Heffner

Management in Seattle, Washington. We are thrilled to have Hillary on the HNS

team, we love her outlook on life… To not take life so seriously! She is a great

addition to our team, an amazing role model and an all around incredible


“I really do wish that people were kinder and more accepting of one another.

There are so many amazing people in this world, and if we all just took time out of our day to be kind to each other, I think that our world would be so much better for it. There is so much that we can learn

from one another.”- Hillary    

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  Why do you believe in Healthy is the New Skinny? I think healthy is the new skinny is the best and newest way for women to learn to appreciate their unique selves. We all come in different shapes and sizes, and shouldn’t see ourselves as a cookie cutter version of what Madison Avenue advertises as beauty.   We want to know why you feel this movement is important and why you want to be apart of this change?   The whole notion that women should only care about how they look is unnatural. Men are not held to the same standard; unfair! We should all be proud of what we were given in this life.#

 When you think about the word "happiness" what does it look like? Happiness to be encompasses my family, my boyfriend, and how lucky I feel to be alive. My whole life

has been filled with happiness and on a daily basis, we should all take a moment to smile and feel happy for being alive and enjoy the simple things in life.

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What do you find to be the funniest thing about the modeling industry?    First that it’s an easy job – it’s not. People tell me ‘Wow, you’re a model, it must be pretty easy having your make-up applied by an artist, and wear pretty clothes.’ The industry in no way gives the impression that once a model always a model – it’s a constant turnover for the flavor of the month model. Posing in front of a camera and being able to think fast second by second with different looks is not easy, and the photographer makes it pretty clear they do not have time or patience with a model who cannot give them the pictures they want in a short amount of time.# #What is the funniest, most awkward, or embarrassing thing that has happened to you working as a model? Well, this has happened a couple times. I’ve been asked by photographers to take action shots (jumping in heels). I have fallen more than once and of course the photographer had photo evidence of how graceful I am.

  What do you want girls to know?

Each one of us is a beautiful, wonderful creation and that from birth we should be allowed to discover who we are, and discover our passion and purpose.

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 What knowledge have you gained from your experience in the industry that has helped you realize what is important in your life?   Since I started modeling, I’ve gotten less concerned about wearing makeup, buying expensive clothing and shoes and going to the gym all the time. Now, I really make sure that I’m taking care of myself inside and out, sans fashion industry. Eating healthy and taking my dogs out for walks and taking care of my skin have become more important to me. ##Do you think if more women could better understand the industry, they would be able to have a more clear perspective of what is most important in their lives? Yes. Once I realized that almost ALL of the photos I was seeing were photo shopped, I became much less harsh on myself to achieve that look. Computers can do SO much, and girls should realize that the girls they see in those pictures do not actually look that thin or “perfect.”

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What does being healthy mean to you? Being healthy is an inner and outer process for your body. Being emotionally healthy is the first step to being beautiful on the outside. Also, make sure you are eating healthy foods and doing something active each day. You only have one body in this life and you need to treat it the best you can. # What are you passionate about and why do you feel it is so important for girls and women to find their passion? I’m very passionate about animals. If I could have any job in the world other than modeling, I would work at an animal shelter. There are so many animals out there without homes and I love to open people’s eyes to this global issue. It’s so important for girls of any age to find a passion because when you’re truly passionate about something, it really gives you something to be confident and excited about.

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What is something people wouldn't know about you if they judged you off your appearance alone?# When I’m out in public, I tend to look a little snobby when I’m walking around…but I really am just focusing on something or thinking about something. I’m extremely down to earth and I do not take myself seriously at all. #Think of your favorite picture of you as a child.... if you could go back to that day and give yourself a message, what would that be? My favorite picture of me as a child is when I was inside the St. Louis Arch with my mom…I was about 5 years old. We’re lying on the ground and we are laughing so hard! I would go back and tell myself, “Cherish this special moment with your mom, and remember to see yourself the way your mother sees you.” Mothers always believe their daughters are gorgeous and kind and amazing in every way. We should all think of ourselves the way our mommy’s think of us.

“Being a girl is so much fun! We get to go out with our girlfriends and get pedicures and

manicures, shop for clothing and accessories that express our inner beauty queen.”-Hillary

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If you could go back in time to bring a message to your high school self.... what would you tell her and why?   I would go back and say “Hillary, be yourself.” I liked to blend in with all the popular girls when I was in high school and I never took the time to create my own style and personality. After high school, I started becoming my own person and I’ve never gone back since. What is a fun fact about you?  # I absolutely love nature. My dream vacation is to horseback ride across Oregon and go camping for a week or two. Living off the land is something I’ve always wanted to try. What makes you laugh so hard you cry?   Any of my friends would say that I laugh at just about anything. I’m a sucker for childish comedy films, funny animal videos, and of course, my boyfriend makes me laugh so hard all the time!

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Hillary Height- Tall Size- Healthy Weight- Who Cares… Representation- Heffner Management

Do you think change is possible? I do think it’s possible, but it takes time, and maybe in this case, a generation. We receive so many messages from all sorts of media, and over time we become convinced and maybe a little brainwashed that a beautiful woman only looks a certain way. Through repetitive information these messages can convince us of some pretty silly things. Notice when you’re busy doing something, you sometimes catch yourself singing or humming a song from a commercial?

If your inner beauty sparkled, what color would it be and why? I think my inner beauty would sparkle PINK. Pink reminds me of Happiness, Fun, Youth, and Femininity.

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