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Logging in to Spro

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Accessing the Supplier Portal via

Provider Contacts may access PRISM (including Services Procurement functionality) via the links maintained within the Procurement section of the website

Click the Procurement link to view the Procurement System Access page

Click the System Access Information link

Step 1:

Step 2:

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Step 3: Click the login in to the system link

Step 4: Enter your userid and password and click the Sign In button

Accessing the Supplier Portal via (Cont.)

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Provider Contact Profile Information

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First Time Login

If you agree with these terms and conditions, perform the following:

ensure that your user ID is populated

enter your password,

click the I Accept box and

click the Sign In button

The first time that provider contacts login to the external PRISM website, they will be presented with electronic terms and conditions

Note: you cannot utilize PRISM as an external user until you have agreed to the electronic terms and conditions

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Editing the General Profile – Password Change

Step 1: Click the My System Profile link

Step 2: Click the Change password link

Step 3: Enter your current password, new password and click the OK button

The General Profile allows the provider contact to change their password, set up forgotten password functionality, and change the email address where there forgotten password will be sent

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Editing the General Profile – Setting Forgotten Password Question

Step 1: Click the My System Profile link

Step 2: Click the Change or set up forgotten password help

Select a question from the drop down menu, enter a response and click the OK button

Step 3:

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Submitting a Bid

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Understanding Requisition Statuses and Bidding

Status Definition

Sourced Requisition is open for provider contacts to submit candidates/ negotiate regarding the open contractor position

Filled Service coordinator has filled the contractor position. Provider contacts may submit no further candidates and may not continue to negotiate regarding candidates they have submitted for the position

Candidate information will disappear from the Maintain Bids page once the requisition is filled. However, a record of your # of submissions will remain within Review Reqs/ Submit Bids

Closed Requisition was converted into a work order. Work order may be in a variety of statuses

Requisition statuses

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Accessing the Review Reqs/ Submit Bids Page

Navigate to Services Procurement > Submit Bids

Step 1:

Requisitions (open Highmark contractor positions) are displayed at the bottom of the page

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Performing Searches within the Review Reqs/ Submit Bids Page

Initially, all incoming contractor positions will be associated with the primary provider contact. If you are not the primary provider contact, either search using their userid in the Last Worked on by field or perform a search with the Assign Status dropdown blank

Leaving the Assign Status dropdown and Last Worked on by fields blank when clicking the Search button shows you all requisitions regardless of who from your company has worked on them

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Understanding the Additional Information TabThe Additional Information tab tracks the number of positions represented by the requisition line, the number of candidates you are permitted to submit, and the number of candidates you have submitted

Number of positions that still need to be filled

Number of positions originally needed

Number of requisition positions filled by your company

Number of candidates you have submitted

Number of candidates you are allowed to submit

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Submitting a Bid

Step 1: Click the submit bid icon to begin the bidding process

Step 2:View the initial rate that was defined within the requisition for this position

Note: in the case of a blind bid, this rate will be hidden

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Submitting a Bid (Cont.)

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Step 3: Observe the Service Information tab to see the consultant role, location being sought and the scope of work

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Note: you may need to click the link to see all of the desired competencies

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Submitting a Bid (Cont.)

Step 4: Review the competencies, years of experience and educational level (if specified) for this contractor position

Note: some types of Spro job families/ job codes will not have an competencies specified

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Submitting a Bid (Cont.) – Existing Candidate

The vendor contact has a choice submitting an existing candidate or submitting a new candidate, However, you should always check the Submit Existing Candidate option first to see if the candidate you wish to propose has an existing profile.

Step 5a: Select submit existing candidate, click the magnifying glass and click the desired candidate from the Lookup page

Selected existing candidate is populated within the bid

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Submitting a Bid (Cont.) – New Candidate

Step 5b: Select submit new candidate, click the Create Candidate button, enter the First Name and Last Name and click the OK button

New candidate is populated within the bid

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Submitting a Bid (Cont.)

Step 6: Enter your proposed rate for the candidate Note: systematically, you can enter whatever rate you choose, but you will receive a warning message if your bid is 10% above or below the requisition rate at time of bid submittal

Step 7:Answer the bid factors (standard questions) and click the Submit button

Note: you cannot submit a bid until you have entered a response to all bid factors and you must answer yes to the signed RTR question

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Maintaining Bids

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Understanding Communications for Existing CandidatesOnce you have submitted a candidate, you communicate with Highmark regarding your submission by utilizing the Maintain Bids page

Your outgoing communications to Highmark (including the initial candidate submission) are identified with a folder type of Outgoing Bids. Incoming communications from Highmark regarding your candidate submission are identified with a folder type of Incoming Bids

The same candidate will be associated with either the Outgoing Bids or Incoming Bids folder depending upon whether you or Highmark has performed the last communication

Once a work order has been generated for the open position, candidates submitted to it disappear from the Maintain Bids page

The flow below shows the simplest path of communications for generating a work order. However, other communications are possible between Highmark and a vendor regarding a candidate




Submit Candidate (from Submit Bids page).\

Candidate now viewable with a Last Action of

“Submit as an Outgoing Bid within the Maintain

Bids page

Offers Position for Candidate

Fills Requisition

Highmark Response now in Incoming Bids

within the Maintain Bids page with a Last

Action of “Offer Position)

Accept Highmark’s Offer

Candidate now viewable with a Last Action of “Accept Offer” as an

Outgoing Bid within the Maintain Bids page

Highmark Response now in Incoming Bids

within the Maintain Bids page with a Last

Action of “Fill Bid..

No Action required of Vendor

Generates Work Order

Candidate submittal now

disappears from Maintain Bids page

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Accessing the Maintain Bids Page

Navigate to Services Procurement > Maintain Bids

Step 1:

Maintain Bids page is displayed

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The ID of the vendor representative who submitted the candidate is a required field when performing a search within the Maintain Bids page, and may be changed as appropriate

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Viewing Initial Candidate Submissions via Outgoing Bids

When a candidate has initially been submitted, identified with a folder type of Outgoing Bids and a last action of Submit

Additional search criteria, such as the requisition ID, can be used to refine the search results as well

Candidate names and the requisition they have been submitted for are displayed here

Folder type indicates whether vendor (Outgoing Bids) or Highmark (Incoming Bids performed the last action on the candidate submission

The last action performed is indicated here

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Viewing Submittal History

Step 1: Click the submittal history icon

Step 2: Review the comments (if any) associated with the bid by clicking the twisty

Step 3: Review communication history and click the Return to Maintain Bids link at the bottom of the page once complete

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Responding to Incoming Communications

Step 1: Click the create bid icon

Step 2: Select the desired Action from within the Current Bid Response panel (about half-way down the page)

Step 3: Click the button at the bottom of the page once complete

Note: it possible to change your bid rate when responding to Highmark. Unlike Spro 9.0, it is no longer necessary to Withdraw a candidate in order to change the bid rate. However, you should NOT change your bid rate when using Accept Offer

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Highmark declines candidate

If Highmark… Your possible responses are…. Then Highmark can…

Declines your candidate

Reply Schedule an interview, Offer position, Reply, Decline, or End Communication

End Communication

In addition, this doesn’t free up a candidate slot for you to suggest an alternate candidate

N/A (no action possible)

Understanding Bid Response Communications

If Highmark… Your possible responses are…. Highmark can…

Ends communication

N/A (no action possible). Submittal disappears from your Maintain bids outbox

In addition, this doesn’t free up a candidate slot for you to suggest an alternate candidate

N/A (no action possible)

Highmark ends communication

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Highmark replies

If Highmark… Your possible responses are…. Then Highmark can…

Replies to your candidate submission


In addition, withdrawing this candidate frees up a candidate slot so that you can propose an alternate or submit candidate again with different rate

Reply (you can reply as well, but Highmark will never be able to offer award to this particular submission)

End Communication (candidate slot still freed up due to your previous withdrawal)

Reply Schedule an interview, Offer position, Reply, Decline, or End Communication in response…

End Communication

In addition, this doesn’t free up a candidate slot for you to suggest an alternate candidate

N/A (no action possible)

Understanding Bid Response Communications (Cont.)

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If Highmark… Your possible responses are…. Then Highmark can…

Schedules interview

Confirm Interview Schedule an Interview, Reply, Decline, End Communication, (Offer Position is possible, but only after interview has been marked complete)

Request Interview Reschedule Schedule an Interview, Reply, Decline, End Communication

Reply Schedule an interview, Offer position, Reply, Decline, or End Communication in response…


In addition, withdrawing this candidate frees up a candidate slot so that you can propose an alternate or submit candidate again with different rate

Reply (you can reply as well, but Highmark will never be able to offer award to this particular submission)

End Communication (candidate slot still freed up due to your previous withdrawal)

End Communication N/A (No action possible)

In addition, this doesn’t free up a candidate slot for you to suggest an alternate candidate

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Highmark schedules interview

Understanding Bid Response Communications (Cont.)

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If Highmark… Your possible responses are…. Then Highmark can…

Offer position Accept Offer Fill Requisition (and begin creation of work order), Reply, Decline, or End Communication


In addition, withdrawing this candidate frees up a candidate slot so that you can propose an alternate or submit candidate again with different rate

Reply (you can reply as well, but Highmark will never be able to offer award to this particular submission)

End Communication (candidate slot still freed up due to your previous withdrawal)

Reply Schedule an interview, Offer position, Reply, Decline, or End Communication in response…

Decline Offer Offer Position, Reply, Decline, End Communication

End Communication N/A (No action possible)

In addition, this doesn’t free up a candidate slot for you to suggest an alternate candidate

Highmark offers position

Understanding Bid Response Communications (Cont.)

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Viewing Services Work Orders

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Accessing the View Services Work Orders Page

Provider contacts have the ability to view all of the work orders associated with their contractors, regardless of the status of the work order

Navigate to Services Procurement > View Services Work Orders

Step 1:

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Step 2: Leave the Date From and work order status fields blank and Search button

Accessing the View Services Work Orders Page

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Status Definition

Open The new work order is created but has not yet been submitted for internal approvals

Submitted The work order is submitted for approval but not all approvals have been performed

Denied The work order is denied for approval

Approved The work order is approved but has not been released to the service provider

Cancelled The requester or service coordinator cancels the work order

Internal Work Order Statuses

Status Definition

Released Work order is released

Time or expenses can be logged against the work order

Closed The work order is closed

Time or expenses may still be submitted until the work order is Finalized

Terminated The work order is terminated prior to the expected end date

Time or expenses may still be submitted until the work order is Finalized

Finalized Work order is finalized

All time or progress is recorded and invoiced. No further transactions against the work order are possible.

External Work Order Statuses

Understanding Work Order Statuses

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Viewing A Work Order

Click the Work Order ID link if desired to view the work order detailsStep 1:

Within the work order details page, scroll down to the Duration Information.

Step 2:

The requisition associated to the PO is normally reflected in the name field

Click the Return to Work Order Roster link at the bottom left of the page to return to the View Services Work Orders page

Step 3:

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Reviewing Replacements and Submitting Bids

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Understanding Replacement Bids

Occasionally, Highmark will need to replace existing contractors that still have remaining time on their work orders

This is equivalent to an early ending of the contractor’s work contract with Highmark

When these early terminations occur, Highmark will re-open the contractor’s position for bidding via the Replacement Bids functionality.

Email notifications to provider contacts informing of the ability to submit candidates for a replacement bid differ slightly from normally bid notifications

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Navigate to Services Procurement > Submit Bids

Step 1:

Click the Work Order Sourcing Review tab from within the Submit Bids page

Step 2:

Requisitions/ work orders requiring replacement (open Highmark contractor positions) are displayed at the bottom of the page

Accessing the Work Order Sourcing Review Page

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The Additional Information tab tracks the number of positions represented by the replacement requisition line/ work order, the number of candidates you are permitted to submit, and the number of candidates you have submitted

Number of positions that still need to be filled

Number of positions originally needed

Number of requisition positions filled by company

Number of candidates you have submitted

Number of candidates you are allowed to submit

This tab is identical to the Additional Information tab within the Review Reqs/ Submit Bids page

Understanding the Additional Information Tab

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Submitting a Replacement Candidate

Click the submit bid icon to begin the bidding process

You will follow the same process and answer the same questions as though you were submitting a candidate for a new requisition

Once you have submitted a candidate, you will interact with the Highmark Service Coordinator via the Maintain Bids page just as you would for any other bid

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Approving and Managing Invoices

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Accessing the Manage Invoice Approval Page

Navigate to Services Procurement > Approve Service Invoices

Step 1:

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Accessing the Manage Invoice Approval Page (Cont.)

Step 2: Remove the value within the From Date field and click the Search button

Invoices meeting the search criteria will be displayed

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Status Definition

Submitted to Supplier

Invoice has been submitted for approval to the supplier provider contact, but the line has not yet been approved or rejected

Rejected by Supplier

The supplier provider contact has rejected the invoice

Approved by Supplier

The supplier provider contact approver has approved all lines and the invoice is awaiting Highmark approval

Approved The invoice has been approved by both the supplier provider contact and Highmark, but has not yet been exported to Highmark AP for payment

Rejected The supplier invoice approver has approved the invoice but Highmark has rejected it

Processed The invoice has been approved by the both the supplier provider contact and Highmark and been exported to Highmark AP for payment.

Payment may or may not yet have taken place

Understanding Invoice Statuses

Note: provider contacts can only take action on invoices in Submitted to Supplier status

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Step 1:Click the invoice approval line summary link to the right of the desired invoice

The Manage Invoice- Approval Line Summary will be displayed

Step 2:Scroll down to the Invoice Line Information panel

Step 3:Click the work order details tab to view the work order, timesheet/ expense report associated with an invoice line

Step 4:Click the Return to Manage Approvals link or refer to the next slide to add your own invoice number to the Spro invoice

Viewing Invoice Line Summary Information

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Click the link

Click the button at the bottom left of the page

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Adding Your Own Invoice Number to an Spro Invoice

Click the Return to Manage Approvals link at the bottom of the page

Step 1:Click the invoice line icon to the right of a given invoice line

Step 2:

Step 3:Enter your invoice number for each invoice line

Step 4:

Step 5:

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Approving an Invoice

Step 1:Click the Select box next to the desired invoice

Note: do not select multiple invoices at once

Step 2:Click the Approve button

Step 3:Click the OK button

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Rejecting an Invoice– Not Recommended

Note: invoice amounts match exactly the dollar values of the timesheets and expense reports submitted by contractors.

There should be no reason for a provider contact to reject an invoice and it is highly recommended that they do not do so. Rejecting an invoice will delay payment

Step 1:Click the Select box next to the desired invoice

Step 2:Click the Reject button

Step 3:Select the desired reason code, edit the comment text as desired and click the OK button

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Managing Service Provider Profile Information

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Managing Service Provider Profile Information

Once a service provider (e.g. contractor) has become associated to a given supplier, even if the contractor has not yet performed work for Highmark, provider contacts have the ability to add attachments the service provider’s profile.

This access would primarily be used by the provider contact to add the following documents to the service provider’s profile

Signed vendor code of business conduct


I9 collection/ eVerify - should be signed by both the provider contact and service provider

Other types of sensitive HR documents (e.g. drug screen, background check) should NOT be attached to a contractor’s profile

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Accessing the Manage Service Providers Page

Navigate to Services Procurement > Manage Service Providers

Step 1:

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Accessing the Manage Service Providers Page (Cont.)

Perform a search for service providers. Note: leaving the provider contact field blank and click the Search button to obtain the greatest number of service provider results

Step 2:

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Accessing a Service Provider Profile & Attaching Documents

Step 1: Click the link for the desired person ID

The Maintain Service Provider page is displayed

Never adjust the status of a service provider. Internal Highmark security administrators perform this task

Step 2: Click the Service Provider Information link

Note: it is not recommended that you make any changes to the phone and email addresses

This page is primarily used to store Highmark telephone and email address that a contractor will have when working for Highmark

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Accessing a Service Provider Profile & Attaching Documents (Cont.)

Step 3: Click the Resume Attachment link

Provider skills allows you to maintain a service provider’s competencies, but the functionality won’t be used much initially

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Click the button and then click

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Accessing a Service Provider Profile & Attaching Documents (Cont.)

Note: you may add enter an attachment description as appropriate

Click the plus icon to add a blank attachment row

Step 4: Click the Upload button to select the appropriate file

Note: provider contacts cannot remove an attachment. If you believe an attachment should be removed, contact the Highmark service coordinator

Note: do not attach files with Office 2007 file extensions (pptx - Office 2007 PowerPoint, xlsx - Office 2007 Excel, and docx - Office 2007 Word to the Service Provider’s profile)

Step 5: Click the Browse button to locate your file, then click Upload

Step 6:

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Viewing Service Provider Timesheet History

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Viewing Timesheet History

Spro provides two key functionalities to provider contacts regarding service provider timesheets:

Allows provider contacts to submit timesheets on behalf of (e.g. as proxy for) service providers

Allows provider contacts to view all timesheets, regardless of status, that that have been submitted by service providers

At this time, provider contacts should not utilize the functionality to submit timesheets on behalf of service providers. This will create errors when internal Highmark employees attempt to either approve or deny the timesheet

Provider contacts have two ways of accessing the Maintain Timesheets page.

Click the timesheet history icon next to a service provider within the Manage Service Providers page

Click the Maintain Timesheets as Proxy link from the main menu

Status Definition

Open Timesheet is in draft status and must be submitted for approval

Submitted Timesheet has been submitted for approval but approval action has not yet been performed

Denied Timesheet was submitted for approval but denied by the timesheet approver

Approved The timesheet is approved. Invoice may or may not yet have been created from the timesheet

Timesheet statuses

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Accessing the Maintain Timesheets Using the Timesheet History Icon

Any service providers who have ever submitted Spro timesheets will have a timesheet history icon to the right of their profile

Provider contacts may utilize this to view all of the timesheets associated with the service providers

Navigate to Services Procurement > Manage Service Providers

Step 1:

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Accessing the Maintain Timesheets Using the Timesheet History Icon (Cont.)

Perform a search for service providers. Note: leaving the provider contact field blank and click the Search button to obtain the greatest number of service provider results

Step 2:

Step 3: Click the timesheet history icon next to the desired service provider

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Accessing Maintain Timesheets from the Manage Timesheets as Proxy Link

Navigate to Services Procurement > Maintain Timesheets as Proxy

Step 1:

The Maintain Timesheets page will be displayed

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Understanding the Importance of the Provider Contact Field within Maintain Timesheets

However, the contractor timesheets displayed within the Maintain Timesheets as Proxy page are determined by the provider contact selected

The provider contact associated to a contractor is the one who submitted the contractor as a candidate/ performed negotiations with Highmark prior to the resulting work order

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Selecting the Appropriate Provider Contact

As many firms have multiple provider contacts who propose candidates, and as the provider contact is a required field, it may be necessary to select the appropriate contact in order to view a contractor’s timesheets

As a future enhancement to Spro, we have submitted a case to Oracle that the provider contract no longer be a required field when performing a search within the Maintain Timesheets as Proxy page

When this enhancement is implemented, it will be possible to view all contractor timesheets without first specifying a provider contact

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Viewing Timesheet History

Select the service provider (optional), specify the desired date range and click the Search buttonStep 1:

Timesheets matching the search criteria will be displayed in the Search Results at the bottom of the page

Note: if you run the search without specifying a service provider, you will see all timesheets for all of service providers

Step 2: Click the timesheet ID to view a specific timesheet

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Viewing Timesheet History

The days and hours the service providers is billing for are displayed

Note: if a provider contact accesses a service provider’s timesheet in either Open or Denied status, they will see that they can submit the timesheet on the service provider’s behalf

Provider contact’s should never do this. This will create errors when internal Highmark employees attempt to either approve or deny the timesheet

Don’t ever click these buttons

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Summary of Spro Email Notifications for Provider Contacts

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Notification Message Subject

Requisition sourced ‘Job Title’ for Requisition has been approved and is ready to be filled

Service Coordinator responds to bid

Highmark has responded to the position on Requisition number

Requisition filled ‘Job Title’ position on Requisition number has been filled.

Replacement ‘Job Title’ for Requisition is ready for replacement

Contractor terminated Service Provider has been terminated from Work Order

Resourcing ‘Job Title’ for Requisition is available for resourcing

Resubmittal Position for Requisition is available for resubmittal

Candidate declined Candidate has been declined for Work Order

Work Order Cancelled Cancel Work Order Notification

Requisition Cancelled ‘Job Title’ position on requisition number has been cancelled

Invoice pending Provider Contact Approval

Invoice has been submitted and is ready for approval

Invoice rejected by Highmark

Invoice has been rejected and needs to be reviewed

End Communication Communication for Requisition has ended

Partial List of Spro Provider Contact Email Notifications

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Help Resources for Provider Contacts

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Help Resources for Provider Contacts

Highmark - Proprietary and Confidential 66 FAQs Quick Reference Guides

– Provider Contact Profile Maintenance

– Submitting & Maintaining Bids– Approving and Managing Spro

Invoices– Managing Service Provider Profile


Send email to [email protected]
