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High-temperature solution nitriding and low-temperature surface nitriding of 3D printedstainless steel

Valente, Emilie H.; Christiansen, Thomas L.; Somers, Marcel A. J.

Publication date:2018

Document VersionPeer reviewed version

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Citation (APA):Valente, E. H., Christiansen, T. L., & Somers, M. A. J. (2018). High-temperature solution nitriding and low-temperature surface nitriding of 3D printed stainless steel. Paper presented at 2018 European Conference onHeat Treatment (ECHT 2018), Friedrichshafen, Germany.

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High-temperature solution nitriding and low-

temperature surface nitriding of 3D printed

stainless steel

Emilie H. Valente, Thomas L. Christiansen, Marcel A. J. Somers

Technical University of Denmark, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Produktionstorvet b.425, 2800

Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, {emhval, tch, somers}


The present work focuses on gaseous thermochemical treatment of stainless steel parts produced by Selective Laser

Melting (SLM). Specifically, high temperature solution nitriding (HTSN) and low temperature surface nitriding

(LTSN) of SLM 316L stainless steel samples are investigated.

The cellular structure and the fusion-boundaries present in the as-printed SLM 316L stainless steel are removed by

austenitisation and HTSN treatment. The treatments result in a homogenization of the printed microstructure and a

lower bulk hardness compared to the as printed state. Due to the continued presence of elongated austenite grains, the

removal of the cellular structure is attributed to recovery and/or elemental homogenisation. LTSN was performed

successfully on SLM samples after both austenitisation and HTSN, resulting in a hardened layer consisting of

expanded austenite. Pre-treatment with HTSN leads to a thicker case and higher hardness as compared to

austenitisation as a pre-treatment.


Selective laser melting, stainless steel, microstructure, gaseous nitriding

1 Introduction

In recent years, various processes for 3D printing of metal have been developed and

commercialized [Frazier 2014], among which Selective Laser Melting (SLM). In SLM a laser is

used to selectively (locally) melt and solidify the powder in a powder bed system, thus the 3D

component is build layer by layer.

Due to the repetitive melting and heating of individual areas, vertical layer-by-layer building and

extreme cooling rates, the microstructure of SLM produced metal parts is generally

inhomogeneous and may contain non-equilibrium phases, which are responsible for anisotropic

mechanical properties [Mertens 2014].

Recent characterisation of the hierarchical microstructure of SLM manufactured AISI 316L

revealed an inhomogeneous microstructure, characterised by elongated austenite grains bridging

over several fusion boundaries marking adjacent layers. Within the austenite grains a cellular

structure was found, where the dislocation rich inter-cellular walls were small angle grain

boundaries enriched in Mo and Cr [Wang et al. 2017].

One of the most critical challenges for 3D printed stainless steel parts is the poor corrosion

resistance as compared to wrought counterparts of the same alloy. In general, this is attributed to

the rough surface containing many crevices, porosity and the inherent inhomogeneous

microstructure and chemical composition. The later was confirmed by Trelewicz et al. who

investigated the influence of the SLM-printed microstructure of austenitic stainless steel 316L.

They proposed that the reduced corrosion resistance was due to inhomogeneous solute

distribution and inhomogeneous microstructures, leading to a lower quality of the passive layer.

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Moreover, they observed a higher etch-resistance of the Mo-enriched inter-cellular walls

[Trelewicz et al. 2016].

Gaseous nitriding of steel is a useful method to alter the microstructure in order to improve the

properties of a material, such as strength, hardness, wear and/or corrosion resistance

[Christiansen, Somers 2013, Bottoli et al. 2017]. The process of nitriding has been known and

applied since the 1920s and numerous specialized treatments to tailor materials properties, as

well as the development of specialty nitriding steels, have been developed over the years. For

obvious reasons these treatments (and alloys) were developed for traditionally manufactured

components, not for additive manufacturing such as 3D printing.

High temperature solution nitriding (HTSN) is a thermochemical process that is performed at

temperatures beyond the dissolution temperature of Cr-based carbides or nitrides. Generally, a

modest increase of the nitrogen content in combination with a case depth up to several

millimeters are achieved. This process improves the yield strength while preserving the ductility

of the steel. On the other hand, low-temperature surface hardening (LTSH) is a process that is

performed at a temperature where Cr-based nitrides are stable but for kinetic reasons develop

only after prolonged treatment (annealing). Generally, a high nitrogen content is obtained in

combination with a shallow case depth (appr. 20–30 µm). The high nitrogen content is in

supersaturated solid solution and significantly enhances the hardness by solid solution

strengthening and work hardening as a consequence of the simultaneous plastic deformation

introduced by the large lattice expansion. Apart from an important increase in hardness which

improves the wear resistance also the localized corrosion, i.e. pitting and crevice corrosion,

resistance is importantly improved by the dissolution of nitrogen.

The present work deals with HTSN and LTSN of SLM manufactures AISI 316 steel.

2 Experimental

SLM 316L samples were manufactured at the Danish Technological Institute (DTI), using

stainless steel 316L powder (Ø10–45 µm) from SLM Solutions, with the composition provided

in Table 1.

The samples were built in a MCP Realizer SLM 250, using the following parameters: 80 µm

hatch distance, 50 µm layer thickness, 0.533 m/s laser speed (150 µs/80 µm) and 159 W laser

power. The samples were printed in the geometry Ø10 x 10 mm cylinders, with a 3.5 mm wide

and 7.5 mm deep centre hole for threads. The parts were built on support structures consisting of

the same material, in a nitrogen atmosphere, using the antiparallel stripes scanning pattern, with

the centre of the cylinder along the build direction as illustrated in Figure 1.

Element Fe C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo N

Minimum [wt%] Bal. - - - - - 16.00 10.00 2.00 -

Actual [wt%] Bal. 0.030 0.59 0.85 0.12 0.004 17.6 12.8 2.32 0.09

Maximum [wt%] Bal. 0.030 1.00 2.00 0.045 0.030 18.00 14.00 3.00 0.10

Table 1: Chemical composition of 316L powder, as provided by supplier SLM Solutions

All as printed samples were ground flat on the outer surfaces with P80 paper, followed by 30

seconds grinding with P220, P320, P500, P1000 and P4000 papers in order to obtain a well-

defined surface condition for the subsequent thermal and thermochemical treatments. The SLM

samples were investigated in the as-printed state (AP), after austenitisation (A), after high-

temperature solution nitriding (HTSN), after austenitisation followed by low-temperature surface nitriding (LTSN) and after consecutive HTSN and LTSN.

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Figure 1: Illustration of part geometry, build direction and scan strategy

Austenitising was performed at 1353 K (1080 ˚C) for 10 minutes in a horizontal tube furnace,

flushed with 500 ml/min high purity hydrogen and 100 ml/min high purity argon. High

temperature solution nitriding was performed by Expanite A/S in accordance with their patented

High-T treatment [Christiansen, Hummelshøj, Somers 2012, 2013]. Low-temperature surface

nitriding was performed on austenitised samples and on HTSN-treated samples. The treatment

was performed in a Netzsch STA449 F3 thermobalance, equipped with ammonia, hydrogen and

argon gas flow. After proprietary in-situ activation the LTSN process was run at atmospheric

pressure at 713 K (440 ˚C), in a two-stage (boost) nitriding treatment, consisting of 100 ml

NH3/min for 1 h, followed by 60 ml NH3/min and 40 ml H2/min for 15 h. For all treatments a

flow of 5 ml Ar/min was applied.

Phase analysis of the as-printed, heat treated and thermochemically modified samples was

performed using X-ray diffraction on a Bruker D8 Discovery equipped with Cr radiation. X-

ray diffractograms in symmetrical scans in parallel beam geometry were recorded at a

step size of 0.04 ˚ and a measurement time of 8 s per step. Cross-sections were prepared for investigation of microstructure and hardness, by cutting the samples along the centre, parallel to

the build direction. The as-printed samples were etched in a solution containing 4 % HNO3 and

1 % HF, for 18 minutes, while the treated samples were etched with Kallings no. 2 for 5–8

seconds. Special care was taken during preparation, due to the presence of porosities and during

etching, as the poor corrosion resistance in the as-printed condition is reflected in strongly

inhomogeneous etching behaviour. The microstructures were investigated with light optical

microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (JEOL JSM-5900). Vickers micro-hardness

indentations were carried out on a ground and polished cross-section, using a Struers DuroScan

70-G5 micro-hardness. For the LTSN samples a FM-700 micro-hardness tester was used to

measure along 1 µm grid profiles in the hardened case. All hardness measurements were

performed with a load of 10 g and a dwell time of 10 s.

3 Results & interpretation

3.1 As-printed condition

The microstructure of the SLM printed 316L was investigated with reflected light microscopy,

revealing a hierarchical microstructure of elongated γ austenite grains with a fine cellular

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structure, shown in Figure 2. The presence of both spherical gas porosities and incomplete

melting pores was observed in the cross-sections.

Figure 2: Light optical micrographs of the as-printed SLM 316L samples, showing elongated γ austenite

grains (left) and a cellular structure and fusion-boundaries (right). Etched for 18 minutes in a 4 % HNO3

and 1 % HF solution.

The microstructure was further investigated with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), shown in

Figure 3, were the fusion-boundaries are marked with arrows (see Figure 3 (left)). The cellular

structure changes at the austenite grain boundaries and occasionally at the fusion-boundaries, e.g.

the fusion-boundary shown in Figure 3 (right), where three different austenite grains are visible.

Two austenite grains are visible to the left and evidenced by different directions of the cellular

structure on each side of the fusion-boundary, i.e. a high angle grain boundary. The cellular

structure in the austenite grain to the right does not change size and direction, and continues over

the fusion-boundary. The high magnification SEM micrograph (Figure 3 (right)) reveals how the

fusion-boundary is heavily attacked by the etchant, while the cellular walls are less affected, thus

indicating a higher concentration of the elements Mo and Cr at the cellular walls; this is

consistent with literature (cf. Introduction). The etching has also revealed the presence of small

particles at the cellular walls (see Figure 3 (right)).

Figure 3: Secondary electron micrographs of the as-printed SLM 316L samples, showing the

inhomogeneous microstructure, with arrows marking the fusion-boundaries (left) and a higher

magnification of the cellular structure (right), from a scan at the area marked by the square (left). Etched

for 18 minutes in a 4 % HNO3 and 1 % HF solution.

The results of X-ray diffraction analysis are presented in Table 2 and Figure 4 and confirm the

presence of a mainly austenitic structure in the as printed material (Figure 4 (top)). A small

amount of δ-ferrite phase was also identified. The presence of -ferrite is a remnant of the

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solidification during printing. Clearly, the as-printed condition shows peak broadening as

compared to the austenitised condition (see Figure 3 (top) and Table 2).

sample a [nm] FWHM [2]

111 200

as printed 0.35935 0.167 0.305

austenitised 0.35957 0.090 0.128

HTSN 0.36084 0.118 0.154

Table 2: Lattice parameter, a, and peak width, FWHM, as determined from austenite K1 reflections

The (asymmetric) broadening of the austenite peaks in the as-printed condition is attributed to

the presence of the cellular structure (see Figure 2 (right) and 3). Both the chemical

inhomogeneity (higher Cr and Mo content on the cell boundaries) and the enhanced dislocation

density at the boundary are anticipated to contribute to broadening. The dimensions of the cells

are beyond the threshold for quantifiable size broadening (approximately 200 nm), as the

diameters are around 1 µm.

Figure 4: X-ray diffractograms of SLM 316L samples, showing the effect of austenitising and HTSN on

the position and width of 111 and 200 austenite reflections. The intensities were normalized, such that the

peaks can be straightforwardly compared.

3.2 High-temperature treatments

Etching of the austenitised samples revealed that the cellular structure, the fusion boundaries and

-ferrite had disappeared (see Figures 4 and 5), leading to the abovementioned narrowing of the austenite peaks in X-ray diffractograms. The HTSN treatment leads to a shift of the austenite

peaks to smaller Bragg angles (Figure 4) as a consequence of the dissolution of nitrogen in

austenite and the associated modest expansion of the lattice. The minor broadening as compared

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to the austenitised condition (Table 2) is most likely associated with fluctuations in the nitrogen

content in the analysed volume. In the micrograph of the austenitised and the high-temperature

solution nitrided samples (Figure 5), elongated austenite grains are clear for both treatments. For

the austenitised sample, a wavy substructure, corresponding to remnants from the fusion-

boundaries is visible, while this was not visible in the HTSN sample, indicating the higher

temperature and longer treatment time of a HTSN treatment lead to further homogenisation of

the microstructure as compared to the austenitisation treatment.

Figure 5: Light optical micrographs of SLM samples subjected to high temperature treatments. Etched for

8 seconds with Kallings, showing elongated γ austenite grains, and the presence of weak substructures in

the austenitised samples which are remnants of the fusion-boundaries. The HTSN sample does not contain

any substructures.

The hardness-depth profile after HTSN is shown in Figure 6. A hardness increase associated

with the dissolution of nitrogen is observed to a depth of approximately 0.4 mm. For comparison

also the average hardness values measured in the as printed and austenitised condition are

provided in Figure 6. Not surprisingly, the dissolution of the cellular structure is associated with

a reduction in hardness. As compared to 10 min austenitisation the HTSN gives a further

reduction in hardness in the core of the sample.

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Figure 6: Micro-hardness profiles for the as-printed, austenitised and HTSN samples. Values represented

by open markers are the average of at least 5 measurements and the error bar represent the standard

deviation; the closed symbols represent the average over about 20 data points over a 2 mm depth range.

The slight difference in hardness between austenitised and HTSN (core) samples is not a

consequence of grain growth, because the load applied during hardness indentation is so low that

it is not affected by the size of the grains. Instead, the hardness decrease can be explained by the

higher HTSN temperature and longer duration, which led to further homogenisation, observed

with reflected light microscopy (Figure 5), and most likely also dissolution of microstructural

features that remain undetected by the applied methods. The continued presence of the elongated

austenite grains and the disappearance of the δ-ferrite peak in the patterns from both samples,

indicates that only recovery and/or elemental homogenisation facilitated the removal of the

cellular structure and the fusion boundaries.

3.3 Low-temperature surface nitriding

The low-temperature surface nitriding treatment was preceded by austenitisation or HTSN

treatment. The resulting microstructures are shown in Figure 7 and reveal the presence of a zone

of expanded austenite adjacent to the surface.

Figure 7: Light optical micrographs of SLM samples subjected to low-temperature surface nitriding

(LTSN). Etched for 5 seconds with Kallings, showing the expanded austenite zones.

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The corresponding X-ray diffractograms are presented in Figure 8 and confirm the presence of

strong expanded austenite peaks, indicated as . The peaks are shifted to lower 2θ angles as

compared to the austenite peaks as a consequence of the influence of lattice expansion by

dissolving nitrogen in supersaturated solid solution and the associated compressive residual

stresses. The shifts for 111 and 200 peaks are very different as a consequence of the elastic and

plastic anisotropy, which leads to an appreciably larger shift for the elastically softer 100

direction (cf. Brink et al. 2017). The excessive broadening of the expanded austenite peaks is

associated with the (steep) nitrogen concentration gradient and partially plastic accommodation

of the lattice expansion, which introduced dislocations and lattice rotation. The diffractograms

also show that for the LTSN treatment following an HTSN treatment, the austenite substrate

peaks have disappeared, while they are still visible for the LTSN after austenitisation treatment.

This is consistent with the thicker expanded austenite zone on the HTSN+LTSN sample (cf.

Figure 7 and 9).

After low-temperature surface nitriding the hardness is substantially enhanced in the expanded

austenite zone (Figure 9). The deeper expanded austenite zone on the HTSN+LTSN treated

sample is explained from faster growth, which is determined from the difference in flux entering

the surface and the flux leaving the expanded austenite zone into the steel. The nitrogen flux that

leaves the expanded austenite zone and diffuses into the underlying austenite is reduced after

HTSN, because nitrogen is already present. Hence, faster growth of the expanded austenite zone

can occur.

In general, the present results show that HTSN and LTSN are possible on SLM produced 316L

steel. The short austenitisation of 10 minutes at 1080 ˚C was enough to remove the cellular

structure, but as observed in the micrograph and by the hardness, some inhomogeneity remains.

Still, the austenitisation, leading to the removal of δ-ferrite and the cellular structures, should

increase the corrosion resistance significantly, and preliminary polarization tests (not included)

have shown both an increase in corrosion potential and pitting potential, and a highly improved

passivation behaviour, compared to as-printed 316L. One could argue that austenitisation is a

necessity on SLM produced 316L in order to get the corrosion performance associated with

316L stainless steel.

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Figure 8: X-ray diffractograms of SLM 316L samples, showing the effect of LTSN after austenitising and

after HTSN. The diffractogram for the austenitised samples is given as a reference. The intensities were

normalized, such that the peaks can be straightforwardly compared.

Figure 9: Micro-hardness profiles of the LTSN samples, showing the difference in the hardened layer

close to the surface. Values represented by open markers are the average of at least 5 measurements and

the error bar represent the standard variation; the closed symbols represent single datapoints.

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The increased homogenisation observed in the HTSN samples, due to the longer duration and

higher temperature, is expected to provide a further improvement in the corrosion properties.

Secondly, nitrogen introduced by HTSN has been demonstrated to enhance the pitting potential

[Bottoli et al. 2018], and the corrosion resistance is therefore expected to be improved

significantly by HTSN as compared to the improvement obtained with austenitisation.

The additional LTSN treatment, was proven to increase the hardness in the surface, and is

expected to appreciably increase both pitting and crevice corrosion resistance [Bottoli et al.

2018] and could therefore be considered as an option when both corrosion and wear properties

need to be improved.

4 Conclusion

The hierarchical microstructure of 3D printed stainless steel AISI 316L is strongly heterogeneous

and contains elongated austenite grains, remnants of -ferrite and a cellular structure related to the repeated fusion and solidification inherent to the 3D printing manufacturing. The cellular

structure disappears on austenitisation and leads to a lowering of the hardness. High-temperature

solution nitriding (HTSN) slightly enhances the hardness at the surface, because of the

dissolution of nitrogen, and increases the homogenisation of the bulk microstructure, leading to a

slight hardness decrease, compared to austenitisation. Low-temperature solution nitriding

(LTSN) after austenitisation or after HTSN provides a hard surface zone of expanded austenite.

The zone grows faster on a previously HTSN treated sample than after austenitising.


The authors wish to acknowledge the Danish Technological Institute for providing SLM samples.


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