  • HIGH HOLY DAYS INFORMATIONThe Days of Awe at Mount Zion Temple - 5774/2013

    Standing at the Gates of the New YearWe approach with awe the arrival of the new Jewish year 5774.

    During this period of reflection, there are many ways to bring themeaning of the Holy Days near to your spirit. In addition to

    individual introspection and collective prayers, we have highlighted in this bulletin special moments in the High HolyDay season. May you be blessed with the ability to notice and appreciate every breath you take, thankful to the Holy One ofBlessing for giving you life, for sustaining you and for enablingyou to reach and enjoy this season of return and fulfillment.

    Rabbi Adam Stock Spilker - Rabbi Esther AdlerCantor Rachel Stock Spilker - Cantor Jennifer Strauss-Klein

    High Holy Days Service ScheduleHigh Holy Days Service Schedule- Selichot -

    Saturday, August 31 - Elul 26The Yoga of Compassion 8:30 p.m.Interlude: Light Dessert and Coffee 9:30 p.m.Havdalah and Selichot Service 10:00 p.m.

    - Erev Rosh Hashanah -Wednesday, September 4 - Tishrei 1

    Service* 7:30 p.m.

    - Rosh Hashanah -Thursday, September 5 - Tishrei 1

    Early Service (Mount Zion Family Machzor)* 8:30 a.m.Tot Service (Birth-Grade 1) 11:00 a.m.Teen Service (Grades 7-12) 11:45 a.m.Late Service (Gates of Repentance)* 11:45 a.m.Shofar Workshop (Hidden Falls Park) 4:00 p.m.Tashlich (Hidden Falls Park) 4:30 p.m.

    - Shabbat Shuvah -Friday-Saturday, September 6-7 -Tishrei 3

    Shabbat Service Summer Camp Style 6:00 p.m.High Holy Day Torah Study 9:00 a.m.Shabbat Morning Service 10:00 a.m.Healing Service 4:00 p.m.

    - Erev Yom Kippur - Kol Nidre -Friday, September 13 - Tishrei 10

    Early Service* 6:00 p.m.Late Service 8:30 p.m.

    - Yom Kippur -Saturday, September 14 - Tishrei 10

    Early Service (Mount Zion Family Machzor)* 8:30 a.m.Tot Service (Birth-Grade 1) 11:00 a.m.Study Session 11:45 a.m.Late Service* (Gates of Repentance) 11:45 a.m.Teen Service (Grades 7-12) 11:45 a.m.Study Session 2:15 p.m.Musical Meditation 2:45 p.m.Yizkor* 3:15 p.m.Afternoon Service* (approx) 4:00 p.m.Teen Program (Grades 7-12) 4:00 p.m.Kids’ Program (Grades 2-6) 6:15 p.m.Ne’ilah Service* (approx) 6:15 p.m.Break-the-Fast (Following Havdalah) (approx) 7:15 p.m.

    Sunday, September 15 - Tishrei 11Memorial Service at Cemetery (rain or shine) 11:00 a.m.

    *Broadcast will be on Comcast Cable. Comcast will only confirmthe schedule two weeks in advance. Call the Temple office at

    651-698-3881 after August 26.

    Special Note for Rosh Hashanah Eve

    We will be using a draft copy of the Reform Movement’s new HighHoly Days prayer book (Machzor). This will only be for theevening of Rosh Hashanah. All other services will continue usingthe same prayer books as in past years. At this Rosh Hashanahevening service, all who attend will be handed a draft copy of“Mishkan HaNefesh.” You will not need your Gates of Repentancefor this service. Our Worship Committee will be evaluating theprayer book after the High Holy Days. No decisions have beenmade. We welcome your comments either to the clergy or to JanetKampf, chair of the Worship Committee([email protected]).


    It seems so early…The last time Rosh Hashanahbegan this early in the secular calendar was 1899. The next timeit will happen will be 2089. Suchis the blessing of a lunar-solar calendar. Know now thatChanukah begins the night before Thanksgiving!

  • Yom Kippur:Study Session: 11:45 a.m. This study session led by past President SteveSilverman is parallel to the Late Service. See next page for more information.

    Afternoon Study:After the Late Service concludes around 2:15 p.m., therewill be a study session led by Rabbi Spilker (see page 3). A Musical Med-itation will take place in the Sanctuary from 2:45 - 3:15 p.m., leading intothe Yizkor service. All the tones of the harp, played by Andrea Stern, will giveyou time for wordless reflection.

    Yizkor:The sanctuary is never so still as during this memorial service whichleads into the afternoon service. Traditionally this is a time to rememberparents who have passed away, but today many come to remember anyloved one. The Yizkor service and names of loved ones whom congregantsare remembering are included in a Memorial Book. (Use the form or contact the office to include any names).

    Ne’ilah/Closing Service: After a full day of prayer and reflection, theprayers flow from the afternoon service into the final service of Yom Kip-pur. In the last number of years, more and more people have followed thetradition of standing for the entire Ne’ilah service. After a chorus of sho-farot signals the end of Yom Kippur, dozens of children holding candlescome to the bima to bid the Holy Day farewell with Havdalah. We thenjoin outside the sanctuary to break the fast as a community. We will followthe tradition of having the ark remain open for the entire Ne’ilah service(symbolic of the open gates of repentance.) We will invite the congregationto stand at their seats or along the side aisles. If you are unable to stand(approximately 45 minutes,) you are welcome to choose a seat in the designatedsection in the front of the sanctuary so that you will still be able to see the bima.

    Selichot:This service is always the Saturday night before Rosh Hashanah (or ifRosh Hashanah falls on a Tuesday or earlier in the week, two Saturdaysbefore Rosh Hashanah.)Traditionally, the service is meant to be held closeto midnight. It is under an hour and includes uplifting prayers and musicalthemes of the High Holy Days sung by both cantors and our quartet, andconcludes with the blowing of the shofar.

    Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Evening Services:On Rosh Hashanah, we worship as a community for one evening serviceat 7:30 p.m. The timing is meant to allow for a festive home RoshHashanah dinner in the late afternoon before we join for the music andprayers of the season, hear uplifting words from our rabbis and a messagefrom our President about our Mount Zion community. This year onlyfor Rosh Hashanah evening, we are experimenting with the ReformMovement’s new High Holy Day prayer book (in draft form). Wewill have copies for all who attend this service.

    On Yom Kippur, the evening Kol Nidre service is offered at two times.You may choose the time that works for you. Traditionally, this is theonly evening service in the year when a tallit is worn.

    Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Morning Services:We have two morning services on both holy days, an early one at 8:30a.m. and a later one at 11:45 a.m.

    Early Service: This service is led by our 8h graders, the most recent B’neiMitzvah class, along with our teen choir and our clergy. We use theprayerbook, Mount Zion Family Machzor, which contains both traditionaland creative prayers. During the sermon time, we offer a Kids’ Programfor grades 2-6. Students will leave from the sanctuary at this time and par-ents may pick them up at the conclusion of the service.

    Late Service: This service, led by our clergy, uses the machzor / prayerbook, Gates of Repentance. We encourage all congregants to bringtheir own copy, but copies for guests are available. On Yom Kippur, therewill be a discussion at this time for those who attended the Early Service.

    There are two additional services meant for particular ages:Tot Service: As a parallel to our monthly Tot Shabbat service, this 45minute service is designed for kids from birth to first grade and anyonewho wishes to join them. We use Gates of Awe prayerbook, our teen choirleads the music, and our rabbis tell a creative and inspiring story.

    Teen Service: This is an experiential service created and led by teens ingrades 7-12. With guidance from our staff, the programming is uplifting,creative, and meaningful—and is only for teens.

    TashlichOne of the traditions of Rosh Hashanah is to ritually rid ourselves of oursins by tossing bread crumbs into a moving body of water. In past years,hundreds have gathered by the Mississippi for this brief but spirited moment. On Thursday, September 5, 4:30 p.m. Tashlich will once againtake place at Hidden Falls Park (North entrance). See enclosed map fordirections.


    Yom Kippur Afternoon ServiceSaturday, September 14, 4:00 p.m. (approx.)

    Did you know that our Yom Kippur Afternoon Service is a unique,engaging, interactive experience?

    It includes Drama – Watch a re-enactment of the moment whenthe High Priest blessed the Israelites from the Holy of Holies.

    It includes Music – Participate in congregational singing, with fullband instrumental accompaniment.

    It includes Conversation - Engage Panim el Panim* to discusstimely questions.

    It includes Torah – Take the Torah Scrolls in your arms as 6 of ourscrolls are passed from person to person through the entire congregation.

    It includes Reflection - Listen to beautiful harp music during thetransition between services.

    Isn’t all this better than sitting at home not eating? If you haven’t joinedus for the afternoon service in the past, we encourage you to give it a trythis year. If you have, we welcome you back.

    *Panim El Panim means Face to Face, and refers to our initiative of establishing and strengthening relationships between members of ourcongregational community.



    Tots from birth to Grade 1:The Tot Service is specifically designed for this age group. Our clergy leadan engaging tot-focused service. Adults are welcome, too!

    Kids in Grades 2-6:Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur at Sermon approx. 10 a.m.Neilah Service & Havdallah, begins at 6:15 p.m.We encourage children in grades 2 and above to attend services. The earlyservice on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur morning is a full worship experience designed for adults and children. At the sermon time, kids ingrades 2-6 are invited to a special program. There is also programmingduring the Neilah service on Yom Kippur at 6:00 p.m. before the studentscome into the Sanctuary with candles for Havdalah. During Yizkor, weoffer child care for children up through grade 6. Reservations are requiredby August 22. For details, go to

    Teens in Grades 7-12: Rosh Hashanah Teen Service, 11:45 a.m. The theme will be Sipurim:As Jews, we share common experiences and stories. Where does our Judiasm come into play in the rest of our lives?

    Yom Kippur Teen Service 11:45 a.m. The theme will be Kulanu: Whatis the thread that links Jewish communities together? How important is itto expand this net to include other communities as well?

    Yom Kippur Teen Program 4:00 p.m. Gentleman's Agreement: Doesanti-semetism affect our lives today? How does this change our interac-tions with others?

    Planning the High Holy Days with Your ChildrenA Note to Parents: You know your child best. We offer the following options to help you find the right balance during the High Holy Days.We encourage kids in grade 2 and above to attend services. Younger children who are able to sit quietly are welcome and encouraged to come aswell. We do ask that you help us maintain decorum in the sanctuary at all times. You may go with small children into the Harris Chapelwhere services are broadcast on closed-circuit TV. Please do not leave or enter the sanctuary when the ark is open. Thank you!

    We offer child care for children up through age 8 for most of our High Holy Day services. For details and reservations (required), go Reservations are due by Thursday, August 22. We also offer specialized programming for children and teens which is free.For kids’ programming (grades 2-6) reservations are requested (see below) but there are no reservations for teens.

    The Binding of Isaac: The Meaning of this Timeless Text Today

    Yom Kippur Study Session led by Rabbi Spilker and Rashi class participants

    Saturday, Septmeber 14, 2:15 p.m. (approx.)

    In Genesis chapter 22, Abraham is tested byGod to sacrifice his son Isaac and then issaved from this horrific fate. We will readthe text and a wide variety of commentariesand discuss. Members of Mount Zion’sRashi study class who have studied this chap-ter for the past year will offer their insights.Cemetery Memorial Service

    Sunday, September 15, 11:00 a.m.

    Come rain or shine!

    As a people, we are eternally linked to those whocame before us. As individuals we are especiallymindful of family and friends who have died in thepast year of years. In the spirit of remembrance, we annually conduct a special service at our cemetery.Please join us for a meaningful and reflective service.The cemetery is located at the intersection of Payne and Larpenteur.

    High Holy Days

    Healing Service A peaceful and comforting worship experiencefor anyone seeking healing and wholeness.

    Saturday, September 7, 4:00 p.m.

    This year on Shabbat Shuvah/Sabbath of Repentance.

    Led by our clergy with Andrea Stern, harp & Jane Garvin, flute

    Tallit/Kippah: Why Bother?Yom Kippur Discussion led by Steve Silverman

    September 14, 11:45 a.m. - Yom Kippur MorningBased on critical acclaim, past president Steve Silverman will be back this year exploring the ques-tion of whether and why wear a kippah or tallit forprayer. Come learn some of the “why” and discussthe “whether” based on Reform Judaism’s historicview of informed personal choice.


    New This Year!We are asking families to sign-up children in grades 2-6 for kids’ programming on both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. With yourhelp, we will be able to plan and staff our programs accordingly. Makeyour reservation here:

  • High Holy Days Reserved ParkingDuring High Holy Days services, the parking lot area adjacent tothe kitchen is dedicated for disabled parking. A state-issued disabledparking license is required. Please plan to arrive early as parking ison a first come, first serve basis.

    For the Hearing ImpairedWe will make every effort to have signers for High Holy Days Services.We need to know as soon as possible which services you will be attending for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Please contact Sheilain the Temple office at [email protected] or 651-698-3881.

    What constitutes teshuvah/repentance? That those who sin should abandon[their] sins and remove them from [their] thoughts, resolving in [their] heartsnever to commit them again…. One must verbally confess and state these mat-ters which have been resolved in one's heart.

    Would You Like To Chant Torah and/or Haftarah Next Year?

    Each year for High Holy Day services we invite members of thecongregation to help lead liturgy and chant Torah and Haftarah. Itis our hope to involve as many people as possible. Adult Torah and Haftarah chanters are invited to chant for two consecutive years. Ifyou would like to participate in this honor next year or in futureyears, please inform our clergy.

    NOAZIM Beyond the programs listed here, there are also High HolyDay events and opportunities specifically for NOAZIM:Mount Zion 20s/30s! For more information about theseprograms please contact Aimee Gonzalez [email protected] or find Noazim on Facebook.

    Moses Maimonides, Laws of Repentance 2:2

    In Consideration of Your Fellow Congregants: We request that all congregants refrain from using products for thepurpose of adding fragrance ([e.g. lotions, perfumes, colognes) whenyou come to services]. This will enable those who have severe allergiesor chemical sensitivities to continue to worship with our community.

    Please remember to turn off your cell phones before entering thebuilding. If you have a child(ren) in child care, please turn your cellphone to vibrate.

    A Special Request: Be A HostIt is important that all who seek the warmth of Jewish family andfriends find companionship during the High Holy Days. If you areable to add a guest to your holiday table or provide transportationto and from services please contact Julie, our clergy assistant, at651-698-3881. If you would like a place to share a holiday meal orneed transportation to services please speak with one of the clergyso that we can make a more meaningful and “haimish” (warm)High Holy Days possible for you.


    Sign Up for High Holy Day UsheringIt is a great mitzvah to usher at High HolyDay Services. The usher's role is crucial tocreating a warm, welcoming and dignifiedspirit during the Days of Awe. Ushers taketickets, welcome each person as he/she en-

    ters our sanctuary and assist in seating and making everyone feel athome at Mount Zion. We also rely on our ushers to help maintaindecorum in the sanctuary and hallways before, during, and after theservice. We hope you will consider volunteering and join our teamof valued ushers. Any congregant 18 years and older is welcome. Weneed you! To register, go to Questions? Call Larryat 651-698-3881.

    New this Year: Your Tickets are Nametags

    As an experiment this year, we have turned our tickets into nametags.We have tickets to help ensure our safety on the holy days, somethingwe have done since 2002. This year, we heard from other congrega-tions experimenting with having nametags instead. This clearly helpsbuild community and serves the same purpose of knowing who shouldbe in the building. We will have the plastic covers and strings to putthe nametag in when you arrive for services. In advance of the HolyDays, please use a marker to write your name in LARGE letters.There will be instructions with your nametags. Thank you for coop-erating with this effort and please let us know what you think.

    Not a member? We invite you to attend an open house brunch on Sunday, Sep-tember 8 (10:30 a.m.-Noon). RSVP in advance and receive com-plimentary High Holy Day tickets. Contact Sheila Schuman at651-698-3881 or [email protected].

  • Selichot The evening that ushers in the High Holy Days

    For mind, body, and soul

    Saturday, August 31

    Hashiveinu: Return to Your True Self8:30 p.m. The Yoga of Compassion

    9:30 p.m. Interlude: Light Dessert and Coffee10:00 p.m. Havdalah and Selichot Service

    The Yoga of Compassionled by Bonnie Resnick, Psy.D., Licensed Psychologist and Yoga Teacher and a long-time member of Mount Zion

    Join us for a gentle yoga experience to prepare for Selichot and theHigh Holy Day season. As we prepare to ask forgiveness from others and from God, we mustbegin by turning inward. By doing this with compassion, we canstrengthen ourselves for the difficult work of teshuvah, repentance.Bonnie will lead us in some meditations and gentle yoga poses, whichcan be done with modifications to meet any comfort level.Please wear comfortable clothing, and bring a yoga mat if you have one.We’ll have a few extras on hand. You are welcome to remain in your yogaclothes for the rest of the evening through the Selichot service.

  • Celebrate Simchat TorahCelebrate Simchat TorahShmini Atzeret/Simchat TorahShmini Atzeret/Simchat TorahWednesday, September 25, 6:00 p.m.

    Festive Service & Consecration

    Join us as we renew our Torah cycle, reading the endof the Torah and then the beginning with the entirescroll unrolled around the Sanctuary. Dance with theTorah scrolls to the infectious rhythm of Mark Stillmanand his Klezmer band!

    During this service, we will also welcome our neweststudents into the world of Jewish learning!

    Wednesday, September 185:00 - 6:00 p.m.

    Sukkah Decorating and Pizza in the Hut(Light dinner complimentary)

    6:00 - 6:45 p.m.Brief Evening Sukkot Service in the Sukkah

    Harvest the Joy of SukkotHarvest the Joy of Sukkot

    Want a Beautiful Handcrafted Sukkah?Want to enrich the holiday seasonand celebrate in your own Sukkahthis year? Brotherhood will againbe building a limited number ofSukkah kits for interested congregants - all wood, easy to dec-orate, dis/assemble and store. Forfurther information, please contact

    Phil Goldman at [email protected] or 651-491-0864 by nolater than August 21.

  • Ta s h l i c h S e r v i c e

    Thursday, September 5, 4:30 p.m. Hidden Falls Regional Park

    (enter north gate on the corner of Magoffin Ave. & Mississippi River Blvd.)

    Turn Your Pockets Inside Out - We complement our words of prayer with the symbolic action of emptying our pockets of dust and crumbs: a sign of our intention to rid ourselves of wrongdoing. For years, our members have come to the edge of the Mississippi to act out the prophet Micah’s vision, “And you will cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.”

    We look forward to seeing you there!


    North North Gate Enter Here!

    Ta s h l i c h S e r v i c e

    Thursday, September 5, 4:30 p.m. Hidden Falls Regional Park

    (enter north gate on the corner of Magoffin Ave. & Mississippi River Blvd.)

    Turn Your Pockets Inside Out - We complement our words of prayer with the symbolic action of emptying our pockets of dust and crumbs: a sign of our intention to rid ourselves of wrongdoing. For years, our members have come to the edge of the Mississippi to act out the prophet Micah’s vision, “And you will cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.”

    We look forward to seeing you there!


    North North Gate Enter Here!

    Shofar Workshop Thursday, September 5, 4:00 p.m.

    Hidden Falls Regional Park

    Shofar Workshop Thursday, September 5, 4:00 p.m.

    Hidden Falls Regional Park

    HHD Bulletin print 5774Tashlich 5774