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Herzliah High SchoolHerzliah High School

Écoles secondaires Écoles secondaires HerzliahHerzliah

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……pave the way to big pave the way to big ideasideas

Where small class Where small class sizessizes

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……et tout le monde se connet tout le monde se connaîtaît

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Where the Where the ‘Welcome to ‘Welcome to Herz’ BBQHerz’ BBQ

is ais a fun annual fun annualtradition!tradition!

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Where Where teachers careteachers care

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Where ourWhere ourMiddle School’s Middle School’s

2-day retreat2-day retreat

Is at the start ofIs at the start ofthe yearthe year

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Where a great educationis so much morethan just strong academics

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Where body and soul are Where body and soul are challengedchallenged

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Where Where HebrewHebrewis the is the

connectioconnection n

to ourto ourrich rich

Jewish Jewish heritageheritage

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……and pride in our Jewish and pride in our Jewish heritage is nurturedheritage is nurtured

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Where Jewish traditions and Where Jewish traditions and Herzliah idealsHerzliah ideals

aare proudly passed fromre proudly passed fromgeneration to generationgeneration to generation

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Where ScienceWhere Science

makes learning makes learning excitingexciting

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……et où il y a et où il y a toujours quelque toujours quelque




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Where we came out winningWhere we came out winningat the Bell Regional Science Fairat the Bell Regional Science FairSilver and bronze in the Senior category Silver and bronze in the Senior category

Silver and bronze in the Intermediate categorySilver and bronze in the Intermediate categorySilver in the Junior Silver in the Junior

category category

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Where math Where math comes alivecomes alive

and prepares and prepares studentsstudentsfor their for their futurefuture

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Where Where the the

StudentStudentStock Stock



provides practical provides practical hands-on learning hands-on learning


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… … teaches teaches our our

studentsstudentsabout about

running a running a business business

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Where Judaic Studies Where Judaic Studies offers 3 experiential programsoffers 3 experiential programs

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Òu notre Òu notre programme RAP programme RAP offre offre ::

les conseils afin les conseils afin d’acquérir les d’acquérir les

aptitudes aptitudes nécessaires à la nécessaires à la


anglais hébreu français mathématiques histoire


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And where Chai AwardsAnd where Chai Awardsare for top marks!are for top marks!

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encourages encourages creativitycreativity

Where artWhere art

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Fashion Show Shabbatonim Theatre Hiking Cultural Outings Books on Wheels Intramural sports Clubs Basketball Debating Plays Theatre Bible Contests Hockey Canadian Youth Model UN Community Service Skiing Soccer Choir Purim Talent Show Science Fair Book clubs Student Stock Exchange Program Purim Talent Show and Carnival Guest speakers Swimming and even more…

Where Where extra-curricularextra-curricular programs are programs are extra-extra-

ordinaryordinary ! !

Debating…where arguing

is actually encouraged !

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Where sports teams rockWhere sports teams rock

basketball softball

tennis swimming soccer ice hockey floor hockey

cross country running

track …and even more !

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Where the AnnualWhere the AnnualFashion ShowFashion Show

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expose nos talents et nos expose nos talents et nos stylesstyles

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Where theatre comes to lifeWhere theatre comes to life

“High School Musical”

“High School Musical”

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in Purim in Purim talent talent showsshows

in communityin communitytheatretheatre

en des pièces de en des pièces de théâtrethéâtre

en françaisen français

Where students Where students participate…participate…

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Òu le Òu le carnival carnival

d’hiver est d’hiver est toujours toujours cool!cool!

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… … and therand there’s always e’s always somethingsomething new new

to tryto try

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when you perform at when you perform at The Annual Coffee HouseThe Annual Coffee House

Where you’re treated like a rock starWhere you’re treated like a rock star

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Where a daily minyan is Where a daily minyan is there for those who are there for those who are


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Where co-curricular Where co-curricular programs bring academics programs bring academics

to lifeto life 2-day retreat in the

Laurentians –Sec. I students

Shabbatonim for Sec. II through V

Hiking Ski trip …and so much more !

Secondary III, IV Secondary III, IV and V studentsand V students

Israel Summer Experience (Sec. III)

Spain trip (Sec. IV) March of the Living

(Sec. V)

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Where the Secondary IIIWhere the Secondary IIIIsrael tripIsrael trip

is the is the experience experience

of a lifetime of a lifetime

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Where participation inWhere participation inThe March of the Living The March of the Living

brings a sense of unity that words brings a sense of unity that words cannot describecannot describe

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Où nous avons la chance Où nous avons la chance dd’essayer de nouvelles’essayer de nouvelles


Programme «HOPS» dans le cadre duquel nos élèves suivent

des médecins

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Anthony Housefather

parle avec étudiants à

notre journée



Anthony Housefather

parle avec étudiants à

notre journée



……et reçevoiret reçevoir des conseils de des conseils de

nos anciens élèvesnos anciens élèves

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Where our Where our CommunitCommunity Service y Service ProgramProgramlays the lays the

foundation foundation of givingof giving

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Where holidays are meantWhere holidays are meant

to share together to share together

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and with students and and with students and teachers from our sister school teachers from our sister school

in Beer Shevain Beer Sheva

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Where Yom Where Yom Hashoah is Hashoah is


with dignitywith dignityand respectand respect

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……et où nous et où nous défendonsdéfendons IsraëlIsraël

avec avec déterminationdétermination

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Où l’on se fait Où l’on se fait des amis pour la des amis pour la


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Herzliah High SchoolHerzliah High School

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Where our graduates are Where our graduates are confidentconfident and ready to take and ready to take

on the worldon the world

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……and where and where experiences enrich experiences enrich your lifeyour life

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Herzliah - academic excellence…Herzliah - academic excellence…

……and even moreand even more
