Page 1: Andros and Nancy Ajango for chairing this event! Our 2015-2017 Philoptochos oard has concluded their term and the


Evangelistria Chapter Ladies Philoptochos Society

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Indianapolis, Indiana








2017-2019 Philoptochos Board

President Diana Dine

Vice President Lea Dunbar

2nd Vice President (Membership) Cheryl Andros

Recording Secretary Wendy Mudis

Corresponding Secretary Cindy Woodruff

Treasurer Sunday Johnson

Assistant Treasurer Irene Sarris

Nancy Ajango, Evie Anastasiadou, Renee Brochhagen, Theone Dickos, Karen Gibson, Sunday Johnson, Dawn Nicholos, Tracy Pappas, Mina Potamousis, Sherry Reckas, Vickie Sofianopoulos, Sondra Vitsas, Cindy Woodruff

Father Bill swearing in the 2017-2019 Evangelistria Chapter Philoptochos Board

Page 2: Andros and Nancy Ajango for chairing this event! Our 2015-2017 Philoptochos oard has concluded their term and the

The News/Τα Νέα

For National Philoptochos news, go to

Dear Philoptochos members and friends,

Summer is in full swing and I hope you are enjoying the longer days of sunshine and relaxing outdoors with family and friends. Our End of the Year Philoptochos Luncheon took place on Sunday, June 11, at Harry & Izzy's. Three generations of Philoptochos ladies (and a couple of men) were joined by our supportive priests Father Bill and Father Lucas for a time of food and fellowship. We presented birthday flowers to Presbytera Emily and belated birthday flowers to Presbytera Stacey to express our love and appreciation of them! Thank you Cheryl Andros and Nancy Ajango for chairing this event!

Our 2015-2017 Philoptochos Board has concluded their term and the new board was sworn in on June 20 after we received our ratification letter from Archbishop Dimitrios. Our chapter board consists of 19 members. All but two will be serving on the 2017-2019 Board. Thank you so very much Melinda Emmanoelides and Becky Kapsalis for you time and talents you have so freely given to us.

On June 20 the new Board began planning for the 2017-2018 Philoptochos year. I am looking forward to working with these ladies, Nancy Ajango, Evie Anastasiadou, Cheryl Andros, Renee Brochhagen, Theone Dickos, Lea Dunbar, Karen, Gibson, Sunday Johnson, Panayiota Moe, Wendis Mudis, Dawn Nicholos, Tracy Pappas, Mina Potomousis, Sherry Reckas, Irene Sarris, Vickie Sofianopoulos, Sondra Vitsis, and Cindy Woodruff on this next term!

Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, September 19, for our Kick-off meeting for the upcoming year. We have many opportunities to help and serve others! One ongoing ministry our Parish is involved in is the Merciful Help Center at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Holy Trinity has committed to the first Saturday of the month in the food pantry. This does require a short training so if you haven’t been trained and would like to join us in this ministry, please let me know. It is a well-organized and efficient system that serves many families and a blessing to those they help and those that serve.

As you celebrate the Fourth of July and our great Nation remember to pray for our leaders and those that serve our country.

In Christ’s Service, Diana Dine 317-213-8977 [email protected]

President’s Message

Page 3: Andros and Nancy Ajango for chairing this event! Our 2015-2017 Philoptochos oard has concluded their term and the

On the first Saturday morning of the month, Holy Trinity staffs the Food Pantry at the Merciful Help Center (1045 W. 146th Street in Carmel). This is a great opportunity to work with fellow parishioners and help the needy in Hamilton County. We assist the Food Pantry guests by walking through the food pantry aisles with the guests as they choose the food they want. It is not a difficult task (although you do have to be on your feet for approximately three hours, (8:45 am -11:45 am).

It has been very rewarding meeting and assisting the guests at the Food Pantry. We had 41 guests at our June food pantry date.

You don’t have to commit to volunteer every Saturday; there is a sign-up through Sign Up Genius and you can sign up for whatever Saturdays work for you.

Students (12 and older) can also volunteer in the Food Pantry. Adults need to complete a training before volunteering; the students do not.

The next scheduled volunteer training is July 10 at 6:30 pm. You can go to the website to see information about training.


If that date doesn’t work for you, another time can be arranged. Please contact Tracy Pappas with any questions. Thank you.

Philoptochos is always in need of flip-top cans of soup (Chicken Noodle preferred), along with paper towels, toilet paper, paper plates and granola bars for use at our Soup Kitchen. The soup is given to the patrons of the Soup Kitchen as a takeout item. In great need are new or gently-used blankets, t-shirts, socks, tooth-brushes and toothpaste. Most of these poor souls are homeless and are forced to live on the streets. Please help us feed the hungry and clothe the poor by putting items in the blue Philoptochos bin.

Page 4: Andros and Nancy Ajango for chairing this event! Our 2015-2017 Philoptochos oard has concluded their term and the

Can you really walk your way to fitness? You bet! Get started today.

Know the benefits

Physical activity doesn't need to be complicated. Something as simple as a daily brisk walk can help you live a healthier life.

For example, regular brisk walking can help you:

• Maintain a healthy weight • Prevent or manage various conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2

diabetes • Strengthen your bones and muscles • Improve your mood • Improve your balance and coordination

Consider your technique

Turning your normal walk into a fitness stride requires good posture and purposeful movements. Ideally, here's how you'll look when you're walking:

• Your head is up. You're looking forward, not at the ground. • Your neck, shoulders and back are relaxed, not stiffly upright. • You're swinging your arms freely with a slight bend in your elbows. A little pumping with your

arms is OK. • Your stomach muscles are slightly tightened and your back is straight, not arched forward or

backward. • You're walking smoothly, rolling your foot from heel to toe.

Plan your routine

As you start your walking routine, remember to:

• Get the right gear. Choose shoes with proper arch support, a firm heel and thick flexible soles to cushion your feet and absorb shock. Wear comfortable clothes and gear appropriate for various types of weather. If you walk outdoors when it's dark, wear bright colors or reflective tape for visibility.

• Choose your course carefully. If you'll be walking outdoors, avoid paths with cracked sidewalks, potholes, low-hanging limbs or uneven turf. If the weather isn't appropriate for walking, consider walking in a shopping mall that offers open times for walkers.

• Warm up. Walk slowly for five to 10 minutes to warm up your muscles and prepare your body for exercise.

Walking: Trim your waistline, improve your health

Ready to reap the benefits of walking? Here's how to get started — and stay motivated

Page 5: Andros and Nancy Ajango for chairing this event! Our 2015-2017 Philoptochos oard has concluded their term and the

• Cool down. At the end of your walk, walk slowly for five to 10 minutes to help your muscles cool down.

• Stretch. After you cool down, gently stretch your muscles. If you'd rather stretch before you walk, remember to warm up first.

Set realistic goals

For most healthy adults, the Department of Health and Human Services guidelines recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity, 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity, or an equivalent combination of moderate and vigorous aerobic activity a week. Physical activity can be spread throughout the week. The guidelines also recommend strength training exercises of all the major muscle groups at least twice a week.

As a general goal, aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day. If you can't set aside that much time, try several 10-minute sessions throughout the day.

Remember, though, it's OK to start slowly — especially if you haven't been exercising regularly. You might start with five minutes a day the first week, and then increase your time by five minutes each week until you reach at least 30 minutes.

Track your progress

Keeping a record of how many steps you take, the distance you walk and how long it takes can help you see where you started from and serve as a source of inspiration. Just think how good you'll feel when you see how many miles you've walked each week, month or year.

Record these numbers in a walking journal or log them in a spreadsheet or a physical activity app. Another option is to use an electronic device such as a pedometer to calculate steps and distance.

Stay motivated

Starting a walking program takes initiative. Sticking with it takes commitment. To stay motivated:

• Set yourself up for success. Start with a simple goal, such as, "I'll take a 10-minute walk during my lunch break." When your 10-minute walk becomes a habit, set a new goal, such as, "I'll walk for 20 minutes after work." Find specific times for walks. Soon you could be reaching for goals that once seemed impossible.

• Make walking enjoyable. If you don't enjoy solitary walks, ask a friend or neighbor to join you. If you're invigorated by groups, join a health club. You might like listening to music while you walk.

• Vary your routine. If you walk outdoors, plan several different routes for variety. If you're walk-ing alone, be sure to tell someone which route you're taking. Walk in safe, well-lit locations.

• Take missed days in stride. If you find yourself skipping your daily walks, don't give up. Remind yourself how good you feel when you include physical activity in your daily routine, and then get back on track.

Once you take that first step, you're on the way to an important destination — better health!!

Page 6: Andros and Nancy Ajango for chairing this event! Our 2015-2017 Philoptochos oard has concluded their term and the

Date When Celebrated : Third Monday of July

Global Hug Your Kids Day is a day you can get your arms around. The purpose of this day is simple...... give your kids a hug or two, so they know you love them. Use a hug to let them enjoy the comfort, safety, and security that a hug provides. Your kids are precious, and should never be taken for granted. Express your love with hugs.

Hugging is instinctive, and almost universal among mammals. Research has proven that everyone needs a hug. We should hug our kids at least once or twice each and every day. You will find that not only is a hug good for your kids, it's also good for you.

A hug is a way to say everything is, or will be okay.

Hugs are good in so many ways. In a simple physical way, it expresses love, comfort, security, caring, sympathy in times of sadness, and so much more. It is a natural stress reliever.

Page 7: Andros and Nancy Ajango for chairing this event! Our 2015-2017 Philoptochos oard has concluded their term and the
Page 8: Andros and Nancy Ajango for chairing this event! Our 2015-2017 Philoptochos oard has concluded their term and the

Coffee Hour is a time of fellowship and everyone is encouraged to volunteer. We have created an online sign up form to make it even easier. Sign up as a family and enjoy volunteering together. Simply click the link and sign up!

SignUpGenius will send a confirmation and a reminder email of your volunteer times. Sign up by Tuesday 11:59pm for names to be included in the Koinonia.

Coffee hour

Philoptochos Green Tips

Ground level ozone is the most widespread air quality problem in the United States. Remember not to fill your gas tank during the day on high ozone days. In addition, drive as little as possible, raise the temperature of your air conditioning thermostat, and turn off unnecessary lights. In other words, conserve energy as much as possible. Note that high ozone levels can cause respiratory problems, so be conscientious in your use of energy, gas and even solvents for your safety and that of others.
