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Heritage MinuteBattle of Little BighornLucas B.

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The battle of Little Bighorn was fought near the Little Bighorn River in eastern Montana Territory.

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The Battle of Little Bighorn was fought for two days from June 25th though the 26th in the year 1876. Custer and his six hundred men entered at mid-day, the Little Bighorn Valley.

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Why?The Sioux Indians were getting sick and tired of the American government pushing the Sioux Indians westward and taking Sioux land. The Indians way of life was being threatened by the settlers building railroads and clearing trails such as the Bozeman Trail. A treaty was broken when settlers found gold and went into Sioux territory.

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General George Custer was the leader of the American Calvary and Sitting Bull was the chief of the Sioux tribe.

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The battle was between the United States Cavalry and a lot of Native American tribes. Custer did not know that Native Americans would get other tribes to help the Sioux fight. That’s when the Cheyenne warriors and lots of other tribes helped the Sioux Indians defeat Custer and his men.

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After The Battle

Even though the Native Americans won the battle of Little Bighorn, the Federal troops marched into the Black Hills in Montana, and made the Native Americans surrender. Luckily, Sitting Bull escaped to Canada.
