Page 1: hephzibah · 2015-11-23 · other people to give, generating more than $126,000 and, in the process, changing many lives for the better. After we launched our new Planned Gift Programs

hephzibahc h i l d r e n ’ s a s s o c i a t i o n

annual report 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5

Page 2: hephzibah · 2015-11-23 · other people to give, generating more than $126,000 and, in the process, changing many lives for the better. After we launched our new Planned Gift Programs

THIRTY-THREE YEARS AGO, OUR FIRST FOSTER FAMILY WAS FORGED THROUGH A SINGULAR ACT OF KINDNESS. A local mom had died, leaving behind four grieving adopted children. After the orphaned youngsters had been safely settled in four different emergency foster homes, we began to search for permanent placements. During our search, we shared the children’s story with Oak Parkers dennis and Bunny Murphy, who had already adopted three children through another agency. Although Peter, John, Marita and Anne Marie were not related by blood, the Murphys felt that the siblings should be placed in the same home since they’d been living together before the death of their mom. When we worried out loud that it would be difficult to find a family to raise all four children, Dennis said quietly, “We will do it.” That simple declaration changed the lives of four very vulnerable youngsters—youngsters who thrived in the Murphys’ care and eventually matured into four productive, positive and utterly charming adults. Peter is now a child care worker helping other children in need at Hephzibah Home, and the children adore him. John is a firefighter and a family man. Marita is a happily married mother of two, while Anne Marie is a college student and a Hephzibah Day Care mom. You’ll learn more about their journey on page five of this report. The story of the Murphy family seems like a fitting place to begin as we reflect on the many acts of kindness that have helped Hephzibah’s children and families thrive in FY15. You’ll read about some of these selfless acts in the pages that follow—from the high school students who spent countless hours mentoring the children in our group homes and the

technology pros who spent every Saturday morning schooling them in the ways of the digital world to the celebrity chef who donated a summer of fun in the form of camp scholarships. But these were just a few of the acts of kindness that brightened our fiscal year. To help the children in our group homes lead safer, healthier and happier lives, West suburban Medical center conducted a healthy living Program at Hephzibah, with sessions devoted to topics such as Your Body and Exercise and Healthy Eating. In May, loyola University’s ronald Mcdonald children’s hospital dispatched its pediatric mobile health care unit to Hephzibah Home. When the 40-foot-long “children’s clinic on wheels” rolled into our driveway, the children in our Foster care Program clambered aboard for physical exams, immunizations, health screenings, asthma checks and more. During the growing season, our alex anderson Memorial Garden continued to serve as a healing natural oasis for the traumatized children in our care, thanks to the green thumbs and funds provided by the family of Alex Anderson and family friend Patti Spangler. Throughout the year, our committed and compassionate corps of corporate and community partners continued to give unstintingly to enhance the health, happiness and well-being of the children in our group homes, foster homes and Day Care Program. the avis Budget Group volunteered at our annual Day Care pancake breakfast fundraiser and treated the children in our group homes to a private movie screening at the Lake Theater, while employees participating in the cMe Group amicus Volunteer Program cruised Chicago’s waterways with the children on a Wendella boat tour and accompanied them on other recreational outings in the Chicago area. On Giving Tuesday in December, Gene & Georgetti restaurant donated $8,000 to Hephzibah from their November dessert sales, donations from

Dear FRIEND of Hephzibah,

2 | Hephzibah Children’s Association

Number of volunteer hours logged by our caring community of friends and supporters


Number of neglected and abused children who found a safe haven and a place to heal in our diagnostic treatment center and residence


“Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground.

Let their spirit ignite a fire within you to leave this world better than when you found it.

— WILFERD A. PETERSON Author, The Art of Living

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2015 Annual Report | 3

generous guests and a matching gift from the durpetti Foundation. Mcdonald’s corporation signed on as a $20,000 sponsor for the Heart of Gold Ball and sent a crew of employees to northern Illinois to flip burgers at our annual sibling camp cookout. Back in Oak Park, a gregarious group of employees from Philips lighting fired up the grills and cooked up platters of hot dogs and hamburgers to fuel the cowgirls and cowboys at our annual Rodeo. The Peninsula chicago hotel donated more than $16,000 in revenues from its rooftop ice skating rink, hosted a skating party for the children in our group homes and dispatched a costumed employee in a Mini Cooper decked out with bunny ears on Easter and a giant spider on Halloween to pass out candy and toy bears at Hephzibah Home. Because nothing soothes the spirit like the sound of music, the oak Park arts council sponsored a series of concerts for the children in our Diagnostic Treatment Center. Meanwhile, our individual benefactors were engaging in their own

a forever family forged through hephzibah foster care: Executive Director Mary Anne Brown (third row center) with foster parents dennis and Bunny Murphy (second row center), and the Murphy’s eight adopted children, their children’s spouses and their grandchildren

Mary Anne BrownExecutive Director

Eric SorensenBoard President

acts of kindness. In December, our first-ever challenge grant donors offered to match every donation to our hephzibah holiday challenge dollar for dollar up to $15,000. Their extraordinary generosity inspired nearly 300 other people to give, generating more than $126,000 and, in the process, changing many lives for the better. After we launched our new Planned Gift Programs in January, Hephzibah board member Francesca deBiase and her husband, Jassem el Mahmoud, marked the occasion with a generous bequest to the Hephzibah Children’s Trust. These acts of kindness, big and small, had a ripple effect. After witnessing the altruistic endeavors of a caring community, a young artist in our residence held an art show to benefit the Oak Park River Forest Food Pantry. When this young survivor of abuse learned that the proceeds from the sale of his paintings would feed 10 families, his jaw dropped—and he has already started to create a new body of work for his next art benefit. In Summer 2015, a compassionate group of hephzibah day care kids formed a Hephzibah chapter of the GenerationOn Kids Club, a global youth service movement that inspires young people to work together to help others in their communities and around the world. The children sold lemonade to raise money for Hephzibah and the Animal Care League; carefully crafted crate blankets, toys and “Adopt Me” bandannas for the homeless animals at the Animal Care League shelter; helped preschoolers with special needs; and volunteered at a food pantry. As times get tougher, these acts of kindness make a bigger difference in the world. Thank you all for helping us build a better future for the children we serve!

Number of community and corporate partners that enhanced the lives of Hephzibah’s children with vital support and services


Page 4: hephzibah · 2015-11-23 · other people to give, generating more than $126,000 and, in the process, changing many lives for the better. After we launched our new Planned Gift Programs

Abused Dogs HELPING Abused KidsNE OF THE MOST HEARTWARMING STORIES OF THE YEAR is the story of Paws for strength, a new pet therapy program made possible by a partnership between Hephzibah and the Bryan and amanda Bickell Foundation. Paws for Strength pairs rescued and rehabilitated therapy dogs with the abused children in our group homes to create a healing

human-animal bond. During the eight-week program, the children teach their canine companions tricks and then demonstrate their dog’s new skills at a graduation ceremony. Chicago Blackhawks forward Bryan Bickell and his wife, Amanda, visited Hephzibah in December to read the children a story about an abused dog that was rescued and now lives with a loving family. “Hopefully that will be my story,” said one child after listening intently to every word. When Hephzibah Executive Director Mary Anne Brown asked the children why Bryan and Amanda had chosen them to learn about and work with rescued dogs, one little boy responded, “Because bad things have happened to us too.” “The kids really relate to these dogs,” says Amanda Bickell. “When they learn that the dogs live with families now and they’re able to love and be happy again, it gives the children hope that they can have a brighter future too.”


UR DAY CARE KIDS got an extra helping of fun in Summer 2015 with the launch

of 25 new super-sized Playshops. These beefed-up, two-week summer camp workshops offered something for everyone in our diverse camp population, from knitting, puppet-making and theater arts to adventures in engineering and extreme sports. Budding comics honed their stand-up skills during an improv workshop, young fashionistas sketched and stitched up clothing designs at the Hephzibah House of Style and aspiring chefs engaged in hands-on kitchen sessions, while the earnest souls in the Hephzibah chapter of the GenerationOn Kids Club dreamed up ways to make the world a better place through service projects.


A Super-Sized Helping of FUN

OST POST-MILLENNIAL KIDS are “digital natives” who have grown up with computers,

digital music players, video games and other tools and toys of the digital age. But many of the survivors of neglect and abuse at Hephzibah Home have had little or no exposure to the digital world—and lag far behind their peers in technology skills. With the help of a kind-hearted cadre of volunteer Technology Mentors, Hephzibah’s kids are finally crossing that digital divide. Guided by their very own “geek squad” of technology professionals, they’ve learned the basics of safe web browsing, created PowerPoint presentations, disassembled a computer to learn about its components and even done some rudimentary coding. What’s next for our young techies in training? Brian Druley and Sue Stark, the visionary volunteer founders of hephzibah’s technology Program, are already hatching a plan to wow the kids with a course in robotics.


TECHIES in Training



Guided by some good-hearted technology pros, hephzibah’s kids are going digital

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TUDIES SHOW THAT HIGH-qUALITY LEARNING ExPERIENCES during the first five years of life can promote the development of a robust network of

neural pathways that can enhance a child’s ability to think, react, process and grow. Yet the U.S. ranks 25th in the world for early learning enrollment—and fewer than 30 percent of all four-year-olds nationwide are enrolled in quality early learning programs. To help address this unmet need, Hephzibah’s Day Care Program now offers Head Start services free of charge for qualifying families in Oak Park and surrounding communities. Each year, scores of preschoolers are nurtured and enriched by our Head Start curriculum as they engage in activities that foster their growth and development in areas such as language, literacy, math, science, creative arts, physical skills, learning skills and social and emotional functioning. The program has drawn rave reviews from Head Start parents—and accolades from the State of Illinois. In FY15, Hephzibah earned the Gold circle of Quality designation—the highest of four ratings available through the state’s new quality rating system for early learning and development providers.

SPaving the Way for a SUCCESSFUL Future

H E P H z I B A H H E A D S T A R T

2015 Annual Report | 5

HE YEAR WAS 1982—and it was shaping up to be the worst year ever for Peter, John, Marita and Anne Marie, whose single adoptive mom had just died. Hephzibah was still setting up its Foster care Program, with a foster care license in hand and foster families lined up, but no state contract. No contract meant no funding for the children’s care, but that

didn’t deter Hephzibah’s first foster families, who took the orphaned siblings in without pay. The children were in good hands, but they were also in separate emergency foster homes. They missed their mom and they missed each other. When night fell, they lay alone in unfamiliar beds, wondering if they’d

ever see one another again. Hephzibah Executive Director Mary Anne Brown was also lying awake at night

worrying about the sibling group. Would she have to split them up permanently to facilitate their adoptions? She had to find a better way.

Brown mentioned the children’s plight to Oak Parkers dennis and Bunny Murphy, who had already adopted three children. Without hesitation, the Murphys responded, “We’ll take them all,” and hephzibah’s first forever family was born. Thirty-three years later, it’s clear that the ties that bind the Murphys are emotional, rather than genetic. But, says Anne Marie, the bonds are no less enduring. “We were brought together through a Hephzibah adoption,” she notes, “and our bond is deeper than blood.”

TThe FAMILY That Hephzibah Built

Peter, John, Marita and Anne Marie (above, l-r) in 1982, when they were placed with Dennis and Bunny Murphy

The foursome, 33 years later, in 2015


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The oak Park auxiliary Board spent countless hours promoting our 2015 heart of Gold Ball, The Stars Among Us, soliciting and packaging auction items and creating the celestial setting for our biggest fundraiser of the year. Their efforts helped us raise just under $312,000—an increase of $82,000 over the previous year. In November 2014, the Oak Park Auxiliary hosted its fifth annual Fall harvest Wine & Beer tasting at Paramount Events. Paramount owner Jodi Fyfe, an Oak Park Auxiliary Board member and Hephzibah Corporate Partner, donated the food and enlisted vendors to provide wine and beer samples for the event, which raised nearly $4,300 for Hephzibah’s kids. The Western auxiliary Board chased away the winter chill with its third annual Valentines Day fund-raiser, rock n roll for the heart and soul. The event, which featured performances by three rock bands and an auction at the Elevate Studio & Gallery in Glen

Putting COMPASSION into ActionUR CHICAGO, OAK PARK AND WESTERN AUxILIARY BOARD MEMBERS energized and inspired everyone at Hephzibah in FY15 with their boundless enthusiasm as they raised awareness of Hephzibah’s mission, hosted fundraising events and organized activities for the O

Ellyn, generated raves from guests and more than $12,000 in proceeds. More than 600 supporters hit the road for Hephzibah on Memorial Day 2015 at the Western Auxiliary Board’s 14th annual hoof it for hephzibah run/Walk and Kids dash. The popular Glen Ellyn 5K raised $38,000 for Hephzibah programs while raising awareness of our mission in the western suburbs. Meanwhile, our grow-ing chicago auxiliary Board continued to spread the word about Hephzibah to other young urban professionals while introducing the chil-dren in our group homes to recreational activities in the downtown area. In August

2014, scores of supporters slathered on their sun-screen and headed over to North Avenue beach for a day of sports, socializing, live music and more at the Chicago Auxiliary’s 7th annual dodgeball tournament. Nearly 100 enthusiastic dodgeballers participated in

the tournament, which raised over $10,000 for the children in our group homes. The following March, more than 50 young Chicagoans participated in the Chicago’s Auxiliary’s first annual 90’s theme Pub crawl, a lighthearted tour of some of the trendiest taverns in Chicago’s Logan Square neighborhood, with different bar games at each stop.

children living in our group and foster homes. Over the course of the fiscal year, this dynamic force of 90 committed and compassionate citizens raised a combined total of $390,000 to help make our mission possible. We’ve highlighted just a few of their labors of love below.

Young urbanites at the Chicago Auxiliary Board’s 2014 Dodgeball Tournament in August

Runners of all ages hoof it through Glen Ellyn on Memorial Day 2015 at the Western Auxiliary’s hoof it for hephzibah 5K run/Walk; Western Auxiliary Board Vice President and real-life rocker Tami Wanless performs with her band, Savile Row, at the Western Auxiliary’s Valentine’s Day fundraiser, rock n roll for the heart and soul; guests at the 2015 heart of Gold Ball revel in the evening’s festivities; and young Chicagoans play a game of Twister at the Chicago Auxiliary’s first annual 90’s theme Pub crawl.

N 1935, KEITH ELKINS and his little sister, Muriel, landed on Hephzibah’s doorstep. Their parents, financially

depleted by the Great Depression and on the verge of a breakup, had come to the discouraging conclusion that they could no longer provide for their children. Keith doesn’t remember much about that day, but he does remember his years as a “Hephzibah kid.” “My years at Hephzibah turned out to be the happiest of my childhood,” he notes. “Well into adulthood, I treasure the gift that Hephzibah gave me—the gift of hope.” Now Keith and his wife, Kathleen, have returned that gift by naming Hephzibah as the beneficiary of a bequest in their will. “I want to help ensure that Hephzibah can provide as much security and happiness for children now as it did for me and my sister back in the 1930s,” says the retired college professor, whose fond memories also inspired him to write a deeply personal account of Hephzibah’s history and evolution from the 1930s to the present. We are deeply grateful to Keith and Kathleen for their planned gift, which will help other children find a safe haven at Hephzibah Home in the years to come.


Paying it FORWARD


H E P H z I B A H ’ S A U x I L I A R Y B O A R D S

Keith Elkins (third from top) at Hephzibah in 1935

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2015 Annual Report | 7

HEN HEPHzIBAH’S RODEO ROLLED AROUND in June 2015, the children in our group homes could barely contain their excitement. They adore the rodeo, which is held annually to reward them for

their hard work and achievements during the academic year. But, more than the pony rides and prizes, the dunk tank and the bounce house, the comical llama in the petting zoo or the nice lady who makes those twisty balloon animals, the main attraction at the festival is the undivided attention of the hephzibah huskies—a group of Oak Park River Forest high school students who have captured the hearts of Hephzibah’s kids. In FY15, these energetic and idealistic volunteers not only organized and hosted the Rodeo, but took the children to high school sporting events, hosted a sports day and a St. Patrick’s Day party, served up three Sunday Suppers at Hephzibah Home, joined their young friends and fans for regular movie and game nights and volunteered in our Day Care Program. Their gifts of time and companionship have worked wonders for the traumatized children that we serve, helping youngsters who are reluctant to love or trust develop healthy emotional bonds. We applaud these high-school humanitarians for their selflessness and enduring commitment to children in need.


Getting back in the saddle of life: Through events such as the 2015 Rodeo, the Hephzibah Huskies have helped the traumatized children at Hephzibah Home learn how to relax and enjoy life again.

a healing moment: A Hephzibah Huskie and a young friend share a laugh over a goat’s voracious appetite for hay at the Rodeo petting zoo.

N SUMMER 2015, SEVERAL HEPHzIBAH CHILDREN walked into a world packed with new possibilities: a world free of adult judgments and expectations where they could experience new sensations, make their own decisions and explore their passions and potential. It was steve & Kate’s

camp, where kids can zero in on what truly makes them happy. The camp, which offered activities ranging from ziplining to software development to fully choreographed music videos, was a gift from emmy-

nominated chef and Food network star Jeff Mauro, who has been a Hephzibah fan ever since his mom served on Hephzibah’s board in the early 1990s. Mauro is one of three celebrity chefs who assist with menu planning for Steve & Kate’s Camp, which offers five-course meals featuring cuisines from Mexico, Asia, France and other far-flung locales. This is just the latest of many good works on behalf of Hephzibah’s kids for Mauro, who has made a habit out of naming Hephzibah as the beneficiary of his prize money whenever he competes in a Food Network cooking contest.


Cooking Up the Best Summer EVER

Food Network star Jeff Mauro was

honored at our 2015 Heart of Gold Ball

with the Heart of Gold Award for his

outstanding commitment to Hephzibah.

a celebrity chef serves Up steve & Kate’s camp scholarships for Foster Kids in need

H E P H z I B A H H U S K I E S

A day of music video production at Steve & Kate’s Camp

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THANK YOU for your acts of kindness!

Number of generous donorswho supported our missionwith 4,037 financial contributions and in-kind gifts


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GIFTS $100,000 and aboveAnonymousHephzibah Auxiliary Boards

$25,000 to $49,999AnonymousMr. Kent D. Barnett and Ms. Lauren Heath*McDonald’s CorporationNOW Health Group, Inc.The Lavin Bernick Huber Charitable FundUnion Pacific Foundation

$10,000 to $24,999AnonymousMr. and Mrs. Max D. BrownPaul and Sherry CarberyCDBG–Community Development Block Grant Oak ParkCME Group Community FoundationEconomy ShopGE Capital Commercial Finance, Inc.Helen Brach FoundationHephzibah Children’s TrustJohn F. Smiekel FoundationKatten Muchin Rosenman LLPLatham & WatkinsLerner Family FoundationNorthern Trust CompanyOak Park River Forest Community FoundationMr. and Mrs. Gary PaicePeninsula Chicago HotelRichter Consulting, Inc.T. Kendall Hunt Family FoundationThe John Buck Company Foundation

Mr. James Yuratovac

$500 to $999AccuVal AssociatesMr. and Mrs. Suresh T. AdvaniMs. Wincy AlforqueMr. and Mrs. Mike AllesMs. Barb Althaus and Ms. Lynn MorrisonMr. and Mrs. Mitchell AndersonAnonymousMs. Laura L. ArterburnMr. Jesse H. Austin IIIMr. Don Babwin and Ms. Joan RadovichMr. Curt BachmanDr. and Mrs. Anthony BarbatoMr. and Mrs. John M. BarkidjijaMr. and Mrs. Stephen BattreallMrs. Patricia BelkeMr. and Mrs. Alfred BianucciMs. Pashen BlackMr. and Mrs. Ryan BlackburnBleifuss Law, Ltd.Mr. and Mrs. Alec P. BlissMs. Theresa H. BolandMr. and Mrs. Mike BoscoMs. Elizabeth BrittBurger Boss, LLCMr. Brian Byrne and Ms. Mary Jane JoyceMs. Rajmonda CaceresMr. and Mrs. Antonio CaldaroneMr. and Mrs. Tom CargieCargillCarolinas Healthcare SystemCarrac Capital PartnersMr. and Mrs. Scott CaudellChicago Board Options ExchangeMr. William Cleavland and Ms. Lisa CollingsMr. and Mrs. Brian CoffeeMs. Ann ColinsComet Die & Engraving CompanyCommunity Bank of Oak Park & River Forest

The UPS FoundationUS Bank

$5,000 to $9,999Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. AmbrosinoMr. and Mrs. Paul AndrewsAnna Kushel Marshall TrustAnonymousMr. and Mrs. Joe DahirDaniel F. and Ada L. Rice FoundationDolan Family FoundationMs. Carol J. DunningMr. Jassem el Mahmoud and Ms. Francesca DeBiaseMr. and Mrs. Shaun EmersonFirst Midwest BankForest Park National BankGE Antares CapitalHarry F. Chaddick & Elaine Chaddick Foundation, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. HaupersMr. and Mrs. Eric A. JordahlKing & Spalding LLPMr. and Mrs. Shaun LaneLJ FoundationMacquarieDr. and Mrs. Lou McKeeverMr. and Mrs. Noel G. MooreMorgan Stanley FoundationMr. and Mrs. Joshua MosesMr. and Mrs. Dave L. O’BrienMr. and Mrs. Donald A. RosenwinkelMr. Joseph C. Scully and Dr. Judith ScullyThe PrivateBankThe Ward FoundationToy Industry FoundationUnited Way Metro ChicagoW.R. Berkley Corporation Charitable Foundation

$1,000 to $4,999Mr. Alex Anderson and Ms. Anne HennessyAnonymousMr. David A. Ansell and Ms. Paula M. GrablerMr. and Mrs. Walter AqueMr. John AraujoMr. and Mrs. Daniel E. ArendsMr. and Mrs. Allen ArnettMr. and Mrs. Thomas BabboBarker and Castro, LLCMs. Jackie M. BarlowMr. and Mrs. Nick BeilMr. Robert Bloch and Ms. Barbara KahnMr. and Mrs. Brian BonomoDr. and Mrs. Michael BowkerMr. and Mrs. C. Cuyler BrownMr. and Mrs. Terry P. BrownCapstone Financial AdvisorsCareful Peach BoutiqueMr. and Mrs. Richard A. CederothChapman & CutlerChicago Teacher, Inc.Dr. Joseph ChristianChuhak & TecsonClayton A. Struve Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. John J. ConnellyMr. Burt Constable and Ms. Cheryl ter HorstMr. and Mrs. Kevin J. ConwayCorporate Relocation CouncilMr. and Mrs. Brian DailyMr. Larry G. Dakof and Ms. Irma AguilarMr. and Mrs. Michael DeitchMs. Jane DennisMr. and Mrs. Dominic DiomedeMr. Brian DruleyMr. and Mrs. David DunningMr. and Mrs. Anthony DurpettiEcolab Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. John EdwardsonMr. John C. Filosa and Ms. Cathaleen RoachFirst United Methodist ChurchMr. and Mrs. Mark T. FisherMr. and Mrs. Jack FlynnMs. Ann FraioliDr. Frances GaikMs. Cheri Gallagher and Ms. Joanne TurkoMr. and Mrs. John GalloMr. and Mrs. Lawrence GarberMs. Maria GarvyGE CapitalGE Capital SolutionsGene & Georgetti RestaurantGeorge M. Eisenberg Foundation for CharitiesGeorge and Barbara Kovacs Family FundMr. and Mrs. Gregory GerberMr. and Mrs. Thomas GladdenMr. and Mrs. John GlavinMr. and Mrs. Robert GlickMr. and Mrs. Norman GoldringMr. David GrandeMr. and Mrs. Bill GreenMr. and Mrs. Edward GreenMr. Daniel N. Greenstone and Ms. Heidi LynchGreentarget Global Group, LLCGuy Fieri’s Cooking With Kids FoundationMr. and Mrs. Miles HarrisMr. and Mrs. Michael J. HayesMs. Mercedes HennessyHinsdale Junior Woman’s ClubHogan Marren, Ltd.Mr. and Mrs. Martin HorwichMr. and Mrs. Mark JacksonMr. and Mrs. Robert A. JarrettDr. and Mrs. Donald JensenJocarno FundMr. Thomas Johnson and Ms. Leslie A. Jones

Ms. Gina JudgeMr. and Mrs. Ken P. KansaMrs. Mary Ann KarrisMr. David J. KerwinMr. Steve Kiger and Ms. Leslie BernsKohl’s Cares for Kids/ Community RelationsMr. and Mrs. Michael KozakMr. Nate Laurell and Ms. Kris McCoyMr. and Mrs. Vince LaurenzoMr. Aaron Lebovitz and Ms. Donna MyersMr. Byron Lee and Ms. Audrey Williams-LeeProf. Richard Leftwich and Ms. Susan HammondDr. David Levy and Dr. Janis WienerMrs. Christine LindeMs. Sharon LipinskiMr. and Mrs. George LocastoMr. and Mrs. Brian LoftusDr. Gregory J. Macchio and Dr. Rosa M. NavarroMr. and Mrs. Michael MacKinnonMaclean-FoggMr. and Mrs. David MajewskiMr. and Mrs. James MalpedeMr. Sheldon MandellMary Lou Downs FoundationMr. and Mrs. Daniel MatasMr. and Mrs. Jeff MauroMr. and Mrs. Mark McCannMcCarthy & Trinka, Inc.McCarthy Tetrault LLPMr. and Mrs. John McIlwainMr. Marvin McLean and Ms. Donna RolfMr. and Mrs. Stephen MeadMr. and Mrs. Neeraj MehtaMr. Robert MerriweatherMesirow FinancialDr. Anthony Millard and Dr. Dietra D. MillardMr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Miller

Mr. Joseph Monahan and Ms. Kathleen McDonaldMr. and Mrs. Dennis MurphyMs. Sara MyersMs. Frances NauthMr. and Mrs. Donald x. NekrosiusMr. and Mrs. Alan D. NesburgDavid and Lee NeubeckerMr. and Mrs. Andy NoonanMr. and Mrs. Mark PacioniPer Se Group, Inc.Ms. Lorenza PerelliMr. and Mrs. Floyd D. PerkinsMr. Michael T. PerkinsMr. and Mrs. Peter G. PerkinsMr. and Mrs. Perry PeroMs. Laura Petrie and Ms. Shelley PetriePhilips Lighting Systems and ControlTimothy and Molly PhilosophosPilgrim Congregational ChurchPlayers Sport and Social Group, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Anthony PontrelliMr. and Mrs. Fred C. Ramquist Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Pravin RaoMr. and Mrs. Viresh RawalReliance Capital Markets II, LLCRetail Properties of AmericaMs. Carolyn J. RocheRoosevelt Middle SchoolRush Oak Park HospitalMr. Michael Salvati and Ms. Charlotte RubensteinMr. Rodney Schainis and Dr. Lisa ChorzempaScheck IndustriesMr. and Mrs. Michael ScheckScripps Networks InteractiveSG 360Mr. and Mrs. Brian SherMr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. ShinerSidley Austin FoundationSidley Austin LLPDr. and Mrs. Michael Silver

Simplified Search, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Ted SkodolSloan Valve CompanyMrs. Virginia SonnenscheinMr. and Mrs. Eric A. SorensenMr. Arthur H. Soudek and Ms. Nora M. FitzgeraldMr. and Mrs. Bryon StanislawMr. and Mrs. Brent StrattonMr. Michael Stutz and Ms. Kari McGrathSupera Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. Byron F. TaylorTerri Joe Charitable FoundationTerri Race Educational Technology FundThe Good Heart, Work Smart FoundationThe Grainger FoundationThe Palmer Family FoundationThe Sweet Water FoundationMr. and Mrs. Brian ThierThrivent ChoiceMr. and Mrs. Scott TinerviaMr. and Mrs. Lance TortoriciMr. and Mrs. Kevin P. ToyeMr. Mark Trinka and Ms. Bernadette DiazTTx CompanyUnited Way of the National Capital AreaUnity Temple Unitarian Universalist CongregationMr. and Mrs. Josh WeaverMr. James A. White and Ms. Andrea RavinWhole Foods MarketMs. Martha WilliamsWinston & Strawn LLPMr. and Mrs. Bruce WojackMr. Jon YatesMr. Thomas Yates and Ms. Diane RatekinMr. and Mrs. Charles G. Young

2015 Annual Report | 9

THANK YOU for your acts of kindness!Brother and sister at Camp HepSIBah sibling camp

Gifts and grants from Kent Barnett and the late lauren heath Barnett ($40,000), the lerner Family Foundation ($15,000), the toy industry Foundation ($7,500), UPs ($10,000), the harry F. chaddick and elaine chaddick Foundation ($5,000) and sloan Valve ($5,000) enabled scores of siblings living in different group, foster and adoptive homes to reconnect at our annual camp hepsiBah sibling camp and create positive, shared childhood memories that will last a lifetime.


a Don


* deceased

Page 10: hephzibah · 2015-11-23 · other people to give, generating more than $126,000 and, in the process, changing many lives for the better. After we launched our new Planned Gift Programs

Mr. Michael Cope and Ms. Laura DunneMr. and Mrs. Bruce CoxDavid James CompanyMr. and Mrs. John DavisMr. and Mrs. Ryan De WitteMr. and Mrs. Mark D. DeatonMr. and Mrs. Bill DeftosDr. and Mrs. Edward J. DelBeccaroMr. Allen Dick and Ms. Diane BoninaMr. Rich DiVerdeMr. and Mrs. Michael J. Egan

Mr. and Mrs. James EldredMr. Bruce Elegant and Dr. Debra GurneyMr. and Mrs. Robert EulerMr. Sumner T. Farren and Ms. Sharon L. HermannsMr. and Mrs. Thadford FeltonMr. and Mrs. Robert S. FinleyFirst United Church of Oak ParkMs. Wendy FosterFrito LayFuschia BoutiqueMr. and Mrs. George F. GallandGap FoundationGarvey’s Office ProductsMr. and Mrs. Michael GibbsGlobal HopeMs. Rosemary GodfreyMr. Morris B. Goldman and Ms. Hilarie LiebMr. and Mrs. John GrimesMr. Michael GrimesMr. Brian HammersleySenator and Mrs. Don HarmonMr. and Mrs. Stephen HarrenMr. and Mrs. Garratt HasenstabMr. and Mrs. Eric HennessyMr. and Mrs. Jason HoffmanMr. Julius Lloyd HorwichMr. Richard C. Huettel and Ms. Susan J. HarroldMr. Rich Iorio and Ms. Irina KonstantinovskyMs. Phyllis A. IsaacsonJohn D. and Catherine T. MacArthur FoundationMr. and Mrs. Matthew E. JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Donald Jones

Ms. Mary KaneMr. and Mrs. Gregg KillorenMs. Michele K. KitchMr. and Mrs. John KulieMr. Peter Labadie and Ms. Suzanne SaxmanMr. and Mrs. James LagoMr. and Mrs. Jeff LandisMr. and Mrs. John LeFevourMr. and Mrs. Lee LernerMastercare Building Services, Inc.Ms. Emily Mauro

Mr. and Mrs. Gus MauroMr. and Mrs. Robert A. MaxsonMs. Kristin MayhewMs. Karen W. McClardMr. and Mrs. John McConvilleMr. Robert McCurdyMr. and Mrs. Patrick McKuneMs. Cary McLeanMr. and Mrs. Adam MillerMr. and Mrs. Bruce MillerMr. and Mrs. James W. MillerMr. and Mrs. Duschan W. MilojevicMr. Roger J. ModderMoller Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. Michael MorrisonThe Mulcahey FamilyMr. and Mrs. Steve NationsMr. and Mrs. Ronald L. NelsonMs. Tracey NicastroDr. and Mrs. Jerry NiedermanMr. and Mrs. Jake NobleMr. and Mrs. T.J. NolanMr. and Mrs. Marty NollMr. and Mrs. Michael NoonanNRC Realty & Capital Advisors, LLCMr. and Mrs. James NugentParkview PresbyterianMr. and Mrs. zdenek A. PecenkaMr. and Mrs. Frank PellegriniDr. and Mrs. Harold J. Pelzer, D.D.S.Mr. and Mrs. Rocco PetrosinoMr. Don PilcherMr. and Mrs. Richard PogvaraMr. and Mrs. Tom PoulosMr. and Mrs. Brian PowellMs. Marijke RajuMr. Michael E. Reed and Ms. Camille A. Olson

Ms. Sira UrbinaValue AutoMs. Michaelle Van LindenMr. and Mrs. Paul Van VlietMr. Steven Wade and Dr. Elaine Lee WadeMr. John Walter and Ms. Sagari MedappaMr. Mike Warren and Ms. Julie BuchananMr. Keith WeilerWheaton MontessoriWheaton Orthodontic CenterMr. David H. WickMr. and Mrs. David A. WilleyMr. John D. WilsonWindy City Carpet Service, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. James WoywodMr. and Mrs. Dean N. Yannias

$100 to $249A Matter of StyleMr. and Mrs. Tom AbrahamsonAlex Transport, Inc.Mr. Michael C. AlexanderAmazonSmile FoundationMr. Brian AndersenMr. and Mrs. M. Scott Anderson

Ms. Carol L. AngletAnonymousMr. Michael AntoniettiMr. and Mrs. Jonathan AshtonMr. and Mrs. Pete AuvinenMs. Marilyn J. AyersmanBag Lady/Sheet LadyMr. Brian Baginski and Ms. Cathey BojaladMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. BakerMr. and Mrs. Mitch BakerMr. and Mrs. Jon A. BakkenMr. Timothy Bannon and Ms. Cecelia BacomMr. and Mrs. Eugene BarsantiMs. Mary BeachMs. Kathryn BeedleMr. and Mrs. Richard A. BeemanMr. Kenneth K. BellaireMs. Mary BianchiMrs. Sarah BieleckiMs. Amber Blatt

Ms. Jessica K. BoelterMr. Andre D. BonakdarMr. and Mrs. John BoyarisMr. and Mrs. Michael E. BradtBrennan’s Pest ControlMr. and Mrs. Juergen BroscheitMs. Tatjana BrownMs. Theresa BrownBrownie Troop #41169Ms. Gina BruzzichesiMs. Constance R. BuckleyMr. and Mrs. John BurnsMs. Sandra BurnsMrs. Delilah ButlerMs. Piper CaldwellMr. and Mrs. Johnny CallaghanCamille Margaret DesignsMs. Martha CantuMr. and Mrs. Mike CardamoneMrs. Rose M. CarrollMr. Paul CarusoMs. Marci ChartrandMs. Stephanie ChildMr. Ching-Cheng ChouChristina Publishing SocietyDr. and Mrs. Theodore ChristouMr. Bernd ClaubergCole’s BarMr. Christopher Collins

Ms. Colleen M. CollinsCommunity SharesMr. Robert Conrardy and Ms. Diane DygertMs. Joan E. CooganMr. and Mrs. Bill CornmanMs. Hilda CorralMr. and Mrs. Andrew CorsiniDr. Francine CournosMr. and Mrs. David CraigheadMs. Mary A. CraneMs. Joy CunninghamMs. Emily DaviesMs. Suzanne De VosMr. and Mrs. Robert R. DenisiukMr. and Mrs. Prakash DesaiMs. Christine M. DevriesMr. and Mrs. Edward J. DieschbourgMr. and Mrs. Fred R. DiNapoliMr. and Mrs. Timothy E. DivisMr. Thomas J. DixonMr. and Mrs. John DoerrerMr. and Mrs. Chuck Doherty

Mr. and Mrs. Dominic PisaniMr. and Mrs. Robert PlanekPNC FoundationPrecious MomentsPrudential FoundationMr. and Mrs. Jason PucciniPulaski International School of ChicagoPure ProcessingMs. Jan PyrceMr. Devon quinn and Ms. Jodi FyfeMrs. Edward quinnMr. and Mrs. Damon RafieiMs. Kelly N. ReevesRenee Hughes IncorporatedMr. Joel RheaMr. Andrew RichardsonMr. and Mrs. Michael C. RichardsonMs. Mylene RichardsonMs. Leslyn G. RigoniMs. Frances M. RoachMr. and Mrs. Mark RocheMr. and Mrs. William G. RocheMs. Paige RogersMr. and Mrs. Anthony W. RothermelMr. and Mrs. Michael C. RupeMr. and Mrs. Mike RyanMs. Rosa SantosMr. and Mrs. Frank SaporitoMr. and Mrs. Kenneth SchiffmanMr. and Mrs. William A. SchmalzlDr. Marieke SchoenMr. and Mrs. Michael SchoenySear’s PharmacyMs. Renee SichlauMr. and Mrs. Ben SinaikoMr. Gary SmithMs. Melissa SmithMr. and Mrs. Steven SperacinoMs. Cara StaderMs. Helena StancikasMr. and Mrs. Arthur J. SteinbergMrs. and Mrs. Mason W. StephensonMr. Jeffrey Stocker and Ms. Mary SpyropoulosMr. and Mrs. Dan J. SturchMs. Aaron SullivanMr. Ronald J. SuszekMr. and Mrs. Jim SvehlaMr. Dan SwinfordMs. Rosemary E. SzurkoMs. Leesa TinerviaMs. Kimberly Underwood

Mr. and Mrs. Ian HutchinsonMs. Jewel HylandMr. and Mrs. David B. JossMs. Anne McNamee KeelsDr. and Mrs. Matthew R. KelleherMs. Cindy KielkuckiMr. Glen A. KienitzMs. Paula KovarikMs. Barbara Krause & FamilyKristi Hughes PhotographyMr. David Kroopkin and Ms. Michelle BrodeMr. and Mrs. Randy LaibleMr. and Mrs. Benjamin LandayMr. and Mrs. Jonathan LaneyMr. and Mrs. John LeeMr. and Mrs. David LentzLeo Burnett Company Charitable FoundationMs. Susanne LodgenMr. and Mrs. Mike LofgrenMs. Kimberly LouisMr. and Mrs. James R. LovelaceMr. Joseph Loveland, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Paul MannMr. Michael Mariottini and Ms. Laura KitsosMr. George MatkovMr. and Mrs. James McCrackenMr. Edward McGillen and Ms. Mary RaleighMeathead Management, LLCMr. Paul Medford and Ms. Ellen Marie SnareMr. Michael MikoolaMs. Mary Kay MirelesMr. and Mrs. James W. MizgalaMr. Chris D. MolenMunicipal Systems, Inc.Northern Trust Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant ProgramMr. and Mrs. Mark NussbaumMs. Sarah OlsonMr. and Mrs. Edward O’RourkeMs. Lynn O’RourkeMr. Andrew PackerMr. Michael W. PapciakParenthesisMr. and Mrs. Mark ParrellMr. Thomas Pasternak and Ms. Carolyn KilbrideMs. Amanda PerkettMr. and Mrs. William S. PettyMr. and Mrs. Sam Pickering

10 | Hephzibah Children’s Association

Rotary Club of Oak Park & River FoundationMr. and Mrs. Rick ScheckMr. and Mrs. Eugene SchoonSchulz-Brundage, Inc.Ms. Sandra L. SeegersMr. and Mrs. Daniel SeltzerShowtime FitnessMr. and Mrs. Michael SichlauMr. Arthur J. SimonMr. Aaron Smith and Ms. Lisa RhodesMr. and Mrs. Robert S. SpadoniMr. Darryl J. Strouse and Ms. Josephine E. HalpinSugarcup TradingMr. Danny Sugimoto and Ms. Sondra L. SummersThe Law RecruitersThe Lumpkin Family FoundationThe Robert Thomas Bobins FoundationThe Trainer FamilyMr. and Mrs. Randall ThompsonTransportation Warehousing Enterprises, Inc.Travelers Insurance Employee Giving CampaignMr. and Mrs. William R. TrimbleMr. and Mrs. John TulleyMr. Shawn Vogen and Mrs. Kristen Carlson VogenMr. Matt WalterMr. and Mrs. Alex WanlessMr. Curt Warner and Ms. Kathryn E. HempelDr. and Mrs. Thomas J. WeigelMr. and Mrs. Michael Weldon-LinneMr. and Mrs. John WickesWindgate Wealth ManagementMs. Kristina WoodwardMr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Wright IIIMs. Lola Wright

$250 to $499Mr. and Mrs. John AdamMs. Catherine AdduciMs. Carolyn z. AlfordMr. and Mrs. Graham C. AllenAllstate Insurance CompanyMs. Bonnie S. AndersonMs. Patricia L. Angell

AnonymousMr. Frederick ArkinDr. and Mrs. James W. AtchisonAvis Rent A Car System, LLCBank of America Charitable FoundationMrs. Donna BarrowsBartel’s Auto Clinic & quick LubeMr. and Mrs. Dell L. Bellile Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Michael BensonMs. Denise Berdelle and FamilyMrs. John R. BlairBP Fabric of America FundMs. Jean BrackettMr. and Mrs. Marty CalkinsMs. Anne CampanaMs. Iole CappielloMr. and Mrs. Luke CassonMr. and Mrs. Kellen ChoiMr. and Mrs. Peter ClarkMr. and Mrs. Matthew A. ClementeMr. and Mrs. Tim CooperMr. and Mrs. Louis CorsinoMr. and Mrs. David CoverdaleMr. and Mrs. Timothy J. CunninghamMr. James CusickMs. Nadine P. DillonMr. and Mrs. Douglas DixonMs. Gina DonlinMr. and Mrs. Vincent DonnellyMr. and Mrs. Steven DornamenMr. and Mrs. Donald D. DuddlestonMr. and Mrs. Michael DvorskyMs. Christina EwingMr. Patrick Fahey and Mr. Carl BranchMs. Megan FeinbergMr. John B. Flanigan and Ms. Michele M. zurakowskiMr. Michael J. FlynnMr. and Mrs. Mark FriedbergerMr. and Mrs. William FullerMs. Eileen M. GarveyMr. and Mrs. Matthew GatrellMr. and Mrs. David C. GiardinaDr. William J. Gradishar and Dr. Cynthia BoydMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey GravelyH4 Training, LLCMr. and Mrs. Jon R. HarrisMr. and Mrs. Farooq HassanHealthTrack Sport WellnessMr. Melvin D. HoverMs. Leigh Ann Hughes

Page 11: hephzibah · 2015-11-23 · other people to give, generating more than $126,000 and, in the process, changing many lives for the better. After we launched our new Planned Gift Programs
Page 12: hephzibah · 2015-11-23 · other people to give, generating more than $126,000 and, in the process, changing many lives for the better. After we launched our new Planned Gift Programs

12 | Hephzibah Children’s Association

Mr. Gary L. PenrithMr. and Mrs. Donovan PepperMr. and Mrs. David PersinoPersonal Expressions DesignsMr. Michael Pesigan and Ms. Dianna ThomasMr. and Mrs. Roy A. Picone Sr.Mr. and Mrs. James PizzoMs. Renee A. PlesharMr. Keith PlummerMr. and Mrs. John PolhillMr. Edward PontPoppyMr. and Mrs. Nicholas G. quilMr. and Mrs. M. Patrick quinnMrs. Lisa L. ReesMr. Francis ReganMr. Tyler J. ReighleyMr. and Mrs. Mark ReitzMr. and Mrs. Roger RhombergMr. Harry RichterMr. Jeff RidgellMs. Casandra RingsdorfMr. and Mrs. Dean RischitelliDr. and Mrs. Robert C. RockMr. and Mrs. Philip RodenMs. Nancy RolockMr. Richard RomanMr. David A. RooneyMs. Kristi RossMr. Lawrence RothMr. Morrie RutmanMr. and Mrs. John T. SchaffMr. and Mrs. Michael E. SchimmelMr. and Mrs. Ralph A. SchulerDr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. SchwartzMs. Lisa SchwartzMr. Craig M. SeidelMr. and Mrs. Joseph ShapiroMr. and Mrs. Jack ShayMr. and Mrs. Dan SheaMr. Brent ShepherdMr. Steven ShieldsMr. Glenn SiegelMr. and Mrs. Darryl SjostromMr. John W. Slocum and Ms. Rachel N. WeberMs. Mary Beth SmithMs. Charlene A. SobyMr. and Mrs. John SokolowskiSpecialty JewelryDr. and Mrs. Charles SpurgeonMs. Holly G. StarckMr. and Mrs. John Starmann

Ms. Jennifer LorbeckMr. and Mrs. Patrick LoughranMr. and Mrs. Ronald LucchesiMs. Ruth MackMr. and Mrs. John H. MacKinnonMr. William A. MahoneyMs. Barbara MakaMs. Patricia A. MalespinMs. Alice MatesanzMs. Genie MatthewsMs. Keiko MatthewsonMr. and Mrs. Mark MatusiakMs. Dana MauroMr. and Mrs. Andrew MaychrukMs. Dorothy MayerDr. Philip E. McAndrew and Mr. Rex B. ReeveMs. Noreen McCannMr. William McCarthyMs. Rhonda McCartyMr. and Mrs. Michael McDonnellMs. Jana McIlroyMs. Laura McNamaraMedinah Country Club 18 Hole Women’s Golf GroupMr. and Mrs. David MenzelMr. and Mrs. John D. MercerMr. Paul MetaxatosMs. Margaret MetzgerMs. Veronica MicklinMr. Jeff Miller and Ms. Lisa GarlingMonahan Law Group, LLC.Ms. Victoria MonarrezMs. Janice MoskoffMs. Raluca MotoiMr. and Mrs. William NiroMr. and Mrs. Matt NixMs. Polly NovakMr. and Mrs. Charles NoveyMr. Jimmy NugentMr. and Mrs. Larry J. NyhanObsessionsMr. and Mrs. Michael D. OlsonMr. and Mrs. Adekunle OnayemiMr. and Mrs. Chris O’NeillOptimist Club of Oak ParkMs. Margarita OrozcoMs. Penny Ellen OszakMs. Jaya OzaPan American BankMs. Laura PanicolaMs. Luca PasqualiniMr. and Mrs. Carmen PassiMr. Himanshu PatelMrs. Pamela PeakMs. Erica Peek

Mr. Karl Hofbauer and Ms. Sarah LashMr. and Mrs. Steve HokeMs. Maria HomorozanMs. Masa HosomizuMr. Clay HowellMr. and Mrs. James HuntMr. and Mrs. Brian HurleyMr. and Mrs. Willie HurtMr. Robert M. Hyman and Ms. Sara CaswellMr. and Mrs. Andrew C. IsaacsMr. and Mrs. Gary JacksonMr. and Mrs. Jeff JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Raymond O. JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Daniel JordanMr. David JordanJP Morgan ChaseDr. Wayne JuhnkeMs. Laura KahanMs. Marilyn KammMr. and Mrs. Derek KamperMr. Michael KarpMrs. Mary Ellen KellyKelty Lawn Care, LLCMr. Mark Kerman and Ms. Marsha MoseleyMr. Kurt KidderMr. Stuart KipnisMs. Mary KlichMs. Susan KlingerMr. and Mrs. Mike KollmanMr. John KonrathMs. Lanita KosterMr. and Mrs. Kristopher KotteMr. and Mrs. Dino KourelisMr. and Mrs. Robert KowalskiMs. Susan M. KraemerMr. and Mrs. John KrenzerMs. Leah B. KutzMr. James LaperaMs. Annie LarsonMr. Richard LarsonMr. Blake LattaMs. Nancy LattaDr. and Mrs. Arthur G. LawrenceMr. and Mrs. Ron LazzerettiMs. Sonya LeathersMr. and Mrs. John C. LeavyMs. Evangeline LegginMr. James LimberMs. Mary Jane LinkeMr. Stephen LjubenkoMs. Margaret LoiselMr. James H. Lokey Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Eric London

Mr. and Mrs. Daryl DomaskMr. and Mrs. Manny Dominguez Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Curtis S. DornburgD-R Rosemont, LLCMr. David Dranoff and Ms. Wendy EpsteinMr. and Mrs. Thomas DrezMr. and Mrs. Bill DuganMr. and Mrs. Edward DunphyMs. Margaret EadesMr. and Mrs. Thomas EdwaldsEmerson Elementary SchoolMr. and Mrs. Brian J. FahrneyMr. Dave FaustMr. Kevin FeeleyMs. Chrissy FeltonMr. Joe FerarroMr. and Mrs. Patrick FerroneMr. and Mrs. Dominique FeteauMs. Meagan E. FitzgeraldMr. and Mrs. James V. FitzpatrickMs. Lois M. FlahertyMr. and Mrs. Peter FletcherMs. Karen Fogg Ms. Ruth FoggMr. and Mrs. Brad ForemanMr. Bryan ForeroMr. and Mrs. Jeffery FosterMr. and Mrs. Danny L. FranceschinaMr. William C. FunkeMs. Kathryn FurmanMr. and Mrs. Matthew G. GaloMr. and Mrs. Peter GancerDr. Stephen R. GawneMr. and Mrs. Robert GebertMr. and Mrs. Thomas F. GeselbrachtDr. Roe P. Ghislaine D.D.S.Ms. Traci GilbertMr. and Mrs. Ryan GillinghamMr. Steven Gillman and Ms. Gillian SiegelGlass from the PastMs. Candice GloverMr. and Mrs. Andrew GlubiszMr. Richard C. GodfreyMr. and Mrs. Michael L. GoldMr. Robert F. Goldstein and Ms. Amy BernsteinMs. Ileana GomezMr. Fred C. GoodMr. and Mrs. Michael GraceMr. Jose GraciaMr. and Mrs. Jerry GrahamMr. and Mrs. Mark I. GreenbergMs. Catherine GriffinMr. and Mrs. John GroganMr. and Mrs. Mark C. GrossMs. Theresa GruenwaldMr. and Mrs. Bojan GuzinaMs. Amy GuzmanMr. Michael J. HaddadMs. Nancy HaganMr. Philip G. HanahanMr. and Mrs. Ray HardtkeMs. Linda Harman McIntoshMr. Geoffrey HarrisMr. and Mrs. Keith A. HarrisMrs. Harriet HausmanMs. Julianne HillMr. and Mrs. Marcin HiolskiMr. and Mrs. Jeremy Hoenig

Mr. Mitch SteinbergMr. and Mrs. Brian SteinkeMr. and Mrs. Robert StollMr. G. Ralph Strohl and Ms. Meena C. RaoMs. Kristen SundquistMr. and Mrs. William SuttonMr. Matt Svejcar and Ms. Ellen WinterSweetpea’s ChocolatesMr. and Mrs. Eric D. TaubmanMr. and Mrs. Ronald L. TaylorMr. Trent ThakurThe American Legion #0796 American Legion RidersThe Book Table, Inc.The Transport GroupDr. Chris Thomas, D.D.S.Mr. Les ThompsonMr. and Mrs. Jeremy TitusMs. Angela TopelMs. Victoria TovarMr. and Mrs. Daniel A. TownerMr. and Mrs. Richard TrueloveMr. and Mrs. Rick TulskyMr. and Mrs. Dennis M. TwomeyU.S. Bank FoundationUnited Methodist Women of First United Methodist ChurchMr. Jack VainisiMs. Amanda ValenteMr. and Mrs. Jim Van VlietMr. Michael VangrunsvenMr. and Mrs. Walter VanSlykeMs. Elizabeth VavrekMr. and Mrs. James VostalMr. and Mrs. Robert WalickiMs. Jennifer I. WalshMs. Kim WarburtonMr. and Mrs. Clyde P. WatkinsDr. Michele Watson-AustinMr. and Mrs. Jason W. WattsMr. Mark C. Weber and Ms. Joanne KinoyMr. and Mrs. Richard E. WeicherMs. Kate WeidnerMs. Hannah WeigelMr. and Mrs. Richard A. WeilMr. Dustin R. Weinberger and Ms. Erika A. OlsonWest Suburban Alumnae Association of Kappa DeltaMs. Ellie WhitlockMs. Kathleen WirtzMr. Kenneth Wojciak

Aarons Sales and LeasingadidasAT&T Corporate Real EstateAthletico–Oak ParkAvis Budget GroupBoelter CompaniesBryan & Amanda Bickell FoundationCenterPoint PropertiesChicago Symphony Orchestra AssociationCIT Group, Inc.CME Group Amicus Volunteer Program Concordia University Corporate Relocations CouncilCosmetology Training CenterCraig/Steven Development CorpDavid King and AssociatesDePaul University Steans Center for Service Learning Dominican University Doody EnterprisesEli LillyEze Castle IntegrationFed ExGE Corporate FinanceHinsdale Junior Woman’s ClubJames Anthony Salon and Day SpaKohl’s Care for KidsLet it Be UsLoyola University Children’s Hospital– Pediatric Mobile Health UnitMcDonald’s Corporation–US Legal DepartmentMcDonald’s Corporation–Global Total Compensation DepartmentNorthwestern University Health ServiceOak Park Elementary School District #97

12 | Hephzibah Children’s Association

C O M M U N I T Y & C O R P O R A T E

PARTNERSOak Park River Forest High School Hephzibah HuskiesOak Park Women’s GuildOld Navy–Oak ParkOmnicellOn-Line CommunicationsOPALGAPeninsula Chicago HotelPhilips Lighting Systems and ControlPhotgraphy by EbertR.P. Fox and AssociatesRed Hen BreadRobert Morris University–Technology DepartmentRock of Ages Baptist ChurchRPAI-Retail Properties of AmericaRush Oak Park HospitalSecurities and Exchange ComissionService Club of ChicagoSPEx Optical–Oak ParkSt. Luke Religious Education OfficeThe Gap–Oak ParkThe Ismaili Religious Education Center, GlenviewThe Menta Group–Hillside Academy Team Transition The Neighborhood Giving ProjectToyBox ConnectionTrinity High SchoolUAW Local 6UnileverUnity TempleUPS-Franklin Park BranchViet-Now Berwyn/Cicero ChapterWalgreensWest Suburban Eye AssociatesWhole Foods MarketWomen Everywhere Partners in Service Project, Inc.

Hephzibah owes a debt of gratitude to the following community and corporate partners for enhancing the lives

of children and families in FY15. We appreciate all that you do!

Page 13: hephzibah · 2015-11-23 · other people to give, generating more than $126,000 and, in the process, changing many lives for the better. After we launched our new Planned Gift Programs

Ms. Sydney BlattnerMr. and Mrs. Michael BobanMs. Julie BoczkowskiMr. Henry J. Bode and Mrs. Susan Cartland-BodeMr. Max BodeMs. Keena BondsMs. Kathleen BotsMr. and Mrs. Mark BoyerMr. Jeremy BoyntonMr. and Mrs. Darric BramboraMr. and Mrs. Gary A. BrandtBrapplesMs. Amy BriggsMr. and Mrs. Max BrigideMs. Laura BrinkmanMr. Michael Brooks

Mr. Leonard Brown and Ms. Rudi VanderburgMr. Steven J. Brown and Ms. Laura B. BretnerMs. Debra BrownleeMr. Donovan BushMr. Michael ButtitaMr. and Mrs. John ButzkeMr. Alexandru BuzuraMr. Carlos CabreraMr. and Mrs. Brian W. CadenMs. Kim CalabreseMr. Alejandro CalderonMs. Jennifer CamporealeMr. Joseph CarbonaraMs. Danielle CarletonMs. Phoebe CarletonMr. and Mrs. Donald J. CarterMs. Tina CasaleMr. and Mrs. Frank R. CatramboneMr. and Mrs. John CavalarisMs. Christine CelikMs. Christine CentenoMr. and Mrs. Matthew J. ChagnonMr. Jeffrey ChandlerMr. and Mrs. Tom ChapleauMs. Pam ChaplinMs. Katherine ChinMiss Madelyn ChoiMr. Jim ChristoffersonMs. Shari ChristoffersonCity Of RochelleMs. Marsha ClarkMr. and Mrs. Matthew ClarkMr. Jesse Clarks

Ms. Cindy CohnCold Stone CreameryMr. and Mrs. Michael ColeMr. John M. ColemanMr. and Mrs. Brian CollieMr. and Mrs. John S. CollinsMr. and Mrs. Michael ComiskeyMs. Danielle CondonMs. Gina ConfortiMr. and Mrs. Robert ConnerMs. Kelly ConnollyMs. Maribeth ConwayMs. Nicole ConwayMs. Nancy CookMr. and Mrs. John S. Coon IVMs. Libby CostiganMs. Janice Cousin

Mr. and Mrs. David J. zampaDr. and Mrs. Jeff zawackiMr. Brandon ziemannMr. Thomas C. zimmMr. John zuraw

Under $1007 Sandwich StopA & J Paving, Inc.Mr. Marvin AbrahamsonMr. and Mrs. Geoffrey AdaireMr. John AdamczykMr. Paul Aeschleman and Ms. Patricia FeeleyMr. Kenneth Agrimonti and Mrs. Andrea Cohen-AgimontiMr. Victor AguirreMs. Rachel AlcornMs. Mari AlexakisMr. Dima AliMs. Nina AllreadAmato’s Pizzeria, Inc.AMC Accounting SolutionsMr. David N. Anderson and Ms. Becky PalmerMs. Mary L. AndersonAnonymousMr. Daniel AntonacciMs. Elva AntonioMs. Dianna AntosiakMs. Yasmeen ArcherMr. Mohammed ArifMr. and Mrs. Rob ArlaskeyMs. Jennifer ArvidsonMs. Hannah AugerMs. Erin AustinMs. Eva AyalaMs. Patricia BadamiMr. and Mrs. Raymond BagatoMs. Geraldine BaillodBaird & WarnerMr. and Mrs. Darryl E. BakerMr. David BakerMr. John BalanoffMr. and Mrs. George J. BalchMs. Robin BaldwinMs. Mary Anne BalinskiMs. Gianna BamontiMs. Natalie N. BanksMs. Jueun BarMs. Margaret BarberMs. Colleen BarkleyMr. and Mrs. Theodore BarnesMrs. Donna J. BattiatoMs. Susan Beach and Mr. Richard WhiteMr. Domenico T. BeatiniDr. Diane F. BejcekMs. Ann Marie BellMr. and Mrs. Everett J. BellMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. BellMs. Karen BellerMr. Mike BellutiarMs. Sarah BenedictMrs. Terese BenjaminMr. and Mrs. Bruce BentonMs. Shana BernsteinMr. Thomas C. BigelowBird on a WireMr. and Mrs. Peter J. Birmingham

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. AmbrosinoMr. Alex Anderson and Ms. Anne HennessyMr. and Mrs. Paul AndrewsMr. David A. Ansell and Ms. Paula M. GrablerMr. and Mrs. Walter AqueMr. John AraujoMr. and Mrs. Daniel E. ArendsMr. and Mrs. Allen ArnettMr. and Mrs. Thomas BabboMs. Jackie M. BarlowMr. Kent D. Barnett and Ms. Lauren Heath*Mr. and Mrs. Nick BeilMr. Robert Bloch and Ms. Barbara KahnBrian and Christine BonomoDr. and Mrs. Michael BowkerMr. and Mrs. Max D. BrownMr. and Mrs. Terry P. BrownPaul and Sherry CarberyDr. Joseph ChristianMr. and Mrs. Kevin J. ConwayMr. Burt Constable and Ms. Cheryl ter HorstMatt and Carrie CotterMr. and Mrs. Joe DahirMr. Jassem el Mahmoud and Ms. Francesca DeBiaseMr. and Mrs. Michael DeitchMs. Jane DennisMr. and Mrs. Dominic DiomedeMr. Brian DruleyMs. Carol J. DunningMr. and Mrs. Anthony DurpettiMr. and Mrs. John EdwardsonMr. and Mrs. Shaun EmersonMr. John C. Filosa and Ms. Cathaleen RoachMark and Christine FisherMr. and Mrs. Jack FlynnMs. Ann FraioliDr. Frances GaikMr. and Mrs. John GalloMr. and Mrs. Lawrence GarberMs. Maria GarvyMr. and Mrs. Gregory GerberMr. and Mrs. Thomas GladdenMr. and Mrs. John GlavinMr. and Mrs. Norman GoldringMr. David Grande

Kevin and Tammy HammortreeMr. and Mrs. Michael W. HaupersMr. and Mrs. Michael J. HayesMs. Mercedes HennessyMr. and Mrs. Martin HorwichMr. and Mrs. T. Kendall HuntMr. and Mrs. Mark JacksonMr. and Mrs. Robert A. JarrettDr. and Mrs. Donald JensenMr. Thomas Johnson and Ms. Leslie A. JonesMr. and Mrs. Eric A. JordahlMs. Gina JudgeMr. and Mrs. Ken KansaMrs. Mary Ann KarrisMr. David J. KerwinMr. Steve Kiger and Ms. Leslie BernsMr. and Mrs. Michael KozakMr. and Mrs. Shaun LaneMr. and Mrs. James LaurenzoMr. and Mrs. Vince LaurenzoMr. Aaron Lebovitz and Ms. Donna MyersMr. Byron Lee and Ms. Audrey Williams-LeeProf. Richard Leftwich and Ms. Susan HammondDr. David Levy and Dr. Janis WienerMs. Sharon LipinskiMr. and Mrs. George LocastoMr. and Mrs. Brian LoftusDr. Gregory J. Macchio and Dr. Rosa M. NavarroMr. and Mrs. Michael MacKinnonMr. and Mrs. David MajewskiMr. and Mrs. James MalpedeMr. Sheldon MandellMr. and Mrs. Daniel MatasMr. and Mrs. Mark McCannMs. Kris McCoy and Mr. Nate LaurellMr. Michael Stutz and Ms. Kari McGrathMr. and Mrs. John McIlwainDr. and Mrs. Lou McKeeverMr. Marvin McLean and Ms. Donna RolfMr. and Mrs. Neeraj MehtaMr. Robert MerriweatherDr. Anthony Millard and Dr. Dietra D. MillardMr. and Mrs. Christopher D. MillerMr. Joseph Monahan and Ms. Kathleen McDonald

ROOTS&WINGS“There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give to our children.

One of these is roots — the other, wings.”H O D D I N G C A R T E R

Hephzibah Children’s Association thanks the members of ourRoots and Wings Society for their generous support.

Mr. and Mrs. Noel G. MooreMr. and Mrs. Joshua MosesMr. and Mrs. Dennis MurphyMs. Sara MyersMs. Frances NauthMr. and Mrs. Donald x. NekrosiusMr. and Mrs. Alan D. NesburgDavid and Lee NeubeckerMr. and Mrs. Dave L. O’BrienMr. and Mrs. Mark PacioniMr. and Mrs. Gary PaiceMs. Lorenza PerelliMr. and Mrs. Floyd D. PerkinsMr. and Mrs. Perry PeroMs. Laura Petrie and Ms. Shelley PetrieMolly and Tim PhilosophosSteve and Deb PoeMr. and Mrs. Anthony PontrelliMr. and Mrs. Fred C. Ramquist Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Pravin RaoMr. James A. White and Ms. Andrea RavinMr. and Mrs. Elwood RichardMs. Carolyn J. RocheMr. and Mrs. Donald A. RosenwinkelMr. Michael Salvati and Ms. Charlotte RubensteinMr. and Mrs. Michael ScheckMr. Joseph C. Scully and Dr. Judith ScullyMr. and Mrs. Brian SherMr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. ShinerDr. and Mrs. Michael SilverMrs. Virginia SonnenscheinMr. and Mrs. Eric A. SorensenMr. and Mrs. Bryon StanislawMs. Donna StollMr. and Mrs. Byron F. TaylorMr. and Mrs. Brian ThierMr. and Mrs. Scott TinerviaMr. and Mrs. Kevin P. ToyeMr. Mark Trinka and Ms. Bernadette DiazMrs. Sarita Warshawsky *Mr. and Mrs. Josh WeaverMs. Martha WilliamsMr. Byron Lee and Mrs. Audrey Williams-LeeMr. and Mrs. Bruce WojackMr. Jon YatesMr. Thomas Yates and Ms. Diane RatekinMr. and Mrs. Charles G. Young

Ms. Crystal DominguezMr. and Mrs. Morris DomioDowntown Oak Park CorporationMs. Mira DragisicMr. and Mrs. Jacob DumelleMr. Sean DungeyMs. Diedre S. DunnMr. and Mrs. Thomas DunneMs. Nancy EbnerMs. Felicia EdwardsMr. and Mrs. Dennis EgolfMs. Jen EldersveldMs. Dominque EllisonMs. Berit EngenMr. and Mrs. Corey EngesserMs. Jean ErnstingEuclid Avenue United Methodist WomenMr. Everett L. EvansMs. Barbara FantaMs. Norma FederighiMs. Connie FeiglMs. Ruth FemaliMs. Emily FenskeMr. and Mrs. Darren FergusonMs. Gina FerrantelliMs. Ashley FimianMr. and Mrs. Charles F. FinnFitzgerald’s Fine StationeryMr. and Mrs. Michael S. FleisherMs. Deirdre FlynnMr. and Mrs. Anthony FojasMs. Colette FoleyMs. Pamela FontanaMs. DeAnna ForanMs. Sue ForanMs. Felicha FramkeMs. Megan FrankMr. and Mrs. Mark FranzMr. Kyle FraynMr. Scott FraynMr. and Mrs. James FroslidGabriel John NaturalsMs. Ashley GaddisMr. Gregory GajewskiMr. Arun GaneshMs. Lindsey GanoteMr. David GarciaMs. Denine GarrettMr. Larry GastMr. and Mrs. James A. GatesMs. Kathleen GaucherMs. Katie GavendaGE FoundationMr. Nick GeorgakilasMr. and Mrs. John D. GerutMr. and Mrs. Michael L. GettleMs. Jackie GiaimoMr. Todd GlicksternMr. and Mrs. James GilchristMr. and Mrs. D.A. GilyotMr. and Mrs. Robert GivensGlen Ellyn JuniorsMr. Paulo Goelzer and Ms. Nancy G. BurgoyneMs. Carrie B. GoldbeckMr. and Mrs. Mark A. GoldbransonMr. Alex GonzalesMr. Charles GonzalezMr. and Mrs. William C. GoochMs. Ellen F. GorinMr. and Mrs. Bob Gorski

* deceased

Mr. Lucas CraigMr. Michael H. Cramer and Mrs. Harlene EllinMr. Chris Cronin and Ms. Elisa GordonMs. Judith CrozierMr. and Mrs. Kenneth CuculichMrs. Eileen CurranMs. Stephanie CurranMr. Rob CurrieMr. and Mrs. Mark D. CuthbertMr. Faren D’AbellMr. Brian DagMr. and Mrs. Carl DahlgrenMs. Lauren DainMr. Brian DalyMr. Mark DayMs. Christine De LucaMr. Alex De Van WeenenMr. and Mrs. Robert DedoesMr. and Mrs. Anthony DeGiorgioMs. Wanda Del RioMr. Christopher DelgaldoMr. and Mrs. Vito Della PollaMr. Keith DemchinskiMrs. Patricia J. DemerathMs. Jennifer DettloffMr. and Mrs. Jeff DicksonMr. Vladan DimitrijevicMr. and Mrs. Vito DipietraMs. Kim DoanMr. and Mrs. Patrick K. DohertyMr. and Mrs. Philip E. DohertyMr. and Mrs. Lawrence DohmanMr. and Mrs. Gregory DomanowskiMr. and Mrs. Gerry Dombrowski

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14 | Hephzibah Children’s Association

Mr. Andrew GorupMs. Susan GradyMr. and Mrs. Joe GraffMs. Cheryl GratsonMs. Molly GrayMs. Olivia GrayMs. Linda A. GreenMs. Cindy GrimaudMr. George GrimesMs. Andrea GritisMs. Doris M. GruskinMr. and Mrs. Victor GuarinoMr. and Mrs. Joseph F. GuerinoMr. and Mrs. E. Andre GuerrierMs. Olivia GunterMr. and Mrs. Dan GusandersMr. Frank GuzzoMr. Sal GuzzoMr. and Mrs. Joe GwozdzMs. Marian HaasMr. and Mrs. Thomas N. HagerMr. and Mrs. Stephen HallMs. Gail HamiltonMs. Sarah HampsonMr. Matt HanleyMs. Regina HarborMr. Rick HaringMs. Judith HarjuMs. Mary HarrisMs. Rhonda L. HarrisMr. and Mrs. Tiger HarrisMs. Cara HarrisonMs. Pat HealeyMs. Virginia L. HegartyMr. Justin HeimMr. and Mrs. Sidney HelleMr. and Mrs. Gordon K. HellwigMr. and Mrs. Sean HenaghanMr. and Mrs. Bradley T. HendrenMs. Emilie HennessyMs. Patricia HenslerMr. David HernandezMr. Michael HewittMr. and Mrs. Richard HickeyMr. Edward HinesMs. Stephanie HippMr. and Mrs. Albert F. HirschmanMr. and Mrs. Andrew HirshmanMr. and Mrs. Edward HlinkaMrs. Helen HlinkaMr. and Mrs. Michael HobanMs. Hilary HobsonMr. Alan HoffstadterMr. and Mrs. Grant HolderfieldMr. and Mrs. Ping HomericMs. Simona M. Homorozan

Mr. Darrell NakagawaMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. NaughtonMr. Justin A. NeagleMr. and Mrs. Clifford G. NelsonMs. Teresa NeufeldMs. Katherine NiermanMs. Grace NoskoMr. and Mrs. Gregory NothMs. Stacey NussbaumMr. Kweku ObedMr. and Mrs. Donald E. ObrochtaMs. Jennifer O’ConnorMs. Peggy M. O’HaraMr. and Mrs. Steven OlderrOlive & Vinnie’s MarketMr. Calvin OrszakMs. Christine OsborneMs. Michelle OteMs. Leslie OwensMs. Cecily PadillaMr. John PalominoMs. Kristin PapierskiMs. Allison ParkerMr. and Mrs. Fred ParkerMs. Linda ParkerMr. Dom PastoreMr. Ade PattonMs. Darla PattersonMs. Julie PattersonMs. Tawana PattersonMs. Debra A. PaulyMr. and Mrs. John PayneMr. and Mrs. William M. PearsonMr. Dave PedersonMr. Shane Pederson and Ms. Mary DowlingMs. Katherine PenceMr. Hector PerezMr. and Mrs. Craig PetersonMr. Kirk PetersonMr. Mark E. Peysakhovich and Mrs. Barbara OttoMr. Lance PierceMr. and Mrs. Dave PinnellaMs. Sarah PinterMs. Diane PlummerMs. Jenna PodrazaMs. Susan M. PoetzelMr. and Mrs. Keith PolanMs. Joanne PonzioMs. Sarah PoppMrs. Cheryl PottsMs. Susan PoulsenMr. Darius A. PovilaitisMr. and Mrs. Bryan PowellMs. Janice T. PowersMr. and Mrs. Robert PrischmanMr. and Mrs. Ben P. ProtessMs. Patricia PruittMr. and Mrs. Steve PrusMs. Julie PtasinskiMr. Scott PuckMs. Therese M. PudelaMs. Janice PumiliaPumpkin MoonMs. Katarzyna PurzeckaMr. Colin quinnMr. Emmanuel quintanaMr. William RaceMs. Marc RaifmanMs. Sheela RajaMs. Sharon RamirezMr. and Mrs. Ray RaspatelloMs. Denise ReedMr. and Mrs. Reginald Reed

Mr. and Mrs. Steven KirkebyStacey KirkpatrickMr. Darren KlissMr. and Mrs. Dan KnappMr. and Mrs. David D. KnappMr. Peter KnightMr. Benjamin KochanskiMr. Paul Koeppe and Ms. Asela ParedesMs. Jen KoertgeMs. Barbara KogenMs. Barbara KolasinskiMr. and Mrs. Edward KorenchanMr. and Mrs. Folkert KostenMr. and Mrs. August Koster Van GroosMs. Sanela KostovaMs. Rachel KravitzMr. and Mrs. Bryan A. KrayerMr. Chester KrolMr. and Mrs. Michael KroopkinMs. Sharon KrosnickiMs. Evelyn KruegerMs. Marie KruseMr. and Mrs. Richard KrussMr. James KtsanesMr. and Mrs. Michael KucharzMs. Bridget KuglinMr. Chris KuhlMs. Sara KurtzMs. Cynthia L. KurucarMr. and Mrs. William KwiatkowskiMr. Jason LambertMs. Mary W. LandrethMr. and Mrs. Richard S. LaneMr. and Mrs. Joseph LariaMr. and Mrs. Lawrence LatasMr. and Mrs. Blake LattaMr. Chuck LavezziMs. Sarah LeahyMr. and Mrs. Raymond LeFevourMs. Anita LenellMs. Ashley LepseMs. Wende LevertonMr. and Mrs. Chris LewisDr. Sybil LichtMr. Jon LindMs. Sandra LindahlMr. and Mrs. Brian LipinskiMr. Gregory H. LittleMs. Christine Joy LocquiaoMr. and Mrs. John LongMr. Gustavo LopezMr. Paulo F. LopezMr. Mike LovergineMs. Megan Lowrie

Mr. Michael SteinMs. Jennifer SteinhagenStella & Dot, Lauren Fraser– Independent ConsultantMs. Lisa SternMr. Andrew A. Stewart and Ms. Jennifer M. SteffesMr. and Mrs. James D. StewartMs. Aimee StoltzMrs. Kimberly StoltzMr. Marc StopeckMr. James StrunkMs. Lorna SullivanMr. and Mrs. John SuttleSweet P Doll Studio, Inc.Mr. Kevin SzczerbaMs. Penelope TabackMs. Patricia TabetMr. and Mrs. Charles R. TallardMs. Hsiu Tao Homo Lee

Ms. Alicia TapiaMr. and Mrs. Andrew TaylorMs. Rachael TelleenMs. Ruth TeplitzThe Bag LadyThe Presbytery of BlackhawkMs. and Mrs. Scott R. ThickMs. Karen ThiesseMs. Jenni ThompsonMs. Julie ThompsonMr. and Mrs. Mark TortoriciMr. and Mrs. Jerry TruebloodMs. Alexandria TurnerMr. and Mrs. Grant UhlirMr. and Mrs. Thomas Van ErmenMr. and Mrs. Michael J. Van PouckeMs. Shelby VarelaMs. Norma J. Vavra-KleinMs. Maricela VenegasMr. Sree VenkitMr. and Mrs. John VercilloMr. Fernando VillaMr. Raul VillaronMr. and Mrs. Anthony G. VinceMs. Cristen C. VincentVisit Oak ParkThe Vogel FamilyMr. Dominic VoliniMr. Chris WagnerMr. and Mrs. Andrew WalaszekMs. Tasia WallaceMr. William WallaceMr. and Mrs. Howard J. WaltherMs. Kathleen WaltonMs. Carmen Waters

Ms. Laurie A. HoppeMs. Elizabeth HopsonMr. Bill HovelMr. Butch HovelMs. Dori HovelMs. Sheryl HovelMr. Thomas HovelMr. Martin HugginsMs. Kristi HughesDr. and Mrs. Steven HumowieckiMr. and Mrs. Glenn HunterInforika Tech, Inc.Ms. Abosede IsiweleMs. Sally IvaskaMs. Ellen IzensonMs. Wioletta JableckaMs. Alexandria JacksonMr. Donald JacksonMs. Stacey JacksonMr. and Mrs. Andrew JakobszeMr. Jerzy JanczakMr. Dan JaskiewiczMr. and Mrs. Tracy JeffreyMs. Becki JekaMr. and Mrs. Lewis W. JenkinsMs. Norma JenkinsMr. Lee C. Jenne IIIMr. and Mrs. Patrick J. JensenMs. Renee JerebMr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Jeske Jr.JewelsiesMs. Lisa JimenezMr. and Mrs. Corey S. JohnsonMr. and Mrs. James JohnsonMr. Ken Johnson and Ms. Amy StearnsMr. David JohnstonMs. Crystal JonesMs. Deborah KadinMr. Michael KaimMs. Carolyn KalinaMr. William Kalinowski and Ms. Kathleen BulagaMr. and Mrs. Jeff KawaMr. Anthony KeatingMr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. KeeleyKeyBanc Capital MarketsMs. Grace KhamouMs. Cherie KibbleSmithMs. Beth KiesMr. Andrew R. Kiger and Ms. Emily C. KrauspeMr. Bradford KingMr. and Mrs. Bradford KingMr. and Mrs. Jay KingMs. Judy Kipnis

Mr. and Mrs. Paul ReigerMs. Holly ReillyMs. Meg ReynoldsMs. Stacia RichardsMr. and Mrs. William R. RichardsMs. Shahna RichmanMr. and Mrs. Jonel RientonMs. Kristine RientonMr. Samuel RinellaRise-A Fitness StudioMs. Andrea M. RizzoMs. Harriette RobinetMr. and Mrs. Pablo RodriguezMr. and Mrs. John RoederMs. Gail RogallMs. Sarah RogersMr. and Mrs. James L. RooneyMs. Janice M. RosalesMr. and Mrs. Dave RoscichMs. Rebecca RoscichMiss Sophie RosenbaumMr. and Mrs. Darryl J. RossiniMr. David Rozkuszka and Mrs. Bridget C. CavanaghMr. James Russ Jr.Mr. and Mrs. George RussiakyMs. Cecilia RuvalcabaMs. Natalie SalernoMr. Jose SanchezMr. Robert SassettiMr. and Mrs. Paul SchattauerMs. Rhiannon SchmiegMs. Loretta SchmittMs. Suzanne T. SchnaitmanMs. Alyson SchoenfeldtMr. and Mrs. Aaron SchoenherrMs. Kathleen SchroerMs. Barbara A. SchwartzMs. Karen SchwartzwaldScratch ‘n SniffMr. and Mrs. Jeff SegalMr. and Mrs. Matt SeipelMr. Martin SenicaMr. and Mrs. Steven R. Sepe Jr.Ms. Emily SermersheimService Club of ChicagoMr. Ted ShadyMs. Jenna ShakerPauline and Brian SharpeMr. Jason Sherman and Ms. Victoria StormMs. Debra ShipleyMr. and Mrs. William ShorneyMr. and Mrs. Bradley ShorserMs. Angela M. SinclairMr. and Mrs. Athanasios SiniorisMs. Debra SitarMr. Dan Slattery and Ms. Ellen MrazekMs. Julianne SloanMiss Emma SmithMs. Tecia SmithMr. and Mrs. Tom SmithMs. Faith N. Smith-ColeMr. and Mrs. Larry L. SonnamakerMr. Gustavo SosaMr. and Mrs. Robert D. SotoMr. and Mrs. Bruce A. SpencerMs. Annie SpindlerMr. Christopher M. Staffeldt and Ms. Rachael L. McKennedyMr. and Mrs. Mike StammStars by StephanieMs. Marilyn StasicaMs. Ariel Steffens

Mr. Dan LunaMs. Karla LundMs. Sallie LupescuMr. Frank MaMr. and Mrs. Bryan MaceMs. Erica M. MagnusMr. Michael J. MalloyMs. Ryan MaloneyMs. Karen ManganMs. Martha MannMr. and Mrs. Jamie ManuelMs. Nancy MarekMr. zachary MarkinMr. Mark MaroneyMrs. Antoinette MartinMr. James W. MartinMr. and Mrs. Marcos MartinezMr. Primo MartinezMr. Felix MartyMr. and Mrs. James J. MassarelloMr. and Mrs. Thomas MastersMs. Lindsay MaxsonMr. Alvin MaxwellMr. and Mrs. Jeff MazaMr. James McCarthy Jr.Ms. Judy McCurdyMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McInerney IIIMr. and Mrs. Gerald McLaughlinMr. and Mrs. James McLaughlinMr. Martin MedinaMr. Oscar MendezMr. John MensikMr. and Mrs. Angel MercadoMr. and Mrs. John MerkerMs. Karla MerloMs. Jennifer MetlerMr. James MichelMr. and Mrs. Ted MihalopoulosMr. and Mrs. Russ MillardMs. Jean MillerMiss Allie MinningMr. Robert MolinaroMr. and Mrs. Padraic MolloyMs. Dominique MooreMs. Sarah MooreMaster Kasper MoormanMr. and Mrs. Ernest MoralesMs. Cheryl MorawskiMs. Maureen MoriartyMs. Patricia MotaMr. and Mrs. Marshall J. BrownMs. Barbara MulayMs. Teodora MuresanMs. Nancy MurphyMuse, LLC.

Ms. Natalie WatsonMr. Bob WayneMs. Patricia E. WebberMs. Anne C. WeberMr. and Mrs. Bruce A. WedekingMs. Marion WeedermannMs. Audley WeidmanMs. Elizabeth WeintraubMs. Marilyn S. WeitzelMs. Rachel WendtMr. Kelvyn WestMs. Jan WestcottMs. Anita R. WhiteMr. Bradley WhiteMs. Sonia WielosinskiWillard SchoolMr. and Mrs. Billy WilliamsMs. Canentra WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Ronnie WilliamsMs. Taylor Williams

Ms. Mary Jo WillisMr. Jerrold R. WojtakMs. Deborah WolksteinMs. Michelle WongMr. Matthew YanosMs. Rebecca YanosMr. and Mrs. Robert YehnertMr. Vince YuanMr. Stephan zanioloMr. Pawel zarembaMs. Arlene zielinskiMs. Rachel zimak


MEMORIAL GIFTSIn Memory of Barbara AeschlimanMs. Marilyn J. Ayersman

In Memory of Alex Anderson, Jr.Mr. Alex Anderson and Ms. Anne HennessyMr. and Mrs. Michael E. BradtMr. and Mrs. Brian W. CadenMs. Sheila ChaleMr. and Mrs. Thomas F. GeselbrachtMr. and Mrs. Donald A. GrandholmMs. Emilie Hennessy

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2015 Annual Report | 15

Ms. Grace HennessyMs. Mercedes HennessyMs. Vickie LockwoodMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. NaughtonMs. Julie PattersonMr. and Mrs. John RoederMr. Mark C. Weber and Ms. Joanne KinoyMs. Marilyn S. WeitzelMs. Kathleen Wirtz

In Memory of Shayne CallahanDr. and Mrs. Anthony Barbato

In Memory of Marcia ChristianDr. Joseph Christian

In Memory of Kathy DeLeoMs. Patricia Mota

In Memory of Pastor Patrick DemerathMr. and Mrs. Russ MillardMr. and Mrs. Steven R. Sepe Jr.The Presbytery of Blackhawk

In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon DouglasMs. Lorna Sullivan

In Memory of Love Lee FosterMs. Wendy Foster

In Memory of Anthony J. FraioliMrs. Ann Fraioli

In Memory of Matthew GoldbransonMr. and Mrs. Mark A. Goldbranson

In Memory of Richard HagueMs. Mary W. Landreth

In Memory of Jeff HagueMs. Mary W. Landreth

In Memory of A.G. and Bertha HebertMr. and Mrs. Steven Kirkeby

In Memory of Albert F. HirschmanMr. and Mrs. Albert F. Hirschman

In Memory of Marty JordanMr. and Mrs. Daniel Jordan

In Memory of Jacob KiepaczFriends and Family of Jacob Kiepacz

In Memory of Jimmy KrenzerMr. and Mrs. Jacob DumelleMr. and Mrs. John Krenzer

In Memory of Jamie KurucarMs. Cynthia L. KurucarMr. and Mrs. James D. StewartMr. and Mrs. Robert Yehnert

AYSO Soccer Region #425Back Pocket BurbonMs. Kristin BailitzMr. and Mrs. Dan BakerBall Like Me Sports ManagementMs. Rhonda BallardBam_Bam/InkspireMs. Christa Barkdoll and Ms. Michelle MariageMs. Colleen BarkleyMs. Jackie M. BarlowMs. Ann BarriosMs. Colette BasilMs. Kathy BasilBead in HandMs. Nina BeattyMs. Luanne BemniskerMs. Beth BenedictMs. Denise Berdelle and FamilyMs. Elizabeth BergBerto’s DeliMs. Barbara BestMs. Lisa BiedronMs. Sheila BieleckiBig Ten NetworkBikefix, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. William BlackBoelter CompaniesMs. Janice BoggsMr. and Mrs. Joseph BotschBoyle Design AssociatesMr. and Mrs. Dennis BraccoMr. Garrick Bradley and Ms. Kristine MurphyMr. and Mrs. Jeff BrinkmanMs. Laura BrinkmanBroadway in ChicagoMs. Tammy BrockMr. Bruce Broerman and Mr. Jim KellyBronco ResaleBrookfield zoo/ Chicago zoological SocietyMr. Yohnah Madassah and Mrs. Barbara BrotmanMr. Dylan BrownMr. and Mrs. Max D. BrownMr. and Mrs. Terry P. BrownMr. and Mrs. Howard A. Brundage IIIBryan & Amanda Bickell FoundationMr. and Mrs. Vincent BryantMs. Mara BujnowskiMr. Daniel Burke and Ms. Margot McMahonBurke BeverageMr. John Byrne and Ms. Lindsay Hunkleler

Mr. and Mrs. William R. RichardsDr. and Mrs. Charles Spurgeon

In Memory of Wesley SzymborskaMr. and Mrs. Vincent R. Ambrosino

In Memory of Gasper “Gabby” TortoriciAnonymousMr. and Mrs. Raymond BagatoMr. and Mrs. Patrick K. DohertyMs. Renee JerebMr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Jeske Jr.Mr. William Kalinowski and Ms. Kathleen BulagaMr. Chester KrolMs. Nancy MarekMr. and Mrs. Donald E. ObrochtaMr. Dom PastoreMr. and Mrs. John PayneMr. Hector PerezMr. and Mrs. Peter G. PerkinsMr. and Mrs. Robert L. PerkinsMs. Loretta SchmittMr. and Mrs. Mark TortoriciMr. and Mrs. Anthony G. VinceMs. Arlene zielinski

In Memory of Katie VoggMr. and Mrs. Daryl Domask

In Memory of Georg WeissCicero Chiropractic

In Memory of Henry WettsteinMr. and Mrs. David E. Algozino

In Memory of Rose Virginia Williams to benefit the Rose Virginia Williams Music Enrichment FundMrs. John R. BlairMs. Martha Williams

In Memory of Dr. Janet YanosDr. and Mrs. James W. AtchisonMr. and Mrs. George J. BalchMr. Thomas C. BigelowDr. and Mrs. Michael BowkerMs. Jennifer CamporealeMs. Judith CrozierMs. Joy CunninghamMs. Cheryl GratsonMs. Nancy HaganMr. and Mrs. Marcin HiolskiMr. Paul Koeppe and Ms. Asela ParedesMs. Daniela Lukic-ColeMr. Paul MetazatosMs. Jean MillerMr. and Mrs. Clifford G. NelsonMs. Leslie OwensMs. Linda ParkerMs. Barbara A. SchwartzMs. Allyson VossMr. and Mrs. Bruce A. WedekingMr. Matthew YanosMs. Rebecca YanosMs. Rachel zimak

In Memory of Sheila YeagerMs. Sandra Lindahl

In Memory of Avril YuillMr. and Mrs. Gregory Domanowski

Delta Kappa GammaMr. Kempali DesaiMs. Crissy DeSantisDesign Pac, Inc.Ms. Danielle DiBariMr. and Mrs. Anthony DeGiorgioThe Dillard FamilyMr. and Mrs. Dominic DiomedeMr. and Mrs. Vito DipietraMs. Nina DixonDoc Ryan’sMr. and Mrs. Gerry DombrowskiDominican University English Honor SocietyMr. and Mrs. Dan DoodyDoody PublishingMr. Nicholas DorichMs. Catherine DoyleMs. Cindy DoyleMr. zach DrausDream Big Toy CompanyDressel’s HardwareMs. Marge DruskaMs. Ruta DudenasMs. Sharon DudleyMr. and Mrs. Ian DuncanMs. Carol J. DunningMr. and Mrs. Michael DvorskyThe East Bank ClubMs. Lisa EconomosElan Hair Body and SoleMs. Jen EldersveldMs. Erin Elliot

Emerald City TheatreMr. and Mrs. Shaun EmersonMr. Paul Engelhardt and Ms. Dawn HaneyMr. and Mrs. Corey EngesserMs. Nicola EvansMs. Fleur EwaldEze Castle IntegrationMr. and Mrs. Arild FarkvamMr. Miles FedowiczMr. Oliver FedowiczMs. Megan FeinbergMs. Geri FellowMs. Liesl FieldMr. and Mrs. Mark T. FisherFit Golf Performance CentersFitzgerald’s Fine StationeryMr. and Mrs. Hugh J. FlanneryFlavour Cooking SchoolMs. Teresa FleischmanMs. Candace FlemingMs. Maria Fletcher

In Memory of Magnus Laader VeMs. Berit Engen

In Memory of Mildred LaubMs. Pennyellen Oszak

In Memory of Danny Laurenzo to benefit Danny’s Birthday ClosetMs. Ann Marie BellMs. Sydney BlattnerBleifuss Law, Ltd.Ms. Phoebe CarletonDavid James CompanyMr. and Mrs. Brian HurleyMs. Ellen IzensonMr. and Mrs. Corey S. JohnsonMs. Judy KipnisMr. and Mrs. James LaurenzoMr. and Mrs. Vince LaurenzoMs. Genie MatthewsMs. Stacey NussbaumMs. Shahna RichmanMr. and Mrs. Pablo RodriguezMs. Gail RogallSimplified Search, Inc.Ms. Aimee StoltzMs. Jenni ThompsonMs. Elizabeth Vavrek

In Memory of Marvin LichtDr. Sybil Licht

In Memory of Clare MellonMs. Carol L. Anglet

In Memory of Eric PeekMr. and Mrs. Robert A. Maxson

In Memory of Paula Frances (Williams) PhillipsMs. Barbara Krause and Family

In Memory of Dennis PowersMr. and Mrs. Michael BobanMr. and Mrs. Fred ParkerMs. Janice T. Powers

In Memory of Ann RaptisMr. and Mrs. Ray Hardtke

In Memory of Bonnie RossellMs. Patricia E. Webber

In Memory of John SmiekelJohn F. Smiekel Foundation

In Memory of John E. SpurgeonMrs. John R. BlairCity of RochelleMs. Virginia L. HegartyMrs. Pamela PeakTimothy and Molly PhilosophosMs. Diane Plummer

Mr. and Mrs. Antonio CaldaroneMs. Piper CaldwellMr. Larry CanterburyCantigny GolfMr. and Mrs. Gregory W. CappelliPaul and Sherry CarberyMs. Liz CardwellCareful Peach BoutiqueMs. Jennifer CarizeyMr. and Mrs. Tom CarlsonCarmike CinemasCarnivore Meats & SeafoodMs. Tina CasaleMs. Denise CastalaMs. Sue CastleMr. and Mrs. Frank R. CatramboneCentral Elementary SchoolMr. and Mrs. Sal CeramiCernan Earth & Space CenterMs. Sheila ChaleMs. Andrea CharestChase Bank – Oak ParkMs. Catherine ChavezChicago Architecture FoundationChicago Blackhawks CharitiesChicago BullsChicago Kids Company – Theatre For Children!Chicago Skydiving CenterChicago White Sox CharitiesChicago White Sox Premium Seating ServicesMr. and Mrs. Roy ChildMr. and Mrs. Kellen ChoiMs. Julie ChynaMr. and Mrs. Michael CiacciarelliCicero ChiropracticMr. Ruben CiobanicaCIT Group, Inc.CME GroupMr. and Mrs. James CoganMr. and Mrs. Dan ColapietroMr. and Mrs. Michael ColeCollective Brands, IncMr. and Mrs. Sean CondonMr. and Mrs. John J. ConnellyMr. and Mrs. Steven ConnerMrs. Judy ContrerasMs. Nancy CookMr. and Mrs. Reed CooperMs. Jasmine CordillaCore Power YogaCorner TobaccoMr. and Mrs. Louis CorsinoCosmetology Training CenterMs. Karen CostantinoCostco WarehouseMr. and Mrs. Matthew CotterCreata USA Inc.Mr. and Mrs. William CreightonMs. Shannon CroisantMr. and Mrs. Thomas CroninCucina ParadisoMs. Jill DahlMs. Lauren DainMr. and Mrs. Dharmesh DaniDavid King & AssociatesMs. Joan DavisMs. Hortencia De La TorreMr. Jassem el Mahmoud and Ms. Francesca DeBiaseMs. Connie DeBlasioMs. Melinda DeguczDelia’s Kitchen

IN-KIND GIFTSHephzibah would like to thank all of the individuals, businesses and organizations that provided in-kind gifts during the fiscal year. Your generosity, compassion and commitment played a vital role in helping us fulfill our mission in FY15. Thank you for your support!

93 WxRT Chicago’s Finest RockAA Rental CenterAaron’s Sales and LeasingMs. Mary Jo AbelThe Abel FamilyAces Security, Inc.Ms. Kate AdamsMs. Sue AdamsadidasAgora Greek TavernaMr. Victor AguirreAhimsa Yoga StudioMr. Michael AhlersAlfa BakingMs. Heather AlgerMr. and Mrs. David E. AlgozinoAlioto’sMr. and Mrs. Kevin AllgoodAllied LiveMr. and Mrs. Steve AllscheidAl-Mart FurnitureAlpine Food ShopAmato’s Pizzeria, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Vincent R. AmbrosinoAmerican Legion #0796American RidersMr. Alex Anderson and Ms. Anne HennessyMr. and Mrs. David AndriesAnonymousAntiquing GenevaMs. Lauren AplingtonMs. Melin E. AriasMr. and Mrs. Rob ArlaskeyMs. Kate ArnethMs. Coreen ArnoldMr. Jose ArteagaArts N SpiritsAT&T Corporate Real EstateAthleticoAtlas Galleries, Inc.Avenue Ale HouseAvis Budget Group

Fluid ContentFlying Turtle PublishingMs. Wanda FogertyMr. and Mrs. Anthony FojasMs. Kim A. FosterMr. and Mrs. Joe FournierFrances B. McCord SchoolFrank Lloyd Wright TrustMs. Debbie FrantisakMr. and Mrs. Mark FranzMr. and Mrs. John FreelandFriends Of Hillside LibraryFrito LayMs. Tara FroelichMs. Valerie FurrMr. Dave GallagherMr. and Mrs. John GalloMr. and Mrs. Lawrence GarberMs. Nancy GardnerGarland FlowersMs. Lisa Garling and Mr. Jeff MillerMs. Renee GarrettMr. Greg GeorgevichGeppetto’s Toy BoxThe Gill FamilyMs. Peggy Gilmore and Mr. Kevin WoodGirl Scout Troop #40140Girl Scout Troop #40720Girl Scout Troop #41490Girl Scouts of Homer Glen Troop #70769Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gladden

Mr. and Mrs. John GlavinGlen Ellyn Running ClubGo BananasMr. John GodfreyMr. Stuart GoldmanMr. and Mrs. Mitch GoldsteinMr. Jonathan GomezMrs. Jackie GoodMr. Nicolas GoroilloMr. Travis GoroilloMs. Alyssa GorskiMr. Andrew GorupMr. and Mrs. James GottiGourmet Spice CompanyMs. Tish GrafMr. and Mrs. Donald A. GrandholmGreat Books FoundationMs. Susan Greeley and Mr. Jeff KingMr. Kyle GreenMr. Michael GrimesMr. and Mrs. John GroganMs. Katherine Gross

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16 | Hephzibah Children’s Association

Mr. and Mrs. Victor GuarinoMs. Sonal GuptaMr. and Mrs. Thomas N. HagerMr. Christopher HahsMr. and Mrs. Marcelo HalpernMs. Kris HamickMr. and Mrs. Kevin HammortreeMr. and Mrs. Kevin HanleyMs. Maureen HarnettMs. Rhonda L. HarrisMr. and Mrs. Tiger HarrisMs. Kristen HartmanMr. Michael HartmannThe Hartschuh FamilyMs. Denise HazenMs. Bridgett HedgemanMs. Kim Hefner and Ms. Dawn DrummMs. Ann HeggansMs. Laura HenneberryMs. Emilie HennessyMs. Grace HennessyMr. Mike Herbert and Ms. Shannon StaleyMr. Kurt HesslerMr. and Mrs. Michael HigginsHinsdale Junior Woman’s ClubMr. and Mrs. Nate HobaughMr. Richard HollandMs. Maria HomorozanHorace Mann Elementary – Girls on the RunMr. and Mrs. Martin HorwichHotel BakerMr. Mike HowesMs. Kristi HughesMs. Susan HuizingaMr. and Mrs. T. Kendall HuntMs. Paula HunterMs. Catherine HuntowskiMr. and Mrs. Ian HutchinsonMr. and Mrs. John IdeMs. Suzi IlicIndependence Charters LLC – Windy City SalmonIndependent Paving CompanyMs. Phyllis A. IsaacsonJ. Gordon Designs, LTD.Ms. Alexandria JacksonMs. Lynn JacobsonMr. and Mrs. Michael JakuboskyJames Anthony Salon & Day SpaMr. and Mrs. Kasani JamisonMs. Ana JansenMr. James L. Jepsen and Ms. Jackie Finch

Ms. Alaiya JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Matthew E. JohnsonMs. Pam JohnstonMs. C.N. JonesMs. Lisa JonesMs. Leslie JordanoMr. and Mrs. Peter JosephMs. Anne JoyceMs. Mary Jane Joyce and Mr. Brian Byrne Julie Kaplan PhotographyMs. Rae KalinMs. Caroline KansaMrs. Maria Roxanna KeatingMr. and Mrs. Kevin KeleherJudge Carol KellyMr. Corey Kessler and Ms. Holly UtterMr. and Mrs. Bradford KingMr. Stuart KipnisMr. and Mrs. Brian KitzmanMs. Mary KlichMr. and Mrs. Dan KnappMr. and Mrs. Kevin KnaulMr. William Knittle and Ms. Alma LizcanoMs. Corace KochKominiarek Bresler Harvick & GudmundsonMs. Sandra KorekMs. Janie KosteckaMs. Barbara Krause & FamilyKristi Hughes PhotographyMr. David Krupp and Ms. Beth Ann CafaroMr. and Mrs. James LagoLagunitas Brewing CompanyLakeshore Beverage CompanyLakeview Bus LinesMs. Janice LakeyMr. Samuel Landers and Ms. Kathleen RoderickMr. and Mrs. Roy K. LandgrenMs. Sandra LandisMs. Mary E. LaneMr. and Mrs. Shaun LaneLane Custom FramingMs. Annie LarsonMs. Roberta LarsonMr. and Mrs. Blake LattaMr. and Mrs. James LaurenzoMs. Anne Layne-FarrarMs. Judy LedgerwoodMr. and Mrs. Greg LeeLegacy Marketing PartnersMs. Ashley Lepse

Ms. Eve OcasioMr. Tony N. O’Cha and Ms. Martha PayneOffice MaxMs. Dee O’HairOld NavyOne 80 GroupMr. Ray O’NeilMr. and Mrs. Chris O’NeillOn-Line CommunicationsOPALGAMr. and Mrs. Justin O’ReillyOrganizing With YouMs. Susan OrmsbyMr. and Mrs. Edward O’RourkeMs. Jennifer OrzeOur Lady of Mt. Carmel Food PantryMs. Heather OverbeckMs. Veronica PaganPan American BankMr. John PantosPaper Source Oak ParkMrs. Natalie PapierParamount Arts CentreParamount EventsParenthesisPark Avenue Hair StudioPark District of Oak ParkMs. Susan ParksMiss Claire ParrellMs. Barbara ParrilliMr. Robert Pasin and Ms. Muriel quinnMs. Rita PatelPat’s Pet EmporiumMs. Tawana PattersonMs. Nicole PaulkMr. and Mrs. zdenek A. PecenkaMr. Frank PeniPeninsula Chicago HotelPepsico Beverages & FoodsPerformance Food ServiceMr. and Mrs. David PersinoMs. Madison PetersonMs. June PetricigMrs. Shana Petrone-GeorgeMs. Kara PetruzelliMr. Mark PhilipsPhilips Lighting Systems and ControlTim and Molly PhilosophosPhotography by EbertMr. and Mrs. Maks PiperMs. Kimberly Plaxton-DrobotMs. Kari PliggeSteve and Deb PoeMr. and Mrs. Richard PogvaraMr. and Mrs. Anthony PontrelliPoor Phil’s, Inc.Mr. Tyler PorterfieldPotbelly Sandwich ShopPrecious MomentsPrinter Parts RepairMr. and Mrs. John ProutyPRP Wines InternationalPublic Guardians OfficeMr. and Mrs. Jason PucciniPuckered Pickle CompanyMs. Kyra Pychquincy Street DistilleryMr. Devon quinn and Ms. Jodi FyfeMs. Jacqueline quitterMr. Don Babwin and Ms. Joan RadovichMs. Addison RaoMs. Tallin Rao

Mr. and Mrs. Lee LernerDr. David Levy and Dr. Janis WienerMr. Jim LewandowskiMs. Joanne LewandowskiMr. Morris B. Goldman and Ms. Hilarie LiebLincoln School – Ms. Bajo’s ClassroomMs. Patricia LittlecreekMs. Vickie LockwoodMr. Michael LoiaconoMr. Thomas LongMs. Megan LoutfiLoyola Medical Center – Ronald McDonald Children’s HospitalLoyola University Health SystemMs. Jeanette LozadaMs. Teagan LucasMs. Mary LudginLund & CompanyLutz Family CenterMr. Jim MacakMs. Julie MacCarthyMr. and Mrs. Bryan MaceMr. and Mrs. Michael MacKinnonMr. Brian MadineMr. James MahlerMr. and Mrs. James MalpedeMr. Tim MalyMr. and Mrs. Jamie ManuelMap of Hope FoundationMariano’sMarion Street Cheese MarketMr. and Mrs. Michael MarkowitzMarriott Chicago Downtown – Magnificent MileMs. Laura MarshallMs. Donna MartensenMr. and Mrs. John C. MartinMr. and Mrs. Marcos MartinezMs. Sherie MascolaMr. and Mrs. Jon MasonMr. and Mrs. Daniel MatasMs. Kelly MatyasMs. Barbara MauroMr. and Mrs. Jeff MauroMr. and Mrs. Robert A. MaxsonMaya del Sol RestaurantMs. Luna MazinMr. and Mrs. Scott MazurMr. and Mrs. Jim Mc EvoyMcCarthy & Trinka, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. James McCrackenMcDonald’s Corporation – Global Total Compensation Group 145

Mr. Jim SinisiMs. Barbara SiskaMr. Mark Sitzman and Ms. Cathy MorganSkidmore Owings & MerrillMr. and Mrs. Ted SkodolSkrine ChopsMs. Susan SlaterSloan Valve CompanyMr. and Mrs. Neil SmalheiserMr. Aaron Smith and Ms. Lisa RhodesMr. David W. SmithSneakers Sport Bar and GrillMr. and Mrs. Mark SnellingMs. Sandra SokolSono Wood Fired PizzeriaSonya Gilbert PhotographyMs. Barb SoperMs. Donna SorensenMr. Gavin SorensenMr. and Mrs. Greg SorgMr. and Mrs. Robert D. SotoMr. and Mrs. Robert S. SpadoniMs. Diane SpanglerSpex OpticalSt. Giles Council of Catholic Women (CCW)St. Luke Religious Education OfficeMs. Kelley StaleyMr. and Mrs. Peter Staley

Mr. Ryan StaleyMr. and Mrs. Steve StanardMr. and Mrs. Peter B. StankovichStarbucks CompanyMr. and Mrs. James StarkMr. and Mrs. John StarmannStarship SubsSTATE Restaurant and CafeMr. and Mrs. Al StavenMs. Laura StefanicMr. Matt StolfeMs. Donna StollMr. and Mrs. Robert StollMrs. Kimberly StoltzMs. Jennifer StratmanMr. and Mrs. Doug StrubelMs. Alexis StultzMr. Ethan StultzThe Sturtevanis FamilySugar Fixe PatisseriMr. and Mrs. Steve SusskingMr. and Mrs. Jim SvehlaMs. Maxine SwansonSystech Information Services, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray RaspatelloMr. Roger RazoThe Read FamilyReaders IgniteRed Mango Cafe and Juice BarMs. Betty RedmondMr. and Mrs. Mark ReitzMs. Samantha RekasRetail Properties of AmericaMr. and Mrs. Kyle RettbergMr. Michael RingMs. Carmen C. RiveraMrs. Jennifer RiveraRobert Morris University – Technology DepartmentMr. and Mrs. Kevin RobinsonMs. Katie RodgersMs. Khloe RodriguezMr. and Mrs. Bill RogallaMr. Aaron E. Perry and Mrs. Abigail RogersMr. Eric RohmannMs. Donna Rolf and Mr. Marvin McLeanMs. Veronica RoonyMs. Joanne RosenbushMr. and Mrs. Donald A. RosenwinkelMs. Beckie RosichMs. Yolanda Ruiz and Ms. Judith Ruiz-BranchMs. Kathy RushRussell’s BarbequeMr. Kevin Saedi and Ms. Jane ChadeshMs. Anita SalazarMs. Natalie SalernoSalon 212 & Day SpaMr. Michael Salvati and Ms. Charlotte RubensteinMs. Helen SalvatoriSam’s ClubMs. Graciela SantacruzMr. Jon SarpelliSaville RowSavWay Fine Wine and SpiritsMr. and Mrs. Paul SchattauerMs. Clancy ScheckMr. and Mrs. Rick ScheckMr. and Mrs. Aaron SchoenherrSchool of RockSchulz-Brundage, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. James SchumackerMs. Mary Beth SchumackerMr. and Mrs. James ScibekScratch ‘n SniffSecurities Exchange Commission – Chicago Regional OfficeMr. and Mrs. Daniel SeltzerMs. Mary SelvieService Club of ChicagoMr. Jetal SesenMs. Lillian ShakerMs. Marilyn ShallooMs. Alexis Rae SharabalkaMr. and Mrs. Jack ShayMr. and Mrs. Dan SheaSheetmetal Workers International AssociationMs. Andrea SidorowMr. Steven Gillman and Ms. Gillian SiegelMs. Karina SifferoMr. and Mrs. Robert SimitzMs. Adrienne SimonsMr. and Mrs. Brett Singer

McDonald’s Corporation – McScrapper’s GroupMcDonald’s Employee NetworksMs. Bernadette McHaleMr. and Mrs. John McIlwainMs. Jackie McKnightMr. and Mrs. James McLaughlinMr. Charles McNellisMr. John E. McParlandMDI Investments, Inc.Mrs. Jean MeisterMr. Andrew MenshizadenMr. Tremaine MenshizadenMr. and Mrs. John MerkerMr. Robert MerriweatherMs. Margaret MetzgerMr. and Mrs. John MichelMidwest FoodsDr. Anthony Millard and Dr. Dietra D. MillardMr. and Mrs. Christopher D. MillerMs. Stacy MillerDr. and Mrs. Stephen MillerMs. Donna MindrumMs. Dana MitchellMontopoli Custom ClothiersMs. Joanna MoranMr. and Mrs. Aaron MorrisMs. Inell MorrowMr. and Mrs. Joshua MosesMr. and Mrs. Randy W. MosleyMoss Modern FlowersMs. Raluca MotoiMs. Catherine MurphyMr. and Mrs. Sean MurrayMuse, LLC.Napa AutopartsNational Sporting Goods AssociationMs. Frances NauthMs. Sanjuana NegreteMr. and Mrs. Donald x. NekrosiusMr. and Mrs. Dave NelsonMr. and Mrs. Todd NewtonMrs. Margaret NicholsonNicklaus CompaniesMr. Tom NielsenMr. and Mrs. Marty NollMr. and Mrs. Steve NorgaardMr. Brian Northup and Mr. Mark WilsonNxStage Medical, Inc.Oak Park & River Forest High School Huskie Athletic CouncilOak Park River Forest Food PantryOak Park Women’s GuildMr. and Mrs. Dave L. O’Brien

Mr. Venu V. Talanki and Ms. Ritu VigMr. and Mrs. Tim WhiteTarget GreatlandMs. Melissa TaubMs. Rachael TelleenMr. Burt Constable and Ms. Cheryl ter HorstThe 206 FoodtruckThe Academy at Forest ViewThe Becca Kaufman OrchestraThe Container StoreThe Fox BowlThe GAPThe Good Heart, Work Smart FoundationThe Ismaili Religious Education Center, GlenviewThe Nineteenth Century Charitable AssociationThe United CenterThe Village Links Golf CourseMrs. Nancy ThomasMr. and Mrs. Randall ThompsonMr. Terry ThulisMr. and Mrs. James A. TietzTigers and TulipsMs. Leesa TinerviaMr. and Mrs. Bill ToliopoulosMr. and Mrs. Lance TortoriciToy Box ConnectionToys For Tots

Ms. Sandy TragosThe Trainer FamilyTransportation Warehousing Enterprises, Inc.Mr. Trevino and Ms. SchaeferMr. Mark Trinka and Ms. Bernadette DiazTriton College Cernan Space CenterMr. James TurekUAW Local 6Mrs. Jen Ullrich EveslageMs. Gina UlrchUnileverUnity Temple 1st Grade Sunday SchoolUnity Temple Unitarian Universalist CongregationUPS – Franklin Park BranchMr. Paul UpshawMr. Corey Kessler and Mrs. Holly UtterMr. Jack VainisiMr. Arv VaitkusMs. Tina Valentino

Page 17: hephzibah · 2015-11-23 · other people to give, generating more than $126,000 and, in the process, changing many lives for the better. After we launched our new Planned Gift Programs

2015 Annual Report | 17

Value AutoMr. and Mrs. Jim Van VlietViet Now-Berwyn/Cicero ChapterMs. Varsha VigMr. and Mrs. Ved D. VigMr. Bruce VinnickMs. Jean VipondViride Massage & Bodywork StudioMs. Liz VondrasekWal-MartMs. Margaret H. WalshMr. and Mrs. Alex WanlessMs. Kim WardMs. Carolyn WarnerWe Clean GreenMr. and Mrs. Josh WeaverMs. Helen WeiMr. and Mrs. Thomas J. WeigelMs. Nancy WeilerMs. Anna WeinsteinMs. Claire WeinsteinMs. Leslie WeissMs. Deborah WessWest Suburban Family Medicine ResidencyMs. Elizabeth WheelerWhole Foods MarketMr. David H. WickMr. and Mrs. John WickesMr. Maurethius WilkersonMr. and Mrs. David WillardWilliam Wrigley Company – Sales DepartmentMr. and Mrs. Mike WilliamsMs. Martha WilliamsMs. Marya WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Ronnie WilliamsMs. Tamika WilliamsMr. Byron Lee and Mrs. Audrey Williams-LeeWinberie CaféMs. Robin WingeMs. Carol WintersMr. Ken WojtasMs. Kathy WolthusenMr. and Mrs. Kevin WolthusenWonder WorksMs. Jasmine WoodMs. Randi WoodworthMr. and Mrs. James WoywodMr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Wright IIIMs. Amanda WurstMs. Lori Yagodazanies Comedy Nite ClubMr. and Mrs. Matthew zaroslDr. and Mrs. Jeff zawackizengers, Inc.Mr. Mark Suchomel and Ms. Liz ziehlMs. Olivia zimblerMr. Thomas C. zimm

to err is human, to forgive, divine...Have we erred? Please contact Barb Krause in the Development Office at 708.649.7160. We sincerely regret any errors or omissions.

Most of the children pictured in this report are friends of Hephzibah or children enrolled in Hephzibah’s Day Care Program. To ensure the safety and protect the privacy of the children living in our group homes and foster homes, we have not featured any photos showing their faces.

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18 | Hephzibah Children’s Association

BOARD OF DIRECTORSEric SorensenChair and President

Tom YatesPresident Elect

Audrey Williams-LeeVice President

Byron TaylorTreasurer

Terry BrownSecretary

Mary Anne BrownExecutive Director

Sarah ArnettJackie BarlowSherry CarberyFrancesca DeBiaseBrian DruleyCarol DunningLisa EmersonMark FisherLeslie Ann JonesKenna MacKinnonJohn McConvilleJohn McIlwainBeth PecenkaCheryl ter HorstMark Trinka


Nancy quinnVice President

Jackie BarlowTreasurer

Gail HagueSecretary

Margaret HorstmanLeslie Ann JonesNancy McCrackenMaureen StrattonAnneke Taglia

OAK PARK AUxILIARYKathy HagerPresident

Marci LernerVice President

Rachael TelleenTreasurer

Melissa KowalskiMembership Chair

Lauren DainBake Sale Chair

Jodi FyfeHarvest Wine Chair

Greta LandisGala Chair

Colleen BarkleyNatalia Barrera*Karin Bianucci*Emily DavisJorie GroganFaithee JohnsonNikki MeadMargaret MetzgerMeghann MosesNatalie NoonanJean PowellDonna RolfJacqueline ScottMarissa Scott*Elizabeth Seltzer*Pam SotoChrissy Stamm*Teri SvehlaJen WeaverDavid WickEllen Winter

WESTERN AUxILIARYMegan ScheckPresident

Tami WanlessVice President

Penny LattaRecording Secretary

Megan FeinbergTreasurer

Molly StarmannMembership Co-Chair

Lisa DiomedeMembership Co-Chair

Lesley ArlaskyPublicity

Heather FroslidPast President

Wendy ReitzChildren’s Interaction

Alicia SkodolChildren’s Services

Kristin O’NeillHospitality and Social

Kristen GusandersHoof It For Hephzibah

Nicolette DiGiorgioHoliday of Hope

Debbie Brambora*Michele ChoiStephanie ClarkJulie ColeDoreen Domask*Jen EldersveldMaha EngesserCarla FranzCindy GlavinKaren HobanKristi HughesTina HutchinsonLaura KingAndrea KnappJen LewisDottie Lipinski*Tara ManuelSherry MartinezLaura McLaughlinJacqueline MerkerJanelle MetzAngel Oakley-KawaTerri PersinoElise PowellCarla PucciniJenny RiegerBecky RoscichJennifer SchoenherrCourtney SeipelKimberley StoltzJanelle SullivanAnne Weber

CHICAGO AUxILIARYLaura BrinkmanPresident

Amber BlattCo-Secretary

Andrew GorupCo-Secretary

Stephen KohnMembership Chair

Jackie WhiteTreasurer

Raluca MotoiMarketing Chair

Alexandru BuzuraShari ChristoffersonDima DairaniehAlyssa GorskiMichelle GrothChris MarchwickTony MillardAllie MinningJessica Parks*Jenell Rodriguez*Elizabeth Schwartz*

ExECUTIVELEADERSHIPMary Anne BrownExecutive Director

Shaun LaneChief Operating Officer

Julie DvorskyDirector of Family Based Services

Mary Jane JoyceHuman Resources Administrator

Amy O’Rourke Director of Day Care Services

Molly PhilosophosDirector of Development

Mary Tortorici Director of Finance

James WoywodDirector of Group Homes

The PEOPLE Behind Hephzibah


* Sustaining Member

18 | Hephzibah Children’s Association

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hephzibah is accredited by the National Council on Accreditation for Children and Family Services, Inc. in New York.

licensinGHephzibah is licensed by the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services as a Child Welfare Agency, Group Home, Child Care Institution and Day Care Center.

FUndinGHephzibah receives funding from Oak Park School District 97, United Way, the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, the Department of Mental Health, the Department of Human Services and our own fundraising activities.


State Government Agencies 65%

OtherGovernment Agencies 1%

Contributions andInvestment Income 17%

Program Service Fees



Programs 78.06%

Administration 15.91%

Fundraising and Development 6.03%


Day Care (includes Head Start) 23%

Family Based Services(includes

Foster Care) 31%

All Other1% Group Homes


hephzibah helps children thrive and families f lourish through a continuum of internationally recognized programs that include short-term and long-term group homes for neglected and abused children, foster care and adoption services, comprehensive services for children and families in crisis and award-winning after-school day care services on a sliding scale for families of all income levels.

REVENUES Individual, Corporate and Foundation Contributions and Grants $ 1,346,091 Fees and Grants: State Government Agencies $ 5,380,674 Local Government Agencies $ 55,886 Other Revenue: Program Service Fees and Grants $ 1,386,715 Investment and Other Income $ 70,889

total reVenUes $ 8,240,255

ExPENSES Programs $ 6,458,447 Administration $ 1,316,285 Fundraising, Development, Volunteers $ 499,063

total eXPenses $ 8,273,795

Increase in Net Assets $ (33,540)

Net Assets, End of Year $ 4,944,991

Unaudited totals—excludes unrealized loss on investments of $81,839

FINANCIAL StatementFor the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014, and ending June 30, 2015

GRANTS AWARDED 2014-2015Anonymous

Chicago Board Options Exchange

Clayton A. Struve Family Foundation

CME Group Community Foundation

Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation

Dolan Family Foundation

Ecolab Foundation

First Midwest Charitable Foundation

GE Capital

George M. Eisenberg Foundation for Charities

Harry F. Chaddick & Elaine Chaddick Foundation, Inc.

Helen Brach Foundation

Hephzibah Children’s Trust

Jocarno Fund

John F. Smiekel Foundation

Lerner Family Foundation

LJ Foundation

Mary Lou Downs Foundation

Moller Family Foundation

Morgan Stanley Foundation

Northern Trust Company

Oak Park River Forest Community Foundation

T. Kendall Hunt Family Foundation

Terri Joe Charitable Foundation

Terri Race Educational Technology Fund

The John Buck Company Foundation

The Lavin Bernick Huber Charitable Fund

The Lumpkin Family Foundation

The Palmer Family Foundation

The Sweet Water Foundation

The UPS Foundation

The Ward Foundation

Toy Industry Foundation

Union Pacific Foundation

Village of Oak Park Community Development Block Grant

FY15 FUNDRAISING HIGHLIGHTSjHephzibah board member Francesca deBiase and her husband, Jassem el Mahmoud, provided funding for two Foster Care Get-togethers, which enabled siblings living in different foster homes to reconnect and mend broken family bonds.

jAn anonymous $70,000 grant and an additional $12,000 grant from John F. smiekel provided funding for FY16 enhancements to the playground and therapeutic Residence at Hephzibah Home.

jDonations to danny’s Birthday closet ensured that the closet was filled with birthday gifts for 55 neglected and abused children at Hephzibah Home in FY15.

Page 20: hephzibah · 2015-11-23 · other people to give, generating more than $126,000 and, in the process, changing many lives for the better. After we launched our new Planned Gift Programs

946 North BoulevardOak Park IL 60301

708.649.7100 Fax 708.649.7102

1144 Lake StreetOak Park IL 60301

708.649.7140 Fax 708.649.7194

HephzibahHelping children thrive

and families f lourish since 1897

