
HEPATITIS C&B By: eman youssif faculty of science department :biochemistry Main topics Importance of liver Causes of liver diseases Symptoms of liver diseases mainly virus c What happened in liver cells Analyzing tests to discover the disease How to prevent spreading of virus c Virus B &how to avoid it awareness Importance of the liver 1.Synthesis of proteins 2.Make as a filter,remove poison substances. (has cytochromep450 enzyme) 3.Storage of the iron &formation of red blood cells 4.Make bile to digest food Causes of hepatitis c Shape of virus cMainly virus c,it transfer by blood,this virus is dangerous,doctors can determine it after weeks after weeks happen fibrosis,after months happen cirrhosis Change in the cells Virus when enter it replicate in the cell of the liver What happened to this patient? At first no complications,then happen fatigue,appear edema Hepato cellular carcinoma Multiple risk factors that cause HCC are environmental toxins,chronic liver &cirrhosis Diagnosis &discovery of the disease (virus c) Fail hardness in the abdomen Then ask patient to make analysis blood test to determine load of the virus,enzymes,scan to determine cirrhosis pathology treatment The best treatment liver transplant Non surgical treatment by radiation,chemotherapy Liver transplantation Recent study to protect liver A recent study conducted by a research team of chemists said that potato contains antioxidant compounds. The researcher recommends eating raw or boiled potatoes to keep its components of food 2-Hndian almond the extracted leaves reduce liver damage resulting from inhaled chemicals from factories such as carbon tetrachloride and other. Hepatitis B virus Vaccine for children When we hear vaccine, we shock awareness General advice Prevent smoking Eat vegetables &fruit Walk at least half an hour Love your liver &live longer World cancer day in bib Alex on12/2/2012 World Hepatitis Day, 28 July 2011 World Hepatitis Day is marked to increase the awareness and understanding of viral hepatitis and the diseases that it causes. It provides an opportunity to focus on specific actions such as: strengthening prevention, screening and control of viral hepatitis and its related diseases Thank you referencesx.html x.htmld89fa-c8a b0e5-89ca92bfdc5a d89fa-c8a b0e5-89ca92bfdc5aLectures 1-world cancer day lecture in bib Alex 12/2/ pharma &immunology lecture faculty of science Books : immunology book by Dr: Ahmed Raafat