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How to Maintain a Healthy Liver

R.T. Clement, MD

Richard Clement Nutrition

[email protected]

In a “healthy population” 40% of men and 20% of women have functional liver dysfunction.

Common liver function tests are misleading because most tests used in clinical practice measure hepato-cellular damage not function.

Functional Liver Dysfunction

Aminopyrine breath test assessing microsomal liver function

The galactose elimination test assessing the cytosolic liver function

The sorbitol clearance test assessing the liver plasma flow

The indocyanine green clearance test assesing the liver perfusion

The lidocaine Clearance test (Cytochrome P 450)

• But they are very rarely used

Specific tests may be useful

Bloating, slow digestion, constipation Lack of energy High Cholesterol and Triglycerides Hormonal insufficiency Intolerance to alcohol and/or medications Recurrent infections

Clinical Symptoms

Many substances have an historical, anecdotal or well documented scientific data supporting their use.

Among the important substances Milk thistle Artichoke Boldo Curcumin Alpha Lipoic Acid

Maintenance of the liver

Milk Thistle protect against genomic injury, increase hepatocyte protein synthesis, decrease the activity of tumor promoters.

(Am J Gastroenterology 1998 Feb; 93 (2) 139-43)

Milk Thistle is effective among patients with alcoholic cirrhosis

(J Hematology 1989 Jul 9 (1) 105-13)

Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum)

Boldo could decrease the metabolic activation of xenobiotics including chemical mutagens (Pharmazie 2001 Mar: 56(3): 242-3

Boldine has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects (Agents actions 1994 Oct; 42 (3-4) 114-7)


Curcumin the yellow pigment in turmeric prevents malignancies (Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers 2002 Jan 11 (1) 105-11).

Curcumin display antioxydative, anticarcinogenic and hypocholesterolemic activities. (J Nutrition 2001 Nov 131 (11) 2932)

Curcuminoids have lipid lowering potency. (J Nutrition 2001 Nov 131 (11) 2932)


Artichoke decrease hyperlipoproteinemia therefore prevents arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease

(Arzneimittelforschung 2000 Mar; 50 (3): 260-5)

Artichoke extracts are safe and efficacious in hepato-biliary dysfunction and complaints (Wien Med Wochenschr 1999; 149 (8-10): 241-7)


Alpha lipoic acid is anti-hypertensive and diminish insulin resistance

(Hypertension 2000 Feb;39(2) 303-7)

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Liver detox Fatty liver Secondary liver toxicity of alcohol, drugs

and/or medications As an adjunct to standard therapies in

Hepatitis As part of a Diet program in Obesity


One capsule at each meal with food Duration of supplementation one month or

more according to the condition.

Posology: Hepatika V 5

Side-effects and Adverse Reactions Non recorded after one year of distribution

3/2002 to 11/2012

Clinical Cases Hepatitis C “cured” Patient from Los Angeles

Fatigue Depression (suicidal) Viral load 175.000.0000 Bed Rest, diet Hepatika 5 for 2 months

One Year Later Clinical improvement Viral load undetectable

Clinical Cases Hepatitis C Male Florida

Treated by Chinese Herbs and Thymus Extract

Diminution of the Virus Load after the Hepatika 5 was added to the treatment.

1-877-438-3042 / 305-594-2145 Or fax your order at 305-594-2174 Email: [email protected]

How to order: Hepatika V 5