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Reading two poems

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.”• 1. Listen to "The World Spins Madly On" by the Weepies as you read the

lyrics.• The World Spins Madly On

-The Weepies• Woke up and wished that I was dead

With an aching in my headI lay motionless in bedI thought of you and where you'd goneand let the world spin madly on

• Everything that I said I'd doLike make the world brand newAnd take the time for youI just got lost and slept right through the dawnAnd the world

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“The World Spins Madly” on cont.• spins madly on

I let the day go byI always say goodbyeI watch the stars from my window sillThe whole world is moving and I'm standing still

Woke up and wished that I was deadWith an aching in my headI lay motionless in bedThe night is here and the day is goneAnd the world spins madly on

I thought of you and where you'd goneAnd the world spins madly on.

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“On Pure Blossoms”

• Read the poem: "On Plum Blossoms"• “On Plum Blossoms”

-Li Ch'ing-Chao This morning I wokeIn a bamboo bed with paper curtains.I have no words for my weary sorrow,No fine poetic thoughts.The sandalwood incense smoke is stale,The jade burner is cold.I feel as though I were filled with quivering water.To accompany my feelings

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“On Pure Blossoms” - cont

• Someone plays three times on a flute"Plum Blossoms Are Fallingin a Village by the River."How bitter this Spring is.Small wind, fine rain, hsiao,hsiao,Falls like a thousand lines of tears.The flute player is gone.The jade tower is empty.Broken hearted- we had relied on each other.I pick a plum branch,But my man had gone beyond the sky,And there is no one to give it to.

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Similarity in the song and poem

• Notice how similar the two texts are? They both begin with the narrator waking up and the narrators express very similar feelings. Think about which text (the poem or the lyrics) you enjoy or relate to more.

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7.4.2 Directions

• Re-read the poem and song lyrics.• Open the attached TPCASTT Chart, save it to your

computer, flash drive, or disk.• Step-by-step, fill in each row of the chart

COMPLETELY (there should be no blanks in the chart).

• Answer the question at the end of the chart using specific details from the poem and/or song.

• When you are satisfied with your analysis, save your completed work.

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• Analysis/Comparison Chart• Analysis Step• The World Spins Madly On• On Plum Blossoms• TITLE

(What was yourfirst impression ofthe title? What didyou think the poemor song would beabout?)

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• PARAPHRASE(In your ownwords, what is theauthor saying inthe lines of thetext?)

•tell me three things you like about it.

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• CONNOTATION(What does thetext mean toconvey? Is thereanything that thewords arecommunicatingwithout saying itoutright? Whatkinds of figurativelanguage are beingused?)

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• ATTITUDE(What is theattitude of thetext? Whatemotion isconveyed?)

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• SHIFTS(Is there a changein the poem at anypoint? Does themood or thespeaker change?Where? Why? If itdoes not, thenexplain that too.)

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Meaning of the title

• TITLE(What do you thinkof the title now thatyou understandthe text better.How does it addmeaning to thesong or poem?)

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Theme• THEME

(What is the mainsubject the poemor song dealswith? What doesthe writer have tosay about thatsubject?)

• • Now that you have broken apart (analyzed) both “On Plum Blossoms” and

“The WorldSpins Madly On,” explain (in FOUR sentences) which one is your favorite and why.Your first sentence should tell me which text you prefer, and the next three should
