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Helping Higher Education LeadersUnderstand IT:Resources For Presidents and SeniorExecutives

October 23, 2014

Diana Oblinger, President and CEO, EDUCAUSE

Joanne Dehoney, Chief of Staff, EDUCAUSE

Susan Grajek, Vice President of Data, Research, and Analytics, EDUCAUSE

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Today’s Session

Program purpose

Program purpose



Putting the ideas into practice

Putting the ideas into practice

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Poll Question – multiple choiceRate your institution’s president on his or

her understanding of technology as astrategic differentiator.4 – Deep understanding

3 – Above average understanding2 – Could be stronger 1 – Significant gap in understanding

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Program purpose

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The IT Foundations Program

. . . understand the strategic rolethat information technology playsin higher education.

Help senior higher educationleaders: presidents, provosts,trustees, and deans . . .

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raiseEfficiency and



Outcomesand College Completion



Expand Affordable Access to Learning

Reduce Time to Degree


Institutional Cost-Effectiveness

Facilitate New

Forms ofDiscovery

Enable ResearchCollaboration and


Foster EffectiveLearning

E d u c a t i o

n a l

C h

a l l e n

g e s

T e c h n

o l o

g y

O p

p o r t u n i t i e


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Pilot of Executive Briefs ‐briefs

Foundations provides strategic frameworkKey Questions uses data to stimulatediscussionFour topics

Online learningPersonal pathways Administrative systems


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Workshop Pilots

ActivitiesReadingsDiscussion guidePre-session questionnaire


Current modules

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Raise awareness and understanding of ITInform institutional strategic planning and riskmanagementSurface issues directly with non-IT senior leaders to pavethe way for campus conversations

Support EDUCAUSE members by :Establishing a common vocabulary and understanding ofIT’s strategic roleProviding resources members can use at their institutionsto communicate with key stakeholders

Program Goals

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Poll Question – multiple choice

Which campus leaders are you trying to

influence toward more significantunderstanding and investment in technology?(Select the top three in list to follow.)

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Online learningStudent success: Personalized pathways

Administrative systemsInformation security


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Online Learning: Where DigitalLiving and Education MeetFoundationsKey Questions

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and College Completion



and College Completion



and College Completion

Foster EffectiveLearning

Expand Access

Reduce Time toDegree

Foundations: Potential Impacts A broader range of students can beservedIncreased flexibility, efficiencyBetter use of resources

Ability to achieve greater scale

Engages faculty in refining practiceand the scholarship of teaching andlearning

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ApproachesBlended coursesFlipping the classroom

Remote instrumentation Adaptive learning environmentsGames


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Open LearningInitiative

Lens on instructionaleffectiveness

Identify students whoneed interventionData collected for

feedback and analyticsInformation can beavailable in real-time

Example: Feedback to Instructor

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Online Courses by Carnegie ClassNumber of coursesoffered online

68% of institutions sayonline learning is of majorinterest for the institution

82% of institutions offer atleast several online courses53% offer a significantnumber of courses online

2013 ECAR Study on E-Learning, Bichsel.

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Value of Online CoursesStudents value online experiences

Students believe online experiences are valuable Applies to college and work

2013 ECAR Study on E-Learning, Bichsel.

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Growth of Learning Technologies

Projections fortechnology growth 2013

- 2017Hybrid and fully onlinecourses will increase

Mobile apps willsignificantly increase

2014 Top Ten Strategic IT Technologies, Grajek.

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E-Learning Maturity Index

Planning usesData allows comparison of more or less effective practicesMonitor progress

E-Learning Maturity Index

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Key Questions

Is online learning a priority for yourinstitution?Will online learning be more (or less)important to your institution in the next

three years?Which digital technologies are mostappropriate for your goals, and what areothers doing?

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Institutional Context Questions

How does your institution define “onlinelearning”?

Does your institution have a strong, commonvision for online learning?What are the strengths and weaknesses of thecurrent vision?Will online learning be more important to yourinstitution (or less) in the next 3 years?Does your institutional vision for onlinelearning include various modes like MOOCs?

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Summary for Online Learning

Broaden and clarify the definition of onlinelearning

It is more than a digital replica of F2FDefinitions are often hazyOnline does not imply lack of F2F

Data from online activities feeds analyticssystemsInstitutions need a digital presence in a digitalworld

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Administrative Systems:Balancing Cost and ValueFoundationsKey Questions

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Efficiency andPerformance


Efficiency andPerformance


Efficiency andPerformance

Foster self-service

Value from businessintelligence

IncreaseInstitutional Cost-


Foundations: Strategic ImportanceImprove the operation of theuniversity as a business:

improve services andreduce the cost of servicedelivery

Analytics and businessintelligenceBusiness process re-

engineeringDe-duplication of servicesCloud services

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Loyola University ChicagoProblem: Proliferation of systemsRedesigned document processes

74% process improvement3.7 FTE savings

Example: Document Management

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Customization Conundrum

EDUCAUSE 2013 Core Data Survey.

CustomizationCustomization morecommon in oldersystemsDesire to move away

from customizationwith newerimplementations

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Business practicesPractices most needed for

administrative transformationwere reported effective inless than 25% of institutions:

Continuous improvementData-driven decisionmakingBusiness process


Readiness for Re-engineering

2013 ECAR Study on Assessing Your Fiscal Bandwidth, Dahlstrom.

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Projected future trendsMore applicationswill move to thecloud in the future

Administrative Technologies

2014 Top Ten Strategic IT Technologies, Grajek.

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intelligencedashboards arebeing adoptedBy 2016-17 halfof institutionswill haveadministrative

analytics; only16% do today

Implementing Analytics

2014 Top Ten Strategic IT Technologies, Grajek.

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Institutional Context Questions

Has the cost of running the institution been apoint of discussion for the board?

If yes, has the cost of administrative systemsbeen considered?Is there strategic value to a discussion ofadministrative systems for your institution?

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Administrative Systems Summary

Institutions can reach beyond operational efficiency;administrative systems can add value throughanalytics and BITo improve cost effectiveness, institutions mustconfront customizationBusiness process reengineering can improve costeffectiveness but BPR requires transformationalpractices that few report are in placeChanging administrative systems will require a broad

institutional commitment

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Poll Question – short answer

What other IT topics do you think seniorleaders need to understand at your institution?

Current topics: Online learning; Student success/personalizedpathways; Administrative systems; Information security

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Putting the ideas into practice

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Initial Feedback

AASCU presidents felt material would bevaluable; planned to share it more broadlyafter the workshopMany of their questions were around “what

should I do”They want to know what questions to askWhen to jump in and when to wait

Some indicate they can’t communicate withtheir CIO

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Upcoming Workshops

CIC and NACUBO Chief Academic Officer andChief Financial Officer Institute

Achieving the Dream

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Poll Question – multiple choice

What next steps should we take with thisprogram and material?(Select all that apply in list to follow.)

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Executive Briefs ‐briefs