
Arbonne Pure ~ Safe ~ Beneficial


Healthy Living Inside and Out !Revised October 2014


1. Personal usage and reading the Arbonne Product Knowledge manual & the Arbonne catalog that will help you TRULY BECOME KNOWLEDGEABLE ABOUT HEALTH & WELLNESS so that you can CONFIDENTLY share the information on these cards with others! (Note: If you do NOT learn more about the benefits of our amazing products, you will NOT feel confident in helping others with their health & wellness journey. BELIEF HAS A SOUND!!!)

2. Note: You will notice the OPEN, your “I story”, the Arbonne Difference and close are all the same as the RE9 Group presentation. You are just changing the “Middle”!

3. When you talk about the products– don’t share too much! Share a few facts and one or two things you LOVE about each product. Share stories. Keep it simple. Print this script onto large notecards/cardstock and referenced photos.

YELLOW HIGHLIGHTED TEXT is instruction for consultant - do not read out loud !

Healthy Living Presentation


Products for your Presentation:

#2063 Digestion Plus

#2069/2070 Protein Shake

#2075 Daily Fiber Boost

#2082 7-Day Body Cleanse

#2076 Herbal Detox Tea

#2068 Fit Chews

#2077 Energy Fizz Sticks

#6232 Green’s Balance

#2618 Thermobooster

#6210 Full Control #8109 RE9 Advanced Set (& Body Firming Cream) #4317 Genius Pads (& Genius Body Serum)

Guests Packets:-


Client Profile Card

Wish List

Application Form !Tools for Presentation:

Protein & Fiber Information Sheet (2 pages, laminated)

Most Popular Packages (laminated, 6-8 rec)

Mineral Oil Sheet (laminated, 6-8 rec)

Before & After Pictures

Dieting vs. Detoxifying Diagram (full sheet, laminated)

PC & CNS Application forms / Order forms

Ingredients & Sample size cups for sampling shakes, fizz, tea & full control

B&W copies of shake recipes for guests to have !

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Opportunity/Curiosity Folders: • Arbonne Opportunity Brochure • Flyers: “Is this Business for You?” and “Top 10 Reasons Why Arbonne” • Articles: “Wealth in Wellness” – Paul Zane Pilzer & “Why We Recommend Network Marketing” – Trump/Kiyosaki • Consultant Application Form & Order forms • 2 EOAs


Remember the goal of a class is to find business builders. Be sure you cover all four areas ....

- 10 mins – INTRODUCTION – talk about the biz, the benefits & your why

- 5 mins – ARBONNE DIFFERENCE – set the value of the products

- 15 mins – PRODUCT INTRODUCTION – play with products

- 10 mins – CLOSE – 3 Ways to Win, Re-visit Opportunity/Invite to Learn more, Booking Game

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OPEN: You will ALWAYS OPEN & CLOSE THE SAME WITH BOTH PARTIES (Re9 & Healthy Living) !Introduce yourself – “Thank you all so much for coming and ___(host)____ for getting us all together! Give your hostess their gift! Have hostess say a few words to the group about why she wanted them to hear about Arbonne. (maybe tell her favorite product and the difference she’s seen in her skin or what she loves about the Essentials products). Discuss this in advance. !Then go around the room and have them introduce themselves: “I am so excited to get to know you all, please remind me of your name, occupation and how you know the hostess…and what you would like to change about how you look or feel if you thought it was possible.” (Use this to gain insight to what makes them tick and how Arbonne might help.) !“Thank you so much for sharing with me, I am excited to share with you tonight!”

Tell them what you’re going to do tonight –”I’m going to tell you a little bit about myself and how I got started with Arbonne. Then I’ll touch briefly on the company and what makes Arbonne’s fantastic products different. Then I’ll let you try these products! My goal is for you all to have a great time so please ask questions! It’s more fun if it’s interactive…So, let’s get started! (Feel free to play a game to encourage questions and give the person who has asked the most questions a free gift! i.e. a small clear bag with a Fizz Stick, Detox Tea and Fit Chew in it.)

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**Tell Your Story – Now I know all of you a little better, I would like to share a little about me and how I was introduced to Arbonne. Tell your story – formulate your I Story by answering ..

•A LITTLE about you, just the basics ... •How you were first introduced to Arbonne •What you thought when you were first introduced to Arbonne, •What made you seriously consider the business .... •What were your hesitations and fears & your turning point •The HOPE it has given you and what has Arbonne done for you so far… •A glimpse into the future .... Where you are ultimately going with your business/your goals. Share your vision!

•“I’ll share more later, but right now I want to teach you how simple it is to LIVE HEALTHY from the inside out!

TIP: You want to show them how Arbonne= their dreams. Let them know you are currently expanding your team and are looking for people you can teach and train to do what you do. Remember to talk about: 35 -50% discount, time leveraging, tax advantages, earned travel opportunities and our company car, the White Mercedes, friendships and additional stream of income. Share laminated EOA stories you like of your upline to pass around.

Healthy Living Presentation


HOW MANY OF YOU HAVE HEARD OF ARBONNE? !• ARBONNE is all about Health and Wellness from the Inside OUT. • We EMPOWER consumers to FEEL GOOD and LOOK GREAT! That is our company mission & commitment...

• Arbonne is 35 year old and growing company.

• We are made in USA but use research and development based on our Swiss Heritage & strict European Standards - so it is a Win, Win.

• We leave out the bad stuff AND it taste’s amazing! It is the Arbonne Advantage! Arbonne’s products are:

• Vegan Certified - No trans fat, No animal ingredients, never tested on animals

• No GMO- (No Genetically Modified Organisms)

• Dairy, Lactose & Soy FREE!

• No High Fructose Corn Syrup or Fructose

• Kosher Certified (protein powders, fiber & digestion plus)

• Formulated with NO Gluten - gluten is found in wheat, wheat derivatives, rye, barley, malts, many processed foods, seasonings, flavorings, event beer & some candy! More and more people are reporting sensitivities to gluten!

• Low Glycemic Index - Diabetic friendly and does not cause a spike in blood sugar

• Standardized Plant Extracts - each of our servings deliver the exact amount of nutrients every time

• Natural colors, flavors and sweeteners - formulate with natural sweeteners, unrefined sugar cane, agave nectar and herbal stevia!

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WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE?! !• There are lots of health and wellness companies out there and we are an over marketed-to society, so

how do you know which company to believe? • Arbonne is partnering with 6 Medical Doctors (front few pages of catalog) that make up our Arbonne

scientific Medical Advisory Board. • The medical community recognizes what Arbonne is doing as TRUE health & wellness and they are eager

to provide their insight, information and innovation! Partnering with us to help educate everyone with this information to empower consumers to take a more preventative approach to health and wellness!

• The FDA regulates very little these days, allowing companies to put harmful ingredients to get results, no matter what the cost to your health.

• Arbonne is backed by the Mayo Clinic. Dr. Brent Bauer - Mayo Clinic (PDF flyer on • Arbonne provides products backed by science and education that offer a HOLISTIC approach to INNER

HEALTH AND OUTER BEAUTY through a knowledgeable network of Independent Consultants. • Arbonne makes is easy to make the right choices for your family. What you put on your skin can be

absorbed into your system within seconds then has to pass through detoxifying organs (liver, kidneys).

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!Your Body is ONLY what it can DIGEST & ABSORB! !• What does this mean? It means you are only what your body can DIGEST (or breakdown) & ABSORB (what is

used by the body)!!! This also means you CANNOT OUT EXERCISE A BAD DIET. You have to decrease your toxic load and increase your nutrients to truly obtain a wellness state...creating health!

• What your body can’t digest, cannot be used as fuel & becomes toxic load for your body to try to get rid of! These toxins get stored in our fat cells.

• We are the most overfed, but malnourished country in the world? Why? Empty calories are toxic!

So why does it help you?

Bath tub analogy >>Our body is like a bathtub, the water faucet brings (toxins in); and the drain (lets the toxins out). When it is running at a normal pace, we don’t have as much of a problem. When we are in overload and the drain is plugged, the tub gradually fills up and spills over the sides. This is when people get SICK and you are given a MOP (medicine) which can add more toxins & have side effects. We believe most people want to lose weight and feel good but they don’t REALLY understand how to achieve true health & vitality. Toxins are what lock up the fat cells! To have effective weight loss, we have to unplug the drain (detox) by nutritionally cleansing. When you get rid of the toxins the FAT CAN MELT AWAY!

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wonder why so many lose weight only to gain it back plus a few pounds? Well the answer is because they are dieting vs.

nutritionally cleansing.

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Examples of Diseases: !• Cancer. Heart Disease. Stroke. Hypertension • Type 2 Diabetes. Insulin Resistance • Osteoporosis. Acne. Fatigue. Cravings • Bladder Infections. Kidney Stones. Aching Muscles. Joint Pain. Rheumatoid Arthritis • Slow Digestion. Infrequent Elimination. IBS. Crohn’s Disease • Osteoporosis. Acne. Fatigue. Cravings. Accelerated Aging • Weight Gain. Low Energy. Chronic Fatigue. Yeast. Fungal Overgrowth !Do any of these pertain to you or someone you know and love? Arbonne can help you learn how to nutritionally rebalance to change the way you look, feel & LIVE! GIVE TESTIMONY of how much weight and inches you (or a customer/team member/sideline) have lost OR how you have had more energy, slept better, reduction in problematic symptoms (i.e. join pain, inflammation, skin, etc.) (SHOW BEFORE & AFTER PICS!) !You could purchase and prepare healthy food choices that decrease toxic load and increase nutrients for all meals, snacks and drinks. However, this takes a lot of time and money and most will not do it! I’m going to show you how to SAVE BOTH TIME AND MONEY by choosing Arbonne nutritional products. Arbonne makes it easy and affordable!

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2 Ways to Jumpstart your Heath and Vitality with Arbonne!

• Start with the EASY BUTTONS! Incorporate our 6 Basic products and make easy healthy exchanges. We will focus on this today. This can help you feel better, get healthy and lose weight if that is your goal.

• OR Start with our 30 Days to Fit Detox Program and EAT CLEAN plan with eliminating foods that common cause unknown intolerances such as Dairy, Gluten, Soy, Sugar, Coffee, Soda, etc.. We have a more in depth program for those who are ready. Let me know tonight if you would like to learn more!

•So now that you know WHY we need the products and what sets Arbonne apart as a brand let’s review and taste the products! These are the products in Arbonne’s Nutrition Special Value Pack and at the end of the presentation, I will tell you how to save 40% off these products!

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Whey Protein vs. Pea/Rice Protein **OPTIONAL: Have samples of homemade protein bars but eat LAST since they are the sweetest!

Whey Protein • Waste product of the process of making cheese. Highly allergenic. High cholesterol content. • Though it is known to be high in protein & often with lactose removed or enzymes added to aid with digestion,

most people experience digestive issues like gas, bloating, cramps, fatigue, headaches, diarrhea & irritability. It is also very inflammatory in the body because it is acidic and can have hormones/toxins the animal was exposed to. !

Pea, Cranberry & Rice Protein - Arbonne’s Protein Shake Mix • 100% Plant-Based Protein, Cholesterol Free, Gluten Free, Lactose Free, Non-GMO, 98% Total Absorption • These are my FAVORITE! 20 grams of Certified VEGAN protein, plus 20 essential vitamins and minerals per serving

– chocolate or vanilla flavors. • Complete Amino Acid Profile - The most digestible & absorbable forms of protein available = ZERO toxic load. • Yellow Pea, Cranberry & Brown Rice protein combination, rivals animal protein benefits without toxic side effects. • Has CoQ10 and flaxseeds for energy and heart health. No Gluten, Fructose or Artificial Sweeteners! • Diabetic friendly - does not spike blood sugar. • Best part- they are so DELICIOUS and healthy, so it feels like you are cheating!!! !Share the protein powder, Arbonne & Fiber Protein Overview Handout. Mix up in a shaker up with almond milk or water with 1/2 scoop fiber for tasting. !!! Healthy Living Presentation


Arbonne Daily Fiber Boost!• Helps to prevent constipation, lowers your risk of digestive conditions & supports digestive health, lowers bad blood &

raises good cholesterol, helps balance blood sugar levels and aids in weight loss because you feel full longer.

• Is a sponge for toxins & protects the lining of the colon.

• One scoop contains 12 gms of soluble fiber from fruits and vegetables – ½ your daily rec. amount. (Daily rec. amount 24 grams/women; 36 grams/men- Most Americans only consume 4-6 grams/day!

• Fiber pulls the sugars through the digestive tract – eliminating them from system. • Tasteless, colorless, odorless, gritless & TEXTURELESS! Non thickening- so you can add to shakes, spaghetti sauce,

peanut butter, yogurt, oatmeal, etc.

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Arbonne Evolution Products - Clinically Proven for Weight Management ! Full Control • Like Gastric Bypass without going under the knife (it expands your stomach and you feel full)

• Helps support Cholesterol Levels & Helps balance blood sugar levels

• Tastes great- Kiwi/Watermelon flavor- I love it!

• Take 30 minutes prior to eating and you will feel full! Has Glucomannan, which has been clinically proven to

support weight management.

• There isn’t another product like this on on the market! !!!

!Thermobooster • Supports Metabolism and Thermogenisis - clinically proven for Weight Management • Burns through carbs & sugars faster • Contains Svetol - a clinically proven form of green coffee bean extract • Pill form - take 400 mg per day !Fizzy Stick Energy Drink (alternative to your morning coffee & daily sodas) --- •Green tea, ginseng, B6 & B12 vitamins (B6 helps digest proteins & aides in absorption) •Boost of calm energy, increase metabolism, assists with mental clarity/focus/alertness, enhances endurance. •Great pick me up throughout the day when sluggish. – Pomegranate and Citrus flavors. •Helps to balance blood sugar and control hunger. •Very Alkaline drink – disease cannot grow in an alkaline environment! •Contains stevia (which is a root), sugar, artificial sweetener & high fructose corn syrup FREE and only 13 calories! • SAMPLE (simple add to 10-32 ounces of water for desired taste)

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Products that aid and improve DIGESTION of FOODS & ELIMINATION of TOXINS: Detox tea – •The liver is The Master Fat Burning & Detoxifing Organ for your body. •Obesity is closely related to liver dysfunction. • This caffeine-free, herbal Detox Tea contains 9 botanicals: milk thistle, couch grass, sarsaparilla, peppermint, dandelion, etc. to support the kidneys, liver & blood function for detoxication of your body. • Did you know? When you have maximum liver function, toxins can flushed effectively and your need for fat cells is no longer necessary for protection of health! Cleanse your liver…eliminate your need for fat cell protection! Extra Products to Consider

• You can get all of these samples we sampled today for a killer deal to jumpstart your health! Roughly, 40% off plus receive a FREE $50 product— choose one of these… !

• DIGESTION PLUS - I love this product! • Supports GI Health/GI balance - more good bacteria. • A prebiotic and probiotic with 11 digestive enzymes • Proper digestion of dietary nutrients


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!7 day detox cleanse – •Unclogs the drain; Gently scrubs your intestinal track. •Whole Body Cleanse - (detox liver, blood, kidneys, intestines, skin) •Makes elimination more frequent but not urgent. !Greens Balance– •30 different types of fruits and vegetables from 4 color groups •Delivers antioxidants, phytonutrients, prebiotics and fiber •Gluten free, non GMO • Alklanizing pH • Put one scoop or more in your shake to get your veggies for the day !(Great time to share sample of homemade protein bars since they are the sweetest.)

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!!Benefits of the Arbonne Products We Sampled !• Noticeable loss of body fat/increases in lean muscle mass • Enhanced athletic results, stamina & performance • MORE ENERGY!! • Improved & balanced blood sugar levels • Decreased cholesterol & blood pressure levels • Increased energy and quality of sleep • Alleviation of symptoms of arthritis and muscle soreness • Relief of allergies and adverse skin conditions • Arbonne = Results (share Before and After Flip-Chart) !

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Arbonne’s Way- Use these products we tried today as Easy Buttons… • Here is a sample plan: • *Replace 1 or 2 meals with the Arbonne Protein Shakes with fiber powder- Don’t worry, I

have recipes on how to make to make shakes to give to you. Pass out shake recipes. • Drink your Detox Tea in the morning and before bed time. • Daily take your Thermobooster (if weight management is your goal) and use Fizz Sticks

for in between meals. This will give you energy and curb your appetite. • Use the FULL control prior to meals to help you feel full if weight management is your

goal. • Make sure to eat plenty of vegetables or try our NEW Green Balance - just add to your

shakes! • Start with this and when you are ready OR if you are ready now, learn how to eliminate

all the toxic processed foods, dairy, sugar, gluten, soy, alcohol and coffee — let me know and we can plug you into one of our awesome 30 Day Detox Bootcamp programs! This program has helped thousands feel great and lose weight! (Share your quick personal testimony if you have participated in the 30 Day Detox Bootcamp!)

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!How do you get Started on your Jumpstart to Health? • Where do you want to start— do you want to start with easy buttons and incorporate our 6 basic nutrition

products sampled here to make easy healthy exchanges OR do you want to jump into our 30 Days to Detox Program?

• Commit and Decide on your start date! • Then Let’s Get Prepared! – Order your Healthy Living products – Benchmark yourself- feel, weight, size, beliefs, goals – Clean out the fridge - toss the pizza, dump the beer – Get some clean, healthy foods in your home & CAR! – Get your family/friends on board for support— you can host your own Health Living workshop and get them

involved as well! Who do you know who wants to feel better and live better? !TRANSITION TO RE9 with a Healthy Living Party if you have time to share Re9: Arbonne has you covered inside and out. Our philosophy is HOLISTIC & WHOLE BODY HEALTH! • Did you know that the toxins you put on your skin are more damaging then the ones you eat or breathe? Topical

application can be absorbed into the system within 26 seconds and the toxins can pass through the entire body before they get to the liver to be filtered out. Its important that you do not replace the toxins you are doing so well on eliminating thru clean nutrition with toxic skin care!

• Arbonne has amazing Anti-aging Skin Care to be Healthy on the outside-in!

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RE9 Anti-Aging Skin Care !• Arbonne has an incredible anti-aging skin care line called RE9 Advanced. It self-adjusts for all skin types. The set

includes six products for tightening, firming, repairing damaged skin, exfoliating, and moisturizing. We also have specialty products for men such as a shave get and after shave balm.

• We have an incredible face LIFT in a bottle and a NECK CREAM to tighten the turkey neck and a fabulous BODY FIRMING CREAM that takes care of stretch marks (my favorite thing to do is put out Self-tanner IN the Body Firming Cream to get firm and a nice bronzed look!) and hail damage (cellulite)! !

GENIUS Product - World’s #1 Botanically Based Retinoid!! • It helps reduce dark spots/sun spots & the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles • Improves skin clarity/even-toned skin texture, blotchiness & skin moisture • Helps prevent acne/acne scarring & improves elasticity • Safe and effective alternative to RetinA without harsh aftereffects on the skin • The Genius Body Serum - add a drop to your RE9 Body Firming cream to help tighten, firm and improve the skin’s

texture and elasticity! You will feel the difference in 2 hours! Show BEFORE AND AFTER PICTURES then use following teaser statement to book another event:

“You can learn so much more and try out our skin care and cosmetics when you book an event with me tonight and you will receive BOOKING rewards when you PENCIL IN A DATE!”

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Close - 3 WAYS TO WIN: !•Let me just take a moment to share how Arbonne’s business works and the different ways you can be a part of our company—so you can choose your best fit. I love Arbonne’s system. First of all, we don’t stock inventory and we don’t deliver product so what that means for you is that you get fresh products, delivered to your doorstep, whenever you want it! From a business perspective this is brilliant, because you can go to sleep, and when you wake up someone has placed a re-order and you made money while you were sleeping! •I am not here to just “sell you something”. I want to work with you long-term to get you want out of your health & skin!

There are 3 ways to Win with Arbonne: 1. The first way is to be a CLIENT •As a client you are entitled to buy Arbonne’s products at our RETAIL PRICES (this is the price listed in the catalog). •I promise to provide you with great service in selecting products and on going service!

2. The most popular way is to become a PREFERRED CLIENT and get your products at a discount. People usually either want to make money or save money and this is the way to SAVE money!! •This is similar to Sam’s Club or Costco -for $20, you are entitled to buy these products at 20-40% off for an entire year! (Pass out the Most Popular Packages Sheet to each guest!!) • If you look at the top 2 packages, you’ll see the sign-up fee is WAIVED if you purchase one of these packages and you are getting 40% off the retail prices! • With the top package, you can get everything you tried tonight PLUS the entire RE9 Anti-Aging skin care set! You also get to pick out a FREE $50 gift. That is 45% off retail. AND you’re getting $50 in Preferred Client Rewards off your next order! •In the 2nd package, you’re getting everything we tried tonight plus a bag of fit chews and a FREE $50 product like the digestion plus or 7 day body cleanse. You also earn $20 in Preferred Client Rewards!

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• With the last package, you get to pick any $150 in retail products and you’ll save 20%, plus you get to pick any product up to $50 for FREE! That’s over 20% off plus $10 in Preferred Rewards.

• With our Preferred Advantage program, you earn anywhere from $10-50 off your next order on TOP of your discount!

• Also, you can get these Special Value Packs EVERY TIME you want to reorder…it’s not a one time thing!! • My favorite benefit is that you get your own Preferred Client ID number, which allows you to shop online with

your discount at your leisure. It puts convenience in your hands! And it only takes 3-5 business days to get your products!

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3. Consider becoming a CONSULTANT and building a business with Arbonne! • You get an even deeper discount AND you can create another stream of income….whether it’s a little extra

income or a lot of extra income! • Are you or someone you know looking for more income, more choices, to decrease debt, plan for the future or

maybe more recognition?

• I always thought it would be great to own my own business, but I didn’t know what idea to come up with, how to develop it, how to market just seemed to complicated and risky to me.

• We have a simple system...our marketing, products, trainings are already done for us; we just follow a system for success and follow a simple, duplicateable system that works.

!• Because our products are consumable and of high importance, our preferred clients re-order online as they run low, and we

are paid residually on each order. This means, I can create a network of customers and be paid over & over long after the effort was exerted— they continue to save $ and Arbonne pays me for having done the education! Brilliant! !

• If something I have said tonight has intrigued you or might add value to someone’s life who you know, I encourage you to take a Curiosity Packet and we can find a time for coffee to chat more. What do you have to lose? It is worth 20 minutes of your time to learn more!

Reference the Compensation Plan Overview on the back of the Most Popular Packages Sheet (Make sure to point out trip incentives, Mercedes Benz program, willable business)

• I like to share this document because I honestly say, I don’t think I would be here today if someone hadn’t explained this to me or if I hadn’t seen this Compensation Plan Overview...One of the biggest misconceptions I had about businesses like this were the incomes and that people who needed hobbies did businesses like this and all they made was hobby money. Then I learned it couldn’t be more wrong, so I have to share this because I am super thankful I heard about this because it is why I am here!

• I’m looking for people to teach and train to do what I do so again, if you leave your options open or you know someone who does....grab one of these packets!

** This is your opportunity to remind them about the opportunity that is attached to Arbonne’s amazing products and to ask them to consider learning more about this business, join your team, earn commissions, etc.

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Booking Game !Always do a BOOKING GAME! This is key to scheduling out of your presentation/party and building your network

and business. See “Booking Game Ideas & Verbiage” instructions on our team website and RE9 Group Presentation. !

Verbiage: “Okay, one last fun thing to do before you all start shopping….if your wish list exceeds your budget…you have been sitting here thinking of friends who HAVE to hear about Arbonne’s amazing products and company OR you just like to have a good time and earn things for free and at a huge discount…..this is your game…..” !

(Lead into your Booking Game) ** Hot tip: this is where it is a good idea to have a gift for your hostess when 2 people book out (remember that

is your goal at every party)! I like to say, “When 2 people book parties tonight, XXX gets a special gift…no pressure! SMILE. Then, when the 1st booking happens, I will say, “Awesome, because you have booked a party XXXX gets a free XXXX. Who else wants to book so I can give her a free XXXX? Prep your hostess ahead of time on what she will earn with 2 bookings – they will help book parties for you!

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Now It’s Time to Shop!

• Question game winner: Hand out a hand cream or wrapped up sample to the winner. • Say, “thank you all for coming tonight! I know that everyone has different needs, therefore, I

am going to have the opportunity to sit in the kitchen and meet with everyone for a one on one consultation. I want to give you personal 1 on 1 time because everyone has different needs. Bring your client profile card with you and if you could come one at a time I’ll meet you at the table in the kitchen.

• I am going to run to the restroom/get a drink of water first and then I can help the first person. If you know what you want already or you have to leave right away, I can start with you first. Everyone else, have fun and enjoy shopping!” !

(NOTE: Make sure you use a separate checkout table hopefully at a table near the front door. Make sure everyone gives you a completed Client Profile form.)

Reference the TRIFECTA Close” At the Checkout Table Guide in our “RE9 Group Presentation Script” for details on

“closing” your event strong!!

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SALES Stack 1. What was it that you said you would like to change about your health or skin? (reference Client Profile form)

2. I strongly recommend __________ (usually the ASVP package) because it targets your _____ and ____, which you said you would change. (Mirror back EXACTLY what they say, “i.e. losing weight, etc.”)

3. Can I share with you the deals of what Arbonne has to offer—you can choose which is the best fit for you. Then use the Most Popular Packages Sheet. If someone comes directly to over to you and says “I just want the Fizzsticks”, ask them if it would be ok to go over the deals that Arbonne has to offer—you need the practice and it’s ok if they just want the xxxx. Make sure then to ask them again what they said they want to change about their skin.

(Reference the Most Popular Packages close sheet)

1. Almost always you will say - “I want to get you the best deal possible on these products which is our 45% off value pack - the “Stock up and Save Package”. You get a free $50 product AND a free PC Membership! Does this work for you? (Point to #1 on the Most Popular Packages sheet)

PAUSE and don’t say anything else – BE SILENT- give them time to respond to you.

2. If no - Always agree—“No problem! I understand” and then say “the next best deal is to get the RE9 system and the Genius we tried at 40% off with a free product and a FREE membership! (Point to Option #2 on the Most Popular Packages.)

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PAUSE and don’t say anything – BE SILENT- until they respond.

3. If no - I understand! The next best deal is to pick out $150 in product, become a Preferred Client and get 20% off today for $20 and you will get a FREE $50 product of your choice! Most people get the Instant Lift Gel or Makeup Primer for FREE. How does that sound? (Point to Option #3 on the Most Popular Packages.)

PAUSE! If no,....

4. I understand What were you thinking you wanted to start with today?* NOTE: If they are close to $100, tell them the Preferred Client program makes the most sense for them and if they choose another product or so, they will also get a FREE gift.


Booking Stack If they “DEALED” during the Deal or No Deal Game or were a Committer with the envelope game, this is the time you secure the date! Hand them the clipboard with the Class Reservation Sheet and say: “Which one of these dates works for you?” IT IS CRITICAL THAT YOU GET A DATE!

If they were a “No Deal” / Gambler or a Hander-Backer and simply got a free gift you will hand them the clipboard and say: “I know you handed your box back /gambled with your white envelope (or handed back your envelope) during the envelope game so you and since now that you have started with the system or our products – how about getting a few friends together and host a party/presentation to get a free hosting gift (suggestion: incentivize them with a product on their wish list) and an extra discount off the items on your wish list that you didn’t get today? Would one of these dates work for you?

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* If yes, book class/show/party right then (GET A DATE ON YOUR CALENDAR) and appt/time to pick up guest list. Don’t say I will call you.* If they look at dates for a minute, say “would a week night or weekend work best for you?” If they start to say they are too busy or don’t know who they could invite, say “I am offering a free _______ (something on their wish list) to anyone who grabs one of THOSE dates!!”

* IF no, just agree and ask permission to follow up regarding the products.

MOST IMPORTANT STEP.........OPPORTUNITY Stack Go to the Opportunity Stack and pick up a Curiosity Packet and say one of these questions:

1. XXXXX (Name) were a blast to be with this evening/ you impressed me tonight with your personality.... (Genuine Compliment). Have you ever thought about doing something like would be great at what I do! I’m not sure if this would be a good fit for you. I would love to get together for a quick cup of coffee and get to know you a little better. If they hesitate of give an objection....”its totally worth 15 minutes of your time, what do you have to lose?”

2. “I am looking for people just like you to partner up with me, would you consider hearing more about this opportunity over a cup of coffee? It would be a chance for you to ask all your questions so you can discern if this is a fit for you or not!”

3. Compliment them and say, “Do you keep your options open for additional steams of income? Would you consider taking a look at this?

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NO, “No problem. Thank you for coming.” Ask permission to follow up and provide great customer service! HESITATE with obstacle- say, “I understand, it is definitely worth 15 minutes of your time to sit down and chat,

besides I have samples to bring so you can try some of the other products and I can show you how to maximize your discount when you shop online.”

YES – GREAT! Look over this tonight (curiosity packet) and how about we grab coffee tomorrow, my treat, around 1:00 p.m.? I would love to chat with you to see if this is a fit for you. KEY is booking this coffee appointment within 24-48 hours!

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Healthy Living Presentation ~30~
