Page 1: Health Psychology Third Edition Chapter 13 Managing Pain

Health PsychologyThird Edition

Chapter 13 Managing Pain

Page 2: Health Psychology Third Edition Chapter 13 Managing Pain

1. A condition in which a chronic pain sufferer becomes more sensitive to pain over time.


A. Congenital insensitivity to painB. NociceptionC. Gate control theoryD. HyperalgesiaE. Guided imagery

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1. A condition in which a chronic pain sufferer becomes more sensitive to pain over time.


A. Congenital insensitivity to painB. NociceptionC. Gate control theoryD. HyperalgesiaE. Guided imagery

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2. Pain _____ is defined as the minimum intensity of a noxious stimulus that is perceived as pain.


A. thresholdB. toleranceC. receptionD. acupunctureE. recurrence

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2. Pain _____ is defined as the minimum intensity of a noxious stimulus that is perceived as pain.


A. thresholdB. toleranceC. receptionD. acupunctureE. recurrence

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3. Analgesic means: (416)

A. Relating to the anusB. Having arthritisC. Pain-relievingD. Pain causingE. Inflammatory

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3. Analgesic means: (416)

A. Relating to the anusB. Having arthritisC. Pain-relievingD. Pain causingE. Inflammatory

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4. Which of the following is an example of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug? (417)

A. AspirinB. Synthetic beta-endorphinC. MorphineD. CocaineE. Lotrel

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4. Which of the following is an example of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug? (417)

A. AspirinB. Synthetic beta-endorphinC. MorphineD. CocaineE. Lotrel

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5. Which of the following is true of surgery to relieve severe pain? (417)

A. it is more effective than transcutaneous electrical stimulation

B. it is commonly used to control pain todayC. the effects are long-livedD. it has unpredictable resultsE. it involves few and minimal risks

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5. Which of the following is true of surgery to relieve severe pain? (417)

A. it is more effective than transcutaneous electrical stimulation

B. it is commonly used to control pain todayC. the effects are long-livedD. it has unpredictable resultsE. it involves few and minimal risks

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6. Which of the following is true of phantom limb pain? (409)

A. It is easily treated with drugsB. It is easily treated with therapyC. It is quite rareD. Treatment rarely worksE. A & B

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6. Which of the following is true of phantom limb pain? (409)

A. It is easily treated with drugsB. It is easily treated with therapyC. It is quite rareD. Treatment rarely worksE. A & B

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7. The dominant theory of pain today is based on: (407)

A. Endorphin blockingB. Placebo effect theoryC. Reaction FormationD. Gate Control TheoryE. Stress-induced analgesia

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7. The dominant theory of pain today is based on: (407)

A. Endorphin blockingB. Placebo effect theoryC. Reaction FormationD. Gate Control TheoryE. Stress-induced analgesia

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8. ___ are natural opioids produced by the body that produce pain relief, especially in times of

stress. (406)

A. NSAID’sB. Nociceptors C. OncogenesD. EndorphinsE. Suppressor genes

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8. ___ are natural opioids produced by the body that produce pain relief, especially in times of

stress. (406)

A. NSAID’sB. Nociceptors C. OncogenesD. EndorphinsE. Suppressor genes

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9. Free nerve endings that are activated by painful stimuli are called: (403)

A. Neurotransmitters B. Nociceptors C. OncogenesD. EndorphinsE. Suppressor genes

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9. Free nerve endings that are activated by painful stimuli are called: (403)

A. Neurotransmitters B. Nociceptors C. OncogenesD. EndorphinsE. Suppressor genes

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10. Which of the following is one of the general pattern of cognitive errors made by chronic

pain patients? (420)

A. Cognitive restructuringB. OvergeneralizingC. Guided imageryD. Mental rehearsalE. Cognitive distraction

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10. Which of the following is one of the general pattern of cognitive errors made by chronic

pain patients? (420)

A. Cognitive restructuringB. OvergeneralizingC. Guided imageryD. Mental rehearsalE. Cognitive distraction

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The End

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1. D2. A3. C4. A5. D6. D7. D8. D9. B10.B
