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• Diet�

• Juices

• Det�oxificat�ion

• Medicat�ions & Supplement�s

• Rest�

Components of the Therapy

Heal ing Your Body w i th the Gerson Therapy

The Gerson Therapy uses a whole-body approach t�o healing t�hat� boost�s your body’s own immune syst�em and ot�her defenses t�o heal cancer, art�hrit�is, diabet�es and aut�oimmune disorders, as well as many ot�her chronic condit�ions.

Met�abolism is st�imulat�ed t�hrough t�he addit�ion of nat�ural t�hyroid hor-mone, pot�assium and ot�her supplement�s, and by avoiding heavy animal fat�s, excess prot�ein, sodium and ot�her t�oxins.

Wit�h generous, high-qualit�y nut�rient�s, increased oxygen availabilit�y, det�oxificat�ion, and improved met�abolism enable t�he cells, and t�hus t�he body, t�o regenerat�e, become healt�hy and prevent� fut�ure illness.

When you have been diagnosed wit�h a life-t�hreat�ening ailment�, choos-ing t�he best� st�rat�egy can be a bewildering t�ask. No t�reat�ment� works for

every person every t�ime.

Most� convent�ional t�herapies, and even many alt�ernat�ive t�herapies, t�reat� only t�he individual sympt�oms while ignoring what� is ult�imat�ely causing t�he disease.

The Gerson Therapy is effect�ive wit�h so many different� ailment�s because it� rest�ores t�he body’s incredible abilit�y t�o heal it�self, wit�h no damaging side effect�s. Rat�her t�han t�reat�ing only t�he sympt�oms of a par-

t�icular disease, it� t�reat�s t�he underlying causes of t�he disease: t�oxicit�y and nut�rit�ional deficiency.

Making the Right Choice for Your Treatment

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The Gerson Therapy regenerat�es t�he body by flooding it� wit�h nut�rient�s from almost� 20 pounds of organic fruit�s and veget�ables daily, most� of which is used t�o make fresh raw juice, one glass every hour, 10 t�o 13 t�imes a day.

Pat�ient�s suffering from degenera-t�ive diseases almost� always have dif-ficult�y properly digest�ing and absorb-ing food. This digest�ive weakness is t�he same reason t�hat� many pat�ient�s have difficult�y digest�ing and absorbing vit�amin and mineral supplement�s in pill or capsule form.

Dr. Gerson’s clinical experiment�at�ion showed t�hat� fresh juice from raw foods provided t�he easiest� and most� effect�ive way of providing high quali-t�y nut�rit�ion and most� import�ant�ly, produce t�he best� clinical result�s.

Dr. Gerson’s research indicat�es t�hat� it� is imperat�ive for cancer pat�ient�s t�o have a t�wo-st�ep juicer wit�h a separat�e grinder and hydraulic press. One-st�ep juicers generally do not� produce t�he same qualit�y of enzyme, mineral or micro-nut�rient� cont�ent�.

In fact�, some pat�ient�s have failed t�o experience result�s simply by using t�he wrong juicer. We do not� recommend t�he use of any cent�rifugal-t�ype juicers for t�he Gerson Therapy.


The Gerson diet� is nat�urally high in many vit�a-mins, minerals, enzymes and micro-nut�rient�s, low in sodium and fat�s, and rich in fluids. The following are t�he t�ypical daily foods for a Gerson pat�ient�:

• Three full veget�arian meals, freshly prepared from organically grown veget�ables.

• 10-13 glasses of fresh raw juices: primarily green leaf, apple and carrot�/apple juices.

• A t�ypical meal includes baked pot�at�oes, veget�able soup, salad and juice.

• Breakfast� includes oat�meal, fruit� and orange juice.

• Fresh fruit�s and veget�ables for snacking.

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Detoxif icat ion

Degenerat�ive diseases render t�he body increasingly unable t�o excret�e wast�e mat�erials adequat�ely. The Gerson Therapy uses int�ensive det�oxifica-t�ion t�o eliminat�e wast�es, regenerat�e t�he liver, react�ivat�e t�he immune syst�em

and rest�ore enzyme, mineral and hormone syst�ems.

Coffee enemas help t�he liver t�o det�oxify t�he t�issues and blood. Pat�ient�s report� t�hat� t�he enemas decrease pain and hast�en heal-ing. The scient�ific basis for t�he use of coffee enemas is well doc-ument�ed. Enzyme syst�ems of t�he gut� wall and liver are st�imulat�ed, and bile flow is increased. Cast�or oil is used as an addit�ional st�imu-

lant� of bile flow. This enhances t�he body’s abilit�y t�o eliminat�e t�oxic residues accumulat�ed from t�he environment�, chemot�herapy and ot�her sources.

Det�oxificat�ion also helps t�o eliminat�e t�umors and ot�her dead t�issue more rapidly aft�er t�hey are broken down by t�he body. In addit�ion, diges-t�ive enzymes serve t�o enhance t�he absorpt�ion of nut�rient�s and assist� in t�he eliminat�ion of damaged t�issue.

Medications and Supplements

All are made from nat�ural derivat�ives

Pot�assium Compound

Lugol’s Solut�ion (iodine)

Thyroid Hormone

Vit�amin B12

Pancreat�ic Enzymes

Acidoll (digest�ive enzyme)

Inject�able Crude Liver Ext�ract�



Desiccat�ed Liver Capsules

Organic Flax Seed Oil

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Because t�he body is work-ing so hard t�o det�oxify and heal, people on t�he Gerson Therapy need a great� deal of rest�. It� is especially import�ant� at� t�his t�ime t�o list�en t�o your body. If pat�ient�s overexert� t�hemselves, it� can undermine t�he healing process. Rest�, rest� and more rest� are essent�ial.

For best� result�s, we encourage pat�ient�s t�o st�art� t�he Gerson Therapy at� a t�reat�ment� cent�er licensed by t�he Gerson Inst�it�ut�e. The Gerson Inst�it�ut�e does not� own, operat�e or cont�rol any t�reat�ment� facilit�y. We maint�ain a licensing program wit�h clinics t�o ensure t�hat� pat�ient�s are receiving t�rue, 100% Gerson care. Cont�act� t�he Gerson Inst�it�ut�e for a list� of licensed Gerson clinics.

If you would like t�o pursue t�he Gerson Therapy on your own, cont�act� t�he Gerson Inst�it�ut�e t�o obt�ain t�he Gerson Therapy Home Package.

Caution: Do not� st�art� t�he Gerson Therapy wit�hout� guidance if any of t�he fol-lowing condit�ions exist�:

Brain met�ast�ases or advanced brain cancer Chemot�herapy (prior or current�)


Pleural or pericardial effusion

Severe heart� disease

Severe kidney disease

Severe liver disease

Thrombosis (blood clot�s)

Foreign bodies, such as a pacemaker, breast� implant�s, st�eel plat�es or screws

Pat�ient�s must� be able t�o eat�, drink and eliminat�e normally.

The Gerson Therapy should not� be administ�ered t�o organ or st�em cell t�ransplant� recipient�s, people on kidney dialysis or t�hose wit�h acut�e leu-kemia. If you have ot�her healt�h concerns not� list�ed above, cont�act� t�he Gerson Inst�it�ut�e.

Starting the Gerson Therapy at a Cl inic or at Home

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Sarita SudBreast Cancer

Sarit�a was diagnosed wit�h breast� cancer in 2001. She had breast� sur-gery and some lymph nodes were also removed. Her doct�or called t�o t�ell her she needed more surgery t�o remove ot�her “infect�ed” lymph nodes t�wo weeks lat�er.

This dismal news convinced Sarit�a t�hat� t�he medical t�reat�ment�s would never end. In t�he meant�ime her husband did some research on t�he int�ernet�, found t�he Gerson Therapy and showed Sarit�a t�he informat�ion on how nut�rit�ion could heal.

Sarit�a inst�inct�ively felt� t�hat� t�his approach was right� for her. She came t�o t�he Gerson Basics Workshop so she could learn t�o apply t�he Gerson Therapy at� home. Her effort� paid off and now Sarit�a is in good healt�h and shares t�he amazing benefit�s of t�he Gerson Therapy wit�h many ot�hers.

Carla ShufordOsteogenic Sarcoma

(One of Dr Gerson’s

original patients)

On Sept�ember 4, 2011, Carla celebrat�ed her 53rd anniversa-ry. Fift�y-t�hree years earlier, she was diagnosed wit�h ost�eogenic sarco-ma. On t�hat� same day, her left� leg was amput�at�ed at� t�he hip. Since t�he cancer had spread t�o her lymph syst�em, she was given only six mont�hs t�o live.

Radiat�ion was not� possible because of t�he t�umor’s locat�ion. In desperat�ion, t�he doct�ors decided t�o do radical surgery, offering a faint� possibilit�y t�hat� her deat�h could be post�poned by 30 t�o 60 days. Inst�ead, Carla’s mot�her made arrangement�s wit�h Dr. Max Gerson for Carla t�o begin t�he Gerson Therapy as soon as she was discharged from t�he hos-pit�al.

For t�he next� five years, her par-ent�s devot�ed t�heir lives t�o pre-serving Carla’s life, Gerson-st�yle. Her fat�her asked t�he neighbors t�o help supply t�he large quant�it�ies of

Gerson Recoveries

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let�t�uce and carrot�s required for daily juicing, and some farmers agreed t�o allocat�e port�ions of t�heir gardens t�o be pest�icide free for her t�reat�ment�. Wit�h pure, organic foods and dedi-cait�on t�o t�her Gerson Therapy requ-riement�s, Carla recovered.

The doct�ors finally grew t�ired of requiring Carla t�o have mont�h-ly chest� X-rays t�hat� were consis-t�ent�ly clear. Sloan-Ket�t�ering Cancer Cent�er sent� out� a yearly survey t�o ask if she was st�ill alive, and each year, t�o t�heir amazement�, it� was ret�urned. Carla is now an official senior, having t�urned 65 in April, 2008.

Mary Harr ingtonMelanoma With Liver Metastasis

Mary was diagnosed wit�h malig-nant� melanoma in January, 1996, at� age 39. Her original t�umor was removed and she was given 25 radi-at�ion t�reat�ment�s along wit�h four mont�hs on t�he drug Int�erferon.

During t�he t�reat�ment�s, it� was discovered t�hat� t�he cancer had spread t�o t�he liver. Her oncologist� said t�hat� she could possibly live up t�o nine mont�hs if she responded t�o

t�he right� t�ype of chemot�herapy.

Mary decided t�o go t�o t�he Gerson clinic. Her condit�ion improved during t�he t�wo weeks she spent� at� t�he hospit�al; she felt� st�ron-ger, gained four pounds and had a new posit�ive at�t�it�ude. She cont�in-ued t�he t�reat�ment� at� home and 10 mont�hs lat�er, in Sept�ember 1997, her scan showed “clear.”

To t�his day, Mary’s oncologist� refers t�o her as his “amazing pat�ient�.” Mary remains well 12 years lat�er wit�h no recurrence. Her st�ory is on t�he DVD Dying To Have Known.

Mercedes LaPineCervical Carcinoma

In 1970, Mercedes had a Pap smear which showed a malignancy: carcinoma in sit�u. She had a hyst�er-ect�omy. Her ovaries were left� int�act�, but� one of t�hem showed a spot�. The cancer recurred and met�ast�asized wit�hin a few years.

Despit�e much advice t�o t�he cont�rary, Mercedes decided t�o fight� her cancer “t�he nat�ural way.” She st�art�ed t�he Gerson Therapy as best� she could on her own, and also t�ried several ot�her t�herapies.

By 1979 she had not� made

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much progress so she came t�o t�he Gerson Clinic for an in-dept�h expe-rience of t�he Therapy. Mercedes recovered and has remained in good healt�h ever since as a result� of her commit�ment�. She act�ive-ly cont�inues her Nat�uropat�hic pract�ice, t�eaching ot�hers about� t�he benefit�s of nat�ural healing.

Kilaya Cir iel loChronic Fatigue

For t�hree years before beginning t�he Gerson Therapy, Kilaya experi-enced debilit�at�ing fat�igue, memory and concent�rat�ion difficult�ies, sore t�hroat�, t�ender lymph nodes, muscle/joint� pain, insomnia and many ot�her sympt�oms. He had already been t�o a bat�t�ery of doct�ors and had t�ried ot�her juicing/fast�ing programs. He decided t�o research t�he t�heories of Dr. Max Gerson wit�hin t�he field of molecular and cellular biology before st�art�ing t�he program.

From what� he learned, he became convinced t�hat� t�he Gerson Therapy would work. And it� did. Aft�er nine mont�hs on t�he full program he had not� only recovered but� had reached a new level of physical,

emot�ional and ment�al healt�h t�hat� he had never known before. He credit�s t�he Gerson Therapy wit�h pro-viding a level of cont�ent�ment�, calm-ness and st�rengt�h t�hat� he had never dreamed was even possible.

I rene StananaughtMelanoma

In 1996 Irene was diagnosed wit�h st�age III melanoma. Her healt�h con-t�inued t�o decline. Aft�er reading A Cancer Therapy: Result�s of 50 Cases, she decided t�o do t�he Gerson Therapy. At� first� some of her family members t�hought� it� was a foolish idea, but� aft�er seeing t�he result�s, t�hey came t�o support� Irene and t�he t�herapy complet�ely.

In 1997, Irene visit�ed t�he Gerson clinic for t�wo weeks. She did t�he st�rict� diet� prescribed by Gerson doc-t�ors wit�hout� wavering (13 juices per day and 5 coffee enemas) for t�wo-and-a-half years.

In June 2001, Irene revisit�ed Gerson doct�ors for a check-up and all t�he t�umor markers were normal. A PET Scan showed her clear of any mela-noma. Twelve years aft�er beginning

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t�he Therapy, Irene feels fine and st�ill cont�inues eat�ing healt�hy and only organic food.

Ned WrightTesticular Cancer

“Today, when I t�hink back t�o when t�he doct�or said t�hat� I had t�hree t�o six mont�hs t�o live, it� seems like a dist�ant� night�mare. His words st�ruck me like a fist� in t�he st�omach. I was given t�he proverbial cancer deat�h sent�ence.”

Ned was diagnosed wit�h t�es-t�icular cancer in 1999 and he was t�reat�ed wit�h surgery, radiat�ion and chemot�herapy. Aft�er t�he first� t�wo procedures, t�he cancer came back wit�hin six mont�hs. Aft�er t�he chemo-t�herapy, which was a grueling expe-rience, t�he cancer was back aft�er just� one mont�h and was now in t�hree areas of t�he liver.

The doct�or provided him wit�h anot�her opt�ion: a bone marrow t�ransplant� followed by a high dose of chemot�herapy t�hat� offered only a 20% survival rat�e.

Ned had st�udied so many ot�her t�herapies t�hat� seemed t�o be “magic bullet�” at�t�empt�s at� curing cancer. He went� t�o t�he Gerson Clinic on April 3, 2001. “The diet� was t�ough and t�ime

consuming but� I followed it� just� as t�he Gerson doct�or had prescribed.”

“As you can see by my t�est�imony, I am alive by God’s grace and t�he Gerson Therapy. I am now a Gerson person, because of a lit�t�le known man’s passion for healing.”

Lawrence KirkPancreatic Cancer

Lawrence was diagnosed wit�h pancreat�ic cancer in 1993. His doct�or t�old him t�hat� convent�ional t�herapies would not� help. Lawrence began t�reat�ment� at� t�he Gerson clinic in December 1994.

Aft�er complet�ing 20 mont�hs of t�he Gerson Therapy, a CT scan found no evidence of a t�umor on his pan-creas and all his organs appeared normal. A subsequent� CT scan and MRI performed six years lat�er con-firmed t�hat� Lawrence remained free of cancer.

Fift�een years aft�er going t�o t�he Gerson clinic, Lawrence cont�inues t�o feel great�. He enjoys gardening and playing wit�h t�he grandchildren t�hat� he init�ially t�hought� he might� never see.

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Max Gerson, M.D., was born on Oct�ober 18, 1881, in Wongrowit�z, Germany. He at�t�ended t�he Universit�ies of Breslau, Wuerzburg and Berlin, even-t�ually graduat�ing from t�he Universit�y of Freiburg.

Suffering from severe migraines, Dr. Max Gerson init�ially focused his diet�ary experiment�s on prevent�ing his debilit�at�ing headaches. In t�he course of t�reat�ment� wit�h t�he spe-cial “migraine diet�” t�hat� Dr. Gerson had originally developed for him-

self, one of his pat�ient�s was cured of his skin t�uberculosis as well. This discovery led t�o furt�her st�udies of t�he diet� and t�he success-ful t�reat�ment� of many more pat�ient�s suffering from t�uberculosis. Through his work wit�h t�uberculosis, Dr. Gerson at�t�ract�ed t�he friend-ship of Nobel Peace Prize recipient�, Albert� Schweit�zer, M.D. In 1930,

Professor Schweit�zer’s wife, Helene, who had suffered from t�ubercu-losis for seven years, was admit�t�ed t�o Dr. Gerson’s clinic and cured aft�er nine mont�hs. Even Schweit�zer’s own advanced (t�ype II) diabe-t�es was cured by Gerson’s nut�rit�ional t�herapy. Schweit�zer followed Gerson’s progress over t�he years, seeing t�he diet�ary t�herapy suc-cessfully applied also t�o heart� disease, kidney failure, and t�hen final-ly cancer.

To escape Adolf Hit�ler’s reign in Europe, Dr. Gerson moved wit�h his family t�o America, where t�hey t�ook up residence in New York. In 1938, Dr. Gerson passed his medical boards and was t�hen licensed t�o pract�ice medicine in t�he st�at�e of New York. For 20 years unt�il his

The Gerson Legacy

Dr. Max Gerson

Developing the Gerson Therapy

“I see in Dr. Gerson one of the most eminent geniuses in the history of medicine.” – Dr. Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Prize Laureate & former Gerson patient

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Born in Germany, Charlot�t�e Gerson was t�he youngest� daught�er of Dr. Max Gerson. She assist�ed her fat�her wit�h t�ranslat�ing and writ�ing papers, making rounds and nursing pat�ient�s. When Dr. Gerson died in 1959, Charlot�t�e carried on by publishing his book, A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 Cases so t�hat� pat�ient�s and doct�ors could cont�inue t�o follow Dr. Gerson’s inst�ruct�ions for t�he Therapy. As a result� of her effort�s, demand for t�he Gerson Therapy spread.

She founded t�he Gerson Inst�it�ut�e in 1976 t�o make t�he t�herapy available t�o people across t�he world. In 1977, she helped est�ablish t�he first� Gerson Therapy hospit�al in Mexico. She also helped creat�e t�he Gerson Therapy Pract�it�ioner Training Program. She cont�inues t�o part�icipat�e in t�raining for physicians, care-t�akers and pat�ient�s

Charlot�t�e Gerson has kept� t�he flame of her fat�her’s discoveries alive, lect�uring int�ernat�ionally, selling her fat�her’s books, writ�ing and publishing her own books, appearing in document�aries and con-duct�ing TV and radio int�erviews.

Charlotte Gerson

Founding the Gerson Institute

deat�h, he t�reat�ed hundreds of cancer pat�ient�s who had been given up t�o die aft�er all convent�ional t�reat�ment�s had failed.

In 1958, aft�er t�hirt�y years of clinical experiment�at�ion, Gerson pub-lished A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 Cases. This medical mono-graph det�ails t�he t�heories, t�reat�ment�, and result�s achieved by a great� physician.

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