
© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


Healer, Psychic, Medium C O U R S E J O U R N A L

© Hay House, Inc.

© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


WELCOME!For over three decades I’ve shared my psychic, healing, and mediumship gifts with the world through books,

television and radio, live demonstrations, workshops, and online courses. This course is different—it’s about

discovering your own special gifts!

Are you a healer, a psychic, or a medium? I can tell you this: You are a spiritual being blessed with your own

unique abilities, and this course is designed to help you discover your true path—the road your soul was sent

here to travel. Take your time as you work your way through each of the lessons, and be open to signs and mes-

sages from your guides. I’ve provided this journal to help you document your progress.

There’s plenty of space in this journal to take notes as you’re watching each video in the course. You can jot

down things you’d like to remember, or anything that comes up for you in the meditations. I’ve also included the

journaling prompts from the videos on the pages they apply.

Enjoy your journey, James

© Hay House, Inc.

© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


L E S S O N 1

It’s Not What You Think—It’s What You Feel: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition

The foundation for every spirit worker is intuition. And we are all intuitive to a degree—we just need to learn how to access this power. In this opening lesson, you’ll learn how to quiet your mind and hear the voice of your soul. With mesmerizing meditations and insightful journaling exercises, James guides you not only to discern your gut feelings from your thoughts but also to identify your unique spiritual gifts and abilities, and be-gin to determine what path you’re called to. You’ll gain confidence in your perceptions, discover how to read other people’s energy, and acquire several extraordinary divination techniques to expand your awareness and tune into the energy all around you.


© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


VIDEO 1:Quieting the Mind

Date: ________________________________________________











Trusting your intuition is like learning to ride a bike. Everything takes practice before it becomes second nature.

—James Van Praagh

© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


VIDEO 2:How to Listen to Your Inner Voice

Date: ________________________________________________














© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


VIDEO 3:Discovering Your Unique Spiritual Gifts

Date: ________________________________________________

Write down a list of the passions in your life.







How would you use those passions?







© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition



















© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


VIDEO 4: How to Gain Confidence in Your Perceptions

Date: _______________________________













© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


VIDEO 5: Discerning Your Thoughts from Your Gut

Date: _______________________________

Write down words you think about.



Write down what you think about yourself. Who do you think you are?



Write down what you feel about yourself. What are your emotions like?



What aspects of your soul do you feel are truthful?



© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition



















© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


VIDEO 6: Honor Your Truth, Nurture Your Soul

Date: _______________________________














© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


VIDEO 7: Reading the Energy of People & Places

Date: _______________________________














© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


VIDEO 8: Divination Techniques

Date: _______________________________













© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 2: Working with Your Guides


L E S S O N 2

Working with Your Guides

You have many different types of spirit guides all around you. In this lesson, James ex-plains all about these loving celestial beings. After giving you a solid overview of the kinds of guides that exist, he invites you to connect with one of your guides in a deep mind-journey meditation during which your guide will come forward. After that, he leads you through a powerful journaling exercise where you’ll learn more techniques of becoming aware of and working with your guides. The lesson closes with two extraordi-nary meditations where you’ll create a psychic space to meet with your guides whenever you need them, and discover special symbols just for you from these heavenly beings.


© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 2: Working with Your Guides


VIDEO 1:What Are Guides?

Date: _______________________________











Our fears can cause us to miss out on a lot of experiences and golden opportunities. Don’t let your fears rob you of your life.

—James Van Praagh

© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 2: Working with Your Guides


VIDEO 2:Connecting with Your Guide

Date: _______________________________














© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 2: Working with Your Guides


VIDEO 3:Know Yourself, Know Your Guide

Date: _______________________________

Create an imaginary name for yourself.


What is your work as a guide for this human? What is the reason you are their guide?






What knowledge or wisdom are you going to impart? _

What do you have to offer them?






© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 2: Working with Your Guides


How difficult is it for the human to hear you?




Why don’t they perceive you, feel you, or know when you’re in their space?




What do you have to do to make that connection stronger?




What do you hope to accomplish with that human by the end of their lifetime?




What are you bringing to them to help them change?




© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 2: Working with Your Guides



















© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 2: Working with Your Guides


VIDEO 4: The Meeting Room

Date: _______________________________














© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 2: Working with Your Guides


VIDEO 5: Symbols from Your Guides

Date: _______________________________

Write down or draw your symbols and their meaning.

© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 2: Working with Your Guides



















© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 2: Working with Your Guides


L E S S O N 3

Touching the Spirit World: All About Mediumship

James says about spirits, “They’re always around. They always show up. But do we?” In this fascinating lesson on mediumship, you’ll discover everything you need to know about this special spiritual calling. James explains the difference between psychics and mediums so you can determine if either path is right for you. He shows you how to open up to the spirit world and connect with someone who has passed away. You’ll also learn how to transfix with a spirit (become one with it) as well as four techniques to link to the other side. Covering everything from the ethics of mediumship to your next steps after this course, this lesson will encourage you to step into your power as a communicator with those who have passed over—but have never truly left us.


© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 3: All About Mediumship


VIDEO 1: Becoming Aware of Your Own Power

Date: _______________________________











I think that all things are spirit and are derived from spirit. When you look at life from that perspective, it takes on a whole new meaning.

—James Van Praagh

© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


LESSON 3: All About Mediumship

© Hay House, Inc. 25

VIDEO 2: Psychics v. Mediums

Date: _______________________________














© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 3: All About Mediumship


VIDEO 3: Opening Up to the Spirit World

Date: _______________________________














© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


LESSON 3: All About Mediumship

© Hay House, Inc. 27

VIDEO 4: Transfixing with Spirit

Date: _______________________________














© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 3: All About Mediumship


VIDEO 5: 4 Techniques for Linking with Spirit

Date: _______________________________

Write down the name of the spirit you want to contact.


Write down the relationship.







Write down one emotional aspect of that person.






© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


LESSON 3: All About Mediumship

© Hay House, Inc. 29


















© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 3: All About Mediumship


VIDEO 6: A Great Calling, a Great Responsibility

Date: _______________________________














© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


LESSON 3: All About Mediumship

© Hay House, Inc. 31

VIDEO 7: Next Steps: The Development Circle

Date: _______________________________














© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 4: Bringing Balance with Healing


L E S S O N 4

Bringing Balance with Healing

Healing is another path you might take as a spirit worker, and in this lesson, James shares his many insights about this important calling. Revealing how to create vibrant health in mind, body, and spirit, he leads you through a powerful chakra meditation straight-away so that you can clear old or foreign energies in your body that are impeding your light. You’ll learn how to assess your physical and emotional ailments, and discover what they are there to teach you. At the close of this lesson, James shows you three specific ways you can bring healing to other people and performs an incredible one-on-one energy- clearing demonstration with a live participant. It is not to be missed!


33 © Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


LESSON 4: Bringing Balance with Healing

VIDEO 1: Clearing Old Energies & Transmuting to Love

Date: _______________________________











You are made of Love, and this Earth is rich with opportunities to love. Love is all around you.

—James Van Praagh

© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 4: Bringing Balance with Healing


VIDEO 2: 8 Steps to Creating Health

Date: _______________________________














© Hay House, Inc. 35© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


LESSON 4: Bringing Balance with Healing

35© Hay House, Inc.

VIDEO 3: Affirmations & Meditations for Healing

Date: _______________________________














© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 4: Bringing Balance with Healing


VIDEO 4: Creating Total Balance

Date: _______________________________














© Hay House, Inc. 37© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


LESSON 4: Bringing Balance with Healing

37© Hay House, Inc.

VIDEO 5: Learning What the Body Has to Teach You

Date: _______________________________


Why do you have to be here?



What are you teaching me in the body?



What are you teaching this soul?



What must this soul learn to bring about perfect balance, harmony, and healing?




© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 4: Bringing Balance with Healing



Why are you there?




What are you teaching my soul?





What must this soul learn by having this emotional charge?





How can I release this emotional charge and let the energy flow?




© Hay House, Inc. 39© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


LESSON 4: Bringing Balance with Healing

39© Hay House, Inc.

_Why am I holding on to this?






What holds me back from being in optimum health and well-being?






Why did I choose to have this energy in my body, in my mind, in my emotional body?







© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 4: Bringing Balance with Healing



















© Hay House, Inc. 41© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


LESSON 4: Bringing Balance with Healing

41© Hay House, Inc.

VIDEO 6: Bringing Healing to Others

Date: _______________________________














© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 5: Your Soul’s Road of Many Lifetimes


L E S S O N 5

Your Soul’s Road of Many Lifetimes

Prepare to have your mind expanded in this captivating lesson about the soul. Do you wonder what the soul is and how it differs from spirit? Are you fascinated by the idea of karma, reincarnation, and soul groups? James explains these topics and so much more. You’ll discover why the Earth is a school and what your soul has come back to learn in your current lifetime. He also takes you on a past-life regression where you will peer into three different lifetimes to see what your soul has learned throughout time—and what patterns you may unknowingly be repeating to this day. You’ll also find out your soul’s special gifts through the ages and the people in your soul group.


© Hay House, Inc. 43© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


LESSON 4: Bringing Balance with Healing

43© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 5: Your Soul’s Road of Many Lifetimes

© Hay House, Inc. 43

VIDEO 1: What Is the Soul?

Date: _______________________________











We have all been placed on this Earth to discover our own path, and we will never be happy if we live someone else’s idea of life.

—James Van Praagh

© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 5: Your Soul’s Road of Many Lifetimes


VIDEO 2: Discovering Your Soul’s Lessons

Date: _______________________________

What characteristics do you have?




What characteristics do you need to work on?




What people do you feel a connection with?




Write down three different scenarios in your life that keep repeating.

1. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

© Hay House, Inc. 45© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


LESSON 4: Bringing Balance with Healing

45© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 5: Your Soul’s Road of Many Lifetimes

© Hay House, Inc. 45

Write down three lessons your soul needs to learn from those scenarios.

1. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Why does your soul find it hard to learn those lessons?








How would the energy of love change those lessons?








© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 5: Your Soul’s Road of Many Lifetimes



















© Hay House, Inc. 47© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


LESSON 4: Bringing Balance with Healing

47© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 5: Your Soul’s Road of Many Lifetimes

© Hay House, Inc. 47

VIDEO 3: Exploring Past-Life Regressions

Date: _______________________________














© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 5: Your Soul’s Road of Many Lifetimes


VIDEO 4: Learning the Gifts of Your Soul & Your Soul Group

Date: _______________________________

Write down talents you have in this lifetime.






Write down a year.


How did that talent express itself in that lifetime? Did you have that same talent?






© Hay House, Inc. 49© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


LESSON 4: Bringing Balance with Healing

49© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 5: Your Soul’s Road of Many Lifetimes

© Hay House, Inc. 49

Write down the people in your life right now, in your family.






Write down a year.


What role did they play in that lifetime?










© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 5: Your Soul’s Road of Many Lifetimes



















© Hay House, Inc. 51© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


LESSON 4: Bringing Balance with Healing

51© Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 5: Your Soul’s Road of Many Lifetimes

© Hay House, Inc. 51

L E S S O N 6

Living the Life of a Spirit Worker

By now, you have a good idea of which spiritual path resonates with your soul. In this final lesson, James reviews the three major disciplines in the mystical arts—mediumship, psychic intuition, and healing—and helps you ultimately determine which path you’ll continue on from here. He leads you through a powerful exercise to practice using your new abilities, and also guides you in a special mirror meditation where you will assess your auric field and see how your soul expresses itself in colors and feelings. Remember: You are a being of light, an ambassador of spirit, and the energy of love embodied—and your soul will always remind you of that. The world welcomes you as a spirit worker!


© Hay House, Inc.

Lesson 6: Living the Life of a Spirit Worker


VIDEO 1: Assessing Your Auric Field

Date: _______________________________











If you’re on the path you’re meant to be on, everything falls into place; the Universe is telling you that. If you are not on the right path, you will

experience roadblocks all along the way, and this is also the Universe telling you to stop, look, and ask if this is where you are supposed to be.

—James Van Praagh

5353 © Hay House, Inc. © Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


LESSON 4: Bringing Balance with Healing

53© Hay House, Inc. © Hay House, Inc.

Lesson 6: Living the Life of a Spirit Worker

© Hay House, Inc. 53

VIDEO 2: Determining Your Spiritual Work: 3 Modalities

Date: _______________________________














© Hay House, Inc.

Lesson 6: Living the Life of a Spirit Worker


VIDEO 3: Practicing Your Abilities:

An Exercise with Energy & Memory

Date: _______________________________













5555 © Hay House, Inc. © Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


LESSON 4: Bringing Balance with Healing

55© Hay House, Inc. © Hay House, Inc.

Lesson 6: Living the Life of a Spirit Worker

© Hay House, Inc. 55

VIDEO 4: Checking In with Yourself:

Remembering Who You Are

Date: _______________________________

What’s important to you in your life?





What values do you have as you’ve worked with the energy of spirit? _




How has it changed you?




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Lesson 6: Living the Life of a Spirit Worker



















5757 © Hay House, Inc. © Hay House, Inc.

LESSON 1: Laying the Groundwork for Intuition


LESSON 4: Bringing Balance with Healing

57© Hay House, Inc. © Hay House, Inc.

Lesson 6: Living the Life of a Spirit Worker

© Hay House, Inc. 57

VIDEO 5: Parting Words: You Are a Being of Light

Date: _______________________________














Our connection with our intuitive self is ever present and always a part of ourselves.

—James Van Praagh
