Page 1: “He knelt down and began to pray, 42 saying, "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." 43 Now an angel
Page 2: “He knelt down and began to pray, 42 saying, "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." 43 Now an angel

“He knelt down and began to pray, 42 saying, "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." 43 Now an angel from heaven appeared to Him, strengthening Him. 44 And being in agony He was praying very fervently; and His sweat became like drops of blood, falling down upon the ground.”

(Luke 22:41b-44, NASU)

Page 3: “He knelt down and began to pray, 42 saying, "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." 43 Now an angel

“7 In the days of His flesh, He offered up both

prayers and supplications with loud crying and tears

to the One able to save Him from death, and He

was heard because of His piety. 8 Although He was

a Son, He learned obedience from the things which

He suffered.”

(Hebrews 5:7-8, NASU)

Page 4: “He knelt down and began to pray, 42 saying, "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." 43 Now an angel

“…take this cup from, yet not my will but yours be done.”

Page 5: “He knelt down and began to pray, 42 saying, "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." 43 Now an angel

The Thief on the cross…

…what’s the point?

Page 6: “He knelt down and began to pray, 42 saying, "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." 43 Now an angel

“39 One of the criminals who were hanged there was hurling abuse at Him, saying, "Are You not the Christ? Save Yourself and us!" 40 But the other answered, and rebuking him said, "Do you not even fear God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? 41 "And we indeed are suffering justly, for we are receiving what we deserve for our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong." 42 And he was saying, "Jesus, remember me when You come in Your kingdom!" 43 And He said to him, "Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise.”

(Luke 23:39-43, NASU)

Page 7: “He knelt down and began to pray, 42 saying, "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." 43 Now an angel

Is it correct to use this to say baptism is not necessary?

‘well what about the thief on the cross’

Are we at a loss for words?

Page 8: “He knelt down and began to pray, 42 saying, "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." 43 Now an angel

Do We Know He Wasn’t Baptized?

John the Baptist: Baptism for repentance, forgiveness of sins;

all Jerusalem, all Judea (Matthew 3:4-9, 11)

Baptism of repentance for sins, all Jerusalem, all Judea (Mark 1:4-6)

Baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sin “came in all the district around the Jordan”

(Luke 3:3)

Page 9: “He knelt down and began to pray, 42 saying, "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." 43 Now an angel

Do We Know He Wasn’t Baptized?

Jesus: John and Jesus are both baptizing in the

Jordan (John 3:22-24)

John’s disciples are jealous because of the crowds coming to be baptized by Jesus (John 3:25-27)

Word is spreading Jesus is baptizing more than John forcing Jesus to leave Judea (John 4:1-3)

Page 10: “He knelt down and began to pray, 42 saying, "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." 43 Now an angel
Page 11: “He knelt down and began to pray, 42 saying, "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." 43 Now an angel

What Do We Know?

1. He knows who Jesus is, believes Him to be innocent, v. 41

2. He believes Jesus to be the Messiah, v. 42o An “a-ha” moment?o Compare the centurion

3. He has faith in Jesus’ coming Kingdom, v. 42

“Now the centurion, and those who were with him keeping guard over Jesus, when they saw the earthquake and the things that were happening, became very frightened and said, "Truly this was the Son of God!"

Matt. 27:54, NASU

Page 12: “He knelt down and began to pray, 42 saying, "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." 43 Now an angel

If a physical kingdom…

…then he believes something immediate is about to happen.

If a spiritual kingdom…

…then he has a deeper understanding than even Jesus’ own 12 Apostles!

Page 13: “He knelt down and began to pray, 42 saying, "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." 43 Now an angel

Disciples abandoned Jesus?

Tried by Jewish and Romans?

Beaten and Flogged?

Facing imminent death?

Page 14: “He knelt down and began to pray, 42 saying, "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." 43 Now an angel

From what we learn of the man…

Is it likely he had previous faith in Jesus, perhaps even baptized at some point?

Is it possible he had previous faith in Jesus, perhaps even baptized at some point?

But can you say with certainty this man never had faith until this moment?

Page 15: “He knelt down and began to pray, 42 saying, "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." 43 Now an angel
Page 16: “He knelt down and began to pray, 42 saying, "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." 43 Now an angel

“…they crucified Him…”

“Then he released Barabbas for them; but after having Jesus scourged, he handed Him over to be crucified.” (Matt. 27:26, NASU)

Page 17: “He knelt down and began to pray, 42 saying, "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." 43 Now an angel
Page 18: “He knelt down and began to pray, 42 saying, "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." 43 Now an angel

“…today you will be with me in Paradise.”