Page 1: HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, Broj 1, 2006. KONGRESNO sve þlanove HDMB–a, ali i sudionike našeg þetvrtog kongresa održanog

HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, Broj 1, 2006.

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemi ara s me unarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore , 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore , Croatia - October 18-22, 2006 1

HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, Broj 1, 2006. ISSN 1331-405 X

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemi aras me unarodnim sudjelovanjem

Pore , 18.-22. listopada 2006.

5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation Pore , Croatia, October 18-22, 2006


Page 2: HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, Broj 1, 2006. KONGRESNO sve þlanove HDMB–a, ali i sudionike našeg þetvrtog kongresa održanog


Uvodnik Uredništva.......................................................................................................... 3 Tek ukratko o Pore u........................................................................................................ 4 Priznanje za životno djelo ................................................................................................ 8 Odli je «Marijana Fišer Herman» .................................................................................... 9 Odli je „Ibrahim Ruždi “............................................................................................... 11 Predsjednica IFCC-a....................................................................................................... 11 Gost kongresnog glasila ................................................................................................. 12 Izlet ................................................................................................................................. 14 Predsjednica Znanstvenog Odbora ................................................................................. 15 Predsjednica Organizacijskog Odbora ........................................................................... 15

Urednica Biserka Getaldi

Uredni ki odbor Mirjana Fija ko, Mira Kevo, Koraljka Mittel, Nora Nikolac, Mira Obadi ,

Vlatko Rumenjak, Elizabeta Topi , Nada Vrki

Lektor Antonija Redovnikovi

Tisak Medicinska naklada

Naklada 500 primjeraka

Grafi ka obrada Mario Štefanovi

Page 3: HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, Broj 1, 2006. KONGRESNO sve þlanove HDMB–a, ali i sudionike našeg þetvrtog kongresa održanog

HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, Broj 1, 2006.

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemi ara s me unarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore , 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore , Croatia - October 18-22, 2006 3

Uvodnik Uredništva

Za sve lanove HDMB–a, ali i sudionike našeg etvrtog kongresa održanog u Zadru nije iznena enje da e

ih tijekom rada 5. Kongresa do ekati posebno izdanje Glasila posve eno samo tom doga aju. Na stranicama ovog broja pokušati emo približiti grad u kojem se nalazimo s nekim detaljima koje možda ne emo vidjeti zauzeti sudjelovanjem na Kongresu. Jezikom brojeva rad našeg kongresa može se koncizno izraziti kao: 11 simpozija, 85 predava a, 23 posterske teme obuhva ene u 136 postera, 5 znanstvenih radionica, 3 industrijske radionice i 4 plenarna predavanja, izložbeni prostor vode ih tvrtki u podru ju laboratorijske dijagnostike u etiri radna dana. Nabrojane aktivnosti upotpunjene s

diskusijama kao bitnim sadržajem, pretvorit e prostore hotela Pical u kongresni centar, a više od tristo sudionika svojom aktivnoš u Kongres u stvarnost. Zapo eti emoPredkongresnim simpozijem, koji osim svog sve anog dijela kojim naše društvo iskazuje posebno priznanje za životno djelo prof. dr. Ani Stavljeni - Rukavina, sadrži i predavanja uvaženih gostiju koji e iznijeti svoje vizije laboratorijske medicine 21. stolje a. Da li e se te vizije ostvariti svjedo iti e sudionici nekih budu ih kongresa.

S posebnim zadovoljstvom prenosimo Vam životopise nagra enih lanova HDMB, iako znamo da je našim lanova prepoznatljiva njihova dugogodišnja aktivnost pa

je ovaj Kongres samo prigoda da im simboli no uru imo nagrade i zahvalimo. Po asni gosti i predava i su predsjednica IFCC–a, prof. dr. Jocelyn Hicks i ministar znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta RH prof. dr. Dragan Primorac predstavljeni su u Glasilu s nekim svojim osvrtima koje smo odabrali za vas.

Kao prekid u našim predavanjima i diskusijama napraviti emo izlet koji e nas odvesti u šetnju kroz prošlost, Alejom glagoljaša budu i da je glagoljica prisutna od loga našeg kongresa do poklona koje emo ponesti za uspomenu. Bilo bi šteta ne saznati više o jedinstvenom pismu naše prošlosti koja e i našim stranim gostima biti interesantno jer ga krasi izuzetan vizualni sklad. Nekoliko podataka o prostorima i spomenicima koje emo obi i nalaze se u Glasilu, a delicije Istarske kuhinje ekaju nas na kraju izleta. Kažu da je Istra naša Toscana, a

na nama je da se složimo da je dobro biti u usporedbi s nekim tako prekrasnim predjelom. Procjenu prepuštamo onima koji su osjetili ljepotu obiju.

Iako smo u drugoj obavijesti pisali o glagoljici i u ovom Glasilu biti e rije i zašto su pokloni koji se nalaze u kongresnim torbama tog obilježja.

Kona no na kraju teksta nekoliko rije i o Predsjednicama: Znanstvenog Odbora prof. dr. Renati Zadro, Organizacijskog odbora dr. sc. Branki Kunovi .One su sa svojim suradnicima uložile znanje, trud i energiju da se u Pore u, gradu izuzetnih doma ina, SVIsudionici osje aju zadovoljno što su ovih dana bili upravo ovdje - na 5. Hrvatskom Kongresu medicinskih biokemi ara.

A možda uz malo sre e, što priželjkujemo kao organizatori, ovi danu postanu ona vrsta pri e koju stoti put pri amo i svaki put druk ije a da zapravo ne znam zašto su nam tako važne...

Urednica Glasila: Biserka Getaldi

Page 4: HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, Broj 1, 2006. KONGRESNO sve þlanove HDMB–a, ali i sudionike našeg þetvrtog kongresa održanog

HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, Broj 1, 2006.

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemi ara s me unarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore , 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore , Croatia - October 18-22, 2006


Tek ukratko o Pore u

Stara mapa Pore a

Iako pisca ovih redova ne odlikuje da se previše matemati ki izražava jer nije nekog osobitog matemati kog znanja, ipak se kao prva asocijacija u pisanju teksta o Pore u name e matemati ki pojam – zajedni ki nazivnik. Što on sadržava kad su u pitanju kongresi medicinskih biokemi ara i gradovi u kojim se održavaju?!

Panoramska slika Pore a

Kao prvo - naši prošli gradovi doma ini Zagreb, Pula, Vukovar i Zadar imaju gotovo istu povijesnu dimenziju kao Pore jer i ovdje još za ranog Rimskog carstva postojala naseobina, a prvi spomen Istre, odnosno Histrije, datira iz 6. st. prije Krista.

Stari tlocrt pore kih ulica

Pa tako povijest Pore a po inje prije više od dvije tisu e godina kada su stari Rimljani pokorili starosjedioce Histrije i na 400 m dugom i 200 m širokom poluotoku

osnovali castrum - vojnu utvrdu, nešto sli no dogodilo se i predrimskim Zadranima – Liburnima.

Ovdje je ve i drugi zajedni ki pojam – poluotok. Ta zbijenost gradske jezgre u suprotnosti je sa bogatim zale em grada koji se neminovno širio ali i dalje u pojmovima stanovnika, gradom ostaje baš taj povijesno kulturološki nabijeni mali prostor. Osjeti se to prolaskom kroz ulice koje predstavljaju povijesni muzej u kojem se živi sa svom puno om života.

Za vrijeme vladavine cara Augusta u 1. stolje ucastrum je službeno proglašen gradom te je postao administrativno i gospodarsko središte rimske kolonije Colonia Iulia Parentium. Interesantno je da se isti rimski imperator bilježi kao "parens coloniae" i Zadra.

Današnji Decumanus

Nastavimo li potragu za sli nostima i grad Pore je kao i Zadar za rimske vladavine, imao pravilan raspored ulica, koje se sijeku pod pravim kutom. Okosnicu su inile dvije glavne ulice, cardo maximus i decumanus. Ova posljednja koja vodi prema pore kom ageru (i sada zvana tim imenom) i danas je glavna ulica grada.

Stanovnici današnjeg Pore a, ali i mi sudionici kongresa hodamo istim plo ama kao Parentini njegovi davni rimski stanovnici.

Ulica Decumanus spajala je trg Marafor u zapadnom dijelu grada sa kopnenim gradskim vratima na njenom isto nom kraju. Na trgu Marafor nalazio se rimski Forum sa hramovima rimskim bogovima. Na Maraforu je sa uvana Romani ka ku a te nekoliko mleta kih goti kih pala a. Istarska sabornica, izvorno franjeva ka goti ka crkva iz 13. stolje a, preure ena je u baroknom stilu u 18. stolje u. Pore je bio opasan obrambenim zidinama od 12. do 19. stolje a.

Page 5: HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, Broj 1, 2006. KONGRESNO sve þlanove HDMB–a, ali i sudionike našeg þetvrtog kongresa održanog

HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, Broj 1, 2006.

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemi ara s me unarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore , 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore , Croatia - October 18-22, 2006 5

Romani ka ku a

Dvije obrambene kule i danas stoje na ulazu u stari grad. Najstariji sa uvani istarski svjetionik nalazi se na otoku Sv. Nikola iz 1402.godine.

Goti ka pala a

Prvi pore ki biskup Mavar bio je žrtvom progona rimskih vlasti, a nakon mu eni ke smrti proglašen je svecem zaštitnikom grada sv. Mauro. Danas se povodom blagdana sv. Maura - 21. studenog, dodjeljuje nagrada za dostignu a u kulturi na podru ju Grada Pore a koja nosi ime gradskog patrona. Sagra ena je i crkva sv. Maura.

Zaslugom drugog biskupa Pore je 1997. ucrtan u svjetsku kartu spomenike svjetske kulturne i prirodne baštine po zaštitom UNESCO-a.

Najvažniji kulturni spomenik Pore a je kompleks Eufrazijeve bazilike iz 5. stolje a, koji je na mjestu izvorne crkve proširen u 6. stolje u pod Bizantom i biskupom Eufrazijem.

Panoramska slika kompleksa Eufrazijeve bazilike

Interijer bazilike ukrašen je jedinstvenim mozaicima a za sudionike našeg kongresa bazilika e biti otvorena za koncert u etvrtak nave er. U ovom jedinstvenom prostoru uz zvukove harfe i flaute željeli bismo potaknuti bezvremensku aroliju muzike s posebnim naglaskom da se programom na neki na in i medicinski biokemi ariuklju uju u obilježavanje Mozartove godine.

Dio mozaika

Ovo je još jedan zajedni ki nazivnik naših kongresa, koncert u sv. Donatu tristo godina mla oj bazilici u Zadru, ostao je zapam en.

Nakon pada Rimskog Carstva, izmjenjuju se vladari a krajem 6. stolje a Pore nastanjuju Hrvati, a nakon 788. grad potpada pod vlast Franaka.

Interijer Eufrazijeve bazilike

Page 6: HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, Broj 1, 2006. KONGRESNO sve þlanove HDMB–a, ali i sudionike našeg þetvrtog kongresa održanog

HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, Broj 1, 2006.

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemi ara s me unarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore , 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore , Croatia - October 18-22, 2006


Uslijedilo je kratko razdoblje nezavisnosti u 12. stolje u. Pore je 1267. potpao pod Mleta ku Republiku i tada se grade prekrasne goti ke pala e, kule i zidine. Interesantno je za nas suvremenika da su ove zidine sa uvane i do danas zahvaljuju i neposlušnosti vojnika koji se pri završetku drugog svjetskog rata oglušio o zapovijed da ih raznese eksplozivom

Ostatci gradskih zidina iz 13. stolje a

Povijest je u ovim našim prostorima pre esto bila pra ena razaranjem tako da svaki sa uvani spomenik na neki na in ima svog zaštitnika koji su esto bezimeni. Pore je 1814. postao djelom Austro-Ugarske koja ga je zahvaljuju i parobrodskom društvu Lloyd otvorila turistima uklju ivši ga u nezaobilaznu turisti kom rutu po isto noj obali Jadrana. Uplovljavanje velikih luksuznih jahti obilježava a esto i otkriva nepoznate destinacije, pa je tako austrijska nadvojvotkinja Stephanie predstavila grad široj javnosti uplovljavanjem u pore ku luku na svojoj jahti Phantasy prije više od stopedeset godina.

Llyodov parobrod s po etka 19. stolje a u pore koj luci

Ve je 1845. tiskan prvi turisti ki vodi s opisom i slikama grada. Bilo bi pretenciozno ove stranice proglasiti nastavkom te duge tradicije, ali možda je ovo kongresni turisti ki vodi .

Tih 160 godina turisti ke tradicije, bez obzira na ratne prekide osje a se u gostoljubivom i istovremeno profesionalnom odnosu izuzetno vrijednih doma ina

prema gostima i pa nije bezrazložno Pore višegodišnji pobjednik u odabiru najboljeg turisti kog centra u Hrvatskoj.

U 19. st. Pore je bio glavni grad Istre, sjedište pokrajinskog (istarskog) sabora sa školama, upravnim i sudskim ustanovama. Da se podsjetimo – evo i medicinskih biokemi ara s kongresom po drugi put u Istri. Bili smo u Puli 1996. na našem drugom kongresu i za sve one koji su sudionici oba, evo nakon deset godina mogu nosti da vide i osjete razliku u Kongresima, u sebi a možda i doživljaju ljepota Istre.

Osim kulturnih spomenika ovaj grad bogatstvom vegetacije i plodnog tla koje se kao što piše u našoj drugoj obavijesti „ore do mora“, predstavlja izuzetan zemljopisni prostor u kojem se nalaze skladno spojene kontinentalne i mediteranske kulture, pri emu je vinova loza jedna od najpoznatijih, možda bi bilo bolje re i najomiljenijih. Jedinstveni okus vina Malvazije neki uspore uju s nektarom, a vino je kao što znamo još od Rimljana smatrano lijekom (ista pravila imaju i za predoziranost), pa ete ovom prilikom imati mogu nost provjeriti tvrdnje

naših doma ina. Me u ljekovitim napitcima nalazi se i vrsta rakije koju spravljaju samo u ovom kraju pod nazivom Biska, a tajna je u imeli koja se potapa u doma urakiju. Možda globalno najpoznatiji vegetacijski plod Istre su tartufi. Gomoljaste gljive kojima pripisuju afrodizija kadjelovanja postale su sastavni dio gotovo svih ekskluzivnih jelovnika.

Bogato pore ko zale e

Page 7: HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, Broj 1, 2006. KONGRESNO sve þlanove HDMB–a, ali i sudionike našeg þetvrtog kongresa održanog

HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, Broj 1, 2006.

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemi ara s me unarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore , 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore , Croatia - October 18-22, 2006 7

Manje poznato je da je Istra najbogatije nalazište orhideja u ovom dijelu svijeta. Orhideje, u narodu poznatije kao ka uni, gra om i ljepotom svojih cvjetova zauzimaju posebno i istaknuto mjesto me u biljkama. Još u drevnim mitovima orhideja je postala simbolom ne samo prirodnog, ve i duhovnog savršenstva i isto e. Porodica orhideja (Orchidaceae) sadrži oko 20 000 vrsta i jedna je od najbrojnijih porodica biljaka. Nastanjuju staništa s puno sunca i svjetla pa ih najve i broj raste u tropskim podru jima.

Orhideja Serapias istriaca

Od 320 vrsta, koliko ih raste u Europi, ak 80 ih raste u Istri. Me u brojnim orhidejama svoje je mjesto ovdje pronašla i istarska kukavica (Serapias istriaca M. L. Perko), prvi put zabilježena 1999. godine. Prirodno stanište istarske kukavice su travnjaci (livade i pašnjaci) što ju ini i ugroženom vrstom orhideja. Degradacija prirodnog okoliša, uvjetovana napuštanjem tradicionalnih poljoprivrednih djelatnosti poput sto arstva glavni je uzro nik smanjenja njihovog broja.

Zaista možemo biti ponosni što u Hrvatskoj imamo oko stotinu samoniklih biljaka iz skupine orhideja. Stoga o uvajmo njihova prirodna staništa da nas i dalje zadivljuju svojom ljepotom i maštovitim oblicima cvjetova i ne dopustimo da budemo svjedoci njihova nestanka.

A sad da vidimo faunu. Prije desetak godina istarsko govedo, od milja nazvano boškarin, smatralo se nestalom vrstom, no požrtvovanim radom pojedinih istrana i šire društvene zajednice ova vrsta goveda spašena je od izumiranja. Šezdesetih je godina Istra brojila više od 60 tisu a primjeraka ovog goveda, koji je svojom je snagom kroz povijest bio vjeran sluga svom gospodaru obra uju is njim zemlju. Godine 1991. jedva se pronašlo samo šestgenetskih istih primjeraka. Zajedni kim snagama Saveza uzgajiva a istarskog goveda i Županijske selekcijske službe s ovih preostalih šest primjeraka spašena je vrsta od izumiranja.

Znanstvenici istražuje podrijetlo boškarina. Premda prva istraživanja otvaraju mogu nosti da je boškarin pragovedo ovih prostora, do sada to još nije potvr eno.Ovo vrlo krupno govedo jakog kostura i skromnih zahtjeva služilo je gospodaru i dvadesetak godina. Bik teži i do tonu, a krave oko 550 - 650 kila. Volovi su prosje no težili 900 - 1.100 kg, no danas se rijetko kastriraju zbog spašavanja vrste.

Možda putem sretnete kojega boškarina kako ore na polju sve do mora.

I kao što je na po etku šetnje kroz Pore u ovom tekstu napomenuto postoje zajedni ki nazivnici naših kongresa koje smo spominjali.

To smo mi

Jedan od njih je bitan zajedni ki dio grupa medicinskih biokemi ara koju ste sretali u Zadru, s kojima ste ovih godinu dana pripremanja kongresa komunicirali, svim oblicima komunikacije, koji su se trudili na iodgovore na vaše upite, osmisliti puno detalja kojim ekongres biti prepoznatljiv, i unesli puno osobnosti da sve predvi eno bude i ostvareno. Veseliti e nas ukoliko smo

barem djelomi no uspjeli u nastojanjima da se osje ateugodno na našem kongresu.

Vi ati ete nas svih ovih dana!

Pore om prošetala Urednica Glasila

Page 8: HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, Broj 1, 2006. KONGRESNO sve þlanove HDMB–a, ali i sudionike našeg þetvrtog kongresa održanog

HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, Broj 1, 2006.

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemi ara s me unarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore , 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore , Croatia - October 18-22, 2006


Priznanje za životno djelo

Prof. dr. Ana Stavljeni Rukavina

U godini u kojoj je profesorici dodijeljeno državno odlikovanje reda Danice s likom Ru era Boškovi a u povodu 40 godina njezina kontinuiranog znanstvenog rada, HDMB dodjeljuje joj svoju najve e priznanje – za životno djelo.

Svjedoci smo da se njen rad nastavlja i možemo se samo zahvaliti na svim proteklim godinama. U redovima koji slijede, a napisani su u obrazloženju za dodjelu odlikovanja podsjetiti emo sebe i naše strane goste na njene aktivnosti. I jasno - da je predkongresni simpozij s razlogom.

«Znanstveni se rad profesorice Stavljeni -Rukavina ogledao u nacionalnim i svjetskim okvirima. Jednako u najzabitijim kutcima domovine gdje medicinska biokemija živi kroz praksu, pa do najve ih znanstvenih centara izvrsnosti. Znanstvenu je metodu promicala i promaknula u svim sredinama rješavaju i sve dileme oko interdisciplinarnosti, empirijskog u medicini i znanstvenog u biokemiji, te je odlu no slijedila i provodila znanstvenu paradigmu. Danas, kada se opredjeljujemo zajedno sa svjetskim znanstvenim silama za naziv laboratorijska medicina, možemo re i da je nedvojben znanstveni pristup i znanstvena jasno a laboratorijskog rada u službi medicine. Jednako tako, bez lažne skromnosti, isti emo profesoricu Anu kao suosniva a discipline koju je suvereno i ravnopravno s grupom najzna ajnijih svjetskih znanstvenika razvijala 40 godina. Nema znanstvenika s tog podru ja (pa i iz drugih znanstvenih grana) koji ne poznaje njezino ime. Štoviše, inozemni znanstveni krugovi prepoznaju i uvažavaju znanstvenu Hrvatsku poštuju isvoju kolegicu Anu.

Prepoznatljivost i ugled profesorice temelji se objektivno na njezinim radovima, na mjerljivoj veli ini koja rje ito govori o golemu znanstvenom opusu. No, ne samo to. Njezin rad izlazi iz okvira osobnog i umnaža se u njezinu znanstvenom ozra ju radovima nas kolega iz struke, i srodnih struka, koji mogu posvjedo iti koliko je generacija biokemi ara, kemi ara, lije nika, stomatologa, ljekarnika, potaknula i usmjerila u ozbiljan znanstveni pristup biomedicinskim znanostima. Tome ima zahvaliti njezin osobni primjer nepokolebljivog i predanog

znanstvenika koji nije žalio sebe 24 sata, ali i još jedan dar prirode, a to je izvorna i naravna ozbiljnost i sigurnost koja krasi autoritet znanstvenika. Njezini su se rad, mišljenje i rije osluškivali uvijek s pozornoš u i bezrezervno, kako u našoj tako i u inozemnoj sredini. Možemo posvjedo iti – bila nam je vrsni u itelj u domovini, a ponosili smo se njome kada su se inozemni znanstvenici o njoj izražavali s poštovanjem.

Prof. dr. Ana Stavljeni -Rukavina, redoviti sveu ilišni profesor medicinskog fakulteta, završila je studij Medicinske biokemije na Farmaceutsko-biokemijskom fakultetu i studij Medicine na Medicinskom fakultetu, Sveu ilišta u Zagrebu gdje je obranila svoj magistarski i doktorski rad. Usavršavala se u znanstveno u Royal Postgraduate Medical School, London; NATO Advanced Study Institute and Simon Stevin Institute, Brugge i NATO Advanced Study Institute and Fondazione Giovanni Lorenzini.

Stru no usavršavanje zaokružuje 1979. godine kada postaje specijalist medicinske biokemije.

Svoj stru ni i znanstveni rad obnaša u Klinikama rade i od 1967. - 2005. godine, prvih 12 godina na Klinici za dijabetes, endokrinologiju i bolesti metabolizma „Vuk Vrhovac“ kao voditeljica biokemijskog laboratorija, a potom kao predstojnica Klini kog zavoda za laboratorijsku dijagnostiku, Klini kog bolni kog centra Zagreb.

Znanstveno djelovanje prof. dr. Ane Stavljeni -Rukavina s lako om možemo podastrijeti velikim brojem me unarodno priznatih radova, edukacijom mladih znanstvenika i sustavnim promoviranjem biomedicinske znanosti u Hrvatskoj i u svijetu. Objavila je više od 330, mahom znanstvenih radova, autor je 7 knjiga i 48 priloga u knjigama drugih autora, 16 priru nika za dodiplomsku i trajnu edukaciju. Aktivni je suradnik i voditelj znanstvenih projekata financiranih od strane nacionalnih i me unarodnih znanstvenih fondova (22 projekta). Bila je aktivnim lanom ili predsjednikom brojnih Znanstvenih ili Organizacijskih odbora (naj eš e Znanstvenih!) niza nacionalnih i me unarodnih skupova, konferencija i simpozija.

Znanstveni radovi prof. dr. Ane Stavljeni -Rukavine, krune rezultata istraživanja, pridonose našoj i svjetskoj biomedicinskoj znanosti u podru ju epidemiologije i patobiokemije dijabetesa, nasljednih metaboli kih bolesti, ateroskleroze i endemske nefropatije. Posebno se izdvaja doprinos u podru ju temeljnih istraživanja geneti kih rizi nih imbenika za genezu kardiovaskularnih bolesti i Alzheimerove bolesti. Njima se posvetila posljednjih 15 godina što je urodilo otkri em novih rizi nih genskih biljega odgovornih za nastanak hiperkolesterolemije (novootkrivena mutacija gena za LDL receptor).

Mentorstvom nad radom niza mladih znanstvenika, magistranata i doktoranada, te vodstvom i usmjeravanjem provedbe znanstvenih projekata, u i mlade stru njake i „inficira“ ih znanstvenom metodom.

U svojstvu nastavnika radi u podru ju visokoškolskog obrazovanja od izbora u znanstveno-nastavno zvanje docenta od 1981. na Medicinskom, Farmaceutsko-

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5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemi ara s me unarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore , 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore , Croatia - October 18-22, 2006 9

biokemijskom fakultetu Sveu ilišta u Zagrebu, Visokoj zdravstvenoj školi, Medicinskom fakultetu u Splitu te Sveu ilištu u Trstu. U toku nastavnog rada usmjerila je u znanstveno-nastavna ili nastavna zvanja niz svojih mla ih suradnika.

Osim dodiplomske i poslijediplomske nastave godinama organizira te ajeve trajne edukacije u kojima promi e znanstvena otkri a i educira stru njake o njihovoj primjeni u medicinskoj praksi. Organizirala je 34 te aja trajne edukacije ne zapostavivši ni jedno podru je laboratorijske medicine. Podru je upravljanja kvalitetom te organizacije i upravljanja klini kim laboratorijima jednako

ozbiljno i odgovorno priprema u e i kolege o odgovornosti i važnosti i tog radnog segmenta naizgled udaljenog od struke i znanosti.

U razdoblju od 2000. do 2001. godine obnašala je dužnost Ministra zdravstva i socijalne skrbi Republike Hrvatske.

Redoviti je lan Akademije medicinskih znanosti Hrvatske i Svjetske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Isti emo: Editorial Board of Advances in Clinical Pathology, Advisory Board of European Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry etc.

Odli je «Marijana Fišer Herman»

HDMB dodjeljuje odli je «Marijana Fišer Herman « dvjema svojim Predsjednicama za znanstveno-nastavnu, bogatu društveno-stru nu aktivnost te poglavito aktivnost usmjerenu ka prepoznatljivosti hrvatske medicinske biokemije u me unarodnim okvirima.

Prof. dr. Dubravka Jureti

Prof. dr. Dubravka Jureti je ro ena u Oriovcu, gimnaziju je završila u Slavonskom Brodu 1967., diplomirala 1972. na Farmaceutsko-biokemijskom fakultetu (FBF), Sveu ilišta u Zagrebu, magistrirala 1977., te doktorirala 1982. godine na istom fakultetu. Specijalisti ki ispit iz medicinske biokemije položila 1990. godine (nakon toga niz je godina lan Povjerenstva za specijalisti ke ispite iz medicinske biokemije Ministarstva zdravstva RH), u trajno zvanje redovite profesorice na kolegiju Klini ka biokemija za studente medicinske biokemije i studente farmacije izabrana 2004. godine. Tijekom dosadašnjeg radnog staža na FBF prof. dr. Dubravka Jureti je voditelj 2 izborna kolegija na dodiplomskom i 3 na poslijediplomskom studiju, suradnik na 7 znanstveno-istraživa kih projekata MZOS u okviru kojih je bila mentor 8 magistarskih i 2 doktorska rada. Objavila je ukupno 90 znanstveno-stru nih radova. Od 1996. vodi me unarodni projekt razmjene studenata i profesora CEEPUS HR-044 na temu „Studij medicinske biokemije“ u okviru kojeg je višekratno boravila u suradnim ustanovama projekta i izvan RH. U okviru rada FBF obavljala je nekoliko funkcija: predstojnica Zavoda za medicinsku biokemiju i hematologiju, lan Komisije za studentsku praksu, lan Povjerenstva za diplomske radove,

lan Povjerenstva za nagra ivanje studentskih radova, lanPovjerenstva Dekana za unapre enje nastave, predsjednica Povjerenstva za nostrifikaciju diploma Studija medicinske biokemije, suorganizator predstavljanja Farmaceutsko-biokemijskog fakulteta na Smotri Sveu ilišta u Zagrebu, lan Eti kog povjerenstva, lan Nastavnog povjerenstva

Farmaceutsko-biokemijskog fakulteta.

Društveno-stru na aktivnost prof. dr. Dubravke Juretiobuhva a zna ajne aktivnosti vezane uz a) Hrvatsko društvo medicinskih biokemi ara i b) uz me unarodne udruge medicinskih biokemi ara, što uklju uje:

a) Predsjednica HDMB-a (1993-1997); predsjednica Povjerenstva za kontrolu kvalitete rada medicinsko-biokemijskih laboratorija u Republici Hrvatskoj u organizaciji Hrvatskog društva medicinskih biokemi ara (1981-); lan Povjerenstva HDMB za edukaciju medicinskih biokemi ara (1994-); lan Povjerenstva HDMB za standardizaciju postupaka u medicinsko-biokemijskim laboratorijima (1999-); lan Savjeta asopisa ”Biochemia Medica” (1993-2006); lan Uredni kog odbora asopisa ”Biochemia Medica” (1993-2006); pokreta i prvi urednik GLASILA HDMB-a (1996); sudjelovanje u organizaciji znanstvenih i stru nih medicinsko-biokemijskih skupova u zemlji i inozemstvu kao predsjednik ili lan Organizacijskih ili Znanstvenih odbora kongresa. Predstavnica je HDMB-a u: Forum of the European Societies of Clinical Chemistry (FESCC) (1993-1997); lan me unarodne grupe za razmjenu studenata i mladih znanstvenika u organizaciji profesionalnih društava: International Clinical Laboratory Exchange Programme (ICLEP) (1995); lan: Editorial Board of External Quality Assessment survey organizers; Working group D (1996-1998); pridruženi lan: IFCC Committee for Education and Curriculum Development (1999-2002); predstavnica HDMB-a: European Council of External Quality Assessment Organizers (ECEQAO) (1990-); Predstavnica HDMB-a: European Committee for External Quality Assessment Programmes in Laboratory Medicine, A forum for communication and cooperation (EQALM) (1996-); punopravni lan: IFCC-Committee for Education and Curriculum Development (IFCC-C-ECD) (2003-); predsjednica: “Working group for Distance Education” unutar IFCC-C-ECD (2003-); predstavnica

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5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemi ara s me unarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore , 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore , Croatia - October 18-22, 2006


Farmaceutsko-biokemijskog fakulteta u Izvršnom odboru Hrvatske komore medicinskih biokemi ara bila je od


Prof. dr. Elizabeta Topi

Prof. dr Elizabeta Topi , specijalist medicinske biokemije, sadašnja predsjednica HDMB i predsjednica ovoga Kongresa, redovni je profesor Farmaceutsko biokemijskog fakulteta Sveu ilišta u Zagrebu i predstojnik Klini koga zavoda za kemiju KB Sestre milosrdnice.

Diplomirala je na Biotehnološkom fakultetu Sveu ilištau Zagrebu – smjer Biokemija, 1970. godine a poslijediplomski studij Medicinska biokemija završila je na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveu ilišta u Zagrebu 1976. godine gdje je i magistrirala 1979. Doktorirala je 1981. na Farmaceutsko biokemijskom Fakultetu Sveu ilišta u Zagrebu. Na Farmaceutsko biokemijskom fakultetu Sveu ilišta u Zagrebu izabrana je u znanstveno nastavna zvanja docent 1990., izvanredni profesor 1997. i redovni profesor 2002. godine. Od 1992. godine lan je New Yorške akademije znanosti, a od 2002. suradni lan Hrvatske akademije medicinskih znanosti. Uz svoje svakodnevno rukovo enje i stru nu aktivnost u Klini kom zavodu za kemiju KB Sestre milosrdnice i nastavnu aktivnost na Farmaceutsko-biokemijskom fakultetu prof. Topi predava je i na Medicinskom fakultetu Sveu ilišta u Zagrebu i gostuju i profesor Medicinskog fakulteta Sveu ilišta u Splitu i Osijeku. Organizator i predava je na doma im i me unarodnim te ajevima trajnog usavršavanja medicinskih biokemi ara i lije nika.

Podru ja posebnog zanimanja profesor Topi su klini ka biokemija i laboratorijska medicina, farmakogenetika, molekularna dijagnostika, organizacija i upravljanje klini kim laboratorijima, akreditacija, a to su ujedno i podru ja za koje se je stru no usavršavala u

inozemstvu (Frankfurt 1974., Strassbourg 1992, London1996., High School West Brabant, Etten Leur Holand 1997., UNDCP, Be 1999, Max Planck Institut, Martins Ried, München).

lan je doma ih i me unarodnih društava medicinskih biokemi ara i društava za molekularnu dijagnostiku. lanje društva za gastroenterologiju i osteoporozu Hrvatskog lije ni kog zbora. Kao delegat Hrvatskog društva medicinskih biokemi ara lan je Savjeta udruge Europske laboratorijsku medicinu (European Laboratory Medicine, ELM), te lan Europskog povjerenstva za akreditaciju u podru ju laboratorijske medicine (EA Committee in the Health Care Sector, Laboratory Medicine) i povjerenstva za znanstvene nagrade Internacionalne federacije za klini ku kemiju i laboratorijsku medicinu (IFCC Scientific Award Comittee) od 2003. – 2005. lan je Uredni kog vije a asopisa CCLM, Acta Clinica Croatica, Biochemia Medica i Medix. lan je Radne skupine Medicinski laboratoriji Hrvatske akreditacijske agencije, osnovane 2006. godine.

Znanstvena aktivnost Prof. Topi usko je vezana s profesionalnim aktivnostima i prožima se kroz njen cjelokupni profesionalni rad. Rezultat toga su oko 150 znanstvenih i stru nih radova objavljenih u doma im i u stranim asopisima, tridesetak priru nika i knjiga te oko 60-tak poglavlja. Do sada je vodila sedam znanstvenih projekata Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanje i športa te jedan projekt Ministarstva zdravstva i socijalne skrbi. Mentor je osam doktorata i 10 magisterija. Dobitnik je nekoliko znanstvenih nagrada posterskih radova na kongresima.

Profesionalna i društvena aktivnost profesorice Topivrsto je povezana s HDMB i internacionalnim

udruženjima medicinskih biokemi ara. U tom kontekstu, prof. Topi je 2001. godine utemeljila i FESCC-ov poslijediplomski te aj trajnog usavršavanja medicinskih biokemi ara, koji se organizira godišnje u IUC Dubrovnik za lanove društva klini ke kemije i laboratorijske medicine lanice FESCC-a. Zajedni ki naziv te ajeva je FESCC Continuous, Postgraduate Course in Clinical Chemistry: New classification, diagnosis and treatment: a tema ovogodišnjeg, šestog po redu FESCC-ovog te aja je “Metabolic syndrome“.

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5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemi ara s me unarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore , 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore , Croatia - October 18-22, 2006 11

Odli je „Ibrahim Ruždi “

Dodijelilo je HDMB kolegici mr. sc. Kati Ljubimir za dugogodišnji uporni rad uvo enja medicinske biokemije u cjelovitost zdravstvenog sustava.

Mr. sc. Kate Ljubimir

Mr. sc. Kate Ljubimir diplomirala je na Farmaceutskom fakultetu 1954. godine. Jednogodišnji te aj iz klini ke biokemije za voditelje laboratorija završila je 1957. godine u centralnom medicinsko-kemijskom laboratoriju Narodnog odbora kotara Zagreb u Zaj evoj. Organizator i voditelj te aja bio je prof. Ibrahim Ruždi .Specijalisti ki ispit iz medicinske biokemije položila je u lipnju 1964., a poslijediplomski studij iz klini ko-

laboratorijske dijagnostike završila je obranom magistarskog rada 1970. godine.

Za voditelja klini kog laboratorija u Domu narodnog zdravlja imenovana je 1957. godine, kasnije za voditelja laboratorija Medicinskog centra Dubrovnik, u kojoj je funkciji i umirovljena 1990. S obzirom na nedostatak odgovaraju ih kadrova podru je rada mr. Kate Ljubimir bilo je mnogostruko: hematološka citomorfologija, op acitologija, parazitologija. U medicinskoj školi smjer laboratorijski tehni ar bila je voditelj predmeta hematologija. Time i sudjelovanjem na stru nim skupovima, samostalno ili u koautorstvu, svojim bogatim stru nim znanjem neprestano je radila na unapre enju struke i za dobrobit bolesnika.

Za svoj požrtvovni rad 1974. godine od Lige za borbu protiv raka SR Hrvatske dobila je Spomen diplomu za osobito zalaganje i nesebi nu pomo , 1978. godine diplomu Farmaceutskog društva Hrvatske za uspješan rad u društvu te 1995. godine od HDMB Zahvalnicu za požrtvovan organizacijski rad u društvu i razvitak medicinske biokemije u Hrvatskoj te dva priznanja (2003. i 2004.) priznanja od Hrvatskog lije ni kog zbora.

Predsjednica IFCC-a

Prof. dr. Jocelyn Hicks

Prenosimo dio stavova aktualne predsjednice IFCC-a koja je me u plenarnim predava ima ovog kongresa, o suradnji nacionalnih društva i IFCC-a.

«This year has been an extremely busy one for the International federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC), and for me personally. First, I want to comment on some of the global issues involving some of the member countries that have arisen this year. There have been major earthquakes in Pakistan and Indonesia that have caused thousands of deaths and injuries to the populace, and have consequently placed great burdens on hospitals in those countries. The threat of avian flu still hovers over many regions in Asia, and avian flu-infected fowl have been reported in European countries. This has challenged medical scientists to devise tests to detect this virus, and to develop a vaccine. I am very excited about the interesting challenges

that the IFCC faces, such as how to better disseminate information about our achievements – particularly from the Scientific Division; how to better serve our members from developing countries; how to incorporate other disciplines into our activities; and, how to better “market” our federation so that the world of laboratory medicine knows better what we do.

Looking at the future of our discipline, I realize that we are rapidly moving in the direction of “personalized” laboratory medicine with the introduction of pharmacogenetics and physiogenetics. It is now appreciated that we are unique genetically, and therefore, we metabolize drugs at different rates and to different extents. It is also clear that different ethnic groups are physiologically different, one from another.

Some regional federations associated with IFCC have been very busy this year, too. I attended meetings of the Latin American Confederation of Biochemistry in Paraguay and the Arab Federation of Clinical Biochemistry in Syria, which had very successful congresses. Also, I was at the Mexican association meeting, and had a lecture at the Brazilian national society meeting.

Although my schedule is full of visiting member countries and giving lectures, it is always rewarding to visit them and to talk to their medical scientists about their progress and problems.«

Preneseno iz Lab Medica, srpanj 2006.

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5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemi ara s me unarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore , 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore , Croatia - October 18-22, 2006


Gost kongresnog glasila

Ministar znanosti, prosvjete i sporta RH kao gost kongresa prof. dr. Dragan Primorac odgovorio je za Kongresno Glasilo na pitanja za koja smo smatrali da ebiti interesantna sudionicima našeg kongresa.

prof. dr. Dragan Primorac


Kako kao znanstvenik gledate na razvoj molekularne dijagnostike koja predstavlja jednu od klju nih novih disciplina i izazova tre eg milenija ?

U posljednjih par desetlje a svjedoci smo neslu enog napretka u podru ju bioloških znanosti i medicine, a posebice eksplozivnog prodora u rasvjetljavanju bioloških pojava na molekularnoj razini. Zahvaljuju i tome, u mogu nosti smo sve više razumjeti ne samo funkcioniranje normalnih stani nih mehanizama ve i razvoj i uzroke razli itih patoloških stanja. Brojne, tako ste ene spoznaje ve su iskorištene za poboljšanje dijagnosti kih, prognosti kih i terapijskih postupaka kod razli itih bolesti, a nove spoznaje i pristupi gomilaju se iz dana u dan. Nakon mapiranja ljudskog genoma i ubrzanog razvoja istraživanja, pored ostalog, u podru ju funkcionalne genomike i proteomike, te s prate im napretkom u tehnologiji, stvara se sve tješnja veza izme u dijagnoze i terapije pojedinih bolesti. Naime, razlu ivanje patoloških procesa na molekularnom nivou i detekcija molekula koje u njima sudjeluju ne daje nam samo znak za prisutnosti bolesti, u ovom ili onom stadiju, ve nam tako er pruža mogu nost razvoja osjetljivih, preciznih i reproducibilnih dijagnosti kih testova u kojima e one biti korištene kao rani prognosti ki biljezi omogu avaju i time adekvatan terapijski pristup prije no što bolest uzme maha, a u mnogim slu ajevima i preventivno djelovanje. S druge strane, te patološki promijenjene molekule mogu nam poslužiti i kao potencijalna ciljna mjesta terapije. Razvoj i primjena metoda molekularne dijagnostike omogu ava nam nadalje, i precizno povezivanje fenotipa tj. manifestacijskog oblika bolesti s geneti kim ustrojem pojedinog pacijenta ime se pruža mogu nost razvoja individualnog medicinskog pristupa, te u znatnoj mjeri poboljšava izbor adekvatne i u inkovite terapije.

U posljednja dva decenija klasi na klini ka medicina oboga ena je temeljnim molekularnim istraživanjima, a te

su promjene pra ene i usmjeravanjem istraživa kihfondova prema molekularnoj medici. Procjenjujete li da se takav slijed doga a i u našim znanstvenim institucijama?

Teško je danas napraviti neko oštro ograni enje gdje po inje i završava molekularna, a gdje tzv. klasi namedicina. Suvremena istraživanja u podru ju medicinskih znanosti danas su nezamisliva bez objašnjenja uo enih pojava iz klini ke prakse na molekularno biološkom nivou kako bi se rasvijetlio temeljni uzrok njihovog nastajanja. Stoga svaki znanstveni pristup medicini, a i klini kipristup pacijentu nužno uklju uje metode molekularne medicine, a Hrvatska, naravno shodno svojim financijskim mogu nostima, u tom pogledu nimalo ne odstupa od svjetske prakse. Znatan dio sredstava MZOŠ-a odlazi na tu vrstu istraživanja, dok istovremeno dio kolega koristi sredstva iz EU kroz FP6 program.

Kako doživljavate veliki izazov koji predstavljaju metode DNA - ipova? Da li o ekujete ve danas ve i udio molekularne dijagnostike u svakodnevnoj klini koj praksi. Kako usuglasiti prednosti molekularne dijagnostike s mogu noš u HZZO-a da ekonomski slijedi te dosege?

Ono što je nekad u znanosti predstavljalo uvo enje metode lan ane reakcije polimerazom to jest PCR tehnologije, danas u istoj mjeri možemo re i za tehniku DNA mikropostroja tj. DNA ipova. Rije je svakako o tehnologiji koja e umnogome unaprijediti naše spoznaje. Koli ina i priroda informacija koje su nam danas dostupne primjenom te tehnologije omogu avaju nam pristup onim vidovima istraživanja koji su sve donedavno bili u podru ju znanstvene fantastike, a tek smo na po etkunjene primjene. Tom metodom omogu en je važan iskorak u razlu ivanju funkcionalnog aspekta iz jednodimenzionalnog, linearnog redoslijeda nukleotidnih parova baza. Istovremeno se njenom primjenom u potpunosti može iskoristiti rapidni porast u broju genomskih sekvenci. Time smo dobili vrlo u inkovit sustav za stjecanje informacija koje se ne mogu tako lako prikupiti izoliranim promatranjem svega nekolicine gena ili njihovih funkcionalnih produkata. Klini ka dijagnostika samo je jedno od podru ja koje e imati znatne koristi od primjene ove tehnologije. Nesumnjivo je da e daljnji razvoj i primjena te tehnologije u podru ju funkcionalne genomike, kao i povezivanje tako dobivenih podataka s onima iz podru ja tzv. proteomike, rezultirati brojnim novim pristupima u dijagnosticiranju i terapiji raznih oboljenja. I u tom podru ju djelovanja hrvatska znanost se ubrzano trudi i i u korak s razvijenijim svijetom. Sve ve ibroj znanstvenih projekata u Hrvatskoj u sebi sadrži i komponentu pristupa s aspekta funkcionalne genomike tj. primjene DNA mikropostroja. Svakako da pri odabiru dijagnosti kih metoda i njihovog uvo enja u praksu treba voditi ra una o sredstvima koja nam stoje na raspolaganju, no nesumnjivo e sve ve i broj metoda baziranih na novim tehnologijama ubrzano na i svoju primjenu i u hrvatskom zdravstvenom sustavu. Pove anje osjetljivosti, preciznosti i reproducibilnosti novih dijagnosti kih metoda u molekularnoj medicini sve više nadmašuje sami financijski

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HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, Broj 1, 2006.

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemi ara s me unarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore , 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore , Croatia - October 18-22, 2006 13

aspekt njihove primjene, a s razvojem tehnologije ubrzano opada i cijena njihove primjene.

Vjerojatno e se preciznije dijagnosticiranje i poboljšanje lije enja zasnivati u budu nosti na suradnji biologa, lije nika, biokemi ara, matemati ara i možda ra unalnih stru njaka. Kako kao ministar obrazovanja gledate na razvoj interdisciplinarnosti u edukaciji budu ihgeneracija?

Interdisciplinarni pristup suvremenoj medicini kao uostalom i u ostalim podru jima znanstvenog djelovanja predstavlja ve od prije neminovnost koja s razvojem novih tehnologija biva još i više naglašena. Novije promjene u hrvatskom školstvu i znanosti upravo i idu u s tim ciljem. Samo u primjeni spomenute tehnologije DNA mikropostroja stvara se tolika koli ina bioloških podataka tako da je uska suradnja molekularnih biologa, klini ara, matemati ara, statisti ara i bioinformati ara neophodna za njihovo ispravnu obradu i daljnje unapre enje i primjenu tehnologije. Hrvatska znanost raspolaže potrebnim znanstvenim kadrom i sve se više radi na njihovom umrežavanju i stvaranju centara izvrsnosti u kojima e se znanstveno istraživanje bazirati na multidisciplinarnom pristupu, što se ve odvija u praksi te e i ubudu e biti poticano od MZOŠa.

Budu i da ste bili jedan od urednika i autora u knjizi Medicinskobiokemijska dijagnostika u klini koj praksi, zanimljivo bi bilo pro itati Vaše dojmove na taj zajedni kirad.

Medicinskobiokemijska dijagnostika u klini koj praksi prvi je udžbenik takovog tipa na hrvatskom podru ju i vesamim tim predstavlja kvalitetan pomak. Cilj nam je bio angažiranjem kompetentnih kolega iz pojedinih podru jamedicinske dijagnostike stvoriti jedan zbirni pregled stanja kako bi studentima i mla im kolegama pružili adekvatan izvor potrebnih informacija. Nadam se da je knjiga poslužila svojoj svrsi svjestan da, s obzirom da je rije o prvom izdanju, ona u sebi neizbježno nosi i jedan dio “dje jih bolesti”. Stoga pozivam sve cijenjene kolegice i kolege koji su imali priliku služiti se tim udžbenikom da nam dostave svoje kritike, komentare i sugestije kako bi slijede e izdanje knjige u inili još boljim i korisnijim. Ovom prilikom još jednom se zahvaljujem kolegama urednicima prof. dr. Elizabeti Topi i prof. dr. Stipanu Jankovi u za na zaista više nego uspješnoj suradnji tijekom nastajanja ove knjige.

Možete li nam otkriti od kuda potje e Vaša naklonost prema analiti kom radu pa prema tome i podru julaboratorijske medicine?

Nedvojbeno je da su dva doga aja tijekom moga znanstvenog rada imala klju nu ulogu u poticanju moga interesa za laboratorijsku medicinu; prvo tijekom istraživanja molekularne osnove koštanih bolesti u djeca tijekom rada u SAD-u kad sam zapravo spoznao da bi bez molekularne medicine i dan danas brojna pitanja iz ovog podru ja pedijatrije ostala neodgovorena. Drugi doga aj je vezan uz kako stru no tako i emotivno iznimno težak rad tijekom utvr ivanja identiteta žrtava rata prona enih u brojnim masovnim grobnicama nakon agresije na RH

koriste i metode molekularne genetike. Zbog svega smatram da nove generacije studenata medicine moraju biti upoznate sa svim mogu nostima laboratorijske medicine kako bi zapravo dobili cjelovitu sliku nužnu za razumijevanje mehanizma nastanka bolesti, rane dijagnostike ali i svih mogu nosti lije enja.

Imate li koju omiljenu re enicu ako ne savjet kad razgovarate s mladim znanstvenicima? Možda neku koju su Vama dali vaši znanstveni u itelji i pokazala se dobrom i korisnom?

Moj savjet mladim znanstvenicima je da budu odlu ni i ustrajni. Tijekom moga rada shvatio sam da je uspjeh pitanje izbora, a ne slu ajnosti. Znanost iziskuje mnogo ljubavi i truda, znanstvena istraživanja su dugotrajni i mukotrpni procesi i rezultati ne dolaze preko no i, ali kada uloženi trud može ponuditi odgovor makar na dio jednog pitanja, osje aj zadovoljstva je nemjerljiv.

U razgovoru s znanstvenicima koji su pisali za naše Glasilo konstantno je jedno pitanje: Kako protuma iti da je mali broj znanstvenika spreman dosege znanosti objašnjavati široj javnosti, a posebno su važni upravo dosezi genetike da bi se sprije io diskurs straha, odbacivanja i mržnje?

Znanstvena istraživanja u podru ju genetike su otišla daleko i javnost ima puno pravo biti informirana, odnosno educirana o tim otkri ima i njihovoj primjeni. Osobno sam uvijek bio svjestan važnosti toga da upravo znanstvenici budu ti koji e približiti javnosti znanstvene rezultate, odnosno otkri a, te im na prihvatljiv na in, koriste ijednostavniju terminologiju, pojasniti nova saznanja, njihove potencijalne ili konkretne primjene, te eventualne negativne aspekte, a od medija se o ekuje da na jedan ozbiljan i korektan na in to prezentiraju široj javnosti. Dakle, upravo je suradnja znanstvenika i medija presudna za sprje avanje diskursa straha, odbacivanja i mržnje prema znanosti, znanstvenim istraživanjima i spoznajama, te uklanjanja svih sumnji u ciljeve i motive odre enih istraživanja. Svakako, mislim da se po tom pitanju situacija popravlja. Sve više znanstvenika uvi a nužnost informiranja šire javnosti, te su, u zadnje vrijeme, eš iistupi u medijima znanstvenika spremnih na pojašnjavanje znanstvenih dosega. Osim toga brojne znanstvene institucije npr. poput Instituta Ru er Boškovi su zaposlili i osobe za odnose s javnoš u koji imaju klju nu ulogu kako u popularizaciji znanosti tako i u interpretaciji estokompleksnih rezultata javnosti.

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HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, Broj 1, 2006.

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemi ara s me unarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore , 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore , Croatia - October 18-22, 2006



Odabir izleta za sudionike kongresa nametnuo se jedinstvenoš u tradicije i spomenika koje on obuhva a.

Zašto je šetnja Alejom glagoljaša interesantna i nama samima kao i našim gostima?

Nama da se podsjetimo da je jedno od najve ih bogatstava svakog naroda – vlastito pismo – za hrvatsku je povijest to Glagoljica, a našim stranim gostima da ga predstavimo. Pismo je nastalo u 9. st. na podru ju gr ke kulture i pismenosti koju je izradio Grk Konstantin – Filozof kao sustav znakova prilago en posebnostima jezika Slavena nastanjenim nadomak grada Soluna.

Svako slovo ima svoje ime i broj anu vrijednost a potvrda je autorova istan anog smisla za filologiju, dubokog osje aja za teološku simboliku. Posebna zna ajaka ovog pisma koju isti u znanstveno kulturni krugovi je izuzetna likovna ljepota slova.

Na simboli nim poklonima sudionicima našeg kongresa nalazi se specijalno za ovaj kongres izvezena slova – simboli na hrvatskoj, takozvanoj uglatoj glagoljici.

Željeli bismo da se naš odabir svidi i Vama, što e biti još jedan mali doprinos planetarnom zajedništvu kultura koji je vremenom ve doveo do toga da se krasni hrvatskoglagoljski misal, pisan oko 1400. - 1410. pohranjen u The Pierpont Morgan Library-New York, u kulturno znanstvenima naziva The New York Missal.

Najraniji hrvatski diplomatski spomenik iz 1100.g. Baš anska plo a pisan ovim pismom istovremeno je jezi ni i književni spomenik pa je za razliku od ostalih slavenskih naroda u Hrvatskoj tradiciji uz latinski jezik i pismo, glagoljica u upotrebi do 16. st. Od posebnog je zna aja da glagoljica nije bila samo pismo Biblije ve i pismo, vlastele, notara, književnika a njome je prožet sav svjetovni srednjovjekovni život.

Stup akavskog sabora prva to ka Aleje glagoljaša

Upravo se ta ideje proteže kroz Aleju glagoljaša - 7 km dugom spomen obilježju pisma uz cestu koja vodi ispod Ro a ka Humu. Ovo osobiti spomenik podignut je u naše vrijeme i konceptualno interesantno prezentira razli ita obilježja glagoljice. Završava se najmanjim gradom na svijetu Humom i njegovom dobro sa uvanom jezgrom. Osim jezgre sa uvana je receptura za Bisku - jedinstvenu rakiju koju smo spomenuli u uvodnoj šetnji a koja prema

povijesnim podacima seže dvije tisu e godina unatrag od starih Kelta.

Vrata Huma

Izlet se završava u Motovunu srednjovjekovnom gradi u na vrhu brda koje dominira nad dolinom rijeke Mirne i naravno ve erom koja e samo djelomi no predstaviti gastronomsko bogatstvo Istre.

Krenete li autom, biciklom ili pak pješice nai i ete na razgranatu mrežu putova koji vode u unutrašnjost Istre. Pa ako je Pore centralna turisti ka to ka onda e se upravo na ovoj mreži na i starih gradi a na vrhovima brežuljaka, zaseoka s malim crkvicama koje kriju bogatstvo fresaka srednjovjekovnih majstora, a u podrumima to i opojno vino.

Ova ljepota je otkrivena i razlog je što sve više stranih gostiju žele boraviti u prostoru daleko od gužve i stresa u unutrašnjosti Iste – kao što rekosmo naše Toskane.


Motovun Beram Žminj

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HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, Broj 1, 2006.

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemi ara s me unarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore , 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore , Croatia - October 18-22, 2006 15

Predsjednica Znanstvenog Odbora

Prof. dr. Renata Zadro

Renata Zadro ro ena je u Splitu, a gimnaziju je završila u Zagrebu. FBF Sveu ilišta u Zagrebu upisala 1974. a diplomirala 1978. Obavezni staž obavila je u Klinici za traumatologiju 1979. godine kad je upisala poslijediplomski studij iz Medicinske biokemije na Postdiplomskom studiju prirodnih znanosti Sveu ilišta u Zagrebu. 1980. godine zapošljava se kao znanstveni novak na Institutu Ru er Boškovi gdje magistrira na temi “Pra enje tijeka imunizacije kuni a ljudskim serumskim imunoglobulinom A”. Specijalizaciju iz medicinske biokemije polaže 1992. godine nakon obavljenog specijalisti kog staža na KBC-u Zagreb te brani doktorsku disertaciju pod nazivom “Karakterizacija hepatopoietina – faktora proliferacije hepatocita”. Od 1992–1994. boravi u University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Teksas na poslijedoktorskom usavršavanju. 1995. godine zapošljava se na KBC-u Zagreb kao pro elnik Zavoda za hematologiju i koagulaciju Klini kog zavoda za laboratorijsku dijagnostiku, a od 1997. godine u

kumulativnom je radnom odnosu sa Farmaceutsko-biokemijskim fakultetom kao viši asistent, a od 2006. godine kao izvanredni profesor na kolegiju Hematologija s imunohematologijom. Podru je rada u struci sastoji se od provo enja programa visoko diferencirane laboratorijske dijagnostike u hematologiji i koagulaciji, organizacije i sudjelovanja na te ajevima trajne izobrazbe iz klini kelaboratorijske dijagnostike, razvoja molekularnih metoda u dijagnostici leukemija, limfoma i nasljednih poreme aja zgrušavanja, sudjelovanja u radu tijela Hrvatske komore medicinskih biokemi ara u harmonizaciji laboratorijskih nalaza u podru ju op e i specijalne medicinske biokemije, sudjelovanja u radu pododbora o vanjskoj kontroli RNA, Instituta za klini ko-laboratorijske standarde, Wayne, PA, SAD. U doma oj i svjetskoj znanstvenoj publicistici objavila je 30 radova. Autor je 10 poglavlja u knjigama i udžbenicima, autor i koautor 15 priru nika koji se rabe u nastavi i trajnoj izobrazbi na Farmaceutsko-biokemijskom i Medicinskom fakultetu Sveu ilišta u Zagrebu. Voditelj je istraživa kog projekta financiranog od MZOS ”Protromboti ki rizi ni imbenici u cerebrovaskularnim bolestima u djece”, br. 0214212. Sudjelovala je u radu i organizaciji više od 50 doma ih i me unarodnih skupova.

lan je Hrvatskog društva i Hrvatske komore medicinskih biokemi ara, Internacionalnog društva za trombozu i hemostazu, Hrvatskog društva za hematologiju i transfuzijsku medicinu i Instituta za klini ko-laboratorijske standarde (CLSI).

Predsjednica Organizacijskog Odbora

Dr. sc. Branka Kunovi

Predsjednica Organizacijskog Odbora ovog kongresa ima bogato organizacijsko iskustvo upravo kongresa medicinskih biokemi ara. Od etiri kongresa koliko ih ima HDMB iza sebe dr. Kunovi je bila lan svih organizacijskih odbora, a u istoj predsjedavaju oj je funkciji bila na 3. Kongresu medicinskih biokemi ara u Vukovaru 1999. god. S opravdanim ponosom isti e da je to bio prvi veliki znanstveni skup u gradu nakon njegovog oslobo enja, pa je organizacija zahtijevala puno više od samo organizacijskih sposobnosti. Trebalo je vjere da esudionici svojim dolaskom u još razrušeni grad unesti životnih aktivnosti koje su bile zaboravljene u tom

prostoru. Bila je organizator simpozija u suradnji s Slovenskim društvom za klini ku kemiju, i predsjednica Zagreba ke podružnice medicinskih biokemi ara u dva mandata.

Diplomirala je na FBF u Zagrebu 1971, i ostala raditi na mati nom fakultetu. Sudjelovala je u edukaciji studenata kao znanstveno-nastavni asistent, a podru jeznanstvenog interesa suistraživanja u podru ju enzimologije i fiziološke uloge lipida. Novi izazov bila je implementacija znanja i pomo i pacijentima neposredno u struci, što trajno provodi od 1984. kao voditelj je medicinsko biokemijskog laboratorija DZ Centar. Predsjednica je Povjerenstva za privatnu praksu HKMB i time aktivno sudjeluje na trajnoj organizaciji laboratorijske skrbi za osiguranike obuhva ene osiguranjem u Hrvatskom zavodu za zdravstveno osiguranje Istovremeno trajno sudjeluje u organizaciji laboratorijske dijagnostike u primarnoj zdravstvenoj zaštiti i privatnim laboratorijima, kao i usaglašavanju modela financiranja laboratorijskih pretraga.

Doktorsku disertaciju obranila je na FBF – u 1988. a specijalisti ki ispit iz medicinske biokemije položila 1985.

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HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, Broj 1, 2006.

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemi ara s me unarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore , 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore , Croatia - October 18-22, 2006


Zlatni sponzor / Golden sponsor

Srebrni sponzor / Silver sponsor

&Bron ani sponzori / Bronze sponsors

Ostali sponzori / Other sponsors

Page 17: HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, Broj 1, 2006. KONGRESNO sve þlanove HDMB–a, ali i sudionike našeg þetvrtog kongresa održanog

HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2006

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemiara s meunarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore, 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore, Croatia - October 18-22, 2006 16


Page 18: HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, Broj 1, 2006. KONGRESNO sve þlanove HDMB–a, ali i sudionike našeg þetvrtog kongresa održanog

HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2006

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemiara s meunarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore, 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore, Croatia - October 18-22, 2006 15

President of Scientific Committee

Professor Renata Zadro, PhD

Head of Hematology and Coagulation Division at Clinical Institute of Laboratory Diagnosis, Clinical Hospital Center Zagreb University School of Medicine Renata Zadro is medical biochemistry specialist whose activities at work include implementation of the program of highly differentiated laboratory diagnosis in hematology and coagulation, development of molecular methods for the diagnosis of leukemia, lymphomas and hereditary coagulation disorders and organization and participation in continuous education courses in clinical laboratory diagnosis. She is an Assoc. Prof. teaching in undergraduate (Hematology, Coagulation) and postgraduate courses (Advances in hematology, Diagnostics of malignant tumors, Advances in diagnosis of coagulation disorders) at the Zagreb University School of Pharmacy.

Renata Zadro graduated in 1978 at the Zagreb University School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry. Internship at Clinic for Traumatology (1979), Postgraduate study in Medical Biochemistry at the University of Zagreb. Master’s Thesis at the Rudjer Boškovi Institute (1981). Specialist exam and Ph.D. Thesis in Medical Biochemistry in 1992. Postdoctoral study at University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Texas, USA (1992-1994). Since 1995 Head of the Hematology and Coagulation Division at Clinical Institute of Laboratory Diagnosis, Clinical Hospital Center Zagreb University School of Medicine. Also, since 1997, Assoc. Prof. at the School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, course Hematology and immunohematology. Participation and organization of over 50 national and international scientific meetings. Author of 30 scientific papers and 25 chapters in books and textbooks used in university teaching and continuous education. Membership in Croatian Society and Chamber of Medical biochemists, International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis, Croatian Society for Hematology and Transfusion Medicine, Subcommittee on External RNA Controls of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, USA.


President of Organizing Committee

Branka Kunovi, PhD

Branka Kunovi, PhD, president of the Congress Organizing Committee, has a rich experience in the organization of congresses of medical biochemists, since was member of organizing committees of all four congresses organized by the Croatian Society of Medical Biochemists (CSMB) to date, also serving the function of the Organizing Committee president at the Third Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists held in Vukovar in 1999. She is rightly proud of that Congress being the first great scientific convention in Vukovar after its liberation and its organization therefore required extraordinary efforts and abilities apart from merely organizational skills. The organizers had to believe that the arrival of Congress participants in the war devastated town would bring some life activities that were forgotten in the area. In

addition, B. Kunovi was organizer of a symposium in collaboration with the Slovene Society of Clinical Chemistry and president of the CSMB Zagreb Branch in two terms.

Branka Kunovi graduated from the Zagreb University School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry in 1971 to continue working at the same institution, where she was actively engaged in student education as scientific-educational assistant. The fields of her special interest include enzymology and physiologic role of lipids. She found a new challenge in implementing the knowledge and skills to the benefit of patients, which she has been successfully doing since 1984 as head of the Laboratory of Medical Biochemistry at Centar Health Center. She is president of the Croatian Chamber of Medical Biochemists Commission for Private Practice, thus taking active part in continuous organization of laboratory service for persons covered by the Croatian Institute of Health Insurance. She has also been active in the organization of laboratory diagnosis in primary health care and private laboratories as well as in coordination of the models of laboratory testing financing.

She successfully defended her doctoral dissertation at School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry in 1988, and passed specialist exam in medical biochemistry in 1985.

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HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2006

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemiara s meunarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore, 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore, Croatia - October 18-22, 2006 14

Pleasure trip

The choice of excursion to be offered to Congress participants has imposed itself by the unique tradition and monuments it implies. Why is walking along the Glagolitic Alley interesting to us as well as to our guests? To us, it will serve to remind us that own alphabet is one of the supreme riches of every nation, and for the Croatian history it is the Glagolitic script. To our guests, it will probably be a new experience.This alphabet emerged in the 9

th century in the area of Greek culture and literacy,

developed by the Greek Constantine the Philosopher as a system of signs adjusted to the specific features of the language spoken by the Slavs settled near the town of Salonika.

Each letter has a name and its numerical value, demonstrating the author's refined sense for philology and deep sensitivity for theological symbolics. The specific feature of this alphabet, emphasized by scientific and culturological circles, is the extraordinary visual beauty of its letters.

The symbolic gifts presented to the participants of our Congress have the letters-symbols embroidered in the Croatian, so-called angular Glagolitic script.

We would be pleased if you also find this choice appropriate, as it would mean a small contribution to the global community of cultures, which has with time led to the beautiful Croatian Glagolitic missal written around 1400-1410, kept at The Pierpont Morgan Library in New York, being in culturological circles referred to as The New York Missal.

The earliest Croatian diplomatic monument from 1100, The Baška Stone Tablet, written in this alphabet, is at the same time a linguistic and literary monument. In contrast to other Slavic nations, in Croatian tradition Glagolitic script was in use along with Latin language and alphabet up to the 16

th century. The more so, it should be noted that

Glagolitic script was not just the alphabet of the Bible but also the alphabet of the nobility, notaries, writers, etc., thus permeating the entire secular medieval life.

This is the idea running along the Glagolitic Alley, a 7-km script monument along the road leading beneath Ro to Hum. This specific monument has been constructed in our times, being so designed as to present the various features of the Glagolitic script. The road ends in the smallest town in the world, Hum, and its well preserved nucleus. Besides its nucleus, preserved has also been the recipe for Biska, a unique brandy described in our introductory walk, and according to history data, dating some 2000 years back to ancient Celts.

The trip will end in Motovun, a medieval town at the top of a hill dominating over the River Mirna valley and, of course, with a dinner that will only in part present the gastronomic wealth of Istria.

The City doors of Hum

If you go by car, bicycle or on foot, you will find a ramified network of ways leading to the Istria hinterland. Looking at Pore as the central tourist point, this road network will disclose a number of old small places on the hills, hamlets with little churches that conceal a wealth of frescoes made by medieval masters, where fine wine is still being poured in cellars…

All this beauty has been discovered and it is the reason why an ever increasing number of foreign guests want to stay in this area, far from the rush and stress, in the Istria hinterland – our Toscana.


Motovun Beram Žminj

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HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2006

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemiara s meunarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore, 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore, Croatia - October 18-22, 2006 13

increase in the sensitivity, precision and reproducibility of the new diagnostic methods in molecular medicine outweigh the financial aspect of their use at a growing rate, while the price of their use is rapidly decreasing with technological development.

In the future, the more precise diagnosis and improved treatment will probably rely on close collaboration of biologists, physicians, biochemists, mathematicians and perhaps computer experts. How do you as minister of education perceive the development of interdisciplinary approach in the education of forthcoming generations?

The interdisciplinary approach to modern medicine, likewise other fields of scientific work, has already been recognized as an indispensable category which is ever more emphasized with the development of novel technologies. Recent changes in the Croatian school system and in science alike have been aimed to this goal. It is only by use of the above mentioned technology of DNA microstructure that such an amount of biological data is being produced, thus close cooperation among molecular biologists, clinicians, mathematicians, statisticians and bioinformaticians is necessary for their correct processing as well as for further technology improvement and implementation. Croatian science has the necessary scientific manpower, and efforts have been invested for their interactive networking and development of the centers of excellence where scientific research will be based on multidisciplinary approach. These important activities have already been launched in practice and will be stimulated by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports in the future.

As you are one of the authors and editors of the book entitled Medical Biochemistry Diagnosis in Clinical Practice, it may be interesting to hear your impression of this joint work.

The book Medical Biochemistry Diagnosis in Clinical Practice is the first textbook of the kind in Croatia, thus representing a quality step forward. Our aim was to provide a survey of the situation in the field through engagement of competent experts from particular fields of medical diagnosis, in order offer an appropriate source of information to students and young colleagues. I hope the book has met the intended purpose, being aware, however, that this first edition unavoidably suffers from some "children's diseases". Therefore I invite hereby all dear colleagues who have had an opportunity to thumb over the book to submit their comments, criticism and suggestions, to make the next edition of the book even better and more useful. I take this opportunity to thank my colleagues, Professor Elizabeta Topi and Professor Stipan Jankovi,editors of the book, for their precious contribution and collaboration during the making of the book.

May I ask you to explain where does your affinity to analytical work, also in the field of laboratory medicine, derive from?

It is beyond doubt that two events that occurred during my scientific work had a key impact on arousing my interest in laboratory medicine: first, during my research

into the molecular basis of bone diseases in children in the USA, when I realized that many a question in this field of pediatrics would have still remained unanswered without molecular medicine; and second was both professionally and emotionally very demanding work on identification of war victims found in numerous mass graves after the aggression on Croatia, when we used the methods of molecular genetics. For all this, I think that new generations of medical students should be introduced in all the possibilities of laboratory medicine in order to get a complete picture necessary for proper understanding of the mechanisms of the disease onset and development, early diagnosis, and all therapeutic options.

Do you have some favorite saying or advice when talking to young scientists? Maybe some you were given by your scientific teachers, which have proved good and useful?!

My advice to young scientists is to be determined and persistent. During my work, I have realized that success is the question of choice rather than coincidence. Science demands much love and hard work, scientific research is a long-term and painstaking process, and results are not reached overnight; however, when the endeavors invested can offer solution at least to a part of a question, the feeling of satisfaction is immeasurable.

There is a question that seems to emerge whenever talking to the scientists who have written for our Newsletter: why only few scientists are ready to elaborate their scientific achievements to the public at large, when it is well known that genetic accomplishments are highly relevant to prevent the discourse of fear, rejection and hate?

Scientific research in the field of genetics has gone very far indeed and the public has the right to be informed and educated on these discoveries and their utilization. I have always been aware of how important it is for the scientific results and discoveries to be brought home to the public by the scientists, who should explain the new concepts, their potential or current applications as well as the possible adverse aspects, using a simplified terminology. Mass media are expected to present them to the public in a serious and appropriate way. Accordingly, it is just proper collaboration between the scientists and mass media that is decisive to prevent the discourse of fear, rejection and hate of science, scientific research and achievements, and to eliminate all doubts concerning the goals and motives of particular research projects. Yet, I feel the situation is being improved and the number of scientists who are aware of the need to inform the public at large is on an increase, and they have lately come forward ready to explain their scientific achievements through mass media. In addition, many scientific institutions, e.g., Ruer Boškovi Institute, have employed professionals for public relations, who have a key role in both science popularization and interpretation of the frequently complex results to the public at large.

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HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2006

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemiara s meunarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore, 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore, Croatia - October 18-22, 2006 12

Special guest of Congress Newsletter Minister of Science, Education and Sport

Professor Dragan Primorac, PhD

Congress newsletters questions

How do you as a scientist perceive the development of molecular diagnosis, which is one of the key new disciplines and challenges of the third millennium?

In the last few decades, we have witnessed an unprecedented progress in the field of biological sciences and in medicine, with an explosive breakthrough in elucidating biological phenomena at the molecular level. Thanks to it, we are able to ever better understand not only the functioning of normal cellular mechanisms but also the development and causes of various pathologic states. A number of concepts thus acquired have already been used to improve the diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic procedures in various diseases, while novel concepts and approaches are being piling up on a daily basis. The mapping of human genome and very fast development of the respective research, among others, in the field of functional genomics and proteomics, accompanied by technological advances, have paved way to the ever closer links between the diagnosis and therapy of particular diseases. In other words, the differentiation of pathologic processes at the molecular level and detection of the molecules involved do not only provide a sign of the presence of a disease in a particular stage but also offer an opportunity for developing sensitive, precise and reproducible diagnostic tests to use them as early prognostic markers, thus enabling an appropriate therapeutic approach before the disease has flared up, or even preventive intervention in many a case. On the other hand, these pathologically altered molecules can also serve as potential therapeutic target sites. Furthermore, the development and implementation of the methods of molecular diagnosis enable precise connecting of the phenotype, i.e. the manifest form of a disease, with the genetic structure of each individual patient, thus leading to the development of individualized medical approach associated with considerably improved choice of appropriate and efficacious therapy.

In the last two decades, the classic clinical medicine has been enriched with basic molecular research, and these changes have also been accompanied by directing research funds towards molecular medicine. Do you

perceive such a sequence of events has also been taking place in Croatian scientific institutions?

Today it is quite difficult to sharply delineate the exact points where molecular and so-called classic medicine begin and end. Current research in the field of medical sciences is inconceivable without explanation of the phenomena observed in clinical practice at the molecular biology level, in order to clarify the basic cause of their occurrence. Therefore, any scientific approach to medicine as well as clinical approach to patient has to include methods of molecular medicine, and Croatia fully follows the international practice, of course, in line with its financial resources. Accordingly, a considerable portion of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports resources is allocated to this kind of research, while some Croatian scientists also use EU funds via FP6 program.

How do you perceive the great challenge posed by the method of DNA chips? Do you expect that molecular diagnosis will soon take an increasing part in daily clinical practice? How to bring into line the advantages of molecular diagnosis with the ability of the Croatian Institute of Health Insurance to follow these achievements?

What the introduction of the method of polymerase chain reaction, i.e. PCR technology, once meant in science, nowadays fully holds for the technique of DNA microstructure, i.e. DNA chips. It definitely is a technology that will greatly broaden our knowledge. The amount and nature of information that have now become available by use of this technology allow us to approach the research aspects that until recently were in the realm of science fiction; and this is the very beginning of its application. This method has enabled an important breakthrough in differentiating functional aspect from the one-dimensional, linear sequence of nucleotide base pairs. At the same time, using this method, the rapid increase in the number of genome sequences can be completely utilized. In this way, we have acquired a very efficient system of obtaining information that cannot be so easily collected by isolated observation of only a few genes or their functional products. Clinical diagnosis is only one of the fields which will have considerable benefit from the use of this technology. There is no doubt that further development and application of this technology in the field of functional genomics, and connecting the data thus obtained with those arising from proteomics will result in a number of novel approaches in the diagnosis and therapy of various diseases. In this field of activities, Croatian science tends to keep pace with the industrialized world. An increasing number of research projects in Croatia contain the component of approach from the aspect of functional genomics, i.e. the use of DNA microstructure. Of course, the resources available have to be taken in consideration on choosing diagnostic methods and their introduction in practice; however, an increasing proportion of methods based on the new technologies will certainly find application in the Croatian healthcare system. The

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5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemiara s meunarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore, 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore, Croatia - October 18-22, 2006 11

Ibrahim Ruždi Award

The Croatian Society of Medical Biochemists (CSMB) presents the Ibrahim Ruždi Award to Kate Ljubimir, MS, for her long-standing, persevering work on the introduction of medical biochemistry as an integral part of the overall health care system.

Kate Ljubimir, MS

Kate Ljubimir, MS, graduated from the School of Pharmacy in 1954; completed one-year course in clinical biochemistry for laboratory heads in 1957 at the Central Laboratory of Medical Biochemistry of the Zagreb District Council at the hospital in Zajeva Street; the course was organized and headed by Professor Ibrahim Ruždi, PhD; then she passed specialist exam in medical biochemistry in June 1964, and completed postgraduate study in clinical biochemistry diagnosis by defending her MS thesis in 1970; appointed head of clinical laboratory at Health

Center in 1957, then head of laboratory at Dubrovnik Medical Center, where she worked until retirement in 1990. Due to the shortage of properly qualified staff, the field of work of Kate Ljubimir, MS, was manifold indeed, including hematological cytomorphology, general cytology, parasitology, etc. She held the subject of hematology at Medical College (Laboratory Technicians). Through all these activities and with her active participation at professional conventions, alone or as a coauthor, she has constantly invested all her great knowledge and rich experience for promotion of the profession and to the benefit of patients. She was awarded a diploma of honor by the League Against Cancer of the Republic of Croatia for her self-denying work, efforts and unselfish assistance in 1974; a diploma of honor by the Croatian Pharmaceutical Society for her successful work in the Society in 1978; a scroll of honor by CSMB for her dedicated work in the Society and on the development of medical biochemistry in Croatia in 1995; and two certificates of merit by the Croatian Medical Association in 2003 and 2004.

By her overall work and achievements, Kate Ljubimir, MS, belongs to the pleiad of diligent followers of Professor Ibrahim Ruždi.

IFCC President-The honorary guest of Congress

Professor Jocelyn Hicks, PhD

«This year has been an extremely busy one for the International federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC), and for me personally. First, I want to comment on some of the global issues involving some of the member countries that have arisen this year. There have been major earthquakes in Pakistan and Indonesia that have caused thousands of deaths and injuries to the populace, and have consequently placed great burdens on hospitals in those countries. The threat of avian flu still hovers over many regions in Asia, and avian flu-infected fowl have been reported in European countries. This has challenged medical scientists to devise tests to detect this virus, and to develop a vaccine. I am very excited about the interesting challenges that the IFCC faces, such as how to better disseminate information about our achievements – particularly from the Scientific Division; how to better serve our members

from developing countries; how to incorporate other disciplines into our activities; and, how to better “market” our federation so that the world of laboratory medicine knows better what we do.

Looking at the future of our discipline, I realize that we are rapidly moving in the direction of “personalized” laboratory medicine with the introduction of pharmacogenetics and physiogenetics.It is now appreciated that we are unique genetically, and therefore, we metabolize drugs at different rates and to different extents. It is also clear that different ethnic groups are physiologically different, one from another.

Some regional federations associated with IFCC have been very busy this year, too. I attended meetings of the Latin American Confederation of Biochemistry in Paraguay and the Arab Federation of Clinical Biochemistry in Syria, which had very successful congresses. Also, I was at the Mexican association meeting, and had a lecture at the Brazilian national society meeting.

Although my schedule is full of visiting member countries and giving lectures, it is always rewarding to visit them and to talk to their medical scientists about their progress and problems.»

From the Lab Medica, July 2006

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5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemiara s meunarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore, 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore, Croatia - October 18-22, 2006 10

editor of the CSMB Newsletter (1996); and taking active part in the organization of scientific and professional medical biochemistry meetings in Croatia and abroad, as president or member of the Congress Organizing or Scientific Committee. She is CSMB representative to: Forum of the European Societies of Clinical Chemistry (FESCC) (1993-1997); member of the international group for student and junior scientist exchange in the organization of professional societies, International Clinical Laboratory Exchange Programme (ICLEP) (1995); member of the Editorial Board of the External Quality Assessment Survey Organizers; member of the Working Group D (1996-1998): associate member of the IFCC Committee for Education and Curriculum

Development (1999-2002); CSMB representative to the European Council of External Quality Assessment Organizers (ECEQAO) (1990-); CSMB representative to the European Committee for External Quality Assessment Programmes in Laboratory Medicine, A Forum for Communication and Co-Operation (EQALM) (1996-); full member of the IFCC Committee for Education and Curriculum Development (IFCC-C-ECD) (2003-); president of the Working Group for Distance Education within IFCC-C-ECD (2003-); representative of the School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry to the Executive Committee of the Croatian Chamber of Medical Biochemists (1994-1999).

Professor Elizabeta Topi, PhD

Professor Elizabeta Topi, PhD, specialist in medical biochemistry, actual president of the Croatian Society of Medical Biochemists (CSMB) and president of the Congress, professor at Zagreb University School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry and head of University Department of Clinical Chemistry, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital.

Graduated from the Zagreb University School of Biotechnology (Biochemistry) in 1970; postgraduate study in Medical Biochemistry at Zagreb University School of Medicine in 1976; MS degree in 1979, and PhD degree in 1981; full professor at Zagreb University School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry in 2002. She is guest-lecturer at Split and Osijek University School of Medicine as well as the organizer and lecturer at both Croatian and international courses of continuing education of medical biochemists and physicians. Prof. Topi is member of the New York Academy of Science since 1992; and associate member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Croatia since 2002.

The fields of her special interest are clinical biochemistry and laboratory medicine, pharmacogenetics, molecular diagnosis, organization, management and accreditation of clinical laboratories, in which she has

acquired due professional training abroad (Frankfurt 1974; Strassbourg 1992; Royal College of Pathologists, London 1996; High School West Brabant, Etten Leur Holland 1997; UNDCP, Vienna 1999; Max Planck Institute, Martins Ried).

Prof. Topi is member of Croatian and international associations of medical biochemists and of molecular diagnosis; Society of Gastroenterology and Osteoporosis, Croatian Medical Association; European Laboratory Medicine Council; member of the EA Committee in the Health Care Sector Laboratory Medicine; member of the IFCC Scientific Award Committee (2003 – 2005) and FESCC; member of editorial board of the journals CCLM, Acta Clinica Croatica, Biochemia Medica and Medix. She is member of the Working Group for Medical Laboratories at the Croatian Accreditation Agency, founded in 2006.

The scientific activity of Prof. Topi has been closely related to her professional activities, running invariably throughout her professional work resulted in 150 papers in Croatian and international periodicals, about 30 handbooks and books, and about 60 chapters.

To date, she has been head to 7 research projects supported by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, and one project of the Ministry of Health. She has been supervisor to eight doctoral dissertations and 10 MS theses, and winner of the scientific awards for congress posters.

The professional and social activities of Professor Topi have been tightly associated to the CSMB and international associations of medical biochemists. In relation to this it should be noted that she has founded the postgraduate scientific courses of continuing education for medical biochemists, organized within the frame of FESCC at IUC Dubrovnik for members of the FESCC member societies of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine. The common title of the courses is FESCC Continuous Postgraduate Courses in Clinical Chemistry: New Classification, Diagnosis and Treatment. This year's, sixth FESCC course topic is Metabolic Syndrome.

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HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2006

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemiara s meunarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore, 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore, Croatia - October 18-22, 2006 9

disease. To these issues she has devoted the last 15 years of work, having resulted in the discovery of new risk gene markers responsible for the development of hypercholesterolemia (a newly detected mutation of the LDL receptor gene).

Through supervision of a number of young scientists, MS and PhD candidates, and by heading and directing scientific projects she taught young professionals and infected them with scientific methodology.

From her appointment for Assistant Professor in 1981, she was active as university professor at Zagreb University School of Medicine, and School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry; Zagreb Medical College; Split University School of Medicine; and University of Trieste. In her educational activities, she accompanied a number of her young colleagues to the appointment for scientific-educational or educational degrees.

In addition to the undergraduate and postgraduate education, she has for years organized course of

continuing education, promoting scientific discoveries and educating professionals on their implementation in medical practice. She organized 34 continuing education courses covering all fields of laboratory medicine. She had as seriously and responsibly prepared the field of quality management, and organization and management of clinical laboratory, instructing the colleagues about responsibility and importance of this segment of work that may seem to be quite distant from the profession and science.

During the 2000-2001 period, she was appointed Minister of Health and Social Welfare of the Republic of Croatia.

Professor Ana Stavljeni-Rukavina is member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Croatia; World Academy of Science and Arts; Editorial Board of Advances in Clinical Pathology; Advisory Board of European Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry; and many others.

Marijana Fišer-Herman Award

The Croatian Society of Medical Biochemists (CSMB) presents the Marijana Fišer-Herman Award to its two presidents for their scientific-educational and rich social-professional activities with special reference to the activities directed towards visibility of the Croatian medical biochemistry at the international level.

Professor Dubravka Jureti, PhD

Professor Dubravka Jureti, PhD, was born in Oriovac, completed high school in Slavonski Brod in 1967, graduated from the Zagreb University School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry in 1972, acquired MS degree in 1977, and PhD degree in 1982 at the same School; passed specialist exam in medical biochemistry in 1990 (then, she was member of the Commission for Specialist Exam in Medical Biochemistry of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia for years); and appointed Professor of Clinical Biochemistry for students of medical biochemistry and of pharmacy in 2004. During her career at School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Professor Dubravka Jureti has headed two elective subjects in undergraduate studies and three subjects in postgraduate studies; investigator in seven research projects of the

Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, including supervision of 8 MS theses and two doctoral dissertations; and published 90 scientific-professional papers. Since 1996, she has been head of the international project of student and professor exchange CEEPUS HR-044 on the topic of The Study of Medical Biochemistry, within the frame of which she paid several study visits to collaborating institutions abroad. During her career at the School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, she has served a number of functions: head of Department of Medical Biochemistry and Hematology; member of Commission for Student Practice; member of Commission for Graduation Theses; member of Commission for Student Paper Awards; member of Dean's Commission for the Promotion of Education; president of the Committee for Foreign-Degree Validation in the Study of Medical Biochemistry; co-organizer of the presentation of the School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry at the Zagreb University Review; member of Ethics Committee; and member of the School of Pharmacy and Biochemistry Faculty Committee.

The social and professional activities of Professor Dubravka Jureti have generally been tightly connected to CSMB on the one hand and international associations of medical biochemists on the other hand, including the following:

CSMB president (1993-1997); president of Commission for Performance Quality Control of Medical Biochemistry Laboratories in the Republic of Croatia, organized by CSMB (1981-); member of CSMB Commission for Education of Medical Biochemists (1994-); member of CSMB Commission for Standardization of Procedures in Medical Biochemistry Laboratories (1999-); member of Editorial Council of the journal Biochemia Medica (1993-2006); member of Editorial Board of the journal Biochemia Medica (1993-2006); initiator and first

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HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2006

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemiara s meunarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore, 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore, Croatia - October 18-22, 2006 8

Life-achievement award Ana Stavljeni-Rukavina

Professor Ana Stavljeni-Rukavina, PhD

In the year Professor Ana Stavljeni-Rukavina has been awarded the national Morning Star Decoration with Ruer Boškovi image on the occasion of the forty years of her continuous scientific work, the Croatian Society of Medical Biochemists (CSMB) presents her with the highest token of recognition, Life-Achievement Award.

We witness her continuing her activities and can only express our gratitude for all she has done during the past years. The words to follow, found in the award elaboration, will remind us and our dear guests from abroad of her manifold activities, clearly showing the Pre-Symposium with reason to be well grounded.

The scientific work of Professor Stavljeni-Rukavina was continuously present at both the national and international level, from the most remote places in Croatia where medical biochemistry is only practiced in daily routine through the largest scientific centers of excellence. She has successfully promoted scientific methodology in all settings, resolving any dilemmas concerning interdisciplinary approach, the empirical in medicine, and the scientific in biochemistry, having decisively followed and implemented the scientific paradigm. Nowadays, when we along with the world major scientific powers have been advocating the term 'laboratory medicine', we can state that the clear-cut scientific approach and scientific clarity of laboratory work are at the service of medicine. Also, without false modesty, we emphasize the name of Professor Stavljeni-Rukavina as a co-founder of the discipline she has been developing for forty years, masterfully and on an equal footing with a group of most renowned international scientists. There is not a single scientist in the field (and even in other scientific areas) who would not know her as the leading figure throughout this period. The more so, the scientific circles from other countries recognize and respect Croatian science by recognizing her as an outstanding colleague. The recognition and reputation of Professor Stavljeni-Rukavina objectively rely on her works, i.e. on a measurable parameter that speaks about her huge scientific opus. And even more: her work extends beyond personal boundaries, being multiplied in the scientific atmosphere around her, in the works of her colleagues from this and

related professions, witnessing about the generations of biochemists, chemists, physicians, dental physicians, pharmacists, and others she has stimulated and directed towards serious scientific approach in biomedical sciences. She exemplified this herself as a steady and devoted scientist working self-denyingly all around the clock, additionally enriched with a personality gifted with original and natural seriousness and certainty distinguishing the authority of a scientist. Her work, opinion and words have always been listened to with due attention and unquestioningly, both in our and international settings. We can definitely witness – she has been an extraordinary teacher in Croatia, and we have been proud of her when our colleagues from other countries spoke of her with high respect.

Professor Ana Stavljeni-Rukavina, PhD, full professor at Zagreb University School of Medicine, graduated from the Zagreb University School of Pharmacy (Medical Biochemistry) and from School of Medicine, where she also defended her MS thesis and doctoral dissertation. She has acquired professional training at Royal Postgraduate Medical School, London; NATO Advanced Study Institute and Simon Stevin Institute, Brugge, and NATO Advanced Study Institute and Fondazione Giovanni Lorenzini.

She completed her professional training in 1979 when she became specialist of medical biochemistry. She performed her professional and scientific career at university departments from 1967 till 2005; the first 12 years at Vuk Vrhovac University Clinic for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases as head of the laboratory of biochemistry, then as head of the Clinical Institute of Laboratory Diagnosis, Zagreb University Hospital Center.

The scientific activities of Professor Ana Stavljeni-Rukavina can easily be illustrated by the great number of internationally recognized works, education of young scientists and systematic promotion of biomedical science in Croatia and in the world. She published more than 330 mostly scientific papers, is author of 7 books and 48 contributions in books by other authors, and 16 handbooks for undergraduate and continuing education. She has been actively included as investigator or principal investigator in scientific projects supported by national and international scientific funds (22 projects). In addition, she was active member or president of numerous scientific and organizing committees (mostly scientific!) at a number of national and international conventions, conferences and symposia.

The scientific works of Professor Ana Stavljeni-Rukavina, the crowns of her research results, contribute to the Croatian and world biomedical science in the fields of diabetes epidemiology and pathobiochemistry, hereditary metabolic diseases, atherosclerosis, and endemic nephropathy, with special reference to her contribution in the field of basic research of the genetic risk factors for the genesis of cardiovascular diseases and Alzheimer's

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HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2006

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemiara s meunarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore, 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore, Croatia - October 18-22, 2006 7

Yet, it is less known that Istria is the richest habitat of orchids in this region of the world. The orchids, popularly called kauni, have a special and prominent place among other plants owing to the structure and beauty of their flowers. Since ancient times, the orchid is a symbol of not only natural but also spiritual perfection and purity. The orchid family Orchidaceae contains some 20,000 species, being one of the most numerous plant families. They grow in sunny and bright habitats, mostly in tropical regions. Even 80 of 320 of European species are found in Istria, among them Serapias istriaca M. L. Perko (istarskakukavica), first recorded in 1999. The natural habitat of this beautiful flower is grassland (meadows and pastures), which makes it an orchid species at risk. Degradation of the natural environment due to the abandonment of traditional agricultural activities like cattle breeding is the major cause of their reduced number.

The Orchid, Serapias istriaca

We are very proud indeed of having about a hundred wild-growing plants from the orchid family in Croatia. Therefore, we should do our best to preserve their habitats, to ensure that their beauty and fancifully shaped flowers fill with admiration the generations to come, rather than witnessing their fading away.

Now, let us take a look of the Istrian fauna. Some ten years ago, the Istrian cattle, from pleasure

named boškarin, was considered an extinct species; however, this cattle species has been preserved from extinction by self-denying endeavors invested by some individual Istrians and the community at large. In the 1960s, there were more than 60,000 of these heads of cattle in Istria, having faithfully served man with their great strength in land cultivation through history. In 1991, only sixgenetically pure heads were found. By joint efforts of the Association of Istrian Cattle Breeders and County Selection Service, the species has been preserved from extinction with these residual six heads.

The origin of boškarin has been investigated by scientists. Although preliminary studies suggest that boškarin may have been primeval cattle of the area, it has not yet been definitely confirmed. These big and robust cattle of strong skeleton and modest requirements used to serve the master for as long as twenty years. Bulls can weigh up to a ton, and cows 550-650 kg. Oxen reached a mean of 900-1100 kg, but now are rarely castrated because of the species preservation.

Walking around, you may even see a boškarin plowing land all down to the sea.

That's us

As mentioned at the beginning of our walk across Pore, our congresses bear a number of common denominators. At the end, there is a substantial common segment, i.e. a group of medical biochemists you were meeting in Zadar and have been contacting during the past year of the Congress preparation, who have been doing their best to find answers to your queries, to design specific details for the Congress to be a pleasant and

recognizable event, and who have invested much of their personality for the intended to come true. We are happy if we have managed, at least in part, to make the event a nice and useful experience for you. You will be meeting us all these days!

Walking through Pore, Newsletter Editor

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HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2006

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemiara s meunarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore, 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore, Croatia - October 18-22, 2006 6

The Interior of Euphrasius Basilica

In 1267, Pore came under the authority of the Venetian Republic, when the beautiful Gothic palaces, towers and walls were built. It should be noted that these walls have been preserved to the present day owing to disobedience of a soldier who refused to obey the command to pull them down by explosive at the end of World War II. In this region, history was too often accompanied by large-scale destruction, so that every preserved monument has somehow had its own, frequently nameless patron.

The City walls

In 1814, Pore became a part of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, which opened it to tourism owing to the Lloyd Steamship Company, having included it in the unavoidable tourist route along the east Adriatic coast. Cruising by large luxury yachts is characterized and not infrequently discovering some previously unknown destinations; so, Austrian Archduchess Stephanie presented the town of Pore to the public at large by sailing to the port of Poreon her yacht named Phantasy more than 150 years ago.

The first tourist guide with descriptions and photos of the town monuments was printed as early as 1845. It may be considered inappropriate to proclaim these pages a continuation of this long tradition; however, this can well be taken as a congress tourist guide.

All these 160 years of tourism tradition in Pore,irrespective of the interruption caused by the war, can readily be felt in the hospitality and highly professional attitude of the hard working hosts towards their guests; it is quite clear why Pore has been repeatedly proclaimed winner as the supreme tourist center in Croatia.

The Lloyd Steamship in port of Pore

In the 19th

century, Pore was the capital of Istria, the seat of the county (Istrian) parliament with schools, administrative and judicial institutions. And, just to remind us: medical biochemists are now gathering for the second time in Istria. Our Second Congress was held in Pula in 1996, and those who have attended both can now, ten years later, witness and feel the difference in the Congresses, in themselves, and maybe even in the experience of the beauties of Istria.

Besides cultural monuments, the affluence of vegetation and fertile soil allowing for "plowing to the sea", as said in our Second Announcement, makes this town an extraordinary geographical area in which the continental and Mediterranean crops grow in harmony, the grapes being among the most important and preferred ones. The unique flavor of malmsey is by some compared to nectar, while wine is known to have been considered a remedy (with due consideration of intoxication!) since ancient Rome, and you will have an opportunity to check the hosts' statements. A brandy named Biska, prepared exclusively in this area, is also considered a potent potion, the secret lying in the procedure of mistletoe immersion in domestic brandy. Truffles probably are the best and most widely known vegetation product of Istria. These tuberous fungi that have been attributed some aphrodisiac properties are contained in almost all exclusive menus.

Agricultural fields

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HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2006

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemiara s meunarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore, 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore, Croatia - October 18-22, 2006 5

Baroque style in the 18th

century. From the 12th

to the 19th

century, Pore was a walled town, with two towers still standing at the old town entrance. The oldest preserved Istrian lighthouse from 1402 is found on St. Nicholas Island.

The Romanesque House

Mavar, the first bishop of Pore, was persecuted by Roman authorities and canonized as St. Mauro, patron saint of the town of Pore, after his martyr's death.

The Venetian Gothic palace

Nowadays, the award named after the town's patron saint is being presented for cultural achievements in the Pore area on November 21, on the occasion of St. Mauro's Day. Also, St. Mauro's church has been constructed.

Owing to the efforts made by the second bishop of Pore, the town entered the world's map of cultural and natural heritage protected by UNESCO in 1997.

The complex of Euphrasius Basilica from the 5th

century is the most famous cultural monument in Pore,extended in the 6

th century under Byzantine rule and

bishop Euphrasius at the site of the original church.

The complex of Euphrasius Basilica

The interior of the Basilica is decorated by unique mosaics. The Basilica will be open for the Congress participants to listen to a concert on Thursday evening. In this unique space, we wish to evoke the timeless magic of music by the sound of harp and flute, with a note that medical biochemists also join the global celebration of Mozart's year by the concert program.And this is another common denominator of our Congresses, as the concert performed at St. Donat, a 300-year younger basilica in Zadar, is still remembered.

The part of Unique mosaic

Upon the fall of Roman Empire, the rulers followed each other until the Croats populated Pore towards the end of the 6

th century; after the year 788, the town came

under the authority of Franks, followed by a short period of independence in the 12

th century.

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HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2006

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemiara s meunarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore, 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore, Croatia - October 18-22, 2006 4

A Few Words about Pore

The Ancient map of Pore

Although the writer of these words may not be entitled to speak in mathematical terms due to the inadequate mathematical background, a mathematical term of common denominator has imposed itself as the first association on writing about the town of Pore. What does this common denominator contain when the congresses of medical biochemists and their host towns are considered?!

Landscape of Pore nowadays

First, our previous host towns of Zagreb, Pula, Vukovar and Zadar share an almost identical historical dimension with Pore, since a settlement was established here during the early period of Roman Empire, while the first records of Istria (Histria) date back from the 6


century B.C.

The Old layout of streets

So, the history of Pore began more than two thousand years ago when ancient Romans conquered the

autochthonous inhabitants of Histria and founded castrum,a fortress, on the 400 m long and 200 m wide peninsula; similar was the fate of Liburnians, the pre-Roman inhabitants of Zadar. Here, we encounter the second common term – peninsula. This compactness of the town center is in contrast with the rich surroundings of the town which has spread further, yet the inhabitants still referring to the historical, culturally packed small nucleus as the town proper. It can well be felt when passing along the streets of Pore, which represent a historical museum densely populated with true life in full flare.

Under the rule of August Emperor in the 1st century,

the castrum was officially proclaimed a town, thus turning into the administrative and economic center of the Roman colony named Colonia Iulia Parentium. It should be noted that the same Roman emperor was recorded as the Zadar parens coloniae.

The Decumanus today

If we continue our search for similarities, we will find both Pore and Zadar to have had a regular layout of streets crossing at right angle, radiating from the two main streets,cardo maximus anddecumanus.The latter, leading to the Pore agger (still retaining the old name) is the main street in the town today. The Pore citizens and we, Congress participants, are treading along the same cobblestone pavements as the Parentinians, the ancient Roman inhabitants. Decumanus Street connected the Marafor Square in the west part of the town with the on-shore town gates in east part. A Roman Forum with temples dedicated to Roman gods was built on the Marafor Square. A Romanesque House and several Venetian Gothic palaces have been preserved on this square. The Istrian Parliament Hall, originally a Franciscan Gothic church from the 13

th century, was reconstructed in the

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HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2006

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemiara s meunarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore, 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore, Croatia - October 18-22, 2006 3


Members of the Croatian Society of Medical Biochemists (CSMB) as well as those having attended the Fourth Congress of Croatian Biochemists held in Zadar will not be surprised by this special issue of the Newsletter dedicated exclusively to the current, Fifth Congress of Croatian Biochemists. Using the pages of this issue, we will try to provide you with a closer look at the host town, and some of its peculiarities that may otherwise be overlooked while being busy with Congress activities. In numerical terms, the work of the Congress could be briefly described as consisting of 11 symposia, 85 lecturers, 23 poster topics covered by 136 posters, 5 scientific workshops, 3 industry workshops, 4 plenary lectures, and exhibition area of the leading companies in the field of laboratory diagnosis, all these in four days. The mentioned activities enriched with discussions as a substantial content will transform the Pical Hotel premises into a congress center, while more than three hundred participants with their vivid activities will make the Congress a reality. We will start with the Pre-Congress Symposium consisting of the formal part to pay tribute for life achievement to Professor Ana Stavljeni-Rukavina, followed by lectures by renowned guest speakers who will present their visions of the 21

st century's laboratory medicine. Whether the

visions will come true, it will be witnessed by the participants of some future congresses.

We are pleased to bring the curricula vitae of the awarded CSMB members. We are aware that their long-standing activities are well known to our members, and the Congress simply provides an opportunity to thank them and grant them these awards as a token of our gratitude. Our honorary guests and lecturers are Professor Jocelyn Hicks, IFCC President, and Professor Dragan Primorac, Minister of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, presented in the Newsletter with some of their notes we have selected for you.

As a break in-between the lectures and discussions, we will take a trip that will lead us through history, along the Glagolitic Alley, since the Glagolitic script is represented from the Congress logo through the gifts as souvenirs. It would be a pity not to learn more about this unique alphabet from our past, and we trust it will also be found interesting to our guests from abroad because of the visual harmony characterizing the Glagolitic script. Some information on the respective localities and monuments are found in the Newsletter, and the trip will be crowned by the Istrian cuisine delicacies. Istria is said to be the Croatian Toscana, and we can only agree how favorable it is to be compared to such beautiful scenery. Final judgment is on those who have experienced the beauty of both.

Although we wrote about the Glagolitic script in Second Announcement, this Newsletter also brings some words about the gifts contained in Congress bags characterized by Glagolitic features.

And finally, a few words about our presidents: Professor Renata Zadro, president of the Scientific Committee, and Branka Kunovi, PhD, president of the Organizing Committee, who have invested their knowledge, hard work and energy for ALL Congress participants to be satisfied for being here, in Pore, an extraordinary host town, at the Fifth Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists.

Perhaps, with a little bit of luck, which we as organizers do wish for, these days may turn into that type of story that is told for the hundredth time, yet being different each time, while not really knowing why it means so much to us…

Newsletter Editor: Biserka Getaldi

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Editorial............................................................................................................................3 A Few Words about Pore................................................................................................4 Life-achievement award Ana Stavljeni-Rukavina..........................................................8 Marijana Fišer-Herman Award.........................................................................................9 Ibrahim Ruždi Award...................................................................................................11 IFCC President-The honorary guest of Congress...........................................................11 Special guest of Congress Newsletter Minister of Science, Education and Sport.........12 Pleasure trip....................................................................................................................14 President of Scientific Committee..................................................................................15 President of Organizing Committee...............................................................................15 Donors............................................................................................................................16

Editor Biserka Getaldi

Editorial Mirjana Fijako, Mira Kevo, Koraljka Mittel, Nora Nikolac, Mira Obadi,

Vlatko Rumenjak, Elizabeta Topi, Nada Vrki

LectorAntonija Redovnikovi

PrintMedicinska naklada

Edition 500 pieces

Graphic design Mario Štefanovi

Page 32: HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, Broj 1, 2006. KONGRESNO sve þlanove HDMB–a, ali i sudionike našeg þetvrtog kongresa održanog

HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2006

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemiara s meunarodnim sudjelovanjem - Pore, 18.-22. listopada 2006. 5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation - Pore, Croatia - October 18-22, 2006 1

HDMB GLASILO, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2006. ISSN 1331-405 X

5. hrvatski kongres medicinskih biokemiaras meunarodnim sudjelovanjem

Pore, 18.-22. listopada 2006.

5th Croatian Congress of Medical Biochemists with international participation Pore, Croatia, October 18-22, 2006

