
HCI International '89 Third International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction

Call for Participation

18-22 September 1989 Boston Plaza Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

The conference program is directed by a distinguished international board of scientists from 15 nations. The conference presentations will address topics in the cognitive, social, ergonomic and health aspects of human-computer interaction, including:

Generic Areas Conceptual and theoretical dialogue issues Taxonomies, standardization and evaluation methodologies

0 Software design and use Artificial intelligence, expert systems and decision support

0 Knowledge eiicitation and representation Psycholinguistics, speech synthesis and speech recognition Social, organizational and management aspects

0 Computer graphcs Ergonomic aspects

0 Cognitive aspects 0 Stress and cognitive workload aspects 0 Health aspects 0 Implementation

Application Areas 0 Office automation 0 CAD/CAM and robotics

Process industries 0 Banking and retailing 0 Telecommunications 0 Agriculture 0 Construction

Transportation 0 Health delivery 0 Education

Leisure life 0 Electronic publishing

You are cordially invited to participate in both the paper presentations and poster sessions. A leaflet detailing the Call for Participation is available from the General Conference Chairman. The deadline for receipt of abstracts for the paper presentation is 31 October 1988 and for the poster sessions, 30 April 1989. The 800 word abstract for the paper presentation and the 300 word abstract for the poster session should include information about the objective, methods and significance of the proposed presentation. Five copies of the abstract should be mailed to the Program Chairman.

Program Chairman: Professor Michael J. Smith Department of Industrial Engineering University of Wisconsin 1513 University Avenue Madison, WI 53706 USA Tel.: (608) 263-6329 Arpanet: [email protected] Bitnet: mjsmith@W ISCMACC

General Conference Chairman: Professor G. Salvendy School of Industrial Engineering Grissom Hall Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 47907 USA Tel. : (3 17) 494-5426 Arpane t : salvendy @gb.ecn. purdue.ED U . EDU
