Download pdf - Hazmat Ops Hand signs



Yazid Bin Ismail 2012 1

I’m Ok! or Are You Ok?

• Purpose

• To indicate self is well or

asking others whether

he/she is well

• Hand Signal

• Cup hand over head

Yazid Bin Ismail 2012 2

I’m not feeling well or Something’s Wrong!

• Purpose

• To indicate that you are

not feeling well or

something is not well

• Hand Signal

• Extend hand to the front

• Palm wide open

• Rotate left & right motion

Yazid Bin Ismail 2012 3

Low On Air!

• Purpose

• To indicate that SCBA air

content is low or warning

whistle activates.

• Hand Signal

• Clench fist & bring to


Yazid Bin Ismail 2012 4

Out Of Air!

• Purpose

• To indicate that SCBA air

content is almost

depleted or zero

• Hand Signal

• Hand cut across neck


Yazid Bin Ismail 2012 5

Danger Or Look Out!

• Purpose

• To indicate or warn

others of danger around

the area

• Hand Signal

• Clench fist & point

towards the direction of

the danger

Yazid Bin Ismail 2012 6

Me or You!

• Purpose

• To indicate others to look

at oneself or refer to

other person

• Hand Signal

• Point index finger at self

or person you are

referring to.

Yazid Bin Ismail 2012 7

Which Way – Up, Down, Left or Right?

• Purpose

• To ask/indicate which

way to proceed.

• Hand Signal

• Point thumb to intended


Yazid Bin Ismail 2012 8

Out of Suit

• Purpose

• To request/indicate you

want to doff suit.

• Hand Signal

• Point both thumbs from


Yazid Bin Ismail 2012 9

You lead, I Follow

• Purpose

• To request one lead,

other follow or vice


• Hand Signal

• Point both index fingers

thumbs forward, one

hand front & other back

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Request for Stretcher/Assistance

• Purpose

• To request for a stretcher

or assistance to carry a


• Hand Signal

• Clench both fists & show

a carrying motion

Yazid Bin Ismail 2012 11

Request Overpack

• Purpose

• To request for an

overpack to contain a

spill container

• Hand Signal

• Show a round sign with

both hands in front of


Yazid Bin Ismail 2012 12

Mission/Job Success/Fail!

• Purpose

• To indicate that a

mission or job is a

success or fail

• Hand Signal

• Point both thumbs

upwards for success or

thumbs down for failure

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