
Have You Heard

About the

Virtual Book Tour?

If not, read on…

If you have…keep

reading anyway.

Maybe you’ll

learn something


Why Go On the

Virtual Road

Because sharing your book info

with bloggers, via email, is much

less intimidating than approaching

book clubs, bookstores and other

brick and mortar outlets.

It’s also more convenient

and economical.

So how does this

Virtual Book Tour

Business work

egin by making a list of blog categories

that might be a good fit for your book.

o an online search. There are many book

blogging (and other) sites to choose from.

ake a list of all the bloggers you wish to


Why would

bloggers agree

to host my

tour anyway

So glad you asked

Popular blogs have been established for

several years. That’s a lot of online content

writing. Many bloggers are open to guest

posts. It can be difficult to come up with

fresh, engaging content on a regular basis.

Guest posts give blog owners a

break, while offering readers a

new perspective with unique

information. Your virtual book

tour stop is like a guest post.

Book Tour

Your tour content provides readers with

a wealth of great information

about you and your book.

Offering a link back to the

blogger's site, from your author

website, is always a plus. That’s

FREE marketing for bloggers and

a GREAT incentive for them to

agree to host.

Backlinks help everyone

I’ve identified

potential bloggers.

What do I do now

Decide when you’d like to begin

and end your virtual book tour.

Most tours run between one

and two weeks.

Schedule it as carefully

as you would any other

professional meeting or


Decide what kinds of

content you want

included in your tour.

Some ideas are…

•Author Photo

•Book Cover Photo

•Author Bio

•Book Blurb

•Book Excerpt

•Guest Post or Article

•Links (social media, author website, book purchase sites)

•An Interview (a completed interview or offer to be interviewed by the blog owner)

•Giveaway (your book, Amazon gift card, etc)


•Video Book Trailer

•Book Reviews

•Q & A Session

•Press Release (if you don't already have one, now is the time to write one)

Tour Content

After you’ve chosen your tour dates,

identified potential bloggers AND decided

what content you will include in your tour

you’re ready to…

Send your initial

To potential blog hosts

Most blogs include

contact information

somewhere on the site.

*check “About” and “Contact” pages, or look for

contact info in the sidebar.

Your brief email message should include

this information:

•Your name and book info. Include this in your first two

sentences. You want to grab the blog owner’s attention right


•Your proposal. Here’s where you detail what you have to offer

in terms of content (interview, guest post, video book trailer,


•Time frame (the dates you’d like to schedule your tour stop).

•Pertinent links (author website, purchase links, book reviews,


•Offer of a free book for the blog owner.

After you’ve emailed your

queries, it’s okay to follow-up

with one more email to anyone

who hasn’t responded after

several days. Not everyone will

respond. Don’t take this


Bloggers are doing you a HUGE favor. Be

considerate. It is your responsibility to deliver all

the necessary content on time - two weeks prior

to your tour stop is preferable.

Hopefully, after a bit of diligent

work you’ll be well on your way to a

busy virtual book tour!

If you’re overwhelmed with the

Virtual Book Tour process,

eBook Review Gal can help!

Schedule an eBook Review Gal

Virtual Book Tour Today!

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eBook Review Gal Tour Host

eBook Review Gal

is always looking for tour hosts!