Page 1: Have children color in one worksheet after each daily read ...Save the Planet! (grades 3–4. tM 4 CLiMAtE ChAnGE AffECts WiLDLifE ArOunD thE WOrLD. please se his ownloadable n onjunction


ECOLOGY Have children color in one worksheet

after each daily read-aloud to reinforce the

book’s main takeaway and celebrate the child’s

daily achievement. Once the collection and

worksheets have been completed, display

the worksheets or bind them to form a book

for children to enjoy.

Page 2: Have children color in one worksheet after each daily read ...Save the Planet! (grades 3–4. tM 4 CLiMAtE ChAnGE AffECts WiLDLifE ArOunD thE WOrLD. please se his ownloadable n onjunction

Please use this downloadable in conjunction with Scholastic’s Knowledge Quest! Read-Aloud Collection

Save the Planet! (grades 3–4).

TM 1


EArth fOr futurE GEnErAtiOns.

Page 3: Have children color in one worksheet after each daily read ...Save the Planet! (grades 3–4. tM 4 CLiMAtE ChAnGE AffECts WiLDLifE ArOunD thE WOrLD. please se his ownloadable n onjunction

Please use this downloadable in conjunction with Scholastic’s Knowledge Quest! Read-Aloud Collection

Save the Planet! (grades 3–4).

TM 2

nAtiOnAL pArks prEsErvE nAturE.

Page 4: Have children color in one worksheet after each daily read ...Save the Planet! (grades 3–4. tM 4 CLiMAtE ChAnGE AffECts WiLDLifE ArOunD thE WOrLD. please se his ownloadable n onjunction

Please use this downloadable in conjunction with Scholastic’s Knowledge Quest! Read-Aloud Collection

Save the Planet! (grades 3–4).

TM 3

COMpOstinG CrEAtEs riChEr sOiL

AnD rEDuCEs WAstE.

Page 5: Have children color in one worksheet after each daily read ...Save the Planet! (grades 3–4. tM 4 CLiMAtE ChAnGE AffECts WiLDLifE ArOunD thE WOrLD. please se his ownloadable n onjunction

Please use this downloadable in conjunction with Scholastic’s Knowledge Quest! Read-Aloud Collection

Save the Planet! (grades 3–4).

TM 4


ArOunD thE WOrLD.

Page 6: Have children color in one worksheet after each daily read ...Save the Planet! (grades 3–4. tM 4 CLiMAtE ChAnGE AffECts WiLDLifE ArOunD thE WOrLD. please se his ownloadable n onjunction

Please use this downloadable in conjunction with Scholastic’s Knowledge Quest! Read-Aloud Collection

Save the Planet! (grades 3–4).

TM 5

CLEAninG up An OiL spiLL is

A LOt Of WOrk.

Page 7: Have children color in one worksheet after each daily read ...Save the Planet! (grades 3–4. tM 4 CLiMAtE ChAnGE AffECts WiLDLifE ArOunD thE WOrLD. please se his ownloadable n onjunction

Please use this downloadable in conjunction with Scholastic’s Knowledge Quest! Read-Aloud Collection

Save the Planet! (grades 3–4).

TM 6

WE CAn rEDuCE trAshin LAnDfiLLs


Page 8: Have children color in one worksheet after each daily read ...Save the Planet! (grades 3–4. tM 4 CLiMAtE ChAnGE AffECts WiLDLifE ArOunD thE WOrLD. please se his ownloadable n onjunction

Please use this downloadable in conjunction with Scholastic’s Knowledge Quest! Read-Aloud Collection

Save the Planet! (grades 3–4).

TM 7

ALL LivinG thinGs DEpEnD On OnE AnOthEr.

Page 9: Have children color in one worksheet after each daily read ...Save the Planet! (grades 3–4. tM 4 CLiMAtE ChAnGE AffECts WiLDLifE ArOunD thE WOrLD. please se his ownloadable n onjunction

Please use this downloadable in conjunction with Scholastic’s Knowledge Quest! Read-Aloud Collection

Save the Planet! (grades 3–4).

TM 8

rEDuCinG WAstE MAkEs A biG DiffErEnCE!

Page 10: Have children color in one worksheet after each daily read ...Save the Planet! (grades 3–4. tM 4 CLiMAtE ChAnGE AffECts WiLDLifE ArOunD thE WOrLD. please se his ownloadable n onjunction

Please use this downloadable in conjunction with Scholastic’s Knowledge Quest! Read-Aloud Collection

Save the Planet! (grades 3–4).

TM 9

pLAnEt EArth is Our COMMOn GrOunD AnD

WE Must ALL CArE fOr it.
