




GLOBAL WARMING The world is moving towards a crucial new climate agreement in 2015, which could provide the long needed global plan to slow down climate change and enable humanity to adapt to the unavoidable part of a changing climate. While recognising that climate change is unavoidable, global leaders at the Cancun agreed to limit global warming to 2°c in this century, relative to the pre-industrial period

• They also decided to review this limit to see if it should be further lowered to 1.5°c

• Human-induced climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing the world today, with potentially devastating environmental, social and economic repercussions. The release of carbon dioxide and other ‘greenhouse gases’ is seen to be a major cause of global warming. It is imperative that individuals and institutions take action to minimise their contributions to atmospheric carbon dioxide.


• Whilst the Earth’s climate does vary naturally as a result of both oceanic and atmospheric fluctuations, changes to its orbiting patterns, and fluctuations in the energy received from the sun, it is anthropogenic sources of ‘greenhouse gases’ such as carbon dioxide which are exacerbating the process in current times. Current global emissions of CO2 are estimated to be around 6.5 billion tonnes per year, mostly from the burning of fossil fuels for energy. A further 1 billion tonnes of CO2 is emitted indirectly from land use changes such as deforestation and cattle farming.


IPCC AND UNFCC • The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

(IPCC) has recommended that significant reductions of greenhouse gases, particularly CO2, are needed immediately in order to prevent the onset of further climate change. Whilst some change is inevitable due to the lag-time between warming so far and the consequences, it is imperative that action is taken to reduce emissions of CO2 by the individual and by organisations in order to reduce the severity of further warming.

Natural fluctuations in atmospheric CO2 in the far distant past have varied from 180-280ppm. Since the Industrial Revolution however, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has risen to the current level of approximately 380ppm. The IPCC has suggested that in order to prevent melting of the Greenland icecap, the average global temperature must not rise 2°C above pre-industrial levels. In order to retain a high probability of not exceeding this level, CO2 concentration in the atmosphere must not reach 400ppm. However, it is estimated that this concentration will be reached in 10-15 years at current global rates of emissions increase.It is highly likely, perhaps inevitable, that changes to the climate of the world will affect the Harvest Fairtrade Group of Harvest Ltd both directly and indirectly in the future.The international energy agency reports that end-use fuel and electricity could save 6.8Gt CO2 and power generation efficiency and fossil fuel switching could save another 0.3GT CO2 by 2030

SDGS AND CLIMATE CHANGE• Harvest Fairtrade group has benchmarked on the sustainable

development goals and to achieve this goals their is a close link between development and climate change mitigation goal for example Efforts to eradicate poverty , promote universal access to cleaner energy and double energy efficiency for it to be achieved it must go hand in hand with the climate targets in a consistent manner.

• To achieve this, goals the plan Must be the responsibility of each and every member of the Harvest Fairtrade Group, Harvest Ltd, community and the greater Nation of Kenya.

• Harvest Ltd produces and Export Flowers and it can only thrive well under good climatic conditions and climate change affects the company operations and production hence environmental conservation remains a priority for every producer and farmer in the whole world. 


• Taking consideration on the Kyoto Protocol since 19th century carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere has increase and scientific reasoning has been absorbed to help check retention of heat from the sun and the temperatures on earth surface affected by it. CO2 is generated by burning and fuel containing carbon, from coal and oil to wood and cow dung. With the industrial growth world consumption of this fuels have increased tremendously.

• For many years scientists ignored it because, they assumed the increase in CO2 were being absorbed by the oceans. But when the assumption was tested with series of measurements from the top of Mauna Loa, the Hawaiian Volcano chosen as the site far removed from the influence of any local smokestacks


• The Mauna Loa readings quickly demonstrated that concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere was rising steadily. Up to date that finding has led to series of scientific meetings most of them organised by united nation to counter the effects of climate change examples COP15,COP16,COP17,COP18,COP19,COP20

• Starting from Cop18, 19, 20 serious emphasis have been realised by many countries as effect of climate change is widespread and affects each state in severe way.

• The achievements of COP 20 is a major boost toward the adoption of this plan and it takes into consideration of both promises and areas agreed for implementation and focuses beyond COP20 leading to a greater start of COP 21

• Cutting carbon emissions as part of the fight against climate change should be a key priority for all farmers, growers, breeders and Everyone - it's all about getting your own house in order and leading by example. 

• The Harvest Fairtrade Group as a premium Committee has a key to delivering carbon reduction across Kenya, Africa and this affects the whole world positively in line with the Kyoto commitments and the Policy on Environmental Conservation under Fairtrade terms of reference as approved by its members in a General assembly GA. The Policy is designed to assist the Premium committee with a guideline on how to positively contribute to the environment by lowering the carbon emissions by planting more tree and responsible energy use. 

Great Achievements

• The positive breakdown of the carbon sectors as per the Reduction plan includes,

• Transport (Staff Buses) --------- -------- 15% • Cooking Energy (firewood)--------------- 20%

• Generators and Boilers ------------------- 15%

CERP.The impact of doing nothingA discussion of the opportunities offered by the implementation of a carbon management programme.The identification and evaluation of achievable outcomes.The use of baseline data to forecast future energy use and CO2 emissions productionA forecast of the economic impact of the Programme. A set of related strategic objectives for the Harvest Fairtrade Group

OBJECTIVES• The Harvest Fairtrade Group’s objectives in implementing the

Carbon Emission Reduction Plan are to:• Reduce carbon emissions.• Help deliver the Environment Strategy where that relates to

carbon emissions and energy use.• Emphasis on carbon offsetting plans by planting more trees• Promote energy awareness amongst Workers and Community

encouraging and enabling good environmental practice in at work and Community and in their personal lives.

• Maximize the use of fuel types which cause least harm to the environment

• Reduce water consumption.• Reduce waste, increase recycling and reduce the volume of

waste sent to landfill.• Be a responsible neighbour and take a lead in the community on

carbon reduction.• Promote and enable environmentally sound transport and travel


BASELINE AND TARGETS • An increase in global temperatures is proportional to the

build up of long –lasting greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, especially Co2. Taking more action now reduces the need for more extreme action later , to stay within safe emission levels.

• The scope of the baseline covers emissions from Cooking energy, Generators, Boilers, Gases, fleet vehicles fuel consumption, business travels ,cold chain machineries, staff cars and buses and staff motor cycles, non-co2 greenhouse gases like methane, nitrous oxide and hydroflourocaborns.

• At these stage emissions from staff commuting, staff motor cycle, cold chains, staff cars have been omitted from the baseline due to a lack of reliable information. This will be included in the future once a new travel survey has been completed. Emissions from staff quarters are also currently excluded.


• PETROL• 1 litre of petrol weighs = 750g.• CO2----------------------------- Carbon % is 87%• 1 litre of petrol = 652gms of carbon • At combustion it requires 1740g of oxygen • So at combustion it weighs • CO2 =2392g of carbon per litre • DIESEL • 1 litre of Diesel weighs = 720g• CO2----------------------------------------carbon % is 86.2%• At combustion it requires 1920g of oxygen • So at combustion it weighs • CO2 = 2640g of carbon per litre

• L.P.G • 1 litre weighs = 550gms • Carbon % = 82.5%• 1 litre contains = 454g carbon/litre • At combustion it requires 1211g of oxygen • 1665g/co2 per litre LPG.

Environmental conservation calendar

Carbon offsetting plans- annual environment day 12 December every year

- #7daysoftrees every last week of may every yearPlant 1 tree a day and in 7 days 7 trees per person, target 4200 trees for seven days (600 workers x 1 tree aday x7 days) - My nature pay back campaign March every year
