  • Harmony Handbook


    Multidimensional Primer


    Brian Besco

  • Creative Commons License

    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-

    NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

    Cover Photo: Infinite Creations


    Published by Twistedsage Studios

    PO Box 101

    Buffalo Gap, SD


    [email protected]

    ISBN: 978-0-692-36110-8

    December 2014

  • Welcome the Sacred Circle. It is my intention and desire that you find

    the information and exercises within this handbook to be of great

    benefit to you, those around you, and the world you live in.

    I ask that you use heart-centered discernment

    with the information presented here.

    Take what Rings true and

    leave the rest here.

    As connections are made and you enter into Balance and Harmony in

    the Heart, and your Mind is settled, you hear and know and see more

    than you ever have in the past. Simply go with the intent of doing so,

    along with the knowingness that you can. –The Elders Three

    We are energy workers. What we do here does not replace medical

    practices, as we are working solely with energy and energy bodies.

  • Introduction

    My name is Brian Besco. I am a Master Builder- in one aspect. In other

    life-times I also created beneficial energy tools for all-of-kind's evolution.

    In this moment I am also a writer, a film-maker, a father, a teacher, a

    mentor, a student, the sole proprietor of Twistedsage Studios, and an

    energy worker of multiple flavors and varieties… I am also a leader in the

    research and development of Tensor Technologies.

    Here is a quick introduction to Tensor Technology… a Tensor Ring

    contains an infinite source of energy that is neither electric nor magnetic

    with an output that is beneficial and healing to all life forms. It is a

    superconductor that neutralizes magnetic fields, bringing coherency to

    chaos, and easily stabilizing and equalizing the bio magnetic and energy

    fields of the body. The Tensor Field produces a measureable

    gravitational effect. Tensor Technology is noted for its use in healing,

    pollution abatement, energizing and restructuring water, enhancing plant

    growth and vitality, beekeeping practices, amongst thousands of other

    observations, including connectivity to the spiritual realms.

    Tensor Fields are science based, though go far beyond the current scope

    and reality of most sciences. Tensor Rings are truly an integration of

    Scientific and Spiritual Technologies.

    More information on Tensor Rings, including the science, is located in

    the Dictionary of Terms.

    *When you see bold print, you will find more in the Dictionary of Terms.

  • Multidimensionality and the Harmony Ring

    Of the seven Ring frequencies currently available, the Balance and

    Harmony Ring is the most profound of them all. It is the Harmony Ring

    which this book is written for. For you see, the Mind needs something to

    hold onto- some brain candy perhaps, where the Body and Soul are

    allowing for the full experience that the Ring offers.

    When you are holding the Balance and Harmony Ring, it is seen that the

    Higher Soul Self and all of your Soul Aspects are holding the Ring at the

    same time, aligning all of the bigger You throughout Time, Space, and


    As all of our tools are created on higher dimensional planes and manifest

    into the physical, we can access and use these multidimensional tools

    ethereally and on all dimensional planes. The etheric and the physical

    Rings are the same thing, only they are found on different planes of

    existence. They function due to their connection to an Etheric Template.

    Subtle energy is the most powerful energy- Thoth

    If we hold onto a physical Ring to work on the physical body, it is

    actually the etheric Ring that is working on the etheric, or subtle energy

    bodies. Most energy workers and healers will see dis-ease as originating

    in the subtle energy bodies (i.e. cancer in the emotional body), which then

    manifests into the physical.

    We see all that is physical in our world as manifesting from the etheric. A

    huge example is the pyramids which were created on other dimensional

    planes prior to their manifestation onto this physical plane. This concept

    of manifesting into the dense energy of the physical plane can be found

    everywhere and seen in everything. Simply look at nature and the

    Fibonacci spirals and sequences which coincide with the natural flow of


  • The 5D Animator

    As I have attuned to, studied, and taught various

    forms of energy work and activations over the

    past few years, these all culminated and

    converged into a co-creation called the 5D

    Animator. This huge, 13 foot high Light Chamber,

    which you stand in, has an etheric template to it.

    It took one of my path partners, Melissa Martin,

    and I four months to create the etheric tool before

    manifesting it into the physical. This etheric

    template is now in the Balance and Harmony

    template. This etheric template will allow the user


    ∞ Simple access to the Sacred Space of the Heart.

    ∞ Align you and your Higher Soul Self, and all of

    your Soul Aspects, throughout Time, Space, and


    ∞ Clear non-beneficial energy attachments,

    including Entities and non-beneficial energetic


    ∞ Release Soul Contracts that no longer serve you.

    ∞ Balance, align, and activate all chakras that are

    for your greatest good.

    ∞ Clear and integrate lost Soul Shards.

    ∞ Connect with your Star Family and Soul Group

    to unlock all of your DNA and Soul Codes back to


    ∞ Clean, clear, and heal the physical, mental, and

    emotional bodies.

    ∞ Once all Downloads and Uploads are complete,

    you can simply activate all your multiple

    MerKaBa Fields with a breath.

    All is accessible through the ethereal, multidimensional, Balance and

    Harmony Ring, along with the simple exercises found in this manual.

  • The Ascension Ring

    And of course, we could not have the Harmony Ring and the 5D

    Animator without the Ascension Ring. This is where it all started one

    year ago, from the time this book was being written. The Ascension

    Ring’s etheric template is found in both the Chamber and the Balance and

    Harmony Ring.

    Connecting Space, Time, and Dimensions

    Let’s make this as simple as possible. Everything is energy. This table, or

    book, or computer is not solid, rather it is made of mostly space between

    molecules which are moving at near the speed of Light. Energy is

    everything, everything is connected.

    When we do work with someone across the country, it is no different

    than doing it in person. We are not in physical contact with the person,

    as this is consciousness work.

    When we do clearing work for ourselves, we are essentially doing this

    clearing, or releasing of an energy signature, that took place in the past. It

    really is a simple concept, that all is energy. Energy is not confined to the

    parameters of Time. As we change a past energy signature, it affects the

    present. As we change our past, we change our present.

    I ask that as you move through the exercises and explanations, you feel

    what it is to exist and work on multiple planes, or dimensions. By the

    end of the book, you will be able to paint a better picture for yourself of

    what multidimensionality looks like for you.

  • Exercises

    The exercises in this manual are set up in a specific order. We begin with

    the various clearing and alignment processes so we may be at a starting

    point to move forward. Once you learn to do the work on yourself, then

    you can work on others as well as the environment.

    After completing the manual, you may go back to any single exercise as it

    is called for. Many of the exercises would be beneficial to use on a

    regular basis. There is no harm in going through all exercises, to find

    what is affecting you and what you are working with.

    The MerKaBa Activation is needed only once, as is the DNA and Soul

    Codes processes. If the MerKaBa is done a second time, you merely lose

    the conscious programs and intentions you previously set into your field.

    The following exercises work best when there is an allowing of you, the

    whole and complete you, made up of the Body, Mind, and Spirit. The

    Soul is on board, as all is for the Highest and Greatest Good. The Body is

    on board, as it has an innate knowing, an innate consciousness, which is

    accepting of all that if for its greatest good.

    The Mind is the one that needs convincing- which is what this book is for.

    The physical Ring acts as a bridge for the Mind. Handle the Ring, play

    with it, feel for the energy of the Ring. Perhaps you will feel a

    temperature change, or a pulsing, or simply a knowing. Allow the Mind

    to find the tangible in the etheric. The Pineal Activation will give you an

    even better feel for the etheric multidimensional Ring.

    I prefer the 3” Balance and Harmony Ring for connecting. Though you

    can connect with any of the Balance and Harmony Rings, as they contain

    the same etheric template. And, the etheric Ring can come in any size

    you choose.

  • Sacred Space of the Heart- This is the most important step in ALL of

    the work we do. It is the basis, and you must be in the Sacred Seat of the

    Heart for any of this work to be done.

    To get to the Sacred Seat of the Heart, simply take in the Trinity Breath.

    ∞ Picture yourself standing on your favorite spot of nature, that

    place where you are the most in Love with the Spirit of the Earth,

    with Gaia. As you are sending your love to Gaia, she sends her

    love right back up. Take this in a breath, breathing it up from the

    Earth, through your feet, and up into your Heart Space.

    ∞ Connect with Source, Creator, God, Central Sun, whatever you

    call the higher power. Breathe that unconditional-loving energy

    from Source down into the Crown, allowing it to flow into the

    Heart Space as well.

    ∞ On the next breath, breathe in from both Earth and Sky, bringing

    both of these energies into your Heart, swirling the energy

    together within you. Continue consciously breathing the Trinity

    Breath. One more deep breath in…

    ∞ With the out-breath, picture yourself as that little ball of Light that

    sits in the middle of the brain, and move out of the brain, into the

    throat, dropping down into the Sacred Space of the Heart. Once

    there, look, or feel, for a place to sit your consciousness down

    onto- your Sacred Seat of the Heart, and just settle in there.

  • Creating your Sacred Circle- As you are settled into your Heart Space,

    picture a small circle around you, or a bubble if you prefer. This is your

    Sacred Seat of the Heart. Now picture a larger circle, or bubble, around

    yours. As you create this larger circle around your Sacred Space of the

    Heart, state with meaning and intention “Only that which is for the Highest

    and Greatest Good is allowed in this circle.”

    I like to go to this space of the Sacred Circle, because it allows me to see

    anything that is non-beneficial that is in my field, because it has to stay

    outside of my Sacred Circle. How non-beneficial energies are shown to

    me is as darker figures or different shaped matter. Once you know it is

    there, you can use some of the clearing techniques we will be discussing

    to deal with this “stuff” that is within your field and which can greatly

    affect you.

    It is of utmost importance to know that you are always Guided,

    Guarded, and Protected, especially within your Sacred Circle.

    Creating your Column- While visualizing yourself in the Column of

    Light, the Balance and Harmony Ring will be present. The Ring can be

    above your head or level with your heart. You can have all 13 Rings of

    the Light Chamber in your column if you wish. There could be a

    continual flow of Rings from above or from below. Whatever you

    perceive is appropriate, and may change with each use or each exercise.

    Simply visualizing yourself within the Chamber works just as well.

    As the etheric Ring moves up or down your column, it can act as a

    scanning mechanism to find and clear dense energy spots, or perhaps to

    work with chakras. If the Ring feels sticky or stops, you can move it up

    and down until that area is cleared.

    The geometries of the 5D Animator are found on the floor plate and

    above your head, and are also found in your Light Column. The first of

    these geometries is the Fruit of Life, which makes up the floor plate

    which you stand on. The second geometry is the Tube Torus, usually

    located about three feet above your head. Simply knowing the two

    geometries are present and working in your Column is all you need.

  • Working with your Guides- It is time to call in your guides and those

    who walk with you for your Highest and Greatest Good by simply

    stating “I call upon all of those who walk with me, for my Highest and

    Greatest Good, to step into my circle of healing” and “all of those, who

    walk with those who walk with me, for my Highest and Greatest Good” to

    step into my circle. It is good to have as much beneficial etheric

    assistance as we can get.

    Asking for guidance along this path is important, and your Sacred Circle

    is a safe space to check in with yourself and your guides.

    With any guides or Angels who are here to assist for the Highest and

    Greatest Good, they cannot be of assistance unless you ask. We are free-

    will Beings, and they cannot violate that, if they are for the Highest and

    Greatest Good.

    So, while you are in your Sacred Circle, give permission to those who

    wish to join your entourage to step in to your inner circle, if it is for your

    Highest and Greatest Good for them to do so. It will be your Higher Soul

    Self who makes that determination. It is within the Sacred Space of the

    Heart that only those who walk with you for your Highest and Greatest

    Good may enter.

    As The Elders Three say, those who walk with you are there to be in

    service with and for you. All you have to do is ask. Ask them for

    assistance in even the most mundane of tasks, such as doing dishes, as

    well as with the exercises we are about to do here.

    Your guides will assist you and show you things, but if you are looking

    for answers, it is your Higher Soul Self that you need to ask. It is your

    Higher Soul Self that has you as the priority, and knows the plan more

    than anyone else.

  • Council of Light- To call in the Council of Light, be in gratitude with

    your individual Council. Ask them to bring through whatever Rays are

    the most beneficial for the intended purpose and use.

    When you remove anything from within your Being, or after doing release

    work, it is important to bring in the Source Rays that are most beneficial.

    Use for all healing and clearing and manifesting. The Light Rays are a

    very powerful and all-purpose tool.

    Dowsing- This is an essential skill, not only for energy work, but for

    everyday life. There are many forms of dowsing out there, some rely on

    tools such as dowsing rods or pendulums. There is also Kinesiology, or

    muscle testing, which comes in many forms. My favorite form of

    knowing is to just do the asking, and feel/hear for the answer.

    All forms of dowsing need be done from the Heart Space so as to not

    have the Ego involved. You will have to do the research and try to find

    what works for you, and to trust yourself. Again, it is important to learn

    some form of dowsing skill unless you already use some form of innate


    Pineal Activation- This is the first of the attunements/activations, which

    is also an exercise in multidimensionality for the Harmony Ring. Begin

    by placing the physical Access Ring on the crown of the head. Visualize

    and feel the ether Ring slipping down into the head and nestling at the

    base of the Pineal Gland. Once you feel it there, you can remove the

    Access Ring, and feel the etheric Ring sitting around your Pineal. Keep

    your attention and intention for it to stay there for a few minutes a day.

  • Heart Codes-“Codes from the Sun shine through the Ring, coming

    through our Sun from places such as the Central Sun, which is moving

    the Earth, and us, into a whole new frequency.”

    “If you are not ready to accept these codes, they won’t come through. If

    you are ready, they will enter the Pineal and travel through to the Heart.

    Within the Heart are codes which match the codes coming through the

    Ring. When you are in Harmony and Balance, and the time is right, these

    Codes Activate. They activate what are strictly your Gifts.” –The Elders


    For this exercise, begin in your Sacred Heart Space and simply follow the

    instructions for the Pineal activation, in conjunction with the knowing,

    understanding, and intentions of activating your Heart Codes.

    Aligning the Soul- We see ourselves as having a physical experience,

    yet we are so much more than that. The human-Being is also the Soul,

    that unique piece of Source Creator God that manifests as the physical

    being. The details of how you see or say this concept does not really

    matter, as long as you see it in some fashion.

    When the physical Being is in direct contact with the Harmony Ring, it

    will automatically align the Higher Soul Self and all of your Soul Aspects

    throughout Time, Space, and Dimensions. The same applies when you

    create your Column of Light.

    Just know that you are instantly aligning all Soul Aspects throughout time,

    space and dimensions while in your Column.

    We align the Soul Aspects for two reasons- first is to do any clearing,

    healing, and activations that are needed. Secondly, is to be in

    completeness with ourselves, including access to the knowledge and

    experiences the other Soul Aspects have for us in the here/now moment.

  • Cords- Release and clear non-beneficial energetic cords, also known as

    cord cutting. For this exercise, stand in your Column of Light. Visualize

    a solid Ring of Light moving either up or down your Column, with the

    intention that you are cutting and clearing all non-beneficial cords. Call

    in the Source Rays that are most beneficial to clear and heal where the

    cords attached to you and to wherever they came from.

    Releasing- Here is another simple technique to use while in your

    Column of Light, this one is for the releasing of programs, beliefs, and

    emotions that no longer serve you. This is done with an intention of

    doing so, along with a breath. Take a deep breath in, gathering up all of

    those programs, beliefs, and emotions that no longer serve you, and blow

    them out. As they enter the column of Light, they are transmuted.

    Repeat as emotions or belief patterns arise. This is not a one-time deal.

    Every time you clear, breathe in something beneficial to takes its place,

    whether it is unconditional love, Source Rays, or simply the Light from

    your column.

    Simplified Healing- Clearing and healing the physical, mental,

    emotional bodies is made easier in the Light Column. Bring in your

    Council of Light with your attention on what it is you wish to clear or

    heal, with the intention for your Highest and Greatest Good, with the

    acceptance and gratitude that it is so.

    This process applies to all facets and aspects of your life.

    Soul Shards- Clean and clear, return and integrate Soul Shards of

    yours, while releasing pieces you have of others to be cleaned and cleared

    and returned to where they came from. This exercise is as simple as

    making this intention while standing in your Light Column within your

    Sacred Circle.

  • Chakras- Clean, Clear, Balance, and Align Chakras. Activate any new

    Chakras that are for your greatest good at this time.

    While standing in the Light Column in your Sacred Circle, bring in an

    etheric Balance and Harmony Ring and move it slowly down the column,

    starting about 6 feet above your head. As you slowly move the etheric

    Ring down your column, pay attention to where it wants to stick and

    hold it at that level, move it up and down slightly, until it freely moves

    on. Continue until you have gone below your feet and into the Earth.

    Releasing Waywards- We refer to Waywards and Earthbounds as the

    same thing. It is likely that any wayward attachments that you may have

    will be released when you are in the Column. Simply you put your

    attention to outside of your Sacred Circle, as they would not be allowed

    in, and with the intentions of releasing Waywards. Archangels Michael

    and Raphael are present to assist in this releasing.

    To assist in releasing Waywards, whether you are in your Sacred Circle or

    at the grocery store, there is a simple script to use, which you can play

    with. There are many ways to do this task, but this contains the basic

    principles that are widely use across the world… and it works well.

    I ask for Archangel Raphael and Archangel Michael to be here for assistance.

    I ask Archangel Raphael and Michael to give Love and Healing to any Waywards

    that are here.

    I call upon Archangel Michael to assist me in opening a portal to the Light.

    All are worthy and deserving of going to the Light. There is no Hell; there are no

    judgments held against you.

    You may return here. This is not the end. If there are any messages that need

    passed on, or unfinished business, leave it with the Angels.

    I ask any loved ones that may have passed before you, to meet you at the Light,

    and I ask that you go there now, as you cannot stay here any longer. Thank you.

    Michael, I ask that you remove any residual energy left in this space and from

    myself and all those present. Thank you.

  • Implants- This exercise is set up exactly like the Chakra exercise.

    Be sure to call in the most appropriate Source Rays to assist in clearing

    the Energetic Implant, and for healing the affected area.

    This exercise will also help to straighten out any bent connectors you

    have with your Star System. Having a bent connector (I lovingly call

    them antennas) has been known to cause seizures in infants. This

    happened to my little girl several times when she was younger.

    Soul Contracts- To release Soul Contracts that no longer serve you,

    simply stand in the Light Column within your Sacred Circle, and ask for

    all Soul Contracts that no longer serve me, to be brought outside of the column

    and intend and visualize the contracts that show up being dissolved. You

    can ask for the Violet Flame to burn the contracts if you choose, whatever

    you need to feel completion in dissolving these contracts.

    If there was a Soul Contract with an Entity, the Being is released, and

    Archangels Michael and Raphael will immediately step in and take the

    entity to wherever is for the Highest and Greatest Good.

    If it seems this particular entity is not going, you may have to consciously

    state that you are releasing it from its contract, and that it must go with

    the Angels for the Greatest Good of you both. Also give it the Gratitude

    for what it has done to serve you, as these Contracts were at one time

    beneficial on a Soul Level.

    Entity Clearing- To release any Beings who may be attached to us, and

    that are not for our Highest and Greatest Good, we will ask for assistance.

    As with the above Entities related to Soul Contracts, Michael and Raphael

    are readily available to assist. You can also ask your guides, your Higher

    Soul Self, or anyone else that you resonate with on the Spiritual plane to

    assist any non-beneficial Being to be taken to wherever is for the Highest and

    Greatest Good. Sometimes you may come across an Entity that does not

    want to leave… sending Unconditional Love will assist in the release.

  • Spiritual Contract Revocation- On the last page of this booklet, there

    is a document to release all other Soul Contracts that no longer serve you.

    Please visit the Resources page at to find the document

    which you print, sign, and date. This is beneficial to read aloud, and you

    can usually feel a shift every time it is read.

    Unlocking DNA and Completing Soul Codes- Your Star Family

    lineage is part of you, stored in the DNA as a frequency of Light.

    Working with your Star Family can open your records as a Soul, not just

    your records as a human. Unlocking DNA at this level allows for the

    eternal wisdom it carries for you.

    For these two exercises, you will be standing on a sacred geometry

    platform (the Fruit of Life), with more geometries above (the Tube Torus).

    It does not matter if you see these geometries, just realize they are there in

    a frequency of Light to assist the unlocking and the connecting.

    Simply call in your Star Family to assist in unlocking all the appropriate DNA

    for you. It is possible you will connect to multiple Star Families during

    this process.

    This process should be run at the same time in conjunction with the

    Completing Soul Codes process.

    Soul Codes are related to your lineage as a Soul, all the way back to

    Source. Simply set the intention, and call in your Soul family with the

    intention of receiving all appropriate downloads for completing your Soul Codes.

    Again, simply go in with the asking and intention of calling in your Star

    Family to assist with unlocking all your appropriate DNA, and calling in your

    Soul family with intention to receive all appropriate downloads to complete your

    Soul Codes.

    It takes 3 to 4 minutes, on average, for this exercise to be complete. You

    may also feel for your crown to open when you begin, and close at


  • MerKaBa Activation- The final step, of the 5D Animator / Light

    Chamber processes, is the MerKaBa Activation. This in itself is a life-

    changing process.

    As you stand within the Light Column, in your Sacred Circle, be

    conscious of the Trinity Breath and of being in the Sacred Seat of the


    It is the intention to activate all appropriate MerKaBa fields with this breath…

    take a deep breath from Earth and Sky into the Sacred Space of the Heart, and

    when you exhale from the Heart, blow out all geometries of all MerKaBa

    fields from the Sacred Space of the Heart.

    Visualize the Star Tetrahedron

    around your body as a fully

    functioning MerKaBa field, and

    begin to set your intentions

    from within the Sacred Seat of

    the Heart. Setting intentions

    into your field is as simple as

    visualizing the Star Tetrahedron

    or other geometries you feel/see

    closest to you, and stating your

    intentions into them.

    Here are some basic suggested intentions to set into your field.

    ∞ I Am Always Guided, Guarded, and Protected

    ∞ I have clear communications and understandings with my Higher Soul

    Self and all of my Guides

    ∞ Only that which is for my Highest and Greatest Good may enter my field

    Star Tetrahedron

  • Other Exercises

    Clearing outside of your Sacred Circle- As only what is for your

    Highest and Greatest Good can come into your circle, it is an easy way to

    see what is left outside the circle. If you can see anything there (make the

    intention and ask that you can) then it can be cleared. If you find an

    entity or wayward, you know the way to clear them now.

    If you find any dark, sticky, or cloudy energy, there are other techniques

    to clean and clear these. If it is within you or your immediate energy

    field, using the Source Rays and the Council of Light are appropriate


    When this dense energy is found outside of your Sacred Circle, you can,

    again, use the Source Rays to transmute it. Another simple and fun tool

    is to visualize an upside-down tornado coming in, sucking up all the

    dense energy and taking it to Source. Often times, I will simply grow to

    be a really big energy being, reach outside of the Sacred Circle, and scoop

    up all the dense energy, and throw it directly to Source.

    However you go about the task, trust in yourself and what you see and

    are guided to do. Sometimes our guides have a really funny way of

    doing things.

    Sleeping Chamber- We have been shown, and experienced, putting the

    etheric Chamber around yourself when you lay down for the night. This

    can be as simple as visualizing the Harmony Ring around you at heart

    level, or above the head. Either way it is creating a column of Light

    which encompasses you. I also put my little girl in a Chamber at bed

    time, as it can protect, heal, and connect.

  • “Pulling” specific frequencies- Within the etheric template of the

    Harmony Ring is found all the frequencies and properties of the Earth

    Elementals (fire, water, wind and air, and ether) as well as all of the plant,

    mineral, and crystal kingdoms of the Earth.

    When you use the Harmony Ring, your Higher Soul Self will bring

    through whatever is needed. To consciously work with the Ring, though,

    you can do so much more. For instance, if you know you need bergamot

    for your healing, simply pull that frequency out of the Ring. The plant

    kingdom is willing and available to assist you, as are all other kingdoms

    of Earth as well as the Earth herself.

    Start with your Sacred Circle. Hold the Harmony Ring and use your

    intention to bring through whatever frequency you wish. However this looks

    to you, perhaps grabbing it out of the center of the Ring, or simply use the

    Ring to “shine” the frequency and property of the specific element to where you


    Creating Elixirs from Water- Water is a crystal, it is conscious, and I

    have always believed it to be a profound healer when used with intention

    and gratitude.

    Tensor fields connect with the physical of the water, balancing PH and

    creating ORMUS within the water, raising it into a high vibration state.

    The Harmony Ring connects with both the physical as well as the

    Elemental of water. It is this direct connection that allows an ease of

    communication with the water. You can use the Ring to communicate your

    needs and intentions to the water. This can be done by holding the Ring and

    either using your voice or intentions through the Ring to the water. Set your

    Ring under or around the water vessel for a few minutes or even overnight,

    and then drink the Elixir.

    You can infuse the properties of the plant and mineral kingdoms into

    your elixir as well, by following the “Pulling Frequencies” exercise in

    your process of creating the elixir.

  • Elementals- You can also work with the Earth Elementals, whether

    environmental clearing, healing, etc. We have seen Heddeka come in

    during healing sessions, flowing cool waters over affected areas. It is up

    to your own intuition and guidance to work with the Elementals, which

    are here to assist humanity.

    Infinite Heart- The Infinite Heart is a powerful tool for interpersonal

    relations, and can be applied in various situations. This tool/concept can

    be used for other applications such as connecting your heart to your

    pineal, harmonizing organs, etc.

    Picture this person standing in front of you, and create this infinity symbol ∞

    between your heart center and their heart center. You are not connecting to

    the head, so are not connecting your junk with their junk.

    The Elders Three suggest to do this exercise with someone you have

    issues with, because then you can see the huge transformation in your

    reaction to each other.

    Try this with your loved ones to simply share that energy, that

    connection. Use this with your kids across the country or a loved one

    someplace else or your loved one right there.

    I also like to do this exercise with someone I see having a bad day, such as

    a cashier while you are in line, or a driver you see at a stoplight. This can

    be a truly amazing and powerful tool.

  • Light Balls- This is a fun exercise to share, especially with children.

    Begin with the Trinity Breath, breathing the unconditional Love from

    both Earth and Source, mixing it together with you, within your Heart.

    Intend and visualize that energy flowing out your Heart to your

    shoulders and down your arms. Bring your hands close together without

    touching, cupping them and flowing the Earth/Sky/You energy out the

    hands to form a ball of energy. Moving your hands closer and further

    apart, you can get the feel for the ball of energy there.

    You can place this ball of unconditional Love anywhere on your body

    you feel needs it. Use it with your pets, your plants, and your

    environment. The Light ball can be made as big as you wish. You can

    create it in any color, which makes a fun game to play with kids, whom

    many can tell you the color you intended to create.

    Play catch with it, throw it to others or bounce it around the room. This is

    a very real and tangible thing you created.

    You can also call in the Source Rays to be part of the energy ball, for

    whatever intentions you are making it for.

    Time Travel / Light Ball Exercise- This is a profound exercise for

    most. Going back to your time of conception, right before your time of

    conception, create an energy ball that is for your Father. A ball of

    unconditional love. Place it around him. Make and energy ball for your

    Mother, a ball of unconditional Love, and place it around her.

    Now, at the moment of conception when you are those original cells,

    place an energy ball of unconditional Love around you. Hold this ball of

    unconditional Love around you throughout your time in your mother’s

    womb, slowly moving forward through the trimesters. This ball of

    unconditional Love nourishes and protects you.

    Bring it all the way up until birth, expanding it out to the entire room you

    are in. Keep this ball of unconditional Love around you as you move

    forward as an infant, a toddler, a teen, a young adult, bringing up to this

    now moment. As we change our past, we change our now.

  • Another exercise- think of a time when you most needed support and

    unconditional Love in your life. Create a Light ball of unconditional Love

    and send it back to you, allowing it to encompass and protect and heal

    and raise your vibration with the unconditional Love of Earth, Source,

    and you. As we change our past, we change our present.

    Light Balls with people- This leads us into the next topic. When you

    work with others, it is important to not violate their free-will nor their

    Soul’s journey. Before proceeding with this exercise familiarize yourself

    with these concepts from the next section, Working with Others.

    You can create a Light ball for a specific person, for their Highest and

    Greatest Good, and throw it to them, watching it settle down over them.

    Again, they do not have to be right there, they can be anywhere and

    anytime in the world.

  • Working with others

    Once you have completed all the exercises, and feel comfortable with the

    processes, you can begin to use many of the tools to work with others.

    The most important thing in all energy work we do, is setting intentions

    and carrying these specific intentions into all we do. That all is done for the

    Highest and Greatest Good.

    As we do not know what another’s Soul path is, this intention is a must

    when you work with others. If you need to make the statement before

    everything that you witness and ask for in the etheric realm, then that is

    great practice.

    Every time you set a Light anchor, or call in the Council of Light to bring

    in a Source Ray, or to remove an implant, or release an entity, including

    to where the entity needs to go, you must have the intention that all is for

    the Highest and Greatest Good. As you do this work, it will soon become

    a natural to make this statement of for the Highest and Greatest Good as

    you proceed. It will become hardwired into all that you do.

    There is a lesson in coming from the Sacred Space of the Heart, to stay out

    of judgment for what you are working with or seeing. There are many

    things that we may wish to do to help others, but it is their Soul’s

    knowing if having a particular disease, for instance, is for their Highest

    Good. We are merely facilitators and witnesses holding space and

    offering tools. It is for the Soul to decide what is for their own Highest

    and Greatest Good.

    Sharing the Sacred Circle- Create your Sacred Circle, calling in all of

    your guides, and then ask for the person you wish to connect with to step

    into your Sacred Circle. Ask for all of those who walk with them for the

    Highest and Greatest Good to step into the larger circle as well. This is

    the point in which you can do all the clearing of any non-beneficial

    energies that are outside of the circle still.

  • Soul to Soul- Most times it will be the aspect of the human that steps in.

    Ask for their Higher Soul Self to be present too. You can now

    communicate directly with the Soul. It is at this point you may ask the

    person’s Higher Soul Self if they would like to step into the Chamber for

    any and all of the processes we did for ourselves to be done with them.

    Create the Light Column within the Sacred Circle and be the witness for

    the other’s Soul, if they choose to do so. Once you are familiar with all of

    the processes, the entire gamut can be run in less than eight minutes.

    It is not necessary to get the permission of the human if you have

    permission of the Soul. Again, it is important to not violate the person’s

    free-will or Soul’s path. This is done through the intentional statements

    of the Highest and Greatest Good.

    The etheric Harmony Ring’s Column of Light also has a built in

    mechanism in which it cannot violate free-will, and always leaves the

    person’s Higher Soul Self in charge.

    The MerKaBa Activation, though, requires the human’s knowing and

    understanding for it to take affect and work for them. They need the

    understanding of what it is, what it does, the geometry of it, and how to

    program it.

    Again, if you do any of these exercises with someone, it can be done at a


    Once you begin working with others, you will find that there will be

    things in their environment that may show up for you to work with. This

    is where some of the environmental skills and tools may be useful in

    working with others. Often times, issues may be caused by the energetic

    environment the human resides in.

  • Working in the Environment

    Light Anchoring- This exercise is both important and profound in any

    work that you do. I wish to give an example of Light Anchoring to get


    In Dowsing and Light Anchoring workshops and classes, we first learn to

    use Dowsing Rods to get yes/no answers to basic questions. Once

    everyone is confident with using Dowsing Rods to gain information, we

    use the Rods to find the auric field of a glass of water in the middle of the

    room. This field is usually found about 4 inches out from the glass or


    The group will then connect to Source, Creator, God and bring down a

    Light from Source, through the container of water, and into the Earth.

    When Dowsing to find the auric field of the water after the Light

    anchoring, it is found anywhere from 20 to 200 feet out!

    This Source Light column is simply that, Source Light. You can certainly

    connect, with gratitude, to your Council of Light to request the most

    beneficial Rays of Source Light come through, but is really not necessary

    in Light Anchoring. The specific Rays brought through by the Council of

    Light are for use in specific manners, such as healing work. The good ol’

    plain Source Rays are more than sufficient for any Light Anchoring


    Global Love and Gratitude Grid- I began anchoring Light into water

    while working as a Municipal Water Operator, and it was powerful! Yet,

    attention still had to be placed onto the wells and water storage tanks at

    least once a week to hold the column of Light. We found that a Light

    column will stay for only about 8 days unless you put your attention onto

    it before it dissipates.

    When asking my sister, Brenda, how to keep these anchors in without

    having to keep my attention on them, she said “create a grid.” And that

    is just what we did. Melissa and I had just recently partnered up, and on

    December 26, 2012 we created a Grid system to hold the Light columns in

  • place, making them permanent. There were very clear intentions put into

    the creation of this Light Grid, such as transmuting, as well as

    transmitting the frequencies of Love and Gratitude through the water.

    We took it a step further, and brought cell phone towers into this Grid

    system, so as to transmit Love and Gratitude through the cellular waves

    as well!! Many can see a beneficial ball of Light on top of towers that are

    anchored into this Grid. We called our co-creation the Global Love and

    Gratitude Grid.

    To connect to this Grid:

    ∞ Begin from your Sacred Circle. Anchor in a column of Light from

    Source, down through the intended well, storage tank, river, stream,

    lake, aquifer, or cell phone tower, and anchor this Light into the Earth

    through the asking and intention of doing so.

    ∞ Visualize and intend lines coming out from the top of this column of

    Light and connecting to other columns on this Grid. It is that simple.

    All the anchoring that has been done in the past two years is still holding,

    and there are hundreds of thousands of anchors all over the world!

    Anchoring Electrical Systems- As this grid will not hold the anchors

    into electrical distribution systems, you must take another route. When

    you bring an anchor of Light from Source into an electrical Distribution

    System, you can ask for someone to hold this anchor.

    While in your Sacred Circle, ask for someone for the Highest and Greatest Good

    to hold this anchor of Light, and offering gratitude for their service. There will

    most certainly be someone who steps forth in the etheric plane that is

    ready and willing to assist in keeping this Light held there for the Highest

    and Greatest Good of All.

  • Assistance in Holding Light Anchors- There may situations where a

    permanent column of Light needs held. For instance, when you are

    closing a portal that is not for the Highest and Greatest Good. Simply

    refer to the previous exercise in calling in the assistance for holding this

    anchor of Light.

    Space Clearing- As you have seen, physical proximity is not an issue

    when doing energy work. If you wish to clear someone’s home of

    waywards, it is easy enough to connect to their home with a simple


    To do space clearing, it is necessary to get reliable answers and to know

    what questions to ask. You may run into various forms of geomagnetic

    lines which can lead to wayward traffic or vortexes forming. Where there

    is a vortex, it is a candidate to house a portal on that space as well.

    Working with portals and portal keepers can be as simple as determining

    if the portal is beneficial or not. If it is beneficial, does it have a portal

    keeper that is for the Highest and Greatest Good? If there is one, great. If

    there is not one, one needs to be called in that is for the Highest and

    Greatest Good to be the portal keeper. As there are many who wish to

    assist for the Greatest Good, all that you need to do is ask for the most

    appropriate being to guard the portal.

    If the portal is non-beneficial, then it needs closed. This is where clear

    communication with guides, or other forms of knowing are important.

    Many times, you can simply anchor a Light on top of the portal to close it

    down. This is moving into territory that does not have a cookie cutter

    solution. Most situations are different, and you will have to rely on your

    guidance. As you are always Guided, Guarded, and Protected, you will

    only be aware of what you can handle, so no worries!!!

  • Dictionary of Terms

    Ascension Ring-

    ∞ The Higher Soul Self is the one to access the Ascension Ring

    ∞ Your Soul is the consciousness that wields the available

    frequencies and Light

    ∞ The Soul will use the Ascension Ring for its Highest and Greatest


    ∞ When a person is in connection with their Soul, they will have a

    higher perspective of the outcome from this tool

    ∞ All aspects utilize the Ascension Ring properties, including the

    aspect of YOU

    Contained within the Ascension Ring etheric template:

    ∞ Highest aspects of the Plant, Mineral, and Crystal Kingdoms

    ∞ Every known straight-lined Cubit and Tensor Ring frequency

    ∞ All of the Earth Elementals

    The Council of Light are an integral part of the Ascension Ring

    ∞ The Council of Light connects automatically through the Ring

    ∞ Your Higher Soul Self is introduced to the Council of Light

    ∞ The Council ushers Source Light into specific Light Rays

    ∞ These Rays are available to the Soul and all of its aspects

    Balance and Harmony Ring-

    ∞ The Ring cleanses distortion fields from around the body very

    quickly. Lower vibrations change fast into whatever they need to

    be or they just evaporate.

    ∞ The Ring creates a stronger connection to your entire Entourage-

    all of those who walk with You in the Highest and Best for You-

    allowing you to become more fully aware of your Entourage.

    ∞ The ring is vibrating to three vibrations- past, present and future,

    helping to integrate them into a higher frequency.

  • ∞ Elementals of Earth come through the Ring to bring in

    Remembering Codes, but not like Codes from the Sun.

    ∞ The Ring brings you in touch with Earth, as a Human of Earth.

    Balance of Mind Body Spirit.

    ∞ …and this is only the beginning. This handbook will put you in a

    position to find more about the Ring’s abilities for you.

    Cords- A type of energetic connection that we either send to someone

    (an incarnate living person) or that someone sends to us. These are

    unconsciously sent to loved ones, for instance, whom you are trying to

    help energetically. This can result in emotions that are not yours, a

    draining of energy, and is non-beneficial for both parties. When we need

    to support someone energetically, we can find alternatives. One of these

    comes from The Elders Three, called the Infinite Heart technique, which

    can be found in the Exercises section.

    Council of Light- When you are holding onto the physical Ring, you

    are immediately connected to the Council of Light. If you were not

    already connected, you are then given an emissary to the Council. It’s like

    your Higher Soul Self has a buddy that is on the Council. You then have

    your own individual Council of Light that is there to help you run Source

    Rays. Try to become familiar with your own personal Council of Light.

    The Council of Light is made up of Ascended Masters and Archangels

    from across the Universe and beyond. They take little filaments of Light

    from Source, each with its own frequency and use, and help to disperse

    them where needed.

    You can run the Rays through the Ring or bring them into your Heart and

    out your hands, your eyes, or simply ask the Council to bring them


    You do not have to know the specific Rays and what they do, rather you

    can simply call for whatever Rays are the most beneficial for what it is

    you are doing.

  • The Source Rays can be utilized in absolutely anything you do, and can

    synergize with any modality or belief system.

    Twistedsage Studios endorses, and carries the book, The Council of Light

    by Danielle Rama Hoffman.

    Earth Elementals- These are the spirits, the Elementals, of Earth at this

    time. The information below was channeled by The Elders Three. The

    symbols for each of the Elementals can be found on either the

    Twistedsage or The Elders Three websites.

    Heddeka- “The Heddeka swirl represents the element Heddeka. The

    Heddeka is an element that comes from the time of the Earth, the time of

    the beginning of the Earth. In that, has been here for since the Earth began

    its destiny. As the Heddeka is coming back and becoming a part of the

    cleaning of the Earth, it is just that your thoughts and your intentions and

    your appreciation of this element, of this spirit, that gives it the power to

    go out there and help our beloved Earth. You can leave the swirls in

    different places and within the water or you can hang them from a tree or

    you can place them within the dirt. The elements all work together in

    unison and by doing this, they help each other. In helping each other,

    they help the Earth. In helping the Earth, they help you. We are working

    to bring the designs of the other elements into be-ing. They have been

    forgotten for many, many eons and it is time that they be brought in. The

    elements of Earth, Wind, Fire - they come in and compliment with Water.

    It is the time for all this to happen. It is a time that you understand and

    you become a part of the Elements of the Earth. By bringing in their

    special skills and their special connection to our beloved Earth, you can

    help them as they help heal the Earth up. It is not that the Earth is in great

    danger because she is not. She is moving and doing exactly what she

    needs to do. In doing and moving and calling your attention to what is

    happening upon her surface, this brings you closer to your Divinity,

    closer to who you are. As you become closer to who you are, then this

    helps the Earth."

  • Plymella- "The Elemental of wind, represented by the four swirls. Wind is

    an important part of cleaning and clearing energies of the earth. Plymella

    can help humans with whirling unneeded energies out of the body. Keep

    the symbol of Plymella near or on the body to help keep the energies of

    the body clear and clean. The air around Plymella will feel light and crisp.

    Plymella works to remove garbage from the air and transmute it to

    become clean and clear. Hang the symbol of Plymella in your place of

    being to help keep your air fresh and energies flowing."

    Khaleme-"The two swirls, represent the elemental Khaleme, who

    represent air. Khaleme also helps to keep air clean. While Plymella has a

    strong in your face energy, Khaleme is soft and barely noticed. The

    symbol of Khaleme can be used to clean air and bring your body a feeling

    of comfort and ease. The symbol may be gentle but it has great power to

    bring ease to your life. Khaleme flows through your body and life to keep

    the energies gently moving."

    Chassell-“The fire Elemental Chassell will light a fire within the core of

    you which releases that which is not of your present you. When the

    emotions or old thought patterns come forward into your attention,

    release them with the Earth, Sky, You breathe. (Trinity Breath) It is also

    helpful to bring in the water element, Heddeka, to help wash them away.

    These elements are gentle and powerful on their own, put them together

    with the intention, energy will move quickly. Remember to ask for ease

    in your intention."

    Etheric Elemental- has no name, it is everywhere and everything

    Energetic Implants- These are energetically-based objects that have

    been placed in and/or on our physical body, that are often found due to

    physical pain associated with them. They have had various purposes,

    from measuring the changes in people, to outright influence and control.

    Most of the time these implants are placed there against our free-will.

    Though not are all “bad” or non-beneficial, and they should not be seen

    from a fearful stance. Many are actually put there by our own selves or

    under our permission for our Greatest Good. I have had two, so far, that

  • were found to be for my Greatest Good. They simply began to

    malfunction after either serving their purpose, or because the body’s

    frequency outgrew them.

    As we raise in vibration and frequency along with the Earth, both

    beneficial and non-beneficial implants can malfunction. These can cause

    disruptions and physical pain in the body. Most of the non-beneficial

    implants lead to unexplained physical pain and can also cause physical

    dislocations in the body for no apparent reason.

    We have noticed that most people who get implants are on an ascending

    vibration, or could be seen as a threat to those Beings who would rather

    see the human populace stay un-awakened to their true potentials. For a

    while, when I didn’t wake up in the morning with an implant, I

    wondered if I was still on an ascending vibration!!!

    My first knowledge of implants a few years ago were of these mechanical

    looking ones that were put there by the Anunaki to do some form of

    measuring on people. The Anunaki were getting a bad rap for this, but

    these particular Anunaki were forced to do so against their free-will.

    Then the past couple of years the implants became different, more

    organic and life-like. These ranged from slug-like (our family dog even

    had one) to ones with tentacles, to spiky vine-like ones, some that looked

    like bugs or critters of sort. We have experienced implants that stick in

    the base of the skull, neck, and shoulders that look like a crystal shard but

    with a long cord attached. The latter were always followed up and found

    to be coming from metal ships with hundreds and even thousands of

    these cords going down to other people (I have never fully trusted those

    who need to ride in metal ships :P ).

    Where the Harmony Ring will dissolve and prevent numerous forms of

    implants, there are some real tough ones that require you to have “sight”

    of them, and call in assistance to have them removed. Many times it just

    requires a witness to the work being done. You can call in whomever is

    best suited, for the Highest and Greatest Good, to remove the implant with Ease.

    Always call in Source Rays for healing after any implants are removed.

  • Etheric Template- Slim Spurling was the first, in our life-times, to

    manifest an etheric template into a copper ring. This occurred with the

    already present Royal Cubit measure connecting with the etheric. All

    working Tensor Rings function because of their connection to the etheric

    version of the tool. I first discovered this when my sister, Brenda,

    approached me with a request from her soul, Thoth, Metatron, and

    Merlin to co-create a special set of rings, that opened a new

    understanding of multi-dimensional creation. One thing they said was to

    infuse the frequencies and properties of water into the copper. The

    infusion of water into the copper, was seen and described by a co-creator

    as calling in the highest aspects of the crystalline of the copper as well as

    that of the water, and infusing the two together on the etheric realms,

    while manifesting into the physical.

    The copper changed on this physical plane, becoming harder, after the

    water infusion process!! This concept has led to creating more and more

    on the etheric planes and manifesting/translating that into the physical


    What came next, I wanted to know how to prevent and dissolve these

    various non-beneficial energetic implants that so many have been

    inflicted with, whether known of or not. Synchronicity showed six

    crystals that when used with intentions in the process, could actually

    dissolve and prevent non-beneficial energetic implants in people.

    The highest aspects of these crystals were called in during the Water Wire

    process and infused into the Tensor Rings and subsequent tools. Again,

    these were the first steps in the process of creating etheric tools. The

    Ascension Ring and the Balance and Harmony Ring, are just two of the

    main etheric tools that have been created since.

    We all have the ability to use etheric tools, though a physically etheric

    tool is just easier for many of us to use ...right now anyway!

    It is the intention, through this book, that anyone can easily use the

    etheric version of the tools, with profound results!

  • Fruit of Life- This pattern, discovered by Melissa Martin, utilizes Sacred

    Geometry and Tensor Technology. The

    Fruit of Life is considered to be a Key of

    Light. Our DNA, which is found mostly

    in a Light frequency, receives this

    pattern of Light which activates codes of

    remembrance. In other words, it is

    unlocking our DNA. When we add in

    the connection with our Star Family and

    Soul Group, we are doing some

    extraordinary activations and

    unlockings within our DNA.

    This sacred geometrical pattern of the Fruit of Life is an expansion of the

    Flower of Life. The Fruit of Life is, as Melissa Martin discovered, the

    complete code, while the Flower of Life was limited to our previous

    dimensional realities.

    Within the geometry of the Fruit of Life, can be found Metatron's Cube,

    the Flower of Life, and the Platonic Solids- which are the building blocks

    of our physical world. The Flower of Life could only contain five Platonic

    Solids, while the Fruit of Life contains all seven Platonic Solids which are

    creating the physical reality we are currently moving into.

    The Fruit of Life is ever expansive, making it the Divine Blueprint of the

    Universe and the basis to everything in existence.

    “The Fruit of Life Has come into creation through a passion I have to find

    the Key for all of Creation. The fruit is just that. It is the key. The reason

    that it is the key is because it begins with the Genesis pattern and

    continues outward. This outward expansion includes the Platonic Solids,

    The Seed of Life, The Egg of Life, The Flower of Life & The Tree of Life. It

    also contains Metatron’s Cube. This geometry is the blueprint for

    everything in creation. It can be used for broadcasting and receiving

    information. Since all life is created through this pattern it is a

    groundwork blueprint to bring us back to our original Being. The fruit of

    life is a very powerful symbol. It has been kept secret for very long.

    Taking off the outside rings of the Flower of life and completing the

  • circles to create the Fruit of Life, opens our reality for all possibilities.

    Whereas before we were locked in to the pattern of the Flower of life, our

    possibilities were limited or cut off by the outside circles. Open

    yourselves to all of the possibilities of reality. Using this symbol breaks

    barriers in our mind patterns and also allows for the reconstruction of our

    Light Body Being.”- Melissa Martin

    MerKaBa- Technical Aspects: Our innate MerKaBa can be viewed as a

    Star Tetrahedron. This geometry is found in all the planets in our solar

    system, as well as in every molecule. This structure has been mapped out

    around the human body in a microwave ranged frequency. Most

    MerKaBa fields stop spinning 48 hours after birth, and become dormant.

    Historical Aspects: In Ancient Egypt, Mer meant a rotating light. Ka

    meant spirit, and Ba meant the human body. So the entire word refers to

    a counter-rotating light that would take the spirit and the body from one

    world into another.

    In Hebrew, the Torah refers to the Merkavah as the “Chariot of the

    Gods.” The Christian Bible refers to Ezekiel and the wheels by which he

    ascended into heaven. This too, was the MerKaBa.

    A spiritual leader of the Zulu tribe in Africa explained that Merkaba is a

    Zulu word meaning a space/time/dimension vehicle. According to Zulu

    legend his entire tribe had come from another dimension here to Earth

    using the Merkaba.

    Modern Aspects: We are quickly remembering our MerKaBa field. This is

    a process in consciousness that will eventually translate us from one

    vibrational frequency, into the next one through what is being called

    ''ascension.'' This view of the MerKaBa as an ascension vehicle is an

    ancient concept.

    Rarely have adults had a naturally occurring MerKaBa field, and only a

    few of those have been active since birth. Thought many adults MerKaBa

    fields have spontaneously reactivated in the last 2-3 years. Around 1999,

    kids were being born with a permanent MerKaBa, or could start it at will.

  • Sacred Seat of the Heart- The Sacred Heart Space is found within the

    physical heart where Ego cannot follow. Only those who walk with you

    for your Highest and Greatest Good are allowed into your Heart Space.

    We see our consciousness as a little ball of Light about the size of a

    marble; it sits in the middle of the brain, right behind the pineal gland.

    This consciousness sees through our physical eyes, and sees the world as

    separate from ourselves. In this exercise, we are going to move our

    consciousness into our Heart Space.

    The heart contains thousands of physical brains cells, as it was the first

    organ created after conception. The Sacred Space of the Heart can appear

    to you as a small room, or a cave. It can also appear as an ocean beach...

    whatever it is that you see, trust it. The Sacred Seat of the Heart is where

    we wish to settle our consciousness down onto.

    When you get to your Heart Space, you will find only those beings that

    are there for your Greatest Good. Trust who you see in this Sacred Space.

    Heart Space Tips- If you need further assistance in getting to the Heart

    Space, there are several videos available on YouTube’s


    I, personally, rarely “see” my Heart Space, yet I feel a physical shift in by

    body when I get there. You will also notice that you do not have the

    negative self-talk from the ego there. You can live from the Heart Space,

    though you may get knocked out of the Heart Space through the day.

    With practice, it is simple to get back in there.

    Go there before bed, go there when you wake and before setting

    intentions for the day. Go there to make any huge decisions in life. And

    be sure to go there before doing any exercises in this book.

  • Setting Intentions- To “set” an intention from your Sacred Circle, it can

    be as simple as creating a thought that you give attention to. The must-

    have intention for those who work in the subtle energy realm is all is

    done for the Highest and Greatest Good. We do not want to violate anyone’s

    free will, which includes doing something that will interfere with

    another’s Soul path… and that includes our own!

    Soul Aspects- There are several views on what a Soul Aspect is. Some

    see the Soul splitting into several Aspects, perhaps incarnating on this

    plane as well as in other dimensions, some on Earth and perhaps


    I can only share what our experience of the Soul Aspects are. This will be

    done with a story: It was after we found the Ascension Ring, which

    brought together these Soul Aspects, that we realized they were there and

    how they affect us. For me, I kept feeling like I had some energetic

    attachment, that something was not right within my Being. We looked

    and looked and could not find it, until we looked at the other Aspects of

    me and my Soul. There was a piece of me that had energetic attachments.

    Once these were cleared, I instantly felt better.

    A few days went by, and I felt it again. We saw this “aspect” of myself

    standing on a geomagnetic line, which is like a super-highway for

    Waywards. As this Aspect was cleared, I instantly felt better again. After

    this happened once more, we asked the Aspect not to do that, and have

    not had that issue since.

    There has been many different numbers that people claim the Soul splits

    into, but I subscribe to the concept of twelve.

    Soul Codes- Andrew Bartzis, the Galactic Historian, speaks about Soul

    Codes as being a great commodity outside of the Earthly plane. These

    Codes are like DNA to your Soul, and are access keys to other places of


  • It is seen that if you are incarnate here on Earth, and you somehow lost

    part of your Soul Codes you came with, you are caught in this continual

    re-incarnation cycle instead of a simple free-will incarnation. This

    happens with Dragons, for instance, who incarnate and are unable to

    carry their codes into human form.

    With complete Soul Codes, you can make the free-will choice to move on

    after this incarnation.

    Soul Contracts- Soul Contracts can have a huge influence on an

    individual, without them realizing. I will discuss two types of Soul

    Contracts that we will be dealing with.

    The first class of Soul Contracts presented here are those that we make

    before we incarnate into the physical world. These are simply setting up

    of circumstances, meetings, exchanges, relationships, etc. These Soul

    Contracts are put in place by our Higher Soul Selves to bring about the

    specific experiences we choose before coming here. These most always

    are beneficial to us, though we are not necessarily bound by the contracts,

    as we have free will, though they are highly influential in our lives and


    Some examples of this type of Soul Contract could be an encounter with a

    seemingly random person who says something to us to trigger a

    remembering. Having children would be an example, as well as the

    relationships we are in. Just as your death can have something to do with

    a contract with your Soul Family.

    As we go into the world, as we grow, and as circumstances change, and

    as we enter into a whole new world, it may not be necessary nor

    beneficial to carry on particular Soul Contracts. Through the processes in

    this book, we can hold the space and give the Higher Soul Self the

    opportunity to release any contracts that no longer serve us.

  • Soul Contracts with an Entity- I will simply give a personal story as

    an example.

    My family had noticed that my speech, mannerisms, stance, and even my

    eyes changed within a short period of time. Once it was looked into, we

    found that I had an Entity attachment. This one was not a simple release,

    as it had to do with a Soul Contract. We found that this contract was

    made two-hundred and some life-times ago, as I was dying in the dessert.

    I made a soul-level contract with a being to step in and help keep my

    physical incarnation alive. This Being incarnated with me every life-time

    after that. Sometimes it was beneficial to both, sometimes to only one,

    and sometimes to neither. This is the lifetime that we are finding many of

    these style of Soul Contracts with Entity attachments are non-beneficial to

    both Souls. Though, too, many of these type of contracts are still

    currently beneficial to the Greater Good.

    As we have been doing this work, there are many of these situations that

    are brought to our awareness. On occasion, a random stranger will

    approach you and say something off the wall. As you walk away going

    “what the heck was that,” it can then be seen that it was an entity getting

    your attention. We then clean and clear and release the Entity and the

    Contract. As anyone begins this work, those Beings whom need

    assistance will find you. As you begin this work, you will also find there

    are many who are reluctant to release these contracts, and will shy away

    from doing the work with you.

    Soul Shards- What we are calling Soul Shards is those little pieces of

    your Soul that you hand out as you go through life, a little piece of you.

    You may also receive a piece of another’s Soul as we traverse life-times.

    These are simply cleaned and cleared, returned and integrated, to make

    us more complete in our Being.

  • The Elders Three- Three Elders. Three Women. Three Warriors. We

    bring to you the balance of Divine Mother and Masculine Warrior. The

    balance of the two. You nurture as you protect. Within this balance is the

    release of Duality.

    Warriors we are. One stands with a spear, this is a spear of truth,

    allowing those to speak Their truth. To the right stands One with a bow

    and arrow, that pierces the heart in a good way. To the left stands One

    with a shield that brings protection for all of those who speak their truth

    from their heart. There is completeness in this circle. A feeling of being.

    The Elders Three are three spirits that made arrangements with Brenda

    and others to come forward at this time to help bring together those who

    are upon our beloved Earth. To help those who are looking to find a way

    to who they are. We bring remembering and tools so that you may step

    into who you truly are.

    Through Brenda we will bring healing so that those who are in great

    physical and mental pain can move past their pain. If they so desire and

    if it is for their highest and best good. Which is for us understood. So we

    say to you relax, be in the moment.

    Tube Torus- Simply seeing the Geometries of the design is a trigger for

    Remembering; for bringing in a Knowing. Brings

    balance, a balance of Light and Dark, a balance of

    Male and Female. Brings the body into balance,

    and then the body rights itself.

    Unconditional Love comes through from all

    those who walk with you. It is their Wisdom

    that you connect to, as well as the Wisdom of You,

    through this special tool.

    ∞ Your Heart creates a donut-shaped electro-magnetic field known

    as a Tube Torus

    ∞ The Tube Torus is a description of how energy flows, this energy

    pattern is found in all of existence

    ∞ A Tube Torus begins with the Seed of Life / Genesis pattern

  • ∞ The Tube Torus pattern comes from two Seeds of Life- slightly

    offset from each other to create a 12 petal design

    ∞ The image also appeared as a crop circle in May of 2009

    I started working with Melissa in the Studio in 2012. She helped create

    and round Rings, until she started working with Metatron… then she

    began to create in Sacred Geometry. The Tube Torus was one of her

    creations, along with the Fruit of Life.

    Tensor Rings- Slim Spurling Re-Discovered Tensor Ring technology in

    1991. Slim knew of John Wheeler’s extensive work with closed loops.

    John Archibald Wheeler, who coined the term black hole, came up with the

    mathematical theory of the Tensor field, which is found inside the ring.

    Wheeler called the field created by the loop a Tensor Field.

    Hans Becker, an astrophysicist who extensively tested the Spurling Rings,

    found the ring to oscillate at 144MHZ, a harmonic of the speed of light.

    He said that “When you create a closed loop coil, energy begins to flow and the

    laws of physics go out the window. They may be the simplest, most efficient

    source of energy there is….gathering it and condensing it freely from space.”

    Tensor fields create an anti-gravity field. Grebennikov’s work supports

    this hypothesis as well as Mueller’s global scaling, where Tensor Rings

    emit a harmonic to a specific gravitational wave. According to Phillip

    Callahan, an expert on paramagnetism, Tensor Rings exhibit a

    paramagnetic value many times greater than anything ever tested. This

    means that Tensor Rings cause some of the elements in water to spin to

    their high-spin state referred to as ORME [Orbitally-Rearranged

    Monoatomic Elements]. This has a tremendous impact on water’s

    molecular structure and on the energetic components of the water.

    Copper is a micro-crystalline structure. When wire is created, it aligns

    the crystalline within the wire to create a one-way flow of piezoelectric

    current. When the wire is folded back on itself, twisted, and cut to a

    specific length, it is then brought into a ring where the ends meet up.

    This creates a continuous flow, powering the Tensor Ring on the physical


  • It is the specific length which creates a working Tensor Ring. When cut to

    a specific Cubit length, the Ring acts as an antennae to produce a

    frequency. Any random length would not create a Tensor Field. Many

    people have heard of a Cubit, which is a unit of measure. There were

    once 64 Cubit lengths known to Earth, many of which were used to build

    the megalithic structures around the globe. We currently have found

    seven Cubit lengths which produce Tensor Fields.

    Here is a list of the currently available Cubits and their subsequent


    ∞ 144 MHZ Cubit- aka Sacred or Royal Cubit. Comes from the

    King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid. Slim Spurling’s Cubit.

    Known for its work in the Physical.

    ∞ 177 MHZ Cubit- aka Lost Cubit. Discovered by Hans Becker and

    Slim Spurling. Known for its connection with the Etheric and

    Emotional bodies.

    ∞ 188 MHZ Cubit- Synergizes well with the 144 and 177. Works

    with the Pineal, helps release Programs and Beliefs.

    ∞ 333 MHZ Cubit- Changes the color of sound and works well with

    Sound Healing.

    ∞ 764 MHZ Cubit- One side has a Black Whole, or absence of

    energy, while the other side creates a tornado style field. You can

    change the "polarity" of the output simply by intention. Slim

    showed possible uses of teleportation and tornado wrestling.

    ∞ Galactic Cubit- Two Master Dowsers, Marty Lucas and Scott Ertyl,

    connected to Source and asked for a new Cubit length. They

    received something unlike any previous Tensor Ring. The

    Galactic Cubit connects with the Higher Soul Self and works with

    all of the Soul's Aspect.

    ∞ Balance and Harmony Ring- The Cubit length that creates this

    new Ring is the basis for the ancient Mesoamerican city,

    Teotihuacan. Translated as the “birthplace of the Gods”,

    Teotihuacan contains the great Temple of the Sun. This unit of

    measure has also been found in Bolivia at “the Gate of the Sun,” in

    Ancient Egypt, at Stonehenge, and other megalithic structures

  • around the world. The Pyramid of the Sun and the Great Pyramid

    of Egypt have an identical base-length based on this measure!!!

    I attribute Scott Miller, Master Alchemist, as the one who was

    shown the Teotihuacan Unit as becoming a working Cubit length.

    Tensor Fields are also helpful to:

    ∞ Restructure Magnetics

    ∞ Clears harmful Electro Magnetic Field Smog

    ∞ Restructures Water

    ∞ Brings water back to its original crystalline structure. The

    Authors of Dancing with Water: The New Science of Water have

    done extensive research on the Tensor Fields, and are proposing

    that the Fields bring water back to its original crystalline structure.

    ∞ It has been shown in the laboratory that water becomes lighter in

    weight due to the positive right-hand spin put on the molecules

    ∞ Takes acidic water and turns to a neutral PH over night

    ∞ Create Elixirs with Water

    ∞ Reduces swelling of tissue

    Trinity Breath- Brought through by The Elders Three, this three breath

    technique has been used throughout time, space, and cultures, before

    ceremony. It connects you to Source, grounds you with the Earth, and

    brings them both into the physical You in the Now moment. It mays you

    a very powerful Being. It is called the Trinity Breath as you are mixing

    the energies of both Earth and Sky together within you to form the

    Trinity- the Trinity of Earth/Sky/You.

  • Waywards, or Earthbounds- Occasionally when we die, we can fail to

    make the transition, and can be considered Earthbound, or a wayward…

    bound to the Earthly plane, and searching for our way Home.

    Waywards need life energy to survive in this state; and people and places

    contain this life energy. It is beneficial to all parties involved to help those

    that are Earthbound to move on. It completes someone’s Soul, and raises

    the vibration of the physical Earth plane.

    A few reasons for remaining Earthbound includes: a traumatic death,

    concern over unfinished business, anxiety for a loved one still living, fear

    of going to Hell or being punished, didn’t know they had died, etc.

    Such Earthbound energies are rarely malicious: mostly they are lost and

    confused. They manifest in a variety of ways- perhaps attaching to a

    house or locale with which they were associated in life. These energies

    may also be responsible for poltergeist activity, which can a way of

    drawing attention to their plight.

    The method we use differs from exorcism, which attempts to banish by

    force. When dealing with the Earthbound, or wayward, we take a gentle

    approach, seeing them as a being in need of help and understanding. The

    Earthbound could be your relative or loved one!!

    Helping those who are Earthbound releases them from their condition of

    attachment to the both the past and the physical plane. This is done in a

    compassionate, non-confrontational way. This is done by connecting to,

    and talking them into the Light.

    The Angels then can move the Earthbound on to its rightful place in the


    The main things to remember when doing this work is no fear, much

    love, and keep it simple.

    * Spirits are those who come from Home and have their own energy

    source, where Earthbounds are those who are stuck between worlds and

    need outside energy to survive.

  • Resources

    Twistedsage Studios houses the 5D Animator and is the manufacturing

    facility for all Balance and Harmony and Ascension Rings has tons of free resources and links

    The Elders Three can be found on Facebook

    Twistedsage Studio is listed on YouTube and Vimeo

    Videos include creating the Elemental Symbols and Creating

    the Tensor Rings video for those who wish to play with copper

    We will continually create videos for all to access, including

    exercises and addendums to the Harmony Handbook

  • Notes to Self

    _______i.e. intentions, clearing work done, questions for Higher Soul Self_____


























  • I AM a Sovereign Being

    In this ever present co-creating moment, I call upon all of those, who

    walk with those, who walk with me, for my Highest and Greatest Good,

    to assist in creating a unified proper spiritual court of equity so I may find

    remedy and resolve with all contracts that no longer serve me, including

    all fine print inserted during the pre-birth and birth process. I bring forth

    all spiritual contracts that exist throughout time, space, and dimensions,

    with any part of my Soul Self and Soul Aspects. I call forth the proper

    spiritual court of equity to hear my decree of contract removal. I call

    forth to the unified dreamtime societies of all Earth to come to this

    spiritual court of equity to provide their complete wisdom to this sacred

    moment in which I reclaim my sovereign spirit authority. I call the

    primary ancestor spirits of Earth Mother to come into this spiritual court

    of equity to hold space for the reading and removal of all contracts which

    I hereby revoke. I revoke all spiritual contracts, which are not for the

    Highest and Greatest Good, including all contracts using domination and

    control as a means of energy harvesting, fear instigation or reality

    manipulation. I revoke all spiritual contracts, which are not for the

    Geometry Systems that use my Life Force without direct consent from me

    and all of my Soul Family and Ancestors in Complete Agreement. I call

    forth all the Ancestors to honor this reading of my freewill and enter it

    into the Earth Akashic record for all sentient kind to understand our

    freedom comes with the use of freewill at all times. I no longer consent to

    my life force being used for any purpose that does not heal our great

    Earth Mother and promote unity consciousness among all sentient kind

    living and co-existing within and on Earth. I invoke my natural rights as

    a Sovereign Being born of Earth. I hereby declare that I am in alignment

    with I Am Source and Earth Mother. I am infinite consciousness. I am

    God Goddess incarnate. I am a Sovereign Being. I hereby reclaim my

    Divine power. I Accept I am Grateful ...and so it is.
