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From the beginning, design predetermined the diatonic harmonica’s creative boundaries. Although,techniques like bending, over-blowing and position playing have expanded the instrument’s flexibility, itsoverall versatility is in a stall. The invention of a new method for playing, Coupling, has come to therescue.

The Coupling Method features harmoniouslytuned diatonics joined together. Coupling, inharmonious key arrangements, not only fills outthe diatonic scale, but simultaneously enablescomplementary chord options to the musician.This creates unique possibilities for chordaccompaniment while playing melodies. Eventhe best professionals are restricted. Outside of afew familiar genres, the diatonic harmonica wasmostly played as embellishment. Within thediatonic’s specific tuning, most chord maneuversinevitably result in mere musicalaccents. Coupling will redefine the instrument’scapability through new harmony options. Untilnow, harmony was attained on the diatonic byplaying in the cross position. Now, there’s an unexplored world of versatility for the diatonic harmonicadue to Coupling.

The standard 12 hole chromatic harmonica has twoseparate key tunings, yet it makes little use of chords. Thechromatic combines its two separate tunings in asuccessive key order, C, C#, etc., virtually nullifyingchord operation for harmony effect. The chromaticharmonica introduces new notes and chords by actuatingthe slide, but its chords are of little value to the musician.It’s like pressing two white keys, exactly next to eachother on a piano key board; an inharmonious tone isemitted; now skip over a key and listen… This is themusical principal from which Coupling works…


G………..A C…………DA flat….B flat D flat…..E flatA………..B D…………EB flat….C E flat……FB………..D flat E………….F sharp

bill Says:

Technique | Harmonica Reinvented

1 of 2 28/12/2013 00:40

Page 2: Harmonica Reinvented


Gucci3132/s Sunglassses, Thanks for the atta-boy! I have an engineer working on adevise for clipping these combinations together. So far, I’ve used nuts and bolts, rubberbands, even sheet metal tape, anything to keep them stable. I know there is a lot ofcreativity out there waiting to be expressed through this method and I’m excited aboutwhat people will do with it. We all love the diatonic harmonica and this will be a lot offun to watch…

Bill Price

Ave Maria player :) Says:

Can you attach them with a hinge? I think it can give some versatility (pucker ơr wideembouchure, and for convenient storage).I’m learning your method, and give some modification to it:

bill Says:

I saw what you did. I Love it! We should have a conversation. My number is1-517-287-5332. Sorry I can’t speak Vietnamese, so if you rather do this via e-mail,write to [email protected] Thanks for your comment and your work.


Ave Maria player :) Says:

I should have said thank you to you, not you would Were there any differences if you would add the minor-key coupling formula?

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Bill Price - The man behind the music

Technique | Harmonica Reinvented

2 of 2 28/12/2013 00:40