Page 1: Harbourer · Yandle, Tom Lock, Roy Kellaway, Suzanne Martin, Mick Palmer, Mary Davies, Geoffrey Prole and May Collins. Whisky Draw As we normally run a Whisky Draw at each Meet from


Harbourer July 2020 Issue No: 67

In honour of the NHS

Thank you to all our key workers

Page 2: Harbourer · Yandle, Tom Lock, Roy Kellaway, Suzanne Martin, Mick Palmer, Mary Davies, Geoffrey Prole and May Collins. Whisky Draw As we normally run a Whisky Draw at each Meet from


Harbourer Issue No. 67, July 2020


President: Mr T A H Yandle

Chairman: Mr G Thomas-Everard Vice Chairmen: Mr T Lloyd & Mr J Witheridge

Masters Mr R Andrews MSH Mr D Greenwood MSH Miss L Miller MSH

Hunt Staff Huntsman – Peter Heard 1st Whip – Gary Boon Stud Groom -Mary Geikie

Hunt Club Chairman – Mrs J Rawle Vice-Chairman: Mr N Webber Secretary – Mr N Webber Treasurer- Miss J Balment Hunt Sheep – Mr J Blackband


Joint Secretaries Mrs J Ackner Mr N Webber

Harbourers Mr R Govier Mr M Lock Mr K Atkins Mr A Gill

Hunt Supporters Club Chairman – Mr B Blackmore Hon. Secretary – Mrs S Routley Treasurer – Mr B Kent

200 Club Mrs N Buckingham

Page 3: Harbourer · Yandle, Tom Lock, Roy Kellaway, Suzanne Martin, Mick Palmer, Mary Davies, Geoffrey Prole and May Collins. Whisky Draw As we normally run a Whisky Draw at each Meet from


Editor’s Note Over 30 years ago the Harbourer was instigated, and an issue has never been missed to date. With a worldwide global pandemic Covid-19, bringing most of the world to a grinding halt it was decided due to loss of income and costs incurred to produce a digital Harbourer to be circulated to the DSSH database. I am sure many of our subscribers/supporters who usually receive this by post may not be computer literate. Therefore, owing to the current circumstances if you have a family member, friend or neighbour that would enjoy this read please print off or show them on a computer device. With limited resources I hope you enjoy the read and here’s hoping we produce a hard copy for January 2021. This issue can be found on the website With all of us adapting to the ‘new normal’. I hope everyone is keeping safe and well.

Katherine Masters Report Rupert Andrews, David Greenwood and Loveday Miller What a terrible way to end the season! We had just arranged a wonderful lot of meets for March and April and of course we lost our Point to Point and the Hunt Ball, not to mention all the other events our Hunt and Supporters Clubs had arranged. We must once again thank our farmers and landowners for continuing to be so welcoming when it was so wet all season. We must also thank the staff for all their hard work – it really does begin to become an effort when it rains EVERY day, but they all remained cheerful and we did have a very successful hind hunting. We were just getting some of the young hounds going when we had to stop which was annoying. Our excellent hound carriers deserve a lot of thanks – it is not an easy task to 'be in the right place at the right time' and David would especially like to thank Anthony Coates for acting as his personal taxi service – it is probably a good job Anthony can't hear very well! We must not forget the Harbourers whose job is made even more difficult when you cannot see a hand in front of your face! Also, thanks to all the gun-carriers for their dedication and staying out to the end of the day – most of them must start their own work when they get home

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We had to say good-bye to Shannon and Gemma (our 2 girl grooms) at the end of March as they were no longer required, and we wish them both well. Ali continued until the end of April to finish all the 'spring cleaning' and supervise the 'turning away' of the hunt horses. Paul, Ali and Hugo have now moved to The Blackmore & Sparkford Vale and we thank them for all their hard work and wish them well for the future. Several people have been very kind this time and taken the hunt horses for their summer holidays which has been very helpful especially with the grass being in such short supply. We welcome Mary Geikie who is our new Stud Groom and Josh (her partner) to the stables – Josh is a capable plumber and farm worker so please contact him if anyone has any jobs for him! Mary will be assisted by Megan Horrell and Martha Little but of course at the time of writing we do not know when we can employ any of them. As soon as we stopped hunting it finally stopped raining and who would have thought we would all be desperate for rain by the beginning of May. At least it has started raining now and normally we would be just about to get the horses back into work and looking forward to the Open Afternoon. We would also be showing hounds at Dunster and Honiton, although we will be attending one show - This is the International Virtual Hound Show. We can enter one dog and one bitch, and we must send in photos and a video of each hound – Peter is showing the hounds and Jade is taking the photos! The Staghound classes will consist of our 3 packs and the 2 Irish packs which will be very interesting. There will also be a Silent Auction to which each participating hunt can enter one lot and Sir Stephen Waley-Cohen has, once again, most generously donated a night in the Royal Box for 4 (with champagne in the interval) at St Martins Theatre to see Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap. It all goes live on 31st July so look and vote for our hounds (its free) and maybe bid for a lot. Facebook page: Instagram:

Unfortunately most of us have had a lot of spare time on our hands so please can we remind you once again to be very careful of the content of photos, videos and messages that you post online – items that you may think are

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perfectly fine can be so easily be used negatively by those who do not like/support our activities. We, of course, need all the help in promoting our cause that we can get, but we must be mindful of misrepresentation. Let us hope it will not be too long before we can get going again and attend/support the functions which will be arranged to make up for the huge loss of income.

Chairman’s Report Guy Thomas - Everard These strange times have caused several adaptions to be made to how things are normally done, and I am therefore very grateful to Katherine Williams and her team for producing this digital version of the Harbourer.

As I hope everyone is aware, the intention is to start hunting in mid-September. At the time of writing this report any outside gathering of more than 30 people is illegal, I hope that by the time this is published such restrictions will have diminished. Please could everyone bear with the Masters, Secretaries and Hunt Staff while they prepare and plan for the start of hunting when it is far from clear what the situation will be in the middle of September. Income and Expenditure I am very grateful to the Masters, Secretaries, Peter, and Gary who have all helped to reduce the level of expenditure since the lockdown began. I am especially grateful to the Masters for offering to receive a reduced allowance. For the period from the 1st April to 30th June expenditure was reduced to £31,000, which is 51% of the expenditure for the same period last year. A large proportion of this reduction was due to all the Stable Staff coming off the wage roll at the end of April and the generosity of all those who have taken in hunt horses. Wage costs have been further reduced by Gary being furloughed for May, June, and July. On the income side we are down by 34% compared with April to June 2019. Caps, Field Money and Car Caps in 2019 came to £24,000. Some of that lost

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income has been replaced by the £10,000 District Council Covid grant. I am very grateful to all who have paid their 2020/21 subscriptions early. To date 20% of subscriptions have been paid early. The hunt has taken advantage of a Government backed unsecured Bounce Back Loan of £50,000, which is free money for 12 months. This money will be paid back before the interest free 12-month period ends. The money will sit as a form of overdraft facility should it be needed during the next year. Excluding this loan, the Hunt has £30,000 in the bank plus a further £10,000 sitting in the Hunt Club account. When the horses come back to the Stables in preparation for hunting, clearly expenditure will increase and the above bank balance decrease. It would therefore be an enormous benefit if those who have not paid their subscriptions early could do so when they receive their subscription letter. There were a few subscribers last year who did not pay their subscriptions for last season until mid-May this year. In the current climate that cannot happen. AGM The current restrictions prevent the AGM from taking place as normal at the end of July. As soon as it is both legal and practical to do so we will have an AGM. The venue may depend on what social distancing regulations are in force. Once again thank you to everyone who has supported the D&S in different ways during this time. I am particularly grateful to Nick Webber and Janet Ackner, who have been putting in the hours to keep things straight financially.

Steak and Strawberry Night – 25th July 2020 A big thank you to all the people that came and supported the Steak and Strawberry Night. Due to lots of good comments and feedback we have pursued the Team to do it all again on Saturday 8th August. We were lucky it didn’t rain in the evening, but we have our fingers crossed for a sunny evening next time. We would like to give a big Thank you to all the people that helped and made the evening run so well. Many thanks Rupert & Tess

Page 7: Harbourer · Yandle, Tom Lock, Roy Kellaway, Suzanne Martin, Mick Palmer, Mary Davies, Geoffrey Prole and May Collins. Whisky Draw As we normally run a Whisky Draw at each Meet from


Secretaries Report Nick Webber and Janet Ackner A huge thank you to all who have paid their 2020/2021 Season subscriptions

in advance it has been a great help knowing we have the financial support of

you all.

As soon as we have a timetable of when and how we can start hunting we

will have all car passes, car cappers and subscription letters ready and

waiting. This season we are going to try and get all subscription letters sent

by Xero this will then give us the chance to track invoices online and

payments being made straight to the Nat West account.

Congratulations to Tom and Sarah Burge on the safe arrival of Edith Sarah, in

February. We are sure the pony is in progress.

Sadly, we have lost some very loyal supporters since the last Harbourer and our thoughts go to all family and friends of John Burge, Margaret Yandle, Tom Lock, Roy Kellaway, Suzanne Martin, Mick Palmer, Mary Davies, Geoffrey Prole and May Collins.

Whisky Draw As we normally run a Whisky Draw at each Meet from the beginning of August the Hunt Club will be doing a weekly draw for either: A bottle of Whisky, A bottle of Port or a Fruit Cake. If you would like to take part please bacs or send a cheque .£1 per Draw running for five weeks - drawn each Saturday in August.i.e. £5 will give you 1 ticket per week. Bank Details 52 30 42 a/c 04803884- D&SSH Hunt Club Cheques forwarded to Miss J Balment, Higher Knightacott, Bratton Fleming. Barnstaple EX31 4SFJust put your whisky draw in the reference box. This draw contributes greatly to hunt funds so please support.

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Point to Point News Linda Pugsley With the obvious cancellation of this year’s meeting due to the Covid- 19 crisis a very difficult Point to Point season ended abruptly on the 17th March. The continuous wet weather had meant that many meetings had to be cancelled, rearranged, and then cancelled again. The horses that like the wet ground managed to get the odd run in but frustratingly for owners and trainers alike many horses remained without an outing. As many of you will already have heard our 2021 meeting, to be held on

Sunday 2nd May, will be on a new course at South Hill, Dulverton and we are

very grateful to the Thomas-Everard family for kindly allowing us to run our

meeting on their land. Our thanks must also go to the Clements family at East

Luccombe Farm, where we have held our meeting for over 20 years.

The Point to Point Committee are very excited about this new venture.

Initially, it will mean more work to set up the new racecourse and we would

welcome any offers of help to assist our Clerk of the Course Mike Harding,

and his team.

We plan an Open Day in the autumn to invite people to come and see the

new set up. The course will be marked out and we will have a couple of

horses there so that you are able to see them work on the track.

Our aim is to provide an open galloping track, on good ground and with good

viewing that will encourage plenty of runners in the years to come and allow

the Point to Point to prosper.

We very much look forward to seeing you all there.

Linda Pugsley (Point to Point Secretary)

Page 9: Harbourer · Yandle, Tom Lock, Roy Kellaway, Suzanne Martin, Mick Palmer, Mary Davies, Geoffrey Prole and May Collins. Whisky Draw As we normally run a Whisky Draw at each Meet from


DSSH invite you to a

Saturday 15th August 2020

Starting from 12pm- Honeymead Cross

Entry £10 per car

Come along and solve cryptic clues to find your way around the Exmoor

countryside to your destination.

Bring your family, your car and your thinking head for a fun packed


BBQ and Cream Tea will be on sale from 12pm.

Socially distancing measures will be in place.

To register your car and receive a start time please contact:

Sharon Routley on 07866749370 or [email protected]


Lucy Gill 07854971916 [email protected]

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DSSH Antler Competition 2020 Sian Tedstone Many thanks to all those who took part in the antler competition. We had

joint winners with Donald Moore and Geoff Boundy both getting 19 of the 22

heads correct. There were some close runners up and also some very

imaginative answers. Had one of those been correct it might have been the

run of the season……..Meet Blackmoor Gate and Taken Roborough Gate!

Below are the correct answers:

Head Location of Meet Stag Taken

Head 2 Met: Whitefield Taken: Lyncombe

Head 3 Met: Dunkery Hill Gate Taken: Rodhuish Common

Head 4 Met: Honeymead Taken: Ashcombe Plantation

Head 5 Met: Warren Farm Drive Taken: Old Haycombe

Head 6 Met: Bray Common Taken: Old Close

Head 7 Met: Perry Farm Taken: Rainsbury Farm

Head 8 Met: Bessom Bridge (Ruglands) Taken: Lea

Head 9 Met: Larkbarrow Corner Taken: Woolhanger Plantation

Head 10 Met: Bray Common Taken: Cornham Cleeve

Head 11 Met: Scob Hill Gate Taken: Oareford

Head 12 Met: Sheepwash Farm Taken: Lords

Head 13 Met: Colland Cross Taken: Combe Wood

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Head 14 Met: Brendon Two Gates Taken: Blackmoor Gate

Head 15 Met: Yarde Down Taken: Gratton Wood

Head 16 Met: Halscombe Taken: Roborough Gate

Head 17 Met: North Radworthy Taken: Court House, North


Head 18 Met: Comers Gate Taken: Miltons Cottage

Head 19 Met: Woolhanger Taken: Butter Hill

Head 20 Met: Lowtrow Cross Taken: New Bridge

Head 21 Met: Pitcombe Head Taken: Weir Water

Head 22 Met: Broford Farm Drive Taken: Lower North Quarme

Head 23 Met: Brendon Two Gates Taken: Lime Combe

Competition Time Can you identify the location ? On behalf of one of our Landowners can you help?

Where is Inkyfoot? If you know the location please can you contact the Editor, details on the back of the Harbourer. A bottle of Port to the first correct answer.

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Pat Bawden

In light of the awful circumstances the world and the UK finds itself in as a result of COVID-19 and the uncertainty it creates for everyone, the Committee decided to cancel this year’s Exford Show.

We are deeply appreciative of the support we receive from all our exhibitors, craftsmen, Members and visitors and hope that you understand why we took this step. We look forward to improvements in the situation over the coming months which will hopefully enable us all to move ahead and begin living a happy, healthy, and normal life once more.

Allowing for life after coronavirus and the resumption of “mass gatherings” we look forward to seeing you all at Exford Show on Wednesday, 11th August 2021.

We are grateful to all those Members who have already kindly donated their Show subscriptions for 2020.

Those Members of Exford Show who pay by Standing Order and would like to be reimbursed, please get in touch with Pat Bawden on 01643 831423 or email at [email protected].

The Hunt Club are organising an Online Produce /Cake Sale as Exford Show Is cancelled. We will open up for pledges of produce and cakes on Monday 27th July and a list with prices will be emailed out a week before the show. A system of payment will be put in place similar to the pledge Auction and Quiz. After payment has been received for an item contact details will be sent to the purchaser so they can contact the item provider to arrange collection. Please support this as the produce stall at the show brings in valuable funds each year Any queries or suggestions call 07838148017 or email [email protected]

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Hunt Supporters Club Ben Blackmore As we are all aware what a difficult few months we have had, we hope you are all well. We have been doing quizzes on Thursday nights as a club through lock down and then James decided to do a big quiz for everybody, to raise some much-needed money this was a great success. Following on from Supporters Club Zoom meeting this week it has been decided that sadly we will cancel this year’s Hunt Ball. Next seasons End of Season will be held on Saturday 24th April 2021 at Honeymead. All tickets that were purchased for this year’s ball will automatically roll over to next year’s ball. However, if people want their money back please can they contact [email protected] so this can be arranged. If people want a refund we cannot guarantee them getting a ticket for next year’s event. There is also going to be hound racing and a duck race which we are trying to organise. We have postponed the auction of pledges until spring next year. This is due to the corona virus which has two impacts for us, firstly because we live in a tourist area many of our pledges come from that line of business and it would be very difficult to kick on with an auction when those businesses have suffered. Secondly and related, we need bidders for a successful auction and that needs some social activity to get the buzz going and some of the uncertainty lifted. In good time prior to the auction we will speak to all the people that have offered a pledge and give them the opportunity to reconfirm or not. For that reason, we will not publish the current list so that our generous donors don’t feel obliged if circumstances have changed. If you would like to offer something, have any questions, or wish to discuss an existing pledge please email [email protected] with your ideas/ questions, or speak to James Rowe or any of the Hunt Supporters Club.

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Margaret Yandle 1937-2020 Born Margaret Joyce in 1937 at Exmouth, this young girl had to choose quite early in life between the Grammar School hockey team and some horses and ponies kept nearby by a family called Brookes (of Brookes Hospital fame). The horses won, and with the Brookes' daughter Diana she learnt about hunting with the East Devon, gymkhanas, and the Pony Club. When Diana married John Coaker from Dartmoor, Margaret encountered the familiar countryside combination of hunting, farming, and social life. After school, Margaret found her good secretarial job in Exeter rather unsatisfactory, so applied instead for a secretary ship at Porlock Vale where she remained for 2 years following the dramas of Tony Collins' death. From there, she spied a situation vacant at Exford as second horse girl and groom to Colonel Michael Murphy, recently appointed new Master to the D.S.S.H.. The Colonel's existing groom, Mr. Hocking, was the ultimate taskmaster and taught her everything that was to be known about horses. The second year was spent looking after the hunt horses and the second horse girls, which was not an easy task. Following several rides in Point-to-Points, she got another job outside Aberdeen again with horses, but the pull of Exmoor and a young man she had discovered there was too much, so she returned in the summer of 1960, and married Tom Yandle that September. Hence at the ripe old age of 23 she was running Riphay kitchen, with food and drink on demand day and night, Riphay garden and Riphay horses (when an old favourite pony of Tom's produced a foal that she kept entire, famous as Schmozzle, the beginning of a long line).

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She soon produced 2 children, and notwithstanding bringing these up she took on Aunty Clare, who made 108 years, and "Dodo" (Dorothy Whittle) who only reached 104 years under her care. She also took on Tom's cousin's child Bettina Stapledon at the age of 9, and throughout school, the Pony Club, and more Point-to-Pointing, she was very much part of Margaret's family. She ran numerous hunt events, including Hunt Balls the night following all 3 children's weddings, a 3day sporting Art Exhibition at Pixton and then the infamous Scuffle, with its unhygienic barbecue. She supported Tom during his many years as D.S.S.H. Chairman, and then through his more surprising appointment as High Sheriff of Somerset. Sadly, after too many bumps and falls, her brain started to fail her some years ago, but she still seemed happy at Riphay with her children and grandchildren, and the many friends who came to see her. She died peacefully as she would have wished, in Riphay kitchen with her family all having tea after hunting.

FUTURE DATES PLEASE NOTE HUNT BALL POSTPONED UNTIL APRIL 2021 Monday 27th July Online produce stall opens for buyers Joy Rawle [email protected] Saturday 8th August Steak and Strawberries Evening 6.00pm -9.00pm at Little Upcott Farm. East Buckland Saturday August 15th Car Treasure Hunt and Cream Tea. Starting at Honeymead. Details to follow Sunday August 16th Fun Ride Starting 10.00am at Honeymead. Refreshments, Cream Tea, Produce Stall, Plant Stall.

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Hunting Reports Alan Stapleton 1924 Accounts from the Field written by Ware Heel Godfrey Lawson (The Ex


Wednesday August 6th Opening meet Cloutsam Lang had 2 stags harboured in Sweetery and the draw afforded the numerous onlookers a perfect view of the tufting operations. At first various hinds and deer caused distractions. Eventually Bawden persevered and at Noon the fine stag was roused from his lair and made his way out on to Stoke Ridge, where it was possible to lay on the pack under Langcombe Head and a charming hunt was put in motion over the beautiful moorland to Embercombe. Along the slope to Chetsford Water and crossing by the bridge and Luckett Post Road into Hurdledown. Thence on to Larkbarrow, Tom’s Hill, Badgery Cott and the Doone Valley. Thence on to Hoccombe Water and Manor allotment. At this point there was confusion with fresh stags but Mr Claude Forrest kindly furnished information that the original was making for West Pinford and the main pursuit swung for Buscombe, Blackpitts, Exe Plain, Short Chains Combe and down to the old Hoar Oak Tree, where Chaser and the others were at long last come up with again and the hunt continued down the Hoar Oak Valley past the farm and out towards Lyncombe, short of which the stag had done a mysterious invisible double and there was a long check until Lenthall, the Whip, obtained some useful tidings from an angler and a cast back up the water ultimately accounted for this gallant deer two fields below Hoar Oak Farm. The time taken was 3 ½ hrs from the rouse and the point 9 ½ miles. This was Bawdens 21st season in connection with the Devon and Somerset. Saturday 23rd August met Cloutsam Lang reported several stags on Cloutsam Ball. Tufters roused up 7 of which 2 were warrantable, by good luck these latter quickly separated and were hunted through Ten Acre Cleeve to Prixlade and Stoke Combe. There one of the stags only was in front and with a good scent soon reached Stoke Pero and Wilmersham Common and so presented a favourable opportunity for laying on the pack 25 minutes later and the hunt proper began. By Pool Plain

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to Nutscale, Babe Hill, Lucott Moor and Bromham Plain and over the road by Hawkcombe head to Weirwater, now followed some capital hound work down the valley, before they climbed Mill Hill to ChalkWater. Out over Manor Allotment where the stag had joined fresh deer. Sorted out he went through Noname Combe (so christened by the master) and Woodcock Combe to Badgery Water at which brawling torrent (as it was today) the pack was at fault. Rocket and Vagabond however, undeterred by the water managed to stick to their stag and forced him by way of the Water slide and into the Doone Valley, whereabouts they were held up till the remainder of the pack was brought forward. They now drove up the valley for Brendon Common and crossed the Brendon Two Gates road by Dry Bridges to race into Farleigh Water and a fresh find soon accounted for this gallant stag above the spot the enclosed country begins (Pig Hill Ford). The point was 10 miles from the rouse and the time taken 65 minutes from the lay on. The Cloutsam stags have done well this season so far and the Master and his staff must feel somewhat repaid for their troubles. Thursday 25th September met Hele Bridge The pack was taken up the Exe Vally to kennel at Barlynch to await the result of tufting operations in Exe Cleave. A fine stag had been harboured and the pack was able to come in to action by Chilly Bridge as early as 11.50am. The chase then proceeded past Browford to Red Cleave where several hinds got in the way but the sound of the harbourer’s whistle on South Hill proclaimed that he had slotted the quarry proper there, this put the hunt in motion again and it went on nearly to Mounsey Hill Gate and along the flank of Draydon Knapp in to contest, and on down the valley to the little river under Liscombe and so on almost to Tarr Steps, now came a check but Lenthall viewed the stag at Hinds Pit and the pursuit ensued up the Barle to Batsome, where the stag struck up over to Withypool Hill. Hounds led by Lorna, Loyalty and Rocket drove on hard past Portford Bridge for Knighton Combe, Withypool Common and Sherdon Hutch, whence Carmen put them right up under Sherdon Farm. Bawden caught site of his quarry and consequently the hunt quickened up to Wintershead Cottage and bore somewhat unexpectedly round right handed via Spooners Bog to the Barle again above Cow Castle. From this point the stag had beated upwater and eventually the line was recovered just below Simonsbath. The line lay round right-handed across Winstitchen Lane to Cloven Rocks where hounds fresh found their deer and

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forced him back to the Barle and soon accounted. The time taken was 3 hours 10 minutes from the lay on and the point made 11 ½ miles. Saturday 4th October met Nadrid Cross Hounds were at this rather unusual place nowadays and the pack was taked across the river Bray by way of Brayley Bridge to kennel at Crossbury Farm, where the tufters went after a stag in Westacott Wood opposite. There was a quick lay on and the hunt went in a westerly direction pointing for Buckinghams Leary and the West Buckland Road. He got blanched and he sought refuge in Smoldens Bottom, this caused temporary confusion but Graceful and Gregory fresh found him and drove him out in a field where the bulk of the pack were, passing Goulds Leary and crossing the Filleigh/Barnstaple railway the hunt rose Oxford Down then next came Filleigh Church and the Bray below the sawmills, and the hound went down it as far as the weir near Fullabrook, where the deer left the water and made a dash past Townhouse towards South Molton. The pace was evidently too much for him as he bore right handed across the South Molton road and dropped in to Nadrid Water above Daws Blackpool, thence he eventually reached the bray again near Clapworthy Mill and carried on down the valley to Meethe Bridge, being accounted for just below Watertown, 55 minutes after the lay on. He was a fine stag with all his rights. Pseudonyms wrote hunting reports, the earliest I have got is:

✓ Peepout who wrote in 1898 (not known) ✓ Snowstorm who wrote in 1911 – Mr Everard ✓ Ware Heel who wrote in the 20s – Godfrey Lawson ✓ Out Over who wrote in 1935 (not known) ✓ Pinkworthy Pond who wrote in 1936 (not known) ✓ Tufter who wrote in the 1940s-1990s – Dick Lloyd ✓ Dan Russell who wrote in 1961 – Jerry Jones ✓ Prickett who wrote from 1995-2005 – Michael Clark

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The Devon & Somerset Branch of the Pony Club Sue McCanlis Well, our Pony Club year got off to a very good start with a successful triathlon at Wellington in January. We held a few activities in February half term and then everything had to stop in mid-March. Pony Club UK was very good at putting activities online and we all, members and officials, have had a weekly update from Marcus Capel, CEO. Some branches, D&S included, did some online test training for older members which went very well. In June, once riding was back again, we started one to one rallies at Roborough Gate, which were very popular. Weekly mounted games practices also started in June. Area 15, with the tremendous support and drive of our Area representative, Deborah, has managed to hold Area dressage and SJ, both at Chard Equestrian Centre on 12th and 19th June. This was under strict 'Covid' rules and DCs were not allowed to be present, only a team trainer and one parent/groom. Despite the strange circumstances our teams did very well with our two younger teams coming frst and second in the 'Regionals' section. Several members took part in the Porlock fun ride yesterday and there are two more planned in August, including the DSSH Honeymead ride. Next week sixteen members will be at Foxtwitchen for a two-day rally, ending, as last year, with a ride to the river. So......things are slowly getting back to normal. The Devon and Somerset Branch of the Pony Club does a wide variety of activities throughout the year, at least in a normal year, so if you would like to join or want more information please contact Jo Clayton or myself. Details on D&S website.

Page 21: Harbourer · Yandle, Tom Lock, Roy Kellaway, Suzanne Martin, Mick Palmer, Mary Davies, Geoffrey Prole and May Collins. Whisky Draw As we normally run a Whisky Draw at each Meet from


Puppy Alert at Kennels – ‘Home-schooling at its finest’ with Molly

and Poppy (L-R), daughters of Gary and Jo Boon.

Johnny Atkins Celebrates 70 years Johnny and Joan kindly hosted a lawn meet on Saturday 14th March at Melcombe, Exford to celebrate Johnny’s 70th Birthday in early March. Johnny has been Exford Show Director for longer than he can remember!

Page 22: Harbourer · Yandle, Tom Lock, Roy Kellaway, Suzanne Martin, Mick Palmer, Mary Davies, Geoffrey Prole and May Collins. Whisky Draw As we normally run a Whisky Draw at each Meet from


Field Notes Tim Lloyd Background: Born 2nd child of Dick and Wynn, older sister is Tessa White. Born: Minehead Hospital 24th October 1954 Married to: In September 1983 to Marian Pearce from Great Bradley whose family had gradually moved from Wiltshire to Exmoor. Children: Edward, married to “Scottish” Karen, lives in Brisbane and works as an agricultural recruiter (Staff 360). Jeremy lives in London and thanks to Covid 19 is a total unemployed actor. Weaknesses: Following my mum’s uncharacteristically bad advice treated school like a Hailstorm – Very unpleasant but brief - it will pass. First Days Hunting: Warren Gate with EFH c1958 on Big Ears – yes, a donkey. Favourite Horse: Maisie, the first horse I owned. Having a complete aversion to the colour black, especially silage wrap, she had shied Mum off going through Knaplock, she never rode again & a year later Dad was dumped going through Parsonage. So, she was offered to the hunt but the Scotts knowing my love for the horse alerted me that my parents were selling her. To their surprise we agreed a deal. They owned half each, Mum gave me her half as she was so glad to see the back of the horse and gave me the cash to pay Dad his share. (He never did know where the money came from!) Favourite Time of Year: Arrival of the Cuckoo Favourite Drink: Rioja Favourite Author: Stieg Larsson, Robert Ludlum, Jeremy Whitehorn Favourite Music: Any solo sung by Edward or Jeremy; “Why Pick On Me” my Desert Island Disc choice, sung by Lucy Reynolds and Jeremy and Led Zeppelin! Favourite Meal: Beef Wellington cooked by Liz White

Page 23: Harbourer · Yandle, Tom Lock, Roy Kellaway, Suzanne Martin, Mick Palmer, Mary Davies, Geoffrey Prole and May Collins. Whisky Draw As we normally run a Whisky Draw at each Meet from


Favourite Holiday: Thanks to Lesley Rook being prepared to live in our house we were able to go to Australia, New Zealand & Kuala Lumpur for 9 weeks, our first big holiday. We stayed with 11 different households & witnessed an astonishing variety of farm businesses & ways of life. Pet Hates: Personal radios turned on so loud that everyone has to hear them. Memorable Day Hunting: 2nd March 1999. Took some pigs to Stillmans for Andrew Hawkins so missed the meet at the Kennels but met hounds at Nethercott Bridge coming upwards, went with Donald to the Showground where he went into Matcombe while I went out to the road, where thanks to Reg Westcott having laid Buckworthy’s hedge I could see hounds crossing the road at Chibbet onto Lower Thorne. I galloped the road to Yealscombe where, convinced Donald was stuck in the bottom of Matcombe, I tried to stop hounds and failed, 2nd attempt in Muddicombe Lane also failed, 3rd attempt on Riscombe Down failed again, so adopted plan B - just try & keep in touch with them, they were flying. On reaching Exe Cleeve the weather closed in rain & fog, I dreaded seeing hounds climbing Ware Ball out of reach & into the murk, instead hounds continued up the Exe - calmly accompanied by Donald! Hounds came up to their stag under Warren Bridge and then climbed out over Warren Allotments where with vile weather & horses in need of a breather we held hounds up. We retreated to the shelter at Warren where we waited for about ½ an hour for anybody else to arrive. Then hounds were cast on across Trout Hill & took the line down to Hoccombe Water where they checked, and it was decided to call it a day. Favourite Meet: Brendon Two Gates Funniest Moment with the D & S: When Donald was a whipper-in a day finished at the bottom of Lyshwell Wood in the dark. When Donald got back on his horse, he stuck the left foot in the wrong stirrup ending up sitting back to front. Whom do I most admire (hunting): Anyone prepared to be a Master. Tom Yandle who not only was a great Chairman both before & after the imposition of the Hunting Act but also was endlessly entertaining to go hunting with. John Arnold for his unswerving support for the Hunt through the last change of mastership. Guy T-E, the Chairman’s role is more hands on with the way the hunt is now run and the fact that this is not obvious to all is testament to how well the job is done.

Page 24: Harbourer · Yandle, Tom Lock, Roy Kellaway, Suzanne Martin, Mick Palmer, Mary Davies, Geoffrey Prole and May Collins. Whisky Draw As we normally run a Whisky Draw at each Meet from


200 Club Nicola Buckingham From the 1st May 2020 a new year for the 200 Club is underway. Thank you

to all our regular members who continue to support the 200 Club year after


The cost is still £10 for the year and all profits will go to hunt funds which will

be much appreciated at this difficult time. If you would like the chance to win

up to £200, simply complete the form below and return along with a cheque

for £10. Alternatively, if you would like to save on some paperwork and

postage, you can pay by BACS. Please let me know by phone or email if you

choose to pay this way.

If you are not sure if you have already signed up for this year, you may hold more than one ticket in a year (alternatively please do email me to check your membership status). My email address: [email protected] BACS details: DSSH 200 Club Account Number: 43715923 Sort Code: 52-30-42 Please include your name as reference when making your BACS payment. Thank you very much for your support and I wish you all well.

DSSH Image Collection

The D&S image collection has expanded exceptionally well with many

amazing photographs and interesting articles. Grateful thanks to all those

that have contributed. Much material is still being offered as we can now

process slides and film negatives; so please have a good check in those old

drawers. Hopefully slideshows in the not too distant future.

Chris Rawle : 01398 323888 or email [email protected])

Page 25: Harbourer · Yandle, Tom Lock, Roy Kellaway, Suzanne Martin, Mick Palmer, Mary Davies, Geoffrey Prole and May Collins. Whisky Draw As we normally run a Whisky Draw at each Meet from


Would you like to join the DSSH 200 Club?

Please complete the form below and send with a cheque for £10.00 (payable

to D.S.S.H 200 Club) to Mrs N Buckingham, The Sycamores, Combe Lane,

Exford, Somerset, TA24 7PS.

Please note, if you would like confirmation of joining, please let me know

your email address.

Email: ________________________________________________________

I wish to join the 200 Club for the year 1st May 20 to 30th April 2021 r (£10 -

please tick)

I enclose a cheque for £................... made payable to D.S.S.H 200 Club.




Farming Help For many of us, the DSSH brings a huge element of social and positive mental health wellbeing by escaping the farms or work commitments for a few hours. It has been tough being isolated and the future so uncertain for many of our rural businesses. Don’t forget The Farming Help partnership is a collaboration between The Addington Fund, The Farming Community Network, R.A.B.I, RSABI and Forage Aid and is supported by The Prince’s Countryside Fund. Its good to talk #cutthestigma

Page 26: Harbourer · Yandle, Tom Lock, Roy Kellaway, Suzanne Martin, Mick Palmer, Mary Davies, Geoffrey Prole and May Collins. Whisky Draw As we normally run a Whisky Draw at each Meet from


Page 27: Harbourer · Yandle, Tom Lock, Roy Kellaway, Suzanne Martin, Mick Palmer, Mary Davies, Geoffrey Prole and May Collins. Whisky Draw As we normally run a Whisky Draw at each Meet from


Foxy’s Kitchen White Chocolate and Crunchie Cheesecake

Serves: 8 Prep: 15 Min Chill Time: 2 Hours Ingredients 180g crushed Hob Nob / Oaties Plain Biscuits or equivalent 50g melted Butter 200g White Chocolate 300g Cream Cheese 2/3 Cadbury Crunchie bars 150ml Double Cream Method 1. Mix the crushed biscuits and melted butter. Press into the base of a

round tin. 2. Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of boiling water. 3. Whisk the cream and cream cheese, then add the melted chocolate and 2

½ Crunchie bars. 4. Pour mixture on top of the biscuit base. Add further crunchie to

decorate on top. 5. Chill for at least 2 hours or overnight before serving 6. Serve with clotted cream or ice cream

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Whist Drive Series 2020 Update

Beryl Dibble and Janet Harding At the present time we cannot see how you can run a whist drive implementing social distancing measures and use the same pack of cards all evening. There is also concern for the attendee’s welfare often being of an older generation. We will continue to monitor over the forthcoming autumn months and maybe a ‘pop up’ whist drive could be arranged at a later date.

Page 28: Harbourer · Yandle, Tom Lock, Roy Kellaway, Suzanne Martin, Mick Palmer, Mary Davies, Geoffrey Prole and May Collins. Whisky Draw As we normally run a Whisky Draw at each Meet from


Joint Hon. Secretaries Mrs Janet Ackner Beech Cottage, Liscombe, Dulverton TA22 9QA 07974 020895 Mr Nick Webber 4 Curlew Close, Minehead, Somerset TA24 6UW 01643 708163 Hunt Club Chairman - Mrs Joy Rawle Twin Oaks, Bampton, Devon EX16 9DT 01398 332157 Secretary - Mr Nick Webber Rose Cottage, Timberscombe, Somerset 01643 708163 Treasurer - Miss Jocelyn Balment Higher Knightcott, Bratton Fleming, Barnstaple EX31 4SF 01598 710247 Hunt Supporters’ Club Chairman - Ben Blackmore Ashwick Manor Farm, Dulverton, Somerset TA22 9QE 01398 324651 Secretary - Mrs Sharon Routley Lower Wychwood, West Anstey, South Molton EX36 3PF 01398 341932 Editor of the Habourer Miss Katherine Williams 4 Mole Ridge Way, South Molton, Devon EX36 3BE 01769 579169 Email: [email protected] 200 Club Mrs Nicola Buckingham The Sycamores, Combe Lane, Exford, Minehead TA24 7PS 01643 831686 Sheep Scheme Chairman - Mr John Blackband North Ley, Exford, Minehead, TA24 7QD 01643 831787 Secretary - Mrs Sue Pile Coombe Farm, Countisbury, Lynton, Devon EX35 6NF 01598 741236 Point - To - Point Secretary Mrs Linda Pugsley Zeal Farm, Hawkridge, Dulverton TA22 9QJ 01398 341317 Devon & Somerset Pony Club District Commissioner - Sue McCanlis 01643 862708
