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Copyright © 2015 by Sergiu Timuș

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in

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I Hans learns about bad things

II Hans learns about good things

III Hans learns…about Hans!

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The roads that led to Dragons' Kingdom were

not the most travelled. Not many were ventured

through such places and if one was so foolish to

walk those roads, most probably did not live to

tell the tale.

The elders said that dragons, like the mythical

creatures that they are, should be left well

alone, to live their long lives in peace, for

hundreds of years. And if, by any chance, you

disturb their peace, they always knew how to

cook delicious soups out of humans which, if

they didn't feel like having, they'd put on

skewers instead! Sparks and fire come out of

their nostrils and their large, strong teeth could

snap an old oak in half; let alone a tiny human...

The elders also told other frightening tales that

messed with naughty children's dreams. But we

are not interested in these tales, because it's

well known that old people flourish facts from

time to time. After all, the dragons were not as

bad as was said. During the last hundred years,

they've burned a few villages at most and

feasted only on a small army of less than a

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hundred people, even though they were all well

fed and without any armour...

"It could have been worse!" the King shouted

while running frightened back to the castle.

"Much worse!" he kept repeating, hardly

catching his breath.

Some people swore that they even saw the King

running in front of the knights, even though few

still believe this today. Back then, the King had a

belly larger and heavier than a healthy dragon's

fang, and this, we have to admit, is not little at


Back then, after much thought and many

sleepless nights, the King decided to declare the

south side of the kingdom as "The Dragons'

Kingdom". In other words, those who were not

long ago thought of as mythical creatures

became, overnight, full-blown Dragons!

"There, some bloody mountains…" the King kept

repeating, talking about the south part, where

almost all the gold deposits were.

Also during that time, because of spite and

disgust, the King lost so much weight that one

could count his ribs. The thought of losing so

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much gold and also having his kingdom split in

two did not sit well with him at all.

"Some bloody mountains…" the King kept

repeating, for more than twenty years.

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The celebration was big enough to shake up all

of the mountains and scare the King, who

thought it was an earthquake. Like he didn't

have enough on his mind...

But the King's troubles didn't move anyone. The

Emperor of Dragons, Drax the Fearsome, had

become a father for the third time. This was

rare for a Dragon, especially for a top one, like

Drax. Three sons ready to fly, to blow fire and to

conquer lands up to the Ninth Kingdom, where

no Dragon has ever reached but heard stories


Well, almost three sons ready to fly. The third

had just been born. For dragons, two years have

to pass before they begin to take flying and

flame-blowing lessons. Even another year until

they can learn how to conquer lands and act

really mean. Three years that Drax could see

passing like moments!

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All the Dragons gathered to congratulate their

emperor and to wish the new born strong

breath and healthy fangs. Everyone was

dancing, making terrible noises and blowing fire

out of their nostrils, so that all the rocks around

them were cracking up. But the happiest was

Drax, happier than he'd been in about seventy

years. The old Dragon was so happy that he

opened his mouth in a big fierce grin, so that

everyone could see his fangs! He didn't even

notice, poor Dragon, that his wife, the Empress

of Dragons, was approaching with a serious

face, a face that only a troubled wife can have.

"Drax, honey, we need to talk."

Drax stared at her, coughed a little bit of smoke

a few times, then he closed his mouth with such

strength that his teeth chattered. In his two

hundred and thirty years of life, few words

scared him more than this point-blank “we need

to talk” coming from his wife. As if they needed

to talk RIGHT then and there, RIGHT in that


"My dear beloved wife," Drax started to say,

frowning his eyebrows but at the same time

coughing not to seem too serious. "I don't think

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it's the right time to talk", pointing his eyes at a

couple of old, strong Dragons with whom he'd

burned down a few villages back in the day. "We

are right in the middle of the party."

"This is exactly why we need to talk RIGHT

NOW," his wife said, raising her tone.

Drax giggled, just like a fifty-year-old unmarried

guy, making a stupid face, trying to make the

other Dragons think that he doesn't have a clue

what's going on and, in a split second, he

twisted around until he met his tail. He

approached his loving wife as close as he could

and he signalled her to follow him.

Kateya, his wife, followed him with obedience.

"Kateya, my love, how many times do I have to

tell you? When the other Dragons are around,

you can't..."

"It's yellow," she said, not letting Drax finish.

The Dragon looked at her with big blank eyes,

still confused.

"What's yellow?"

"Our son, the new born. He's yellow."

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Drax opened his eyes wide, giving the

impression that he did not understand what it is

all about. Not a single yellow dragon was


"Please, repeat that," he mumbled. "I think some

lava got into my left ear and I'm not hearing

well... You mean... our son, the one for whom all

these dragons gathered here from the four

corners of the mountains, is YELLOW?!"

"That's exactly what I'm saying," Kateya said,

bowing her head and showing that she was very


Drax was quiet for a few moments, he scratched

an ear with his right wing until it sparked and

then asked again:

"You mean... yellow... as the sun? Or as the fire,


His wife didn't answer his question, just nodded

and sighed.

"Then what kind of yellow is he?" the Emperor

of Dragons yelled. "Like the hot magma from an

active volcano? Or like gold, perhaps?"

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"He's yellow, more like a duckling," the wife

answered, careful not to scare him too much.

"He's yellow like a little chicken, or more like


"Like corn… what the hell are you talking about,

woman? How can he be like corn or like a

duckling? Are you saying that our son, my

blood, isn't the most fierce dragon in all the


"Oh, he's fierce alright, but not as we would

want," Kateya said. "See, besides the yellow

scales, the poor boy also has a black eye, just

like a stray dog… hey, are you ok?"

Drax was not feeling well. He almost fainted, but

he managed to lean on his tail just in time. He

took a deep breath and coughed black smoke

sprinkled with sparks.

"I want to see him. In an hour we have to

present him to the other Dragons, but before

this, I need to see him!"


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"Just shut it, woman! Because of my weak sight,

you'll take me down to the volcano before it's

my time. My son is yellow… that's insane!"

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The Dragon father, the Dragon mother and the

two other sons, Sarrawar and Bollowar, were

looking at what it seemed to be a big disaster in

the Dragon world. From the small two-metre

steel-braided nest, looking at them was a yellow

chubby and big-eyed Dragon. He had a round

black spot in one of his eyes. His smile was

heartbreaking. If a God-fearing man would have

seen him now, he would say that this is the most

beautiful Dragon ever. But in the eyes of the

family, this yellow creature was the biggest

shame and the biggest curse in thousands of


"I can't believe it," Drax kept repeating over and

over again, looking at him from every angle.

"Maybe we can paint him?" Bollowar asked

insecurely. He was a dark green Dragon, strong

and fierce, but stupid as a rock.

"Paint him? With what, you idiot?" his big

brother asked. Sarrawar was even bigger and

stronger than his brother and fortunately, also

smarter. He was dark green, just like his father

and brother. The only one that wasn't green

was Kateya, being from the Red Dragons'

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Kingdom. And now, the little guy, who was


"With walnut leaves. He'll turn so green!"

"Just shut up you two... smart pants!" Drax

yelled at the top of his lungs.

While everyone was looking at him with

disappointment, the little yellow Dragon started

to growl easily, cuddling with some rocks that

his father picked up himself. He didn't seem to

understand why everybody was so sad, but he

didn't actually care.

"Look at him, so fierce!" Bollowar said and

started to laugh.

Again, Drax didn't care about his son's stupidity.

"How should we name him?" Kateya asked,


Drax didn't answer. He totally forgot that he

should pick a name. If he was normal, he

would've called him Zollowar. But now...

"Hans!" Bollowar yelled out of nowhere. "Hans

is so him! He, he."

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This time Drax turned to him and slapped him.

Bollowar didn't feel the ground beneath him for

a second.

But when the little Dragon heard the name

Hans, he raised his head and started to giggle a

bit. He started to laugh when he saw Bollowar

almost fall down.

"What do you know, he likes it." Sarrawar


"Then Hans it is," their mother whispered with

a beautiful smile, while Drax was leaving the


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Three years have passed since Hans' birth and,

slowly, Drax felt more relaxed. He even tried to

forget about the shame that the birth of his son

brought him. Especially when he presented

Hans “as yellow as the hot magma from an active

volcano” and all the other Dragons burst into

laughter as hard as they could, so hard that

three mountain tops crumbled.

The Emperor was very upset that day. He told

everyone that he drank too much boiling water

with wormwood and that his head was

spinning. After all, the other Dragons went to

their caves and that's exactly what he did. He

took a swig of boiling water with wormwood,

henbane and wild brier to forget all about the

shame and pain all of this caused him. And

when I say a swig, I mean he drank a few big

cauldrons, large enough to fill a hole that people

dig to build up a fountain.

But then, his loving wife Kateya, interrupted

him saying that “they need to talk RIGHT THEN

AND THERE”. And that meant that Drax didn't

have a choice but to listen to his wife and to

fulfil his duties as a father, preparing Hans for

the real world – the world that he will grow up

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in. And the preparation consists of highly

valued teachings that a Dragon couldn't live

without. That means flying, blowing fire and

leading a part of the mountains one day...

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Hans learned quickly how to spit fire, and by the

time he was one he even managed to set an old

oak on fire. It would have been better if the old

tree hadn't have been planted by Drax's father

as a symbol of the mountain and The Green

Dragon brotherhood. But that's that. The only

thing left from the symbol was the ash. Drax

decided right then and there that it's not a good

thing to play with fire right near their cave, so

he taught Hans how to fly, but as far as possible

from the things he loved. And it was a good

decision. Hans learnt the flying lessons very

fast, the only problem that he had was landing.

He just couldn't do it. He destroyed dozens and

dozens of trees, but he just didn't manage to

land properly.

If at first Sarrawar and Bollowar were

concerned about their little brother, that he

would not be as fierce as any other Dragon, now

they were very happy about the guy. Despite all

of their expectations, Hans was getting fiercer

and fiercer every day and the burning and

destruction lessons were a breeze for him.

Moreover, he came up with some new ideas that

scared even Drax, and on hearing them, his

mother passed out. "The Dragons could just dig

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a tunnel under the ground to burn the villages

from beneath," he said. "Not like before by flying

over. This way the people wouldn't know what hit

them and they wouldn't know where to run."

These ideas, and also Hans' cruelty, made Drax

restless and made him realise that he might

have made a mistake somewhere in his burning

lessons. The Dragons may be strong and able to

destroy everything in their path, but power is

for those who know how to handle it. If you

abuse it and you turn it into cruelty, you're

probably too weak and unfit to have this gift.

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Hans didn't realise that his way of talking and

doing things could make someone worry. He

only knew that, unlike his brothers, he is

smaller, weaker and he's... yellow. And all the

other Dragons are making fun of him every time

they see him. At three, even if he was learning

better and faster than everyone else, he was still

feeling little, helpless and despised by others.

And when Lavys, an ugly skinny rabbit, gave

him the idea of burning the villages from

underground, he really thought that his dad will

be proud. He didn't really know what “village”

and “man” meant, but he surely knew what

“fire” and “burn” meant. And Lavys, his best

friend, assured him that “fire” and “burn” is all a

dragon will ever have to know.

"Hans," Lavys said. "People and Dragons behave

exactly like rabbits and carrots. Do you

understand this? Rabbits eat carrots and

dragons eat people. The only difference is that

the carrots are quiet in the ground, while people

run and like to hunt Dragons!"

"To hunt Dragons?" Hans asked, scared.

"Exactly," Lavys assures. "Even if they look

small and harmless compared to the Dragons.

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Did you see how the ants crawled all over me

when I stepped over them?"

"Oh Lavys, that was awful."

"Tell me about it!!!" yelled the rabbit; he

seemed mad and grumpy all the time. "If you

didn't help by blowing fire over those other

ants, God knows what would have been left of


"Yes... good thing you told me what to do at the

right time. And forgive me for burning you a


"Only a little?" the rabbit asked, even angrier.

"My fur was white then and look at me now –

I'm all blackish and with dark spots all over


Hans was a little bit upset about this and he

mumbled some words of reconciliation.

"But I'm your friend and I forgive you," Lavys

said, cunningly. "Even more, I will help you

make your dad proud of you!"

"Would you do that for me?"

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"Of course," Lavys said, unwittingly spitting

saliva between his two front teeth. Besides the

fact that he was really skinny, with his fur all

burned and a bad ear, also one of his front teeth

was half broken.

"These are what real friends are for, you know?

They help each other out," Lavys assured him.

"And I will help you to be the most feared

Dragon in the whole wide world! But just so

we're clear, no one needs to know that I'm

helping you."

"Don't worry Lavys," the little Dragon reassured

him. "Everyone knows that you're my friend,

but no one knows that you give me the wisest


"Very well," the rabbit said. "Now let's repeat

the burning lesson again. When you get into the

cave you have to wait for everybody to be

asleep and after that you'll blow the most

powerful fire ever, so that everything that can

be burnt in the cave will burn."

"But do you think that my parents and brothers

will appreciate this?"

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"Oh, of course they will. You see, every Dragon

should be mean. And what is worse than setting

all of your parents' savings on fire?"

"Ok Lavys, if you say so. My dad will be so proud

and happy."

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Drax was not happy with his son. He barely fell

asleep, when he woke up to the crackling sound

of wooden sculptures turning to ashes.

Sculptures that were kept in their cave for more

than a century…




Fairy Tale: Don't save the Princess!

Hans: The Bad, Yellow Dragon

Find out more about Sergiu Timuș





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